Tag Archives: Strategy
Wizard City Housing Vendors
Tired of never finding the housing item you want at the Bazaar? Well search no longer! There are many things available throughout all the worlds from a variety of vendors. Even items that are no auction and can never be found at the Bazaar! We will be visiting each world in this series and will show you who to go to for that perfect housing item.
Wizard City Housing Vendors
There are four housing vendors in Wizard City, They have many housing items available. There are also six recipe vendors for craftable items. From Castles to Pet Bread Crumbs, we have them all listed here.
Aubert Quickhammer
Aubert is the furniture shop keeper in Wizard City. You’ll find him in the Shopping District by Eliks Edge, at the Wizard City Furniture & Castle Shop. He has everything from plants to wallpapers and floors. Tell him Sarai sent you!
Here’s a sample of what you will find.
Party Banner
Plaques for all schools
Fancy Lamppost
Small Yellow Tent
Small Blue Trim Rug
Tic-Tac-Toe pieces and Gameboard
Music Player
Party Cake
Buxley Turleton
Buckley shares a shop with Aubert Quickhammer. He’s the best real esate agent in Wizard City!
Castles available:
Wooded Cottage 8,000 gold
Royal Playhouse 15,000 gold
Farley is the head gardener for Wizard City. You can find him in Golem Court.
Here’s a sample of what you can find:
Wizard City styled pots
Tropical Garden Gnome
Roland Silverheart
You can find Roland on Unicorn Way outside of the PVP Arena. All of his items are non-auction and are purchased with Arena tickets. If you don’t PVP you can get tickets from doing your daily quests.
Derrick Blaze
You can find Derrick next to the Bazaar. He sells the recipe for the Team Up Kiosk. In order to purchase this recipe you have to earn your Team Player badge.
Team Up Kiosk Price: 100 gold
Wizard City Recipe Vendors
Eudora Tangletree
You can find Eudora by the pond near the Bazaar in Olde Town. A lovely lady with great recipes! She has recipes for many different aquariums and seventeen different tapestries.
Here’s a sample of her other recipes:
Garden Lot
Directional Arrows
Moon Banner
Red Foodcart
Stack of Paper
Water Bucket
Lloyd Fallingwater
You can find Lloyd in the Shopping District near Eliks Edge. He has all the Stone Housing Block recipes. Who needs the Bazaar, just make them yourself!
Dr. Purreau
You can find Harker in Darkmoor to the left, near the small building. He has the recipe for the Castle Darkmoor tapestry.
Recipe Price: 5,000 gold
Jackie Whisperflame
You’ll find Jackie in the snack shop at the Pet Pavilion. She sells the recipe for Pet Bread Crumbs. Bread Crumbs are an awesome way of controlling the movements of pets and mounts when they are placed in your Castle!
Recipe Price: 5,000 gold
This concludes the list of Housing Vendors for Wizard City. Whew, that was an all day shopping spree! Hope it helps you find that perfect item for your castle. Let us know in the comments below about your most surprising find shopping in Wizard City. Stay tuned for Krokotopia and many more worlds to come!
Visionary Life Guide to 100% Critical and Max Damage
Note: This guide is created for level 130 life wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful.
Life School
The Life school is a beautiful school. It’s one of the few schools that can do everything whether it’s tanking, healing, or hitting. Because of this there are many strategies that a max-level Life Wizard can choose for both PvP and PvE.
What You’ll Need
For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:
Hat: Lively Paradox Conical – 134
Boots: Lively Paradox Boots – 112
Wand: Tormentor’s Skullsplitter – 181
Ring: Lively Paradox Ring – 89 (+18 Jewel)
Athame: Dark Woman’s Dagger – (+18 and +18 Jewel)
Deck: Paradox Deck – 49
Amulet: Spirit of Darkmoor’s Jewel – 35
Robe: Ornate Light Brigade Armor – 91
Pet: A quint-critical pet – 112.32 (with life-giver and life-bringer damage talents)
Total: Damage 120% – Critical 857 (100%)
That’s a good amount of damage for running 100% critical as a Life. Here’s a breakdown of all the gear and its stats:
Possible Alternative Gear
Things You Can’t Go Without
– Quint-critical pet
– Tormentor’s Skullsplitter
Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!
Crafting101 – Fire Spells
The Basics
Brimstone Revenant and Krampus Recipe Location
When you craft Brimstone Revenant or Krampus you will need to make your way over to Mooshu. Once you are in Mooshu you will have to beat the dungeon, Shirataki Temple. Once you complete the dungeon you gain access to Master Yan Kan Kook who sells the Brimstone Revenant and Krampus recipes.
