Tag Archives: rated e for everyone
NEW Nimbari Hoard Pack
The new Nimbari hoard pack is super awesome and our first pack to release in 2019! With that comes some high expectations and I don’t think it is letting us down! So let’s dive right in!
You’re going to get a lot of different pets throughout these packs. You will get millions variations, like a Fairyfly, Goat Monk, Storm Bird and a Storm Golem.
Of course the pet you’d really want is the Ultra-Rare Hurricanine pet. This adorable guy sadly only seems to give Storm Dealer as a talent you’d be wanting. But I’m personally willing to hatch as many times as it takes to get this adorable little dude a great set of stats! He also comes with a Galvanic Field item card. Not as good as a blade, but still nice to have.
Ah what you’ve really come for! Everyone always needs to know how important these packs are and how they will affect the meta of gear choice. The answer: A lot.
The wands at max level are honestly fantastic, in particular for storm. It’s best to think of them as superior versions of the revered crafting wands, but only in critical and damage. This wand allows my storm to reach 99.8% critical (give or take) with 162 damage! They also come with fairly beefy Shift Maycasts that can allow you to get a nice bit of cheeky extra damage!
The boots and hat are also phenomenal at lower levels, trumping Waterworks and House of Scales gear!
This is something I personally don’t like. There are 7 different furniture items tagged as Ultra-Rare, meaning they’re equally as rare as the wands, robes and the pet.
They’re cool, don’t get me wrong, and using them I made this awesome little scene in my Arcanum Apartment, but still not the best. Perhaps this was to balance the dropping of these great gear pieces? We’ll never know.
Other than that the other pieces of furniture are nice and the variety of fans to add to the regular ones we saw with Whirlyburly is awesome!
The Nimbari Chariot looks pretty cool. It’s nice and unobtrusive and looks different enough, but it’s nothing spectacular.
Still you will not be complaining if you get this Epic drop. It seats two wizards with a standard speed boost of 40%. Overall, rather cool.
So with all that said, I think we can all agree that the Nimbari hoard pack was actually pretty successful and great to have. I love what it’s allowed me to do in my house as well as my gear. It gets my seal of approval!
Aphrodite Strategy Guide
Now that we have mastered Darkmoor in my previous guide, the Ravenwood guide to Aphrodite is here. This boss is a key boss found inside The Graveyard. Once inside the gates go left around the battle with Yevgeny. You will find yourself at another gate which opens with a gold key.
If you are a Life wizard you will want to farm Aphrodite for “Sacred Charge” a spell that only she drops. If you are a Storm wizard you will want “Aphrodite’s Storm of Thorns.” This is the best damage athame for Storm at level 100 and beyond.
Wizards of any school may be here to enhance critical rating or improve their energy gear. With the staff for 10, ring for 8, and athame for 6 energy, you can increase your Wizards current energy by 24 points. A significant boost for any gardener or fisher in the Spiral.
Now let’s talk about how to conquer this overgrown flower and her Spirit School Tentacles.
There are four important roles in this battle. Each wizard must understand and fulfill their duty in order for the team to succeed. The positions we need to fill are
The hitter will need to stack traps, then aura, Shrike, and hit. Do not use blades, this includes global rings such as Darkwind that act as a blade. Any school can hit, but over-time attacks such as Dragon are not recommended. Failing to kill on the first strike with an over-time attack, will trigger an overtime cheat from the Life School Tentacles.
A Storm attacker will want to stack different forms of the Windstorm spell. Use regular and Potent Windstorm along with any other Storm traps you can get your hands on. Four stacked Windstorms is a thing of beauty against this rampant vine. You can achieve this, by stacking Treasure Card, regular, Potent, and pet or jewel forms of the card.
If you are a Storm, and your damage is lower than you would like, keep a Supercharge in your side deck. Any blade will trigger an all one enemy cheat from the tentacle diagonally across from you. As long as that tentacle isn’t Myth this is the one blade you want to risk. With a full pip Supercharge and stacked Windstorms, you should be able to one-shot this boss. Your Treasure Card deck will hold zero-pip shields which you should use defensively while building up the Supercharge.
If you are the hitter, do not run in with the team for the first round of battle. Once the spammer lands a hit, it is safe to join the battle.
I have a specific strategy I like to use for healers with this boss. Like Storm’s strategy, it will serve you well in Darkmoor.
