Catacombs Farming Guide


Hello everyone! Discord community member Hannah here, or Emmaline GhostSong as you may know me in-game. Chances are, you’ve heard that Dragoon Gear is the over-all best for any max-level Wizard. But what is it, and how do you get it? If you have these questions, this is the guide for you.

To craft your Dragoon gear you’ll need to be a Visionary Crafter first. Then, you can gather the reagents and recipe. The reagents you’ll need come from two bosses. Today I have two different strategies for Prince Viggor and King Detritus. These bosses drop the Alchemical Extracts, Salts, and Crystals you will need.


These bosses are essential for farming level 130-140 gear for most offensive builds. Each piece of the Dragoon set requires 300 Alchemical Extract, 50 Alchemical Salts, 5 Alchemical Crystals, and a piece of Vanguard gear. Any school’s Vanguard gear will work to create your preferred Dragoon set.

You can also craft the Vanguard gear if you’re not getting them as drops. Each requires 180 Alchemical Extracts, 30 Alchemical Salts, and 3 Alchemical Crystals. That number can sound intimidating for the new Visionary Wizard.

Gathering all those reagents can seem like an impossible task. But don’t stress – it’s easier than it sounds! This guide is here to teach you some of the best strategies to farm these materials. Let’s get started!

Abandoned House Strategies

King Detritus is the first boss of the Wizard City Drains after completing Empyrea Part One. He is the Abandoned House dungeon’s final boss, which is an excellent spot for Alchemical reagents. Each run drops ten Alchemical Extracts – one from the first mob fight and nine from the boss. King Detritus also drops other Alchemical reagents, Vanguard Hats, and much more. During the Double Reagents member event, you can get up to seventeen extracts per run!
Suppose you do not have this dungeon unlocked. No worries! The Abandoned House is a free-to-play dungeon that any Wizard can teleport inside. I have seen many Wizards start farming King Detritus for extracts as early as level 120. So, the Abandoned House is a very frequented area for high-level free-to-play Wizards.

Mob Battles

There are two mob fights before the boss. The first fight will drop one Alchemical Extract, and the second doesn’t drop anything of note. The mobs range in health, depending on which type spawn. Have one or two Wizards pack a first-round AOE hit, plus a blade or Mass Feint depending on your teammates. This setup should defeat all enemies in one round.

Fighting the Trash King

The most common strategies for farming the Abandoned House are the two round and four round strategies. The two-round approach is usually best when you have a consistent four-person team. Meanwhile, the four-round is better when using the Team Up Kiosk. If you are new to farming King Detritus, you may want to try both to see which one works best for your play style.

2-Round Strategy

This strategy requires a hitter, a Storm Wizard with around 160+ damage. You’ll also need three support Wizards. Your hitter must be in the last position (4th), and everyone needs to join in the first round. Your team should coordinate three different types of Feints; some examples are Mass Feint, regular Feint, regular Potent Feint, TC Feint, pet-card Feint, etc. For the second round, you need any three types of blades that stack. Again, these can be any blades depending on your team, but they must be stackable.
Remember, never put more than seven cards in your deck for this strategy to work. You must get all three Feints down on the first round. Casting Feints after the first round will result in the minions removing all of the Feints that have been cast. Without the three Feints, it is challenging to defeat the boss in the second round. One of your support Wizards should pack a Cleanse Charm, as sometimes the minions cast Virulent Plague. If needed, this can go in place of their second-turn blade but never in place of their first-turn Feint.

First Round

1st: Feint

2nd: Feint

3rd: Feint

4th: Blade or Frenzy

Second Round

1st: Blade

2nd: Blade

3rd: Blade

4th: Epic Storm Lord (or Epic Glowbug Squall, if they have a shadow pip)

I personally find this strategy to be the most reliable and easiest way to farm for Alchemical Extracts. Your team will fall into a rhythm after a few runs. Each run will take about ten minutes and yield ten Alchemical Extracts.

