Member Benefit Tier List!

Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list!  Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List!

I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that these tiers are based on opinion only and are not fact. You may find that you love Double Animus and don’t care for Double pet XP. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The D Tier

Double Monstrology Exp and Animus
Daily Assignment and Daily PvP Assignment Boost

I know Monstrology has its fans, including myself. But most of the players I have spoken with just aren’t that into it.  

As for the daily assignment boosts,  to me this is be the least useful of the bunch. I was only able to complete a few assignments within the time given, limiting the benefit from it significantly.

The C Tier

Free Chest Re-Roll
Training Point Buy Back

These are both nice benefits but they have some problems restricting their potential! First off, although this benefit can be useful for newer players it’s rare that you would want or need to buy back your training points once you have gained a better understanding of the game. This makes this benefit far more useful for new players than more seasoned wizards who have little need of it.  

The chest re-roll is limited to one re-roll per boss each day. Making farming a little nicer for one run but still not providing an amazing benefit.

The B Tier

Zero Energy Fishing
Double Reagents and Unlimited Crafting

This member benefit definitely has its perks. Whether you’re trying to level up, catch new fish, find a rare wand or even a new permanent mount to add to your collection, this benefit lets you go wild with lures!  

While fishing can seem boring for some, others find it to be a relaxing change from the usual game play. The hunt and grind for what you want is always worth it when you finally get it, and fishing is no exception since it offers some great rewards. If you haven’t tried fishing yet you may not find this benefit to be very exciting, but anyone who’s fished before will understand just how good unlimited fishing is!

Double reagents are just amazing. Every reagent you collect by gardening, gathering or fighting is doubled. Always paired with unlimited crafting, there is no cool down time when you craft items. With no timers, you can craft to your heart’s content whilst doubling your chances of getting some of those pesky, harder to get reagents!

The A Tier

Double Pet xp

Everyone loves double pet experience. It’s fortunately a common benefit, and everyone rushes to the Pet Pavilion to train up their pets which we all know will inevitably fail and leave us crying ourselves to sleep… no? Just me? With double pet XP every game you play or snack you feed to your pet gives twice the benefit that it would have normally. So, a Fancy Yogurt that would give your pet 50 XP will give you 100 XP during this benefit. Almost enough to level to teen in one snack! Even gold bought snacks like Shanta Pudding give significant boosts to your pets XP during this reward.

Either way, we all know and love Double Pet XP and we’re all praying it doesn’t go anywhere, anytime soon! 

The S Tier

Double Gardening Rewards

Welcome to the crème de la crème! This is undoubtedly the best and tragically the rarest of all the member benefits. We get this gem a few times a year and boy do we capitalize!

Whether it’s Couch Potatoes, Evil Magma Peas, King Parsley or Pink Dandelions, you will double every single seed, snack, reagent or housing item that your garden drops during this reward. 


So that was my tier list of all the eight current member benefits available in Wizard101! Let us know in the comments if you agree!

NEW Aero Plains Bundle

So with the release of Empyrea Part 2, Kingsisle has released a brand new bundle!  The all-new Aero Plains Bundle is related to the Aero Dwarves of Empyrea, some of my favorite area’s and characters!

With it, we get a load of new items like:
– The Aero Village House
– The Squirreligig Pet
– The Aero Dwarf Gear Set
– The Aerocannon Wand
– The Blue Ox Mount (Perm)

So how does this bundle stack up?  Is it worth your purchase?  Well, let’s take a look, shall we?!

The Gear

I think a lot of you will read this because of the gear.  Whenever a new bundle releases, there’s always the question of whether the gear will be an absolute must-have, or not.  Well, it’s not bad!


I think an immediate fun feature to note is the variety of cards!  They’re all smaller pip versions of the originals and could be a lot of fun to mess around with!

The stats are also not too horrible, and could serve as filler gear while you farm for your new Paradox gear!  The shadow pip chance is good, providing a combined shadow pip bonus of 11%!  This universal gear would be especially useful for a Balance wizard!

The wand could also be fun, especially in PvP with that may cast Mana Burn!

The Pet and Mount

The new pet is simultaneously the cutest and coolest pet I think I’ve ever seen!  The aptly named Squirreligig is a two-tailed blue and white squirrel that flies by spinning its two tails like a helicopter. Is that not just the most amazing thing ever?!

With it, comes an Unstoppable card and 4 Epic talents!  It also has decent stats, meaning transferring stats to this cool dude won’t be too hard!

The new mount, the Blue Ox, is a pack horse version of the Blue Ox mob from the
Aero Plains!  It makes a super adorable little jingle noise as it bounces around the Spiral!

It’s my new personal favorite mount and I love its design!  I personally would buy 5 more of these bundles just to have a Blue Ox on each character!

The House

While there’s not an abundance of outside space, there’s plenty of room to create an amazingly built up house!  Personally, I plan on building a super fun community focused house!  A fun area for a whole lot of friends to just hang around in!

With fishing available, it seems like there is something to please every type of Wizard101 player!  As for the house itself, there are 10 separate outside entrances all leading into the same massive interior.  It is an actual maze inside.  It is, and I’m not exaggerating, HUGE on the inside.  With multiple levels and some massive rooms, designing the interior of this is not only gonna be fun, but also challenging!

Oh and don’t get me started on the waterfall!  Right next to which is a windmill that gives you a free item every day!  Oh, and did I mention there’s a PvP arena out back for some saucy duels?!  This house is definitely my favorite part of this bundle!

So In Conclusion

Well, I think it’s safe to say this bundle is one of the best we’ve ever seen in terms of all-around design.  The beautiful house, the plucky happy-go-lucky Blue Ox and the adorably cool Squirreligig all show amazing design and creativity!  The new gear design is also awesome and definitely stitchable!

Inspired by one of my favorite area’s in-game, this is a bundle I’d highly recommend to any of you looking to pick up a new bundle.  It’s creative and altogether fun and worthwhile!