Round One: Cast Empowerment or Adapt
Round Two: Cast Sanctuary
After these two moves, you will have all the pips and all the power you need to keep your team alive. No matter if you don’t yet have the best gear. Even two strong Rebirths in a row can be possible if you make these two moves first. Do your best to replenish your Empowerment or Adapt when it runs out to keep the extra pips flowing in. The rest is up to you and your healing style.
An important note for Life School healers in this boss, you may get hit with Life Dispels. You should carry shields to take them off when necessary. If you have one, equip a may-cast healing pet. This pet might clear those Dispels allowing you to heal the team rounds sooner.
In Wizard101, when we ask for “spam” we mean: To hit each round with small attacks. As a spammer in this battle, the most important stat for you to focus on is accuracy. I like to equip a Sidhe Wand for this reason. Whatever equipment you choose, the important thing is to increase your accuracy in every possible way.
Missing or fizzling your spam hit will cause the flower to drop its spores. This means Black Mantle, Plague, and Infection along with an overtime attack on every member of your team. This can trigger a self-feeding loop where one fizzle causes another until the team just can’t win. As spammer, you need enough accuracy to overcome the Black Mantle every time.
You must hit every single round, like clockwork. I like to keep my Treasure Card deck full of one or two pip spells when I am relied on as the spammer, so that there is never any reason to not have an attack.
As I mentioned above, over-time spells are not OK here. If your spammer is Life or Death school, they could end up Dispelled a round. The healer or trapper should have a few small hits in to back-up the spammer, just in case.
It does not matter which Tentacle you choose to spam as long as you spam the same one each time. This will allow the trapper to do their job.
The trappers’ job is to stack Feints and traps on the tentacles while the hitter builds the attack. Feints and Potent Feints should be cast on all the tentacles that aren’t being hit by your spammer. Hex, Curse, and Elemental or Spirit traps are all also ok to use. Ideally, the trapper should be next in line after the spammer in battle order. This way, on the hit round a final Feint can be cast.
If the team works together and everyone plays their part, this battle can be fun and smooth. Good luck getting those drops, and I can’t wait to see you in the Spiral!
~ Amber Ravynsong
Mathew “Sparck” Anderson
Recently the Wizards of Ravenwood Academy brewed up a batch of exciting questions for our amazing, Senior Community Manager Mathew “Sparck” Anderson. Our goal was to get answers to some questions the community has been asking, and Mathew did not disappoint. So, let’s get to it, we are excited to share this exclusive interview with you!
What do you like best so far about your position at KingsIsle?
The team and players, all-in-one! Everyone: all Wizards, Pirates, baby animal fans, etc. I haven’t been a part of such a great team and community as what I’ve experienced here at KingsIsle. Everyone on the team participates in some form in developing and promoting our community programs, which makes it faster to get fun things out to you. The best part though is working with the community on their own events and projects, so please do keep creating those!
What can you tell us about your responsibilities at KingsIsle?
Oh my, well, where do I begin? A nice summary is that I ‘take care of the community’. This of course means several things, but first and foremost it starts with listening to your ideas and concerns about our games, then relaying that feedback to the development team. I also help to ensure the community is a safe place to be, working with our development and customer support teams.
Other responsibilities include taking development updates from our team and putting them into easily digestible forms on public sites like producer’s letters in the forums, as well as social media posts and patch notes on the main website. I also oversee all public areas, so that means monitoring (and moderating) the forums and social media sites.
One of the more fun things I do is create events and contests, though we much prefer to support community-driven ones. They tend to end up being better and more fun anyway.
What has been your biggest challenge as a Community manager at Kingsisle?
The KingsIsle community is now over 10 years old! That’s a lot of history built up that I have to understand in order to be an effective leader. This has been my biggest challenge: understanding your needs, the games themselves, and developing and supporting programs that fit those needs. I hope I’m on target so far.
What interests you the most about your position as KI staff?
I love working with such a fun and high-spirited community! I wouldn’t have it any other way, which is why I consider myself extremely lucky to be working at KingsIsle. I also get to see the day-to-day development of the games, and I work with an extremely talented marketing team that helps to get the many promotions we have out the door.
What has been your best experience as a community manager at KingsIsle?
Seeing the community help each other out, especially for new players. This includes the flood of new players we got for Wizard101’s 10th Anniversary events, Pirate101’s recent 6th birthday, and even for Animal Cove upon its global launch! Anytime I see a tweet on Twitter or a post in the forums about someone helping a new player out, it truly makes my day. Please do more of that everyone; it’s noticed!