Brimstone Revenant Recipe
Brimstone Revenant is a must when it comes to fire attackers! This is a 4 Pip spell with a base damage of 470. It also adds a 25% fire trap for your next hit.
To craft Brimstone, buy the recipe for 60,000 Gold.
You will also need:
10 – Brimstone Revenant Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
100 – Diamonds
100 – Bronze Gear
50 – Scrap Iron
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber
Krampus Recipe
The spell Krampus is definitely the collector’s item out of all three spells. Krampus is a 4 Pip fire spell that does 305-345 fire damage. Krampus also leaves behind a -45% Mantle to make your opponents next hit fizzle!
To craft Krampus, you will have to buy the recipe for 10,000 Gold.
You will also need:
6 – Krampus Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
50 – Black Pearl
100 – Black Coal
50 – Astral Shard
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber
Hephaestus Recipe Location
When you are ready to craft Hephaestus, you will have to make your way to Avalon. Once you are there head to the Wyrd and look for the Indigo Giant on your map. Once you defeat him you will have access to Grady who sells the Hephaestus Recipe.
Hephaestus is the newest spell here, recently released in the Immortal’s Lore Pack. Hephaestus is a 5 Pip fire spell that does 425-475 damage and leaves an additional 25% fire trap for your next hit!
To craft Hephaestus, you will have to buy the recipe for 12,000 Gold.
You will also need:
10 – Hephaestus Treasure Cards
120 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
60 – Black Pearl
120 – Black Coal
60 – Astral Shards
60 – Sunstone
18 – Amber
Where to get the Reagents!
Perfect Ruby: You can buy Perfect Ruby for 100 Gold a piece, In the Celestia base camp from the vendor Archytas. You can also buy Perfect Ruby from Noxolo Fasttrack in the Baobab Market in Zafaria.
Ghost Fire: You can buy Ghost Fire for 100 Gold a piece, in the Atheneum. From the vendor Zolton Nightstone.
Black Pearl: There are no vendors currently that sell Black Pearl for gold. If you are into PVP you can buy Black Pearls from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 175 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the Black Pearl transmute recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.
Black Coal: You can buy Black Coal right in Wizard City! from Elmer MeadowGrass in Olde Town for 5 Gold a piece!
Astral Shard: Astral Shard is one of the most difficult parts of the recipe as there is no vendor that sells them. You may be able to snag a couple from the Bazaar. You also can farm fishing chests in Castle Darkmoor for Astral Shards
Sunstone: You can buy Sunstone from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 200 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the transmute Sunstone recipe. You can get this from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.
Diamond: You can buy Diamonds from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 100 Arena Tickets. You can buy the transmute Diamond recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.
Amber: Amber is by far the most difficult item to get on this list. One of the best places to get Amber is by farming Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus in Aquila.
Hephaestus, Krampus, Brimstone Revenant: The best place to get these treasure cards would be from the Bazaar. They are not all common, but they do show up quite a bit if you refresh the treasure card tab a few times.
Thanks for reading my crafting fire spells, article! Please let me know what you think in the comment section.
Death Guide to 100% Critical
Death School
What You’ll Need
For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:
Alternative Gear
Since the Death school only needs two critical talents on a pet to reach 100%, you don’t need this exact set to reach full critical! This means you could choose gear with lower critical and higher resistance/health. All you need to do is replace the missing critical with a triple or quint-critical pet. Note that the above gear goes to 839 critical, but you need to reach 838 critical to be 100%.
Things You Can’t Go Without
Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!
Visionary Fire 100% Critical and Max Damage Guide
This is a guide on achieving high damage and 100% critical for Fire school at Visionary, currently max level 130. It is possible for all the schools in the Spiral to attain 100% critical. However, when you boost a particular stat, you decrease others. With this critical and damage build you will sacrifice resist, pierce and power-pip chance.
Note: All pets must be 2.0 (or max stats) for this guide to be successful.
Fire School
Ah the school of fire. This is my main school and I use this build questing anywhere outside of Empyrea. With my guide, Fire school can get 157% damage and 100% critical. This is one of the highest critical builds in the game, second only to Storm.
Advantages of the Fire School
One of the main advantages of fire school is the d.o.t.s. or, damage over-time spells. With this build, fire dots or other spells can wipe out mobs in a single turn. You will also have over 6k health with this gear set. This high health is a huge advantage over the storm school, which boasts higher damage.