4-Round Strategy

If you only want to do a few runs, can’t find a team, or prefer more laid-back farming, you may want to try the four-round strategy. This strategy is best when using the Team-Up sigil for Abandoned House. It is adjustable for up to five rounds if necessary and works with various school attackers.
The way this strategy works is by sending in only one player for the first round. This Wizard will cast a Potent Feint. Once the first round has started, the remaining Wizards will join. This ensures that only one minion spawns.
On the second and third rounds, blade the hitter. On the third round, the one and only minion will sacrifice itself. So when the 4th round starts, the only enemy left is King Detritus. Because there is no minion, your team can cast their Feints now. The hitter will traditionally cast their school’s King Artorius spell in the fourth round. But any good seven to eight pip attack spell will do the job.
While the 4-round King Detritus strategy is a bit longer, it can be less stressful when using Team-Up.

Prince Viggor Strategies

Prince Viggor, located in Viggor’s Tomb, is part of the Catacombs questline. Many Wizards farm Prince Viggor, as he always drops three Alchemical Salts per fight. He also has a chance to drop other Alchemical reagents, Daybreaker and Nightbringer Spellements, and Vanguard boots. There are two main strategies for Prince Viggor; this guide outlines both strategies.

The first strategy takes two rounds but is challenging to pull off and requires two or three Fire Wizards. The second strategy takes three or four rounds but is much more flexible. If you do not have this dungeon unlocked, any Wizard can teleport to their friend inside. But you must have a membership or purchase the Catacombs with Crowns for access.

Mob Battle

This dungeon has one mob fight before the boss. Rydall’s Plague is a group of four Death mobs with 3,590 Health each. Have two players pack an all-one-enemy spell that they can use on the first round, such as Meteor Strike or Tempest. One of your support Wizards should carry TC Cleanse Charm; if Rydall’s Plague goes first, they always cast Virulent Plague. Your other support Wizard should pack a blade or Mass Feint if they have it.

2-Round Strategy

Your Team

For this strategy, you’re going to need the following:

  • One Wizard of any school. They can be a support Wizard with high resistance. This slot is the only flexible part of your team for this strategy.
  • One Fire support. This Wizard will cast Backdraft.
  • One Fire attacker. Their damage should be 160 or higher. They need to have 100% Power Pip and Accuracy.
  • A Wizard with a Dalia’s Smoldering Hairdo hat from the Professor’s Hoard Pack. This must be a level 40+ version that gives the Incindiate card. A Pyromancer or another Wizard with a Fire Mastery Amulet will do the job. They should also have a 100% Power Pip chance & good Accuracy.

Fighting Prince Viggor

All players need to go into the battle in the first round, in the correct order, without being late. That is quite tricky but do-able. Your hitter must be in the third position, and your player with the Dalia hat must be in the fourth position. The players in the first and second positions are interchangeable.

Each player should have no more than seven cards in their deck, and everyone will need a different stackable blade. Your support Wizard should have a Feint as well as Indemnity enchantment on hand. The Indemnity prevents Prince Viggor from removing the Feint with a cheat.

Viggor and his Ice Minion also like to cast a -55 Tower Shield. So one support Wizard should have TC Shatters or Pierce on hand. They will cast Shatter or Pierce in the second round rather than blading. You’ll still kill without the extra blade, but you won’t have a chance without removing the Tower Shields.

First round:

1st: Indemnity Feint

2nd: Blade

3rd: Blade or Frenzy

4th: Blade

Second round:

1st: Blade or Shatter/Pierce

2nd: Indemnity Backdraft

3rd: Epic Scald

4th: Incindiate

When this strategy works according to plan, you can expect to do around 80,000 damage to Prince Viggor. One of your Wizards may sometimes need to do a backup Meteor Strike on the third round, but most often, you can 2-round!