What is your goal as the community manager at KingsIsle and what are some things you yourself would like to change?
My primary goal is to ensure that your feedback and interests are being communicated to the development team. The team reads that feedback and let me know what they are currently working on, what they will potentially work on in the near future, and what they will not be able to work on for some time. There’s a bunch more things that are in my bucket of goals as well, but communicating feedback is definitely the most prominent.
I really want to see more livestreamers, both on YouTube and Twitch. If players are uncomfortable about streaming, I want to encourage them to seek out currently active livestreamers and get tips and suggestions on how to get started. It’s a really fun way to participate in the community. If you are a new streamer, let us know and we’ll stop by your channel to say hi!
What gaming company did you come from before and how does that experience compare to KingsIsle?
Portalarium, which also resides here in Austin, TX. It’s actually quite a parallel experience on the more basic levels of community service. Portalarium’s MMORPG, Shroud of the Avatar, has some similar concepts that Wizard101 and Pirate101 have such as housing, crafting, pets, guilds, and so on. While the game is a touch more ‘hardcore’ than Wizard101 in some aspects, these are still general concepts of all MMORPGs that I enjoy getting involved in. That’s one of the reasons why I came to KingsIsle.
What has been one of your biggest surprises working for KingsIsle?
We have regular monthly food days! From Cheese Day to Cake Day, it’s really exciting to anticipate a Friday afternoon snack of some kind after working hard during that morning. I’m the kind of person to nibble on sweets all day long. And I’m of course still hoping for an ice cream day.
2018 was arguably one of the best years for Wizard101, with all the member benefits, updates and additional content like bundles. Going into 2019, how does KingsIsle plan to maintain the momentum?
We’ll be keeping up the member benefit momentum, introducing tons of additional content, and developing more opportunities to play the game with each other! I’m most excited to also be focusing on several new community initiatives yet to be announced, including several contests and events. Keep watch for those in the months ahead. And please do send us your own contests and events so we can share them on the game’s social channels.
Will Wizard101 be receiving quality of life updates outside of the usual quarterly updates this year?
While this question is a bit outside of my purview, I can say that we plan to stick to a stable schedule of updates. Above all else, we want to ensure we are adhering to a process and schedule that produces quality content. Changing it too much too quickly and releasing more frequent updates just to announce ‘something,’ even quality of life updates, can result in delays and unhappy community reception of the content.
How does Kingsisle plan to further connect to and implement the players’ thoughts and wants for Wizard101?
For 2019, Instagram is a new social media channel that we’ve quickly ramped up. This isn’t exactly a discussion platform though or one that is good for receiving gameplay feedback. For all of those needs, we’ll continue to monitor the community’s feedback in the usual channels and more actively respond to those posts.
We are also taking a look at using new tools like Trello, which may prove useful in organizing and presenting community concerns to our team. Trello is a posterboard of sorts that can show items of interest with ease, instead of those items being buried in a calendar or a response somewhere deep in the forums. Let us know if you have ever used Trello, we’d like to know what you think of the program.
With the game reaching 11 years old this year, a lot of drive has been put forth to expand the current free to play areas to allow new players to “get into” the game more. Is this a possibility or just fantasy?
This is certainly a possibility, one we’ll be continuing to evaluate in 2019 and beyond. We’ve seen the regular community feedback on this point. We promise, it hasn’t been lost on us!
What led to the sudden drastic increase in member benefits throughout 2018 and can we expect it to continue?
We wanted to test out some new processes. We quickly found that the increase of benefit offers was well received by the community, so why not continue that success?
Can you give us any details or hints as to what’s to come in 2019 in Wizard101?
We’re working on some dev diaries on just this point, keep watch for those on www.youtube.com/kingsisle :).
You’ve mentioned to the community many times that if they have any events, or livestreams going on that, and they want KI to know about it, what would the best way for them to reach you?
If the event has a definitive date and is coming up in the proceeding days or weeks, we would appreciate a direct email to [email protected] with all of the details. As the event approaches or if it’s something happening ‘now’, then a tweet and even a post on Facebook to get our attention works well. The community is also free to search for me on Discord and other channels (Sparck/Bat Masterson) to send a quick update of events and activities.
