Part of the Summer 2019 update, is the addition of a new challenge! It’s called the Beastmoon Hunt, and it’s not only a challenge but loads of FUN! I’ve been hearing that there are quite a few people that don’t understand it or are worried that it’s just a PVP event. Well, I’d say it’s…
Category: Wizard101 Game Events And Updates

Spring Update Highlights
Greetings, Wizards of the Spiral. As we prepare for the Summer here at Ravenwood Academy, we’d like to highlight some of our favorite changes from the Spring 2021 Test Realm. Without further delay, let’s begin! New Skeleton Key Bosses Two new Skeleton key bosses have arrived in Grizzleheim and Karamelle. The first boss, King Borr,…

2021 Spell Audit Showcase
This Spring, Wizard101 is bringing quality of life changes to the Spiral. Check out the updated all-one-enemy spells from the Spring 2021 Test Realm. Watch as Ravenwood Academy showcases the changes to: Sandstorm, Ra, Deer Knight, Scarecrow, Meteor Strike, Fire Dragon, Rain of Fire, Blizzard, Frost Giant, Forest Lord, Rebirth, Humongofrog, Orthrus, Mystic Colossus, Tempest,…

Meet Angelica Windspar
A sister joins the team! We have an exciting addition to the Housing Tours office! Angelica Windspar has decided to join her sisters Myrella and Eliza. I do believe that “everything housing” is their family motto. I wish they’d offer stock options, as they do booming business! Angelica’s a crafty cat and brings some fabulous…

Spring 2020 Test Realm Updates!
As we enter April, the first Wizard101 update for 2020 is here!!! Past Spring Updates have brought popular quality of life changes, as well as new features and systems. Two updates you may remember included Monstrology and Hatchmaking. The 2020 update lives up to those expectations without a doubt. So, let’s explore what Spring is…

The Spring Scroll of Fortune
It’s been a thrilling Winter here in the Spiral. Updates to the Spiral Showcase, Beastmoon Hunt, and Deckathalon have brought more Wizards to these exciting events. Many Scrolls throughout the Spiral were completed, and paintings hung. So, as we transition into Spring, lets look at the awesome rewards we can earn for ourselves this season!…

Wizard101 2019: A Spiral Review
2019 was a groundbreaking year in Wizard101. There were so many amazing additions to the game, from interactive housing to exciting new in-game events. Wizard101 turned 11 this year, and oh how we grew. Sit back and join me as we relive it with 2019: A Spiral Review. January 2019 started strong with new social…

The New Olde Town Apartment!
With the popularity of apartments in Wizard101, from the Arcanum to Mirage, we are starting to see more of them. Now, KI has added a cute little townhouse to the Spiral! You can buy the New Olde Town Apartment from Derrick Blaze, next to the Bazaar. I’m sure you’ve seen him hanging around out there…

Winter Scroll of Fortune!
It’s been an exciting four months since I last spoke to you about a Scroll of Fortune! We’ve seen a massive game update appear in our world, as small icicles form outside. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen of the Spiral, to the Wizard101 Winter Scroll of Fortune! It’s going to be a great ninety days full…

Beastmoon Hunt Tips & Tricks
Introduction The Beastmoon event has been active a few times now. Each time both the game itself, as well as the players, change. I’ve taken the opportunity to collect different tips and tricks. These I’ve learned myself and from other players.This article will detail different pieces of advice I use to help win Beastmoon matches….