Traditional Strategy

Speed is the most significant advantage of using the two-round strategy. Yet, it requires excellent coordination and is easy to mess up. If your team can’t execute the two-round strategy, you might try the traditional method. You will find this strategy is more flexible and has room for error. I usually do four rounds with my team. You may find three to five rounds will work for you. This strategy is adjustable.

Your Team

You’ll need the following for this strategy:

  • One tank or support Wizard. They will ideally have high resistance to tank some extra hits. They need to be able to cast Indemnity enchanted Feint.
  • Two other support Wizards. One of them may want to have their hitting gear on for the mobs or a potential backup hit.
  • One attacker. This can be any school, except for Myth or Death as Prince Viggor has a high resistance to those schools and may remove prisms. Storm and Fire are ideal schools to hit in this battle.

Your Decks

Your tank Wizard must pack Feint plus an Indemnity enchant.
All three of your support Wizards should coordinate to pack several stackable blades for your hitter. You could use elemental blades, dark pacts, school blades, pet blades, an so on. At least one support player should also pack TC Shatters and cleanse charm. You may pack traps. Yet, all traps must have an Indemnity on them. Do not cast them if Prince Viggor summons a Storm or Myth minion – so this should be a last resort only.
Your hitter needs a good attack all spell. When I hit on my storm, I use Storm Lord – as well as Frenzy or another aura, and usually one or two blades for themselves.

Fighting Prince Viggor

For the first round, have only your tank Wizard go in and cast Indemnity Feint. This tactic minimizes the amount of minion hits your team gets. Once the first round has started, the rest of your team can go in with your hitter in the fourth position.
Next, spend one to two rounds blading up your hitter. It may take a couple of tries for your team to see exactly how many rounds you need. I hit on the fourth round, but I find it is possible to kill on the third for some Wizards.
On the round you hit, use Shatter on Prince Viggor. The only time I don’t do this is if our team goes first and he doesn’t already have a shield on. If he doesn’t have a shield, but the opposing team goes first, cast Shatter anyway.
With the Feint, a couple of rounds’ worth of blades, and the Shatter, your hit should take Viggor and his minions out in one go. If, by some chance, you have a straggler, have your backup hitter cast a quick AOE. This strategy is a reliable way to farm Alchemical Salts – and if you’re lucky, Vanguard boots!

After Farming

Now that you know the strategies, you’re well on your way to crafting Dragoon gear. Pick up the recipes from Zasha Emberforge and get crafting! I recommend spending most of your time at King Detritus for Alchemical Extracts. Once you get most of your extracts, pop over to Viggor for a few runs to catch up on salts.
The meta PVE set for level 130-140 in most cases asks for the Dragoon Hat, Boots, and Amulet. Dragoon gear gives a lot of Health, and the robe and athame are staples in high HP builds for Ice Wizards. The stats of all Dragoon pieces are below but don’t forget about the set bonus! With three pieces, you get extra damage, which is a big part of what makes this gear so powerful. 
Also, some pieces come with great spells. The hats come with a zero-pip mass trap, the boots with an item card Sharpened Blade and Potent Trap, and the amulet with an overpowered four-pip AOE spell. Take a look!

The Stitch and the Recipe

The Gear Stats








Thanks for Reading!

Thank you for reading my guide on Dragoon Gear farming. I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide and that you have a better understanding of how to get this popular level 130+ gear. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, or find me around the Spiral or Discord. I wish you the best of luck on your Catacombs adventures!
~Hannah/Emmaline Ghostsong

Happily Everafter

This incredible new castle is by far one of my favorites! The entire estate is full of fairytales and fables, from Mother Goose to The Brothers Grimm. What truly caught my attention was the morals behind the fairytales represented. I don’t know if KingIsle had an ulterior motive behind their selection of fables, but if they did…..BRAVO! Each area of this home has positive morals hidden within the fable itself.