Legendary Storm PvP
Hello, and welcome to Legendary Storm PvP. I know, shocking. Why Legendary Storm PvP you may ask? When I was playing Wizard101, back when PvP was popular among my friends, we all liked Legendary PvP. The not so high stats, the no use of shadow pips, the little grind we did to get House of Scales or Waterworks gear was all fun. As a Legendary Storm, it was definitely a journey. Why Storm and why not Balance though? Good question. I liked that nobody ever really chose this school to solo, nor do I need to be just like everyone else and make one. I liked Storm for its high damage and pierce and the way it handles itself.
PvP as a Legendary nowadays is easy, fun, and sometimes unpredictable. I can guarantee I don’t win every one of my matches, but most. To those reading, you have to either farm Loremaster for some spells, craft or buy packs, depending on your preference. As some spells are wanted in PvP. For example, my storm has Queen Calypso, a card I use to bring out the utility of my spells, and the Damage Per Second it provides. I suggest crafting to those who don’t want to farm or buy packs, as it is one of the fastest ways to get the spells, believe it or not.
Gear and Stats
My Storm specializes in quick attacks, ending the rounds easily, and has high damage and pierce at 65. For a Storm, I would suggest going for high damage and pierce over critical, because of the critical nerf.
The gear that would be a good set up for Damage and Pierce would be:
- Robe: House of Scales – Lower Zigazag Vestment
- Hat: House of Scales – Lower Zigazag Headdress
- Boots: Professor’s Hoard Pack – Halston’s Stormy Slippers
- Wand: Immortal’s Lore Pack – Aquilan Velite Lance
- Ring: Vendor: Brandon Mistborn – Duelist’s Daredevil Ring
- Athame: Vendor: Brandon Mistborn – Duelist’s Fatal Razor
- Amulet: Lower Zigazag – Condemned Soldier’s Charm
- Mount: Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle – Vulpine Avenger Mount for pierce OR
- Mount: Ghulture’s Hoard Pack – Storm Ghulture for damage
- Pet: Any pet with all 5 talents being damage for maximum damage output, and socketing a Spell Proof Jewel
Pierce Jewels are needed on your Ring and Athame.
- Circle Jewel: Plain Piercing Amethyst +3% pierce
- Tear Jewel: Plain Health Opal +65 health
- Triangle Jewel: Plain Pip Opal +6% power pip chance
- Square Jewel: Plain Defense Opal +16 universal resist
- Triange Jewel: Plain Accurate Amethyst +7 storm accuracy
With all the gear and jewels equipped your storm should have 125 Damage, 32 resist, 27% accuracy, 54% critical chance, 20% pierce and 79% power pip chance. We will also be using Infallible before we hit which gives an additional 15% accuracy and pierce over 4 rounds.
Spells Trained through Training Points
- Ice School – Tower Shield
- Sun School – Gargantuan
- (Prepare for the weird one) Fire School – Phoenix, Infection, and Stun Block.
Main Deck Set Up
- 6 Queen Calypso’s
- Max Damage enchants, thus being Gargantuan
- 3 Lightning Bats
- 5 Wild Bolts
- 4 Tower Shields
- 3 Volcanic Shields
- 3 Glacial Shields
- 3 Pixies
- 3 Darkwinds
- 2 Storm Dispells
- 3 Storm Shark
- 2 Insane Bolts
- 3 Storm Lord
- 2 Storm Snakes
- 4 Storm Blades
Side Deck Set Up
Now, for that phoenix spell I mentioned earlier – you are going to want to enchant a lot of them from the Mutate Phoenix spell.
The Spell Thunderbird has such high utility, as it gives you x3 +30% traps universally, pack 3 of them.
- 2 Storm Lord
- 4 Tower Shields
- 5 Infallible
- 3 Kraken
- 5 side Queen Calypso
- 3 Triton
- 2 Storm Shark
- 3 Triage
- 2 Gargantuan
The goal is to hit as fast as possible, preferably trying to pull an infallible first round to get that maximum amount of Pierce through the first couple of hits. If you can get infallible up, you can then hit with multiple Queen Calypsos and small hits, dealing good damage, and keeping them on the defensive.
If your opponent hasn’t stun shielded, that’s where Storm Lord comes in play. Switch back from playing offensively and defensively as you will need to make sure you can be able to out damage per second them and survive. Don’t just hit randomly, as we’re built on strategy. Make combined hits that make sense.