What You’ll Need:
The gear you need:
Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor
Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat
Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots
Wand: Kapudan’s Boarding Hook
Pet: Quad critical Double damage pet
Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)
Ring: Fiery Paradox Ring (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)
Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar
Mount: Fire Ghulture
Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck
Total Damage: 157%
Total Critical: 839 (100%)
Gear Build
Alternative Gear for high damage and 100% critical
This setup is the previous Max damage and 100% crit that fire could have gotten before the new Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gear. This gives you 149% critical and 100% critical.
What you’ll need
The gear you need:
Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor
Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat
Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots
Wand: Jack Hallows wand
Pet: Quint damage critical pet
Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)
Ring: Mithraya’s Blazing Loop (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)
Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar
Mount: Fire Ghulture
Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck
Total Damage: 149%
Total Critical: 844 (100%)
Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!
Legendary Ice PVP
Today’s topic is going to be pretty chill as we get into Legendary Ice PvP. The best level for Legendary Ice is definitely 66. My character was level 66 for the purposes of this article. Now, why Legendary ice? As ice you have loads of health a lot of resist so tanking long enough to stay alive and hit isn’t usually a problem. I had a fun time getting to Warlord.
I went with a well balanced setup. I chose to play to this schools strengths with lots of resist, decent damage, and pierce. For ice, it’s easy to get these stats especially with a ward pet. My basic strategy for this school was to save pips and use a combo.
ScHool Specialty
Your goal as an Ice is to keep applying pressure. Chip away at their health with attacks. Using over time attacks will deal damage, and suppress their attacks as well. Blades are your best friend.
Deck Setup
Treasure Card Deck
General Strategy
Aphrodite Strategy Guide
Now that we have mastered Darkmoor in my previous guide, the Ravenwood guide to Aphrodite is here. This boss is a key boss found inside The Graveyard. Once inside the gates go left around the battle with Yevgeny. You will find yourself at another gate which opens with a gold key.
If you are a Life wizard you will want to farm Aphrodite for “Sacred Charge” a spell that only she drops. If you are a Storm wizard you will want “Aphrodite’s Storm of Thorns.” This is the best damage athame for Storm at level 100 and beyond.
Wizards of any school may be here to enhance critical rating or improve their energy gear. With the staff for 10, ring for 8, and athame for 6 energy, you can increase your Wizards current energy by 24 points. A significant boost for any gardener or fisher in the Spiral.
Now let’s talk about how to conquer this overgrown flower and her Spirit School Tentacles.
There are four important roles in this battle. Each wizard must understand and fulfill their duty in order for the team to succeed. The positions we need to fill are
The hitter will need to stack traps, then aura, Shrike, and hit. Do not use blades, this includes global rings such as Darkwind that act as a blade. Any school can hit, but over-time attacks such as Dragon are not recommended. Failing to kill on the first strike with an over-time attack, will trigger an overtime cheat from the Life School Tentacles.
A Storm attacker will want to stack different forms of the Windstorm spell. Use regular and Potent Windstorm along with any other Storm traps you can get your hands on. Four stacked Windstorms is a thing of beauty against this rampant vine. You can achieve this, by stacking Treasure Card, regular, Potent, and pet or jewel forms of the card.
If you are a Storm, and your damage is lower than you would like, keep a Supercharge in your side deck. Any blade will trigger an all one enemy cheat from the tentacle diagonally across from you. As long as that tentacle isn’t Myth this is the one blade you want to risk. With a full pip Supercharge and stacked Windstorms, you should be able to one-shot this boss. Your Treasure Card deck will hold zero-pip shields which you should use defensively while building up the Supercharge.
If you are the hitter, do not run in with the team for the first round of battle. Once the spammer lands a hit, it is safe to join the battle.
I have a specific strategy I like to use for healers with this boss. Like Storm’s strategy, it will serve you well in Darkmoor.
Round One: Cast Empowerment or Adapt
Round Two: Cast Sanctuary
After these two moves, you will have all the pips and all the power you need to keep your team alive. No matter if you don’t yet have the best gear. Even two strong Rebirths in a row can be possible if you make these two moves first. Do your best to replenish your Empowerment or Adapt when it runs out to keep the extra pips flowing in. The rest is up to you and your healing style.
An important note for Life School healers in this boss, you may get hit with Life Dispels. You should carry shields to take them off when necessary. If you have one, equip a may-cast healing pet. This pet might clear those Dispels allowing you to heal the team rounds sooner.