The Land of Fairytales and Fables

As we arrive through the Spiral Door, we see many pathways leading from a central farmhouse.  The central farmhouse also has a small barn with a secret tunnel that leads to the main house. There are multiple gardening areas all around the central farmhouse. As a bonus, this house is a like for your plants! There is also a lovely lake with a stream for fishing. I haven’t quite figured out what fairytale the main farmhouse represents. Maybe Jack and the Beanstalk? What do you think it could be? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below!

The first house we’ll visit represents Mother Goose and The Old Woman who lived in a Shoe. It’s a multi-level house, 4 stories inside, with quaint details. The last 2 stories are reached by climbing a ladder, how fun! The rooms inside are smallish, but have plenty of space for decorating in your style.

In the Old Woman and the Shoe, there is a woman who has so many children she doesn’t know what to do! The moral of this story is, listen to your parents and have good behavior.

From there we go to visit the 3 Little Pigs, a fable originally published in 1886. You’ll find a straw house, a house of twigs, and a brick house. These are cute little 1 room shacks.  To the left of them is a path that when followed takes you through a cave to the next house.

Just as the 3 Little Pigs worked hard to accomplish their dreams, so can you!  The moral of this story is you can accomplish anything with hard work and dedication.

The next house we come to is the witches’ house from the Brothers Grimm tale, Hansel and Gretel. This is a fabulous rendition of the enticing candy house. The entire structure is covered in sweet treats that sparkle in the sunlight. The interior has 2 rooms that are vibrantly colored, matching the outside. If you go through the side of the large tree stump, it takes you underground, coming out int the main area of the castle.

Hansel and Gretel got into loads of trouble because they didn’t listen to their parents and trusted someone they didn’t know. The moral of this story is to always listen to your parents and don’t trust strangers.

After climbing a hill, we find ourselves at a wishing well. This well has a daily gift for your Wizard! On this occasion I recieved gold and a pet snack. Climbing a hill to a well is from an old 18th century nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill.

Jack was in such a hurry that he forgot to stay safe and be careful.  The moral in this story is to avoid being hasty and do things carefully.

Rising to the sky we have the Brothers Grimm again, this time with Rapunzels Tower. This whimsical structure has 3 stories with a winding walkway that circles around the main floors.

Rapunzel dreamed of getting out of her tower and patiently waited for that wonderful day to arrive. The moral of this story is to never give up on your hopes and dreams!

There is a hidden door behind the waterfall that takes you to the lower level of Rapunzels Tower!

The mount that comes with the bundle is none other than the Pumpkin Carriage from Cinderella! This is another great multi-person mount from KingsIsle, this one with stunning details.

Cinderella had a hard life but kept a happy heart no matter what. The moral in this story is to be kind, forgive others, and don’t let bad things ruin a good heart.

The pet that comes with this bundle is the adorable, or should I say “toadorable” Noble Toad!  As his crown shows, he comes from a long line of Noble Toads!

Gear fit for a King or Queen

If you’ve ever wanted to have a regal look, this is the gear for you. The stats won’t replace your dungeon farmed gear, but it will make an amazing stitch!

This wand is utterly amazing, so very eerie!  It’s called Poison Apple.  Once again, the stats are not the greatest but it would be another awesome stitch. Does anyone remember where a poison apple comes from? That’s right, Snow White!  

Snow White was envied for her inner beauty as much as for her outer beauty.  Her good-hearted trust in everyone caused problems for her.  The moral to this story is that real beauty comes from within, and once again don’t trust strangers.

KingsIsle has outdone themselves with this bundle!  Not only is it an adorable castle with many features, but it also has wonderful morals for the children of the game. I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough of the Fantastic Fairytale Farm! If you see any other fairytales or fables represented that I missed, let us know in the comments below! Until next time, may all your dreams come true!


Visionary Myth Critical Guide

Note: This guide is created for level 130 myth wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful.