For example, you have the pips needed for the 5 pipped Thunderbird. You cast that into a Queen Calypso, giving you a +30% and a +20% traps on your opponent, making use of that utility you have.
Avoid spamming cards like a wild bolt or insane bolt as you are wasting pips. Use a Wild bolt to get off a shield, or start off with a hit, or need to get rid of a card.
Infection is for your heal spammers, and with all the pierce you have, it’s fine to hit through shields. All your other hits, use in situations where you know your opponent is open, and you can do mass damage. All spells and all battles aren’t all the same. Different situations occur, just have to be patient and committed to learn and understand what to do in different situations.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the guide. If you got any questions, my Discord is 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝕲𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 #1999, and I will gladly answer all questions related to storm Legendary PvP.
How to Get “One in a Million”
“One in a Million” is one of the most popular badges in Wizard101. Unfortunately, without the proper setup and strategy, you may fail at your attempt to earn it, wasting time and gold. So, here are my tips and tricks on how to achieve “One in a Million.”
If you use a prism in your setup, you can double the number of traps used for your big hit. By using your counter school traps first (for example, a Fire wizard applying Ice school traps) and then casting a prism before placing fire traps, the fire traps will be triggered followed by the ice traps. This will double the damage your school traps can provide!
You can easily get treasure card traps for your opposing school at the Bazaar. With the help of a friend from that school, you will also have access to the regular trap and regular potent trap.
Universal Traps and Blades
Bringing a Balance wizard along will make your life a lot easier. They can layer you with many blades, you could even end up doing 50 Million if that was possible! You also can get a few balance blades by using treasure cards.
Feints are super important to this strategy. If you use regular feint, potent, treasure card, potent treasure card, item card, pet feint, and mass feint, you’ll have a huge advantage in getting your damage up to one million!
All The buffs!
It’s really easy to forget a couple of blades or traps when you’re assembling over twenty, so try to write a list and quintuple check that you have packed everything. You may forget that one last sharpen or an elemental trap which could result in you not reaching your goal.
Some schools get especially useful spells like Supercharge and Backdraft that will make hitting a million much easier. Be sure that you include these in your setup if you can!
Some extra tips
You need to remember to bubble and aura. Combined, these provide a significant damage bonus.
Also, remember to pack a heal or two. Even max-levels may get too low on health. you don’t want to die and lose all of those carefully stacked blades.
Don’t forget to attempt this on an enemy that your school boosts on. It’s a free, easy damage bonus you wouldn’t get from a different creature. Also remember that if you’re using the prism as I previously suggested, you’ll want to face a creature of the same school that you are to get this boost.
Go to an empty realm if you are attempting this in an open area! I cannot stress this enough. Otherwise, unknowing or inexperienced players may run in and wipe out all your progress. Take preventative measures in advance.
That said, go out there and earn your “One in a Million” badge!
How to Create a Portal Hub
Dedicating one of your castles to store the portals to your other houses can be a laborious task, especially deciding you want to begin a project like this. If you’re not sure what I mean by a “portal hub,” I am referring to a castle that is the central hub to teleport to your other homes. Successfully completing a project like this is a big accomplishment for any decorator, for your friends to tour your amazingly decorated houses and simply teleport to the next once they’re done.
The Math
Before we begin, there is a lot of math to be done. For this guide, I will be doing the most complex option of how we can interpret this project (and very much so the most impressive!).
Open your list of houses and count all of the houses you want included in this project. I want my Balance House, my Storm House, my Death house, and my Midday Estate included in this project, plus my dorm. My Storm House will be the Hub, and my Dorm will teleport the visitor to the hub. Once the person gets to the hub, there will be several portals they can enter. This is described in the main flow chart. The Marleybone and Darkmoor houses will not be a part of this tutorial.
This means we will need one teleporter for the Dorm, three for the hub, and three more to put in the houses. Therefore, all together, we will need seven portals. We need two for every house we have, plus one for the dorm.
The Portal Plan
Next, we need to figure out the route these portals are going to take. The flow chart to the left makes it look easier than it feels when actually doing it.
We must set up three portals to go back to the dorm, the dorm portal to go to the hub, and the three hub portals to go to the houses. Remember, when you click on a portal without the mark in the corner of its box in the decorating menu, it means you need to select the location it will teleport to first. If it does indicate a point has been selected, you may proceed to place it.