In Wizard101, when we ask for “spam” we mean: To hit each round with small attacks. As a spammer in this battle, the most important stat for you to focus on is accuracy. I like to equip a Sidhe Wand for this reason. Whatever equipment you choose, the important thing is to increase your accuracy in every possible way.
Missing or fizzling your spam hit will cause the flower to drop its spores. This means Black Mantle, Plague, and Infection along with an overtime attack on every member of your team. This can trigger a self-feeding loop where one fizzle causes another until the team just can’t win. As spammer, you need enough accuracy to overcome the Black Mantle every time.
You must hit every single round, like clockwork. I like to keep my Treasure Card deck full of one or two pip spells when I am relied on as the spammer, so that there is never any reason to not have an attack.
As I mentioned above, over-time spells are not OK here. If your spammer is Life or Death school, they could end up Dispelled a round. The healer or trapper should have a few small hits in to back-up the spammer, just in case.
It does not matter which Tentacle you choose to spam as long as you spam the same one each time. This will allow the trapper to do their job.
The trappers’ job is to stack Feints and traps on the tentacles while the hitter builds the attack. Feints and Potent Feints should be cast on all the tentacles that aren’t being hit by your spammer. Hex, Curse, and Elemental or Spirit traps are all also ok to use. Ideally, the trapper should be next in line after the spammer in battle order. This way, on the hit round a final Feint can be cast.
If the team works together and everyone plays their part, this battle can be fun and smooth. Good luck getting those drops, and I can’t wait to see you in the Spiral!
~ Amber Ravynsong
Corporal Tenni’syn Strategy!
Corporal Tenni’syn is a Gold Skeleton Key boss found inside the Zanadu Sewers, Empyrea. He drops the best offensive robes for every school, except Storm. Storm wizards will still want to use the Malistaire robe even at level 130.
Initially, this boss seems difficult, but with enough knowledge and game sense, he is actually incredibly easy! So, here is how I killed Corporal Tenni’syn in 4 rounds!
The Cheats
Tenni’syn uses a couple of important cheats to note. They can be annoying, but there’s no way to avoid them.
Only Feint once per round
If you feint Tenni’syn more than once, you’ll activate a cheat that removes every single trap that the team has placed on him.
Natural attacks lead to random Wild Bolt spam
Whenever he uses his natural attack he will shout about how it is “time to finish this!” Now, this sounds rather silly, but what follows isn’t.
He will spam up to 7 wild bolts on a random member of the team each time this attack occurs. Be careful because he’s packing a lot of damage and pierce!
Gains 3 Pips after every turn
After every round, no matter what, Tenni’syn will gain 3 power pips. This gives him the power to spam spells such as Glow Bug Squall, Sirens and Storm Lord.
Don’t Dispel
Other sources may claim that using dispel is ok if it is only used once per round. In my experience this will trigger a cheat that clears all negative charms. A better defensive strategy is to use Juju or storm shields.
The Strategy
Now that you know the cheats, lets find out how to deal 80,000 damage in 4 turns every time. Even when blades are cleared by Glow Bug Squall, Sirens and Catch of the Day, it’s still guaranteed to work. Here are the key points.
Jade gear and Storm resist
Having a wizard that can tank all the storm hits is important. Send someone in first who has high storm resist. The battle order is decided by the order in which your team enters the key room.
When you hit use Scion of Storm with a prism, or Scion of Myth with 2 stun blocks up. Scion will allow you to one shot Tenni’syn on the 4th round.
Have the team member with storm resist feint using Potent, regular, and a Treasure Card to make the Scion kill guaranteed, even if he clears all blades.
Critical block
In my experience, he must not have much critical block. He has never blocked a single one of my critical hits!
The only additional note is that he may use blades, so your team will want to carry enfeeble in order to get that Scion damage doubled.
That’s it! It’s honestly that simple. I wish you the best of luck while farming!
Legendary Storm PvP
Hello, and welcome to Legendary Storm PvP. I know, shocking. Why Legendary Storm PvP you may ask? When I was playing Wizard101, back when PvP was popular among my friends, we all liked Legendary PvP. The not so high stats, the no use of shadow pips, the little grind we did to get House of Scales or Waterworks gear was all fun. As a Legendary Storm, it was definitely a journey. Why Storm and why not Balance though? Good question. I liked that nobody ever really chose this school to solo, nor do I need to be just like everyone else and make one. I liked Storm for its high damage and pierce and the way it handles itself.
