Greetings, Wizards of the Spiral. As we prepare for the Summer here at Ravenwood Academy, we’d like to highlight some of our favorite changes from the Spring 2021 Test Realm. Without further delay, let’s begin! New Skeleton Key Bosses Two new Skeleton key bosses have arrived in Grizzleheim and Karamelle. The first boss, King Borr,…
Tag: Wizard101

Home Sweet Home Contest
With Spring comes new beginnings, sunshine, flowers, warmer days, and a fresh start. Speaking of a fresh start… pack up the moving truck! This Spring, Ravenwood Academy’s contest is all about Housing. We want you to use your decoration imagination. Tell us about one potential furniture item you would like to see from anywhere in…

2021 Spell Audit Showcase
This Spring, Wizard101 is bringing quality of life changes to the Spiral. Check out the updated all-one-enemy spells from the Spring 2021 Test Realm. Watch as Ravenwood Academy showcases the changes to: Sandstorm, Ra, Deer Knight, Scarecrow, Meteor Strike, Fire Dragon, Rain of Fire, Blizzard, Frost Giant, Forest Lord, Rebirth, Humongofrog, Orthrus, Mystic Colossus, Tempest,…

The Great Potato Takeover
This April Fools Day 2021, KingsIsle and Wizard101 delighted the Spiral with a mount to be remembered. The new Couch Potato. Wizards of every school and level came together to celebrate The Great Potato Takeover all weekend long. Potato parties continue to sprout up all over the Spiral. Baked, mashed, or fried, we advise you…

Meet Angelica Windspar
A sister joins the team! We have an exciting addition to the Housing Tours office! Angelica Windspar has decided to join her sisters Myrella and Eliza. I do believe that “everything housing” is their family motto. I wish they’d offer stock options, as they do booming business! Angelica’s a crafty cat and brings some fabulous…

Contest Winners
The winners of our December contests have been announced! Congrats to the following amazing members of the Ravenwood Community! Winter Stitch #1 Discord’s Gem#6041 #2 Discord’s sofos#7937 #3 Discord’s nilopolitan #2360 Magical Coloring #1 Discord’s CrustyDuck#1762 #2 Facebook’s Kristine #3 Discord’s SkinnyLegendRyan#7859 Thank you so much for all the amazing entries. They were a joy…

Pet Trainer Bundle
Burrow your way to adventure with the fantastic Pet Trainer Bundle for Wizard101! This excellent addition to the Spiral brings you a faithful companion and gear to help you on your adventures! For $29.00 at Gamestop, you get a fantastic gear set, speedy mount, cute pet, and some unique housing items! The Pet Trainer Bundle includes:…

Holiday Stitch Contest
This Holiday season, with Karamelle & Yuletide in the Spiral, we want to celebrate! Show us your holly-jolliest Wizard101 holiday look, a sweet-as-sugar enchanted candy stitch, or your favorite wintery wear in a screenshot. Post your screenshot of a Holiday, Winter, or candy-themed stitch in the Discord Contest channel, in our Official Ravenwood Community Facebook…

Magical Coloring Contest
Happy Holidays! Nana is coming to Ravenwood this year, we hope you’ve been nice! We were baking the Holiday cookies at Ravenwood this year, and we found this sweet Nana coloring page at that we wanted to share with you! Download the original image then submit your own version to enter the Magical Coloring…

Pet Lending
“Pet Lending gives Wizards a powerful in-person hatching option to lend their pet for hatching to another Wizard. And as a bonus you can do this without being charged Gold or having your Wizard’s Hatching Slot timer started. It’s a wonderful opportunity to exchange adventure stories as you also exchange pet types! New pet features…