Flat Stat Jewels101

The Misconception

Flat jewels are a misinterpreted stat for Wizard101. They have been since the beginning of the Spiral’s time. In fact, most players get rid of these jewels thinking they have no value. But it’s not true! I’ve used them since their introduction into the game. Many of my solo runs are successful because of these resist jewels.

How they work

Flat stat jewels come in two main categories: offensive and defensive. The offensive stats boost your damage while the defensive absorb incoming damage. These stats are static, meaning that pierce does not affect flat resistance. Likewise, flat damage is not hindered by resistance in its final value!

Being careful with calculations

Many online sources that mention flat stat jewels are incorrect. Here are the stats for my testing. Let’s use it as an example to see the calculations.

Example: (From my solo run of Grandfather Spider – lvl 120)

Mathematical functions for calculating stats

1.) For your attacks:
[(your spell X (1 + damage%) + flat damageX buffs (1+/-Blades)

2.) For resisting incoming attacks:
[(incoming damage – flat resist) X (1 – resist%)]X buffs (1+/-Traps)

The concept of flat jewels is the same for flat damage and flat resistance!

Simplifying the math

Let’s assume you’re about to take an attack dealing 1000 base damage. Flat resist works like an absorb. In this example it will remove 50 damage points from every school and 158 from Shadow School, before regular resist takes damage.
So, what if the situation changed where the attack does 4000 damage?
The jewels would still absorb 50 damage points from every school and 158 from Shadow School attacks. Then our percent resistance would reduce the rest of the remaining damage.
For X damage, we will absorb 50 from every school and 158 from Shadow School.
Adding the flat jewels to our percent resistance:

Resistance for X incoming damage:
Storm: 71% + 50
Ice: 72% + 50 
Fire: 51% + 50
Myth: 29% + 50
Life: 29% + 50 
Death: 29% + 50
Shadow: 29% + 158

Using Brace (-20% to incoming attacks) stacks to the player’s resistance:

Storm: 71+ 20 = 96%+50
Ice: 72 + 20 = 92%+50
Fire: 51 + 20 = 76%+50
Myth: 29 + 20 = 49%+50
Life: 29 + 20 = 49%+50
Death: 29 + 20 = 49%+50
Shadow: 29 + 20 = 49%+158

Grandfather Spider’s Stats

Grandfather Spider has a universal 120% damage boost, 7% universal pierce, and 20% fire resistance. His attacks are not only of the school of storm, but also of the Shadow School. He also has Balance Mastery and uses 3 Balance spells.
His natural attacks deal 330 X 14 = 4620 base shadow damage if he has max power pips!
[(spell’s max damage X (1 + damage%) + total flat damage] X buffs
If buffs = 0
total flat damage = 0
[(4620 X ( 1 + 120%)] X buffs = (4620 X 2.2) = 10,164!
So , we should prepare for Storm and Shadow hits.
An average 6 pip natural Shadow attack of his would deal:
6 X 330 = 1980 X 2.2 = 4356 damage, and that number will double if he lands a critical!
The spell “Rusalka’s Wrath (Shadow)” without any blades or traps deals:
[(spell base damage X (1 + damage%) + total flat damage] X buffs= [1445 X (1 + 120%)] = 3179 damage!
Let’s compare possible damage taken with or without some of these  stats:
If I hadn’t put brace on myself, it would be:
My Shadow resist: 29 – 7 (pierce) = 22 (incoming damage – total flat resist) X (1-resist%) =  3179 X (1 – 22%) = 3179 X 0.78= 2480!
My Shadow resist: 49 – 7% (due to pierce) = 42% base resistance. Now continue with the rest of the equation:
(incoming damage – total flat resist) X (1 – resist%) = (3179 – 158) X (1 – 42%) = 3021 X 0,58  = 1752
If I wasn’t wearing gear equipped with jewels, the resulting damage would be:
(incoming damage – total flat resist) X (1 – resist%) = (3179 – 0) X (1 – 42%) = 3179 X 0.58 = 1844
The difference between 1844 damage and 1752 is due to the flat stat jewels!
The differences might seem minor, but if you combine jewels in different pieces of gear, you will notice that they make a big difference.