Myth School

Myth is such an interesting school. Anyone that can take the wrath of Cyrus Drake in the first arc deserves a little respect. The myth school is not considered one of the best, but I’ve seen plenty of dangerous myth wizards when they run the right gear and strategy.

Since myth’s two main strengths are the use of minions and stuns, running a full critical set can probably break the Richter scale itself. Using a minion to keep shields off an opponent while combo hitting with stuns can make a landing critical hit terrifying for any opponent. This guide will lay out the gear to help your myth wizard reach 100% critical with the highest damage possible.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Mythic Paradox Conical – 140

Boots: Mythic Paradox Boots – 117

Wand: Jack Hallow’s Gourdtar – 195

Ring: Drake Ancestral Signet Ring – 84 (+ 18 Jewel)

Athame: Morganthe’s Bite – (+ 18 and +18 Jewel)

Deck: Mythic Paradox Deck – 51

Amulet: Universal Memento – 35

Robe: Quixotic Light Brigade Armor – 100

Overall Total: Damage 137% – Critical 839 (100%)

Stats like these would make Baba Yaga proud! Here’s the breakdown:


Alternative Gear

Luckily, Myth only needs 2 critical talents in their pet to reach the 100% threshold. Because of this, there are a couple alternative pieces of gear you could replace and still maintain a full critical loadout.

Hat: Krokopatra Wonder Fez

Boots: Haughty Alphoi Boots

Amulet: Relic of the Shadow Palace (Gives +40% blade)

Athame: Dirk of Dimwood Vale

Robe: Kan Davasi Victor’s Gear

Deck: Rasputin’s Hypnotic Hand

Ring: Drake Ancestral Signet

Remember: Using these over the “best” gear loadout means you lose the maximum amount of damage you can run while keeping 100% critical.

Must Haves

– A double-critical pet

– Jack Hallow’s Gourdtar

Because of how the stats work out, myth has the luxury of replacing items to make up for loss of critical in their pet’s talents. As long as you have a pet with at least two critical talents and the Jack Hallow’s wand you can reach the cap.

Best of luck to all myth wizards!

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Visionary Life Guide to 100% Critical and Max Damage

Note: This guide is created for level 130 life wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful.

Life School

The Life school is a beautiful school. It’s one of the few schools that can do everything whether it’s tanking, healing, or hitting. Because of this there are many strategies that a max-level Life Wizard can choose for both PvP and PvE.

This article will focus on the 100% critical gear strategy! I will help you achieve the max amount of damage while still keeping 100% critical. This strategy is popular with Life wizards since it guarantees strong heals without giving up damage.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Lively Paradox Conical – 134

Boots: Lively Paradox Boots – 112

Wand: Tormentor’s Skullsplitter – 181

Ring: Lively Paradox Ring – 89 (+18 Jewel)

Athame: Dark Woman’s Dagger – (+18 and +18 Jewel)

Deck: Paradox Deck – 49

Amulet: Spirit of Darkmoor’s Jewel – 35

Robe: Ornate Light Brigade Armor – 91

Pet: A quint-critical pet – 112.32 (with life-giver and life-bringer damage talents)

Total: Damage 120% – Critical 857 (100%)
That’s a good amount of damage for running 100% critical as a Life. Here’s a breakdown of all the gear and its stats:


Possible Alternative Gear

Note that the gear listed above totals 857 critical, and you only need to reach 838 critical to get 100%. If you can’t get the perfect max critical and damage, it’s okay! There is room for other gear to replace some of the pieces above. Here are a few I recommend.
Hat: Krokopatra’s Vigor Fez
Boots: Cabalist Stompers of the First
Amulet: Jewel of the Shadow Web (Gives +45% blade)
Athame: Spirit of Darkmoor’s Thorn
Robe: Undying Malistaire’s Tunic
Deck: Rasputin’s Deck of Fortitude
Ring: Mithraya Vivid Seal
Remember, choosing one of these over the “best” gear means you lose other stats, like damage, health, power pip chance, resist, etc…

Things You Can’t Go Without

Quint-critical pet

– Tormentor’s Skullsplitter

You can’t get around these essentials. You can replace a few pieces of gear and still get 100% critical, but not these two. They’re vital to the guide (hah, puns!). Unfortunately, the only thing that will be difficult to get is these two pieces. One is from a seasonal pack while the other requires patience and hatching skill.
I hope this guide helps some fellow life wizards create the perfect gear set! Let us know what pieces you choose in the comments below!