PvP as a Legendary nowadays is easy, fun, and sometimes unpredictable. I can guarantee I don’t win every one of my matches, but most. To those reading, you have to either farm Loremaster for some spells, craft or buy packs, depending on your preference. As some spells are wanted in PvP. For example, my storm has Queen Calypso, a card I use to bring out the utility of my spells, and the Damage Per Second it provides. I suggest crafting to those who don’t want to farm or buy packs, as it is one of the fastest ways to get the spells, believe it or not.
Gear and Stats
My Storm specializes in quick attacks, ending the rounds easily, and has high damage and pierce at 65. For a Storm, I would suggest going for high damage and pierce over critical, because of the critical nerf.
The gear that would be a good set up for Damage and Pierce would be:
- Robe: House of Scales – Lower Zigazag Vestment
- Hat: House of Scales – Lower Zigazag Headdress
- Boots: Professor’s Hoard Pack – Halston’s Stormy Slippers
- Wand: Immortal’s Lore Pack – Aquilan Velite Lance
- Ring: Vendor: Brandon Mistborn – Duelist’s Daredevil Ring
- Athame: Vendor: Brandon Mistborn – Duelist’s Fatal Razor
- Amulet: Lower Zigazag – Condemned Soldier’s Charm
- Mount: Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle – Vulpine Avenger Mount for pierce OR
- Mount: Ghulture’s Hoard Pack – Storm Ghulture for damage
- Pet: Any pet with all 5 talents being damage for maximum damage output, and socketing a Spell Proof Jewel
Pierce Jewels are needed on your Ring and Athame.
- Circle Jewel: Plain Piercing Amethyst +3% pierce
- Tear Jewel: Plain Health Opal +65 health
- Triangle Jewel: Plain Pip Opal +6% power pip chance
- Square Jewel: Plain Defense Opal +16 universal resist
- Triange Jewel: Plain Accurate Amethyst +7 storm accuracy
With all the gear and jewels equipped your storm should have 125 Damage, 32 resist, 27% accuracy, 54% critical chance, 20% pierce and 79% power pip chance. We will also be using Infallible before we hit which gives an additional 15% accuracy and pierce over 4 rounds.
Spells Trained through Training Points
- Ice School – Tower Shield
- Sun School – Gargantuan
- (Prepare for the weird one) Fire School – Phoenix, Infection, and Stun Block.
Main Deck Set Up
- 6 Queen Calypso’s
- Max Damage enchants, thus being Gargantuan
- 3 Lightning Bats
- 5 Wild Bolts
- 4 Tower Shields
- 3 Volcanic Shields
- 3 Glacial Shields
- 3 Pixies
- 3 Darkwinds
- 2 Storm Dispells
- 3 Storm Shark
- 2 Insane Bolts
- 3 Storm Lord
- 2 Storm Snakes
- 4 Storm Blades
Side Deck Set Up
Now, for that phoenix spell I mentioned earlier – you are going to want to enchant a lot of them from the Mutate Phoenix spell.
The Spell Thunderbird has such high utility, as it gives you x3 +30% traps universally, pack 3 of them.
- 2 Storm Lord
- 4 Tower Shields
- 5 Infallible
- 3 Kraken
- 5 side Queen Calypso
- 3 Triton
- 2 Storm Shark
- 3 Triage
- 2 Gargantuan
The goal is to hit as fast as possible, preferably trying to pull an infallible first round to get that maximum amount of Pierce through the first couple of hits. If you can get infallible up, you can then hit with multiple Queen Calypsos and small hits, dealing good damage, and keeping them on the defensive.
If your opponent hasn’t stun shielded, that’s where Storm Lord comes in play. Switch back from playing offensively and defensively as you will need to make sure you can be able to out damage per second them and survive. Don’t just hit randomly, as we’re built on strategy. Make combined hits that make sense.
For example, you have the pips needed for the 5 pipped Thunderbird. You cast that into a Queen Calypso, giving you a +30% and a +20% traps on your opponent, making use of that utility you have.
Avoid spamming cards like a wild bolt or insane bolt as you are wasting pips. Use a Wild bolt to get off a shield, or start off with a hit, or need to get rid of a card.
Infection is for your heal spammers, and with all the pierce you have, it’s fine to hit through shields. All your other hits, use in situations where you know your opponent is open, and you can do mass damage. All spells and all battles aren’t all the same. Different situations occur, just have to be patient and committed to learn and understand what to do in different situations.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the guide. If you got any questions, my Discord is 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝕲𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 #1999, and I will gladly answer all questions related to storm Legendary PvP.