Flat damage jewels work the same way

Here’s a hypothetical example in this specific fight
My damage is 104

When I cast the spell Fire From Above on Grandfather Spider, he receives damage according to our 1st mathematical function: With a nice Backdraft = 210% 
[[(your spell X (1 + damage%) + total flat jewels damage] X buffs(blades)] = [[1400 X ( 1 + 104%)]  = (1400 X 2.04) = 2856
*Attention! Not include all the decimals results in two formulas, rounds down after each calculation.
The exception for that rule, is only in the pets damage or resistance! We need exactly the percent of the pets to calculated correctly!
My spell with traps deals to Grandfather Spider:
Flat resist=0
Grandfather resist on fire (due to pierce) = 20-22= 0 
[(incoming damage – flat resist) X (1 – resist%)]X buffs(traps)=
(2856 X 1) Χ (1+210%= 2856 Χ (1+210%) =  Χ 3,1 = 8853   
But if I had two flat damage jewels (fire), let’s say 50 points worth: [[(your spell X (1 + damage%) + total flat  damage] X buffs] =  [1400 X (1 + 104%)+ 50] = [(1400 X 2.04) + 50] = 2856 + 50 = 2906
[(incoming damage – flat resist) X (1 – resist%)]X buffs(traps)=
(2906 X 1) Χ (1+210%)= 2906 Χ 3,1 = 9008   
Don’t forget that since Grandfather Spider has shields, the actual number would be less. This was just a quick example with math!
As you can see, flat stat jewels can help our fights in their own way.
I hope this makes you think twice before tossing those flat stat jewels away! I have shown my stats below for convenience. Thank you as always, and best of luck questing!
*You can see the stats which I used for the above calculations as well as my gear, in the following pictures.
Also, you can see the battle that I describe above from my solo video at Europeans servers when I was 120 lvl, one year before.
Have fun!


Ravenwood Academy Fansite Festival farming event? Do you know what this is? No???? Well, it’s where all the Wizard101 and Pirate101 Fansites gather together to create something truly amazing for the community. 

This yearly event is organized by several members of the community who work hard together to coordinate with every fansite out there.

Ravenwood Academy is taking part in this year’s fansite Festival event.

Ravenwood Academy will be farming Lord Nightshade for Easter drops. Meet us in Realm Troll at 11 am Pacific Standard Time, Saturday, April 13th. 


Please tune in on our Twitch Channel https://www.twitch.tv/ravenwoodacademy at 11 am Pacific standard time for more information for prizes

If you have any questions regarding this event, please email us at [email protected]

We’re looking forward to having some fun with you, the community!

We had so much fun at the event with you all! Thanks to every Wizard we saw there. Congrats to everyone that won codes and prizes during the Twitch stream. The winners of the screenshot contest were:

1st: Steven Starbreaker prize Great Detective Bundle
2nd: Kane Moon prize Aeroplane Bundle
3rd: Erin Dragonheart prize Nimbari Hoard packs

Codes will be sent to your email!


Protect your accounts

Greetings Fellow wizards!

It has come to my attention that a person has been going around impersonating trusted members of the community. Victims of the scam are asked if they entered a giveaway of 5k crowns. Then they ask for your email. An email is then sent from a fake KingsIsle email address. The email claims that they need your full credit card number, expiration date, and security NUMBER.


This information is being used to hack your account and could lead to much worse. Please protect your accounts, wizards! If you notice anything like this or have questions please EMAIL the official email: [email protected] right away.

If you go to a website and the site is doing a giveaway, be careful… Here are all of the trusted fansites that are approved and supported by Kingsisle Entertainment.

Review this blog about Account Security Best Practices by Kingsisle!

Stay Safe, wizards!

Mathew “Sparck” Anderson

Recently the Wizards of Ravenwood Academy brewed up a batch of exciting questions for our amazing, Senior Community Manager Mathew “Sparck” Anderson. Our goal was to get answers to some questions the community has been asking, and Mathew did not disappoint. So, let’s get to it, we are excited to share this exclusive interview with you!

What do you like best so far about your position at KingsIsle?  

The team and players, all-in-one! Everyone: all Wizards, Pirates, baby animal fans, etc. I haven’t been a part of such a great team and community as what I’ve experienced here at KingsIsle. Everyone on the team participates in some form in developing and promoting our community programs, which makes it faster to get fun things out to you. The best part though is working with the community on their own events and projects, so please do keep creating those! 

What can you tell us about your responsibilities at KingsIsle? 

Oh my, well, where do I begin? A nice summary is that I ‘take care of the community’. This of course means several things, but first and foremost it starts with listening to your ideas and concerns about our games, then relaying that feedback to the development team. I also help to ensure the community is a safe place to be, working with our development and customer support teams.

Other responsibilities include taking development updates from our team and putting them into easily digestible forms on public sites like producer’s letters in the forums, as well as social media posts and patch notes on the main website. I also oversee all public areas, so that means monitoring (and moderating) the forums and social media sites. 

One of the more fun things I do is create events and contests, though we much prefer to support community-driven ones. They tend to end up being better and more fun anyway.

What has been your biggest challenge as a Community manager at 

The KingsIsle community is now over 10 years old! That’s a lot of history built up that I have to understand in order to be an effective leader. This has been my biggest challenge: understanding your needs, the games themselves, and developing and supporting programs that fit those needs. I hope I’m on target so far.

What interests you the most about your position as KI staff? 

I love working with such a fun and high-spirited community! I wouldn’t have it any other way, which is why I consider myself extremely lucky to be working at KingsIsle. I also get to see the day-to-day development of the games, and I work with an extremely talented marketing team that helps to get the many promotions we have out the door. 

What has been your best experience as a community manager at KingsIsle 

Seeing the community help each other out, especially for new players. This includes the flood of new players we got for Wizard101’s 10th Anniversary events, Pirate101’s recent 6th birthday, and even for Animal Cove upon its global launch! Anytime I see a tweet on Twitter or a post in the forums about someone helping a new player out, it truly makes my day. Please do more of that everyone; it’s noticed!

What is your goal as the community manager at 
KingsIsle and what are some things you yourself would like to change?  

My primary goal is to ensure that your feedback and interests are being communicated to the development team. The team reads that feedback and let me know what they are currently working on, what they will potentially work on in the near future, and what they will not be able to work on for some time. There’s a bunch more things that are in my bucket of goals as well, but communicating feedback is definitely the most prominent. 

I really want to see more livestreamers, both on YouTube and Twitch. If players are uncomfortable about streaming, I want to encourage them to seek out currently active livestreamers and get tips and suggestions on how to get started. It’s a really fun way to participate in the community. If you are a new streamer, let us know and we’ll stop by your channel to say hi! 
What gaming company did you come from before and how does that experience compare to KingsIsle? 

Portalarium, which also resides here in Austin, TX. It’s actually quite a parallel experience on the more basic levels of community service. Portalarium’s MMORPG, Shroud of the Avatar, has some similar concepts that Wizard101 and Pirate101 have such as housing, crafting, pets, guilds, and so on. While the game is a touch more ‘hardcore’ than Wizard101 in some aspects, these are still general concepts of all MMORPGs that I enjoy getting involved in. That’s one of the reasons why I came to KingsIsle. 

What has been one of your biggest surprises working for KingsIsle? 

We have regular monthly food days! From Cheese Day to Cake Day, it’s really exciting to anticipate a Friday afternoon snack of some kind after working hard during that morning. I’m the kind of person to nibble on sweets all day long. And I’m of course still hoping for an ice cream day.

2018 was arguably one of the best years for Wizard101, with all the member benefits, updates and additional content like bundles. Going into 2019, how does KingsIsle plan to maintain the momentum? 

We’ll be keeping up the member benefit momentum, introducing tons of additional content, and developing more opportunities to play the game with each other! I’m most excited to also be focusing on several new community initiatives yet to be announced, including several contests and events. Keep watch for those in the months ahead. And please do send us your own contests and events so we can share them on the game’s social channels. 

Will Wizard101 be receiving quality of life updates outside of the usual quarterly updates this year? 

While this question is a bit outside of my purview, I can say that we plan to stick to a stable schedule of updates. Above all else, we want to ensure we are adhering to a process and schedule that produces quality content. Changing it too much too quickly and releasing more frequent updates just to announce ‘something,’ even quality of life updates, can result in delays and unhappy community reception of the content. 

How does Kingsisle plan to further connect to and implement the players’ thoughts and wants for Wizard101? 

For 2019, Instagram is a new social media channel that we’ve quickly ramped up. This isn’t exactly a discussion platform though or one that is good for receiving gameplay feedback. For all of those needs, we’ll continue to monitor the community’s feedback in the usual channels and more actively respond to those posts. 

We are also taking a look at using new tools like Trello, which may prove useful in organizing and presenting community concerns to our team. Trello is a posterboard of sorts that can show items of interest with ease, instead of those items being buried in a calendar or a response somewhere deep in the forums. Let us know if you have ever used Trello, we’d like to know what you think of the program. 

With the game reaching 11 years old this year, a lot of drive has been put forth to expand the current free to play areas to allow new players to “get into” the game more. Is this a possibility or just fantasy? 

This is certainly a possibility, one we’ll be continuing to evaluate in 2019 and beyond. We’ve seen the regular community feedback on this point. We promise, it hasn’t been lost on us! 

What led to the sudden drastic increase in member benefits throughout 2018 and can we expect it to continue? 

We wanted to test out some new processes. We quickly found that the increase of benefit offers was well received by the community, so why not continue that success? 

Can you give us any details or hints as to what’s to come in 2019 in Wizard101? 
 We’re working on some dev diaries on just this point, keep watch for those on www.youtube.com/kingsisle :). 

You’ve mentioned to the community many times that if they have any events, or livestreams going on that, and they want KI to know about it, what would the best way for them to reach you? 
 If the event has a definitive date and is coming up in the proceeding days or weeks, we would appreciate a direct email to [email protected] with all of the details. As the event approaches or if it’s something happening ‘now’, then a tweet and even a post on Facebook to get our attention works well. The community is also free to search for me on Discord and other channels (Sparck/Bat Masterson) to send a quick update of events and activities. 

Winter Chill Party

Join us on Sunday January 27th 2019 in the Commons, Realm Troll (we will have porters there) at 6pm Eastern American time for a Winter Chill session community style. As always, we will all hang out while we run Gauntlets and PvP just for fun with all of your friends from the community! Everyone is welcome, meet us in game or watch the party on Twitch. We sure hope to see you there!

Prizes: Packs, Wand Codes, and Bundles!

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to comment here or email us at [email protected]. We are always open to hear about your event ideas or suggestions!

Contest Winners

What a wonderful time we had looking at all of the entries! It was fun for the whole team. 

Here are the winners of the Christmas Decoration contest, prizes will be sent to the email you provided: 


- 1st Place -
Austin Death: Aero plains Bundle

- 2nd Place -
Jeffery Shade: 5,000 crowns

- 3rd Place -
Laura Battleblood: Yuletide Parade Truck!

- 4th Place -
Jerry Tom: 7 packs of your choice

- 5th Place -
Nathan Darkblood: 4 packs!

Take a look at these other amazing screenshots

We tired to add many of your pictures as we could, sorry if we missed yours. There might be a special surprise coming from Santa for all of you who worked so hard decorating your homes for the season! Keep a close eye on your emails!!

Thanks to everyone who entered, we will be having more contests like this in the year ahead and would love to hear your feedback or suggestions. Please email us with any thoughts at [email protected] or comment on this post.

Christmas Festival 2018

Join Ravenwood Academy Saturday December 29th at 6pm Eastern to celebrate the season together with all of your community friends. We will be throwing a big house party and everyone is invited! There will be tons of fun for everyone with Gauntlets, PVP, Fishing, Mini Games, Freebie vendors, rides.

We will be in realm Greyrose with porters to take you to the house party! 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to comment here or email us [email protected]

There will also be prizes, so be sure to come to the event to win some!

The event will also be streamed on our official Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/ravenwoodacademy

Pirate House Party

Yarr Harr Pirates!!

We are excited to announce something new! We will be throwing our first ever Pirate101 house party on December 8th, 2018! Meet us on Skull Island in Avery’s Court, Commodore realm at 12pm Eastern American Time. Besides the best Pirate101 house party ever we will have:

  • Obsidian Key Boss Runs
  • PvP
  • Raffle for a prize
  • Hide and seek
Dungeon Runs:
  • Moo Manchu
  • Kane  
  • Smugglers

Not only that, there will be prizes too! We will have Moo Manchu’s wands and Empire Bundles for a few of you lucky freebooters.

Rules for PVP

  • Old Scratch is banned
  • Overwatch 5 is banned
  • All Seasonal Champion Weapons are banned
  • Ghor is banned (eagle eye glitch)
  • All tiers of the Beastmaster’s Banner are banned 
  • Nefarious Staff and Terra-Cotta robe (Tower of Moo Manchu version) are banned for all classes EXCEPT Witchdoctors.
  • Blast of Discord is banned
  • First Mate’s Boon is banned
  • All Haywire Companions are allowed (overwatch 5 cannot be given to them however)
  • All Doubloons are banned

Community Thanksgiving Event

Saturday November 24th,  meet us in Commons realm Unicorn at 6pm Eastern for an all level Gauntlet Runs event!

Our Staff, Events and Runners teams will take community members through Accursed Play, Winterbane, Pagoda, or Spiral Cup while we all hang out, chat and do some PvP just for for fun in true Community style.

A few lucky wizards will even win packs and wand codes!

There is something for everyone to be Thankful for in the month of November and we are thankful for the gift of friendship and love that we all share in this community!

Be sure to tune in on our official Twitch channel so you can watch all the fun! We can’t wait to get together, hope to see you there!

Darkmoor Runs Event!

Come join us Saturday November the 17th!!

Meet us at 6pm Eastern in the Commons realm Unicorn for our Full Darkmoor Runs event. Our staff and Dungeon Runners will take teams of level 100+ Wizards through the Graveyard including Aphrodite!

After a few runs we will meet in the commons to hang out and play some hide and seek.

Besides helping you to get that drop, packs and wand codes will be awarded to some lucky wizards!!!

Be sure to tune in on our official Twitch channel so you can watch all the fun! We can’t wait to get together, hope to see you there!

The following Saturday the 24th we have another event! Click here for details.