An Example
To the right is one possible combination a visitor may take. After teleporting to you in your dorm room, they go through the portal in the Storm House hub, and then the Midday Estate. When they decide to leave the Midday Estate, they will go back to the Dorm Room and begin again to see the other houses.
This visual shows where the portals are going to. The violet portal heads to the Storm House. This is color association. By using violet, it is a hint without needing to use a sign where they are about to go.
This works rarely. Most of the time, we need to put a sign nearby, or in the portal to show where people are going.
An extraordinary example of Paige Moonshade’s Portal Hub. Find her Wizard’s Watchtower on the castle tours!
It is always amazing to see houses on the tours that are connected together. Seeing portals linked together like this makes the house feels that its a part of something much larger, and is a product of greater quality. In projects like these, the more houses you have, the more work it will take to maintain it, but there’s a bigger pay off. In the image to the left, it looks amazing to see the portals of every single house in the game linked up together.
Thank you, Starlights, I wish you the best in your Portal Hub creations! Please remember to email your lovely interpretations of this guide to us at [email protected] because we would love to see them. If you have any issues following along with this guide, please get in touch with me in the comments below or on the Ravenwood Academy Discord!
Dorm Decorating: Death School
I ’m sure everyone remembers struggling to figure out what to do with their first dorm room. I had no idea what to do with the original furniture. Honestly, it just wasn’t for me, but after a week or so of fishing, questing, and collecting treasure cards, I had figured out how to make the most of my dorm.
First, I started by removing all of the furniture and by selling it in order to buy some furniture I could work with for the style I had in mind. I had to think “What’s a good color scheme?” and “What items are an absolute necessity for a dorm?” and most importantly, “How could I fit everything together to work the best for my dorm?”
Well, after a few hundred trips to the Bazaar (on the fine edge of an exaggeration), I had gathered enough decor to achieve my goal. Some of the first few items I chose were the Wyrm Crowned Bed, the Long Narrow Table, and the Portrait of the Bone Dragon. After I had picked out the larger items, I started searching for others that would work well with them.
I decided on some Aero Dwarf Chairs for the center of the room; this would be the first thing your Wizard would see each and every time you entered. I wanted to make my focus simplistic and fill the outer edges with more decor.
One of the most important things to go by when decorating is to ask yourself “Does this look cluttered?” I don’t know about you, but I definitely like to keep things tidy, especially in my Wizard’s home.
One of my favorite parts of setting up my dorm was glitching. If you’ve never tried it before, it might surprise you how easy it is! This was my first time glitching while decorating and it turned out flawless, in my opinion. All you need to get started is one Maple Bookcase and a Black Checker, the best part is how they always have both of these items in the Bazaar!
To achieve the decorating glitch, first set down whatever object you want to float on the floor, then place the bookcase next to it. Then, you place the Black Checker on whichever shelf you want your item to be when it is in the air. Then, grab your Black Checker on the shelf and move it so your bookcase sinks into the floor. Once it’s there, you can move the item into the bookcase and then move the maple bookcase again, and your object is in the air! After this, to remove your bookcase, you grab the checker again and move it so your item stays in place.
My favorite glitch in this dorm room is definitely my Small Fry Keeper Tank. For this glitch, I used my Maple Bookcase to glitch some Purple Dewberries into the tank. Then I used it again to set it up in the window and out of the way! By using the glitch, I saved walking space in my dorm. Plus, it looks amazing, even if I do say so myself. To finish the tank off, I placed a Blue Angel plant on top of the tank to add a splash of blue to the area.
Every Wizard needs a study area, and for this, I completed three separate glitches. I decided to put the Telescope in the window sill with the Castle Magic Help tome beside it. It only made sense to look at all those beautiful Wizard City sunsets up close from the comfort of my dorm! Looking toward the desk area, I glitched the Arcane Rebooter (from Wizard101’s 10th-year-anniversary code) onto the table because it was almost too big to fit otherwise. That glitch definitely freed up more space on the desk too! I added a few specimens in jars, a Bottle Burner, Test Tubes, and a Venus Flytrap plant to complete the look. I found the flytrap in the Bazaar, but you can also get it from Fishing Chests!
I decided to not put too much of an emphasis on the doorway and to keep it fairly simple, I added the Nimbari Sword Rack, one of my favorite decorations in the game. The Dragon Skull, the Black Rock Fragment, and a couple of Glowing Mushrooms to keep things interesting.
Last but not least, I glitched the Wyrm Crowned bed into the wall and placed more glowing mushrooms underneath it! This is a really small bed in the game, so adding the mushrooms turned it into its own focal point! Next to the bed, I have the Elegant Hat Stand, and the Special Hat stand each covered in Darkmoor Cobwebs. You can thank my pet Moose for that one.
I hope you guys enjoyed the read because I loved writing it for you! I hope you all have a blast glitching and creating your very own personalized dorm!
This article was submitted by Guest Author, Jen Skullbreaker
Member Benefit Tier List!
Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list! Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List!
I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at D being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that these tiers are based on opinion only and are not fact. You may find that you love Double Animus and don’t care for Double pet XP. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
The D Tier
Double Monstrology Exp and Animus
Daily Assignment and Daily PvP Assignment Boost
I know Monstrology has its fans, including myself. But most of the players I have spoken with just aren’t that into it.
As for the daily assignment boosts, to me this is be the least useful of the bunch. I was only able to complete a few assignments within the time given, limiting the benefit from it significantly.
The C Tier
Free Chest Re-Roll
Training Point Buy Back
These are both nice benefits but they have some problems restricting their potential! First off, although this benefit can be useful for newer players it’s rare that you would want or need to buy back your training points once you have gained a better understanding of the game. This makes this benefit far more useful for new players than more seasoned wizards who have little need of it.
The chest re-roll is limited to one re-roll per boss each day. Making farming a little nicer for one run but still not providing an amazing benefit.
The B Tier
Zero Energy Fishing
Double Reagents and Unlimited Crafting
This member benefit definitely has its perks. Whether you’re trying to level up, catch new fish, find a rare wand or even a new permanent mount to add to your collection, this benefit lets you go wild with lures!
While fishing can seem boring for some, others find it to be a relaxing change from the usual game play. The hunt and grind for what you want is always worth it when you finally get it, and fishing is no exception since it offers some great rewards. If you haven’t tried fishing yet you may not find this benefit to be very exciting, but anyone who’s fished before will understand just how good unlimited fishing is!
Double reagents are just amazing. Every reagent you collect by gardening, gathering or fighting is doubled. Always paired with unlimited crafting, there is no cool down time when you craft items. With no timers, you can craft to your heart’s content whilst doubling your chances of getting some of those pesky, harder to get reagents!
The A Tier
Double Pet xp
Everyone loves double pet experience. It’s fortunately a common benefit, and everyone rushes to the Pet Pavilion to train up their pets which we all know will inevitably fail and leave us crying ourselves to sleep… no? Just me? With double pet XP every game you play or snack you feed to your pet gives twice the benefit that it would have normally. So, a Fancy Yogurt that would give your pet 50 XP will give you 100 XP during this benefit. Almost enough to level to teen in one snack! Even gold bought snacks like Shanta Pudding give significant boosts to your pets XP during this reward.
Either way, we all know and love Double Pet XP and we’re all praying it doesn’t go anywhere, anytime soon!
The S Tier
Double Gardening Rewards
Welcome to the crème de la crème! This is undoubtedly the best and tragically the rarest of all the member benefits. We get this gem a few times a year and boy do we capitalize!
Whether it’s Couch Potatoes, Evil Magma Peas, King Parsley or Pink Dandelions, you will double every single seed, snack, reagent or housing item that your garden drops during this reward.
So that was my tier list of all the eight current member benefits available in Wizard101! Let us know in the comments if you agree!
Contest Winners
What a wonderful time we had looking at all of the entries! It was fun for the whole team.
Here are the winners of the Christmas Decoration contest, prizes will be sent to the email you provided:
- 1st Place -
Austin Death: Aero plains Bundle
- 2nd Place -
Jeffery Shade: 5,000 crowns
- 3rd Place -
Laura Battleblood: Yuletide Parade Truck!
- 4th Place -
Jerry Tom: 7 packs of your choice
- 5th Place -
Nathan Darkblood: 4 packs!
Take a look at these other amazing screenshots
We tired to add many of your pictures as we could, sorry if we missed yours. There might be a special surprise coming from Santa for all of you who worked so hard decorating your homes for the season! Keep a close eye on your emails!!
Thanks to everyone who entered, we will be having more contests like this in the year ahead and would love to hear your feedback or suggestions. Please email us with any thoughts at [email protected] or comment on this post.