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Death Guide to 100% Critical

This guide is for level 130 death wizards and may require a 2.0 pet

Death School

The Death school can be deadly in the arena. It’s a school that specializes in draining the enemy’s health while regaining it’s own. The death school is opposite to the life school, but their purpose is almost the same. Because they can both attack and heal at the same time, death spells deal less damage than other schools. Luckily, with the right strategy, a death wizard can become essential to any team.
This article will focus on one gear strategy in Wizard101, the 100% critical set. The greatest amount of damage that can run while still obtaining 100% critical will be in the gear guide. This strategy is popular with Death wizards because a critical drain attack will hit hard and heal at the same time.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Deathly Paradox Conical – 137
Boots: Deathly Paradox Boots – 114
Wand: Tormentor’s Shredder – 195
Ring: Deathly Paradox Ring – 91 (+18 Jewel)
Athame: Mercy of Shadow and Light – (+18 and +18 Jewel)
Deck: Deathly Paradox Deck – 50
Amulet: Death Seeker’s Talisman – 35
Robe: Baleful Light Brigade Armor – 100
Pet: A double-critical pet – 63.21
Total Damage 130% – Critical 839 (100%)
This is the most damage a Death wizard can have while maintaining 100% critical.

Alternative Gear

Since the Death school only needs two critical talents on a pet to reach 100%, you don’t need this exact set to reach full critical! This means you could choose gear with lower critical and higher resistance/health. All you need to do is replace the missing critical with a triple or quint-critical pet. Note that the above gear goes to 839 critical, but you need to reach 838 critical to be 100%.

Here’s some possible alternative gear to consider
Hat: Krokopatra’s Oblivion Fez
Boots: Cabalist Stompers of the Finality
Amulet: Shadow Queen’s Grace (Gives +45% blade)
Athame: Lord of Death’s Razor
Robe: Death Lord’s Cloak of Woe
Deck: Rasputin’s Wicked Hand
Ring: Ghost Dog’s Dire Loop
Remember, Using these alternatives means you lose other stats, like damage, health, power pip chance, resistance, etc.

Things You Can’t Go Without

A double-critical pet
 The Tormentor’s Shredder
Unfortunately, the Tormentor’s Shredder is a must-have for the highest damage and critical at the same time.
There are many excellent gear sets you can use as a Death wizard. This guide will help you unlock the true potential of Death school in attack. Thank you for reading it, let us know how this set up worked for you in the comments below.

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Visionary Fire 100% Critical and Max Damage Guide

This is a guide on achieving high damage and 100% critical for Fire school at Visionary, currently max level 130. It is possible for all the schools in the Spiral to attain 100% critical. However, when you boost a particular stat, you decrease others. With this critical and damage build you will sacrifice resist, pierce and power-pip chance.

Note: All pets must be 2.0 (or max stats) for this guide to be successful.

Fire School

Ah the school of fire. This is my main school and I use this build questing anywhere outside of Empyrea. With my guide, Fire school can get 157% damage and 100% critical. This is one of the highest critical builds in the game, second only to Storm. 

Advantages of the Fire School

One of the main advantages of fire school is the d.o.t.s. or, damage over-time spells. With this build, fire dots or other spells can wipe out mobs in a single turn. You will also have over 6k health with this gear set. This high health is a huge advantage over the storm school, which boasts higher damage.

What You’ll Need:

The gear you need:

Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor

Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat

Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots

Wand: Kapudan’s Boarding Hook

Pet: Quad critical Double damage pet

Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)

Ring: Fiery Paradox Ring (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)

Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar

Mount: Fire Ghulture

Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck

Total Damage: 157% 
Total Critical: 839 (100%)

Gear Build



Alternative Gear for high damage and 100% critical

 This setup is the previous Max damage and 100% crit that fire could have gotten before the new Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gear. This gives you 149% critical and 100% critical. 

What you’ll need

The gear you need:

Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor

Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat

Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots

Wand: Jack Hallows wand

Pet: Quint damage critical pet

Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)

Ring: Mithraya’s Blazing Loop (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)

Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar

Mount: Fire Ghulture

Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck

Total Damage: 149% 
Total Critical: 844 (100%)


Gear Guide For Fire


Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

NEW Nimbari Hoard Pack

The new Nimbari hoard pack is super awesome and our first pack to release in 2019! With that comes some high expectations and I don’t think it is letting us down! So let’s dive right in!


You’re going to get a lot of different pets throughout these packs. You will get millions variations, like a Fairyfly, Goat Monk, Storm Bird and a Storm Golem.

Of course the pet you’d really want is the Ultra-Rare Hurricanine pet. This adorable guy sadly only seems to give Storm Dealer as a talent you’d be wanting. But I’m personally willing to hatch as many times as it takes to get this adorable little dude a great set of stats! He also comes with a Galvanic Field item card. Not as good as a blade, but still nice to have.


Ah what you’ve really come for! Everyone always needs to know how important these packs are and how they will affect the meta of gear choice. The answer: A lot.

The wands at max level are honestly fantastic, in particular for storm. It’s best to think of them as superior versions of the revered crafting wands, but only in critical and damage. This wand allows my storm to reach 99.8% critical (give or take) with 162 damage! They also come with fairly beefy Shift Maycasts that can allow you to get a nice bit of cheeky extra damage!

The boots and hat are also phenomenal at lower levels, trumping Waterworks and House of Scales gear!


This is something I personally don’t like. There are 7 different furniture items tagged as Ultra-Rare, meaning they’re equally as rare as the wands, robes and the pet.

They’re cool, don’t get me wrong, and using them I made this awesome little scene in my Arcanum Apartment, but still not the best. Perhaps this was to balance the dropping of these great gear pieces? We’ll never know.

Other than that the other pieces of furniture are nice and the variety of fans to add to the regular ones we saw with Whirlyburly is awesome!


The Nimbari Chariot looks pretty cool. It’s nice and unobtrusive and looks different enough, but it’s nothing spectacular.

Still you will not be complaining if you get this Epic drop. It seats two wizards with a standard speed boost of 40%. Overall, rather cool.

So with all that said, I think we can all agree that the Nimbari hoard pack was actually pretty successful and great to have. I love what it’s allowed me to do in my house as well as my gear. It gets my seal of approval!

Fishing: Code Wands

After the Zafarian fish were updated, chests containing precious code wands that don’t exist anymore as drops from bosses. The code wands are found in various lakes in Zafaria, but let’s focus on a single area in Zafaria that is well known as Elephant Graveyard.


Zafaria In order:

Baobab Market / Stone Town / Waterfront / Drum Jungle / Elephant Graveyard

The Wands

1.Amaranthine Staff

2. Staff of the Querent

3. Fog Staff

4. Staff of Imperator

5. Warpwood Wand

6. Blue Raptor

7. Dragonclaw Blade

8. Viridian Scepter

9. Galvanic Hammer

10. Goldenbeak

 11. Umbra Blade

How Do Get Them

There are many methods one can use to catch these wands, but we must first mention that the chests are in all ranks, schools, and categories like the common, rare and epic fishes. So the best method is to go there and catch what you see. However, doing so will waste a lot of time and energy to a more efficient method would be, having in mind that the right pond has more chests from the left, and in the second phase, that most fish are a school of death, we use a middle bait of this school, mostly.

  1. Reveal Fish School: See if a death fish appears and cast bait Lesser Repose Lure or Minor Repose Lure and catch what you can from what you have in front of you or all, even sentinel fish.
  2. Winnow Death Fish / Banish Sentinels 1: Use after Lesser Repose Lure or Minor Repose Lure grab you can first on the right side of the lake and then on the left after you repeat the Banish Sentinels 1 spell again.
  3. Use Minor Repose Lure and catch all sentinel fishes. These fish contain chests like all fish and all categories. But they differ in how to catch them. Do not wait to pull the lure into the water to hit the space bar, but once they touch the lure, press the spacebar right away.
    Note: If 15 minutes have passed, repeat with Summon Fish and re-do Method 1, 2 or 3.
  4. If you have the Buoy Chests 1 spell, you don’t need to use the Summon Fish spell because it resets along with a 50% greater chance of returning to chests. So then you have two options:
  • Make Winnow Death Fish / Banish Sentinels 1 by using Minor Repose Lure and catch what’s left.
  • Make Winnow Death Fish and catch all the sentinel fish and then what is left of the school of death.

Do not forget that there are no fishing spells that scare aware the sentinel fishes whatever their school, except Banish Sentinels 1.

The whole collection together:

Thank you for reading, please don’t forget to let me know if this article helped you by leaving a comment below! 

Good Luck!

Crafting101 – Zafaria

Today we will craft two Conga Drums and two Spirit Caller Drums for the quest "Drum a Little Drum"

Welcome back to Crafting101, young Wizard! Congratulations on achieving your Grandmaster Artisan Badge. You are now well on your way to becoming a Legendary Crafter. The Zafaria crafting quest is unlike any other crafting quest. You cannot complete this quest by teleporting to a friend to access the trainer early as you could with the others. You must complete the quest “To Market, To Market,” before being able to collect his quest.

Koyate Ghostmane

After completing ‘To Market, To Market,” Koyate Ghostmane will have the quest for you. You can find him near the large hollow log in Baobab Market. He is the first lion you see when you enter the area. Once you talk to him, you get the quest “Drum a Little Drum.” This quest requires you to craft two Spirit Caller Drums. The recipe for the Spirit Caller Drums will automatically go into your recipe book.

You will notice that you need Conga Drums for the Spirit Caller Drums recipe. These will also need to be crafted. Gearwise sells the Conga Drum recipe for 4,755 gold. You can find him in Survey Camp, Celestia.

The Recipes

There are many reagents required to craft both of these drums. Below is a list of all the reagents you will need in order to craft them.

Conga Drum

You need two Conga Drums to make the two Spirit Caller Drums. In previous worlds, we crafted two items twice. Now we will learn how to craft items that are an ingredient in other recipes. This is an essential tool if you plan to craft a house, such as The Wyrd or The Treetop Getaway.

Legion Shield

The Spirit Caller Drums need 8 Legion Shield treasure cards between them. These have a chance of being harvested from White Tiger Lillies or Missile Toe plants. If you’re lucky, you may find this Treasure Card in the Bazaar. It’s price ranges from 540 gold to 1013 gold.

You can farm Winter Skulls in Nordrilund and Nastrond for a chance at this treasure card. These places are in Wintertusk, Grizzleheim.


Our Conga Drum recipe requires four Giant treasure cards. The easiest place to find this treasure card is from the Archivist in Celestia. You can also harvest Giant from Sunion plants.
Dromel Merchant, Lost & Found, and the Treasure Chest all have this item as one of their daily rewards. Avery Templeton’s treasure card recipe is listed below under ‘Transmute Recipes.’


The bright violet accent in the Conga Drums requires 2 Amethysts. Amethysts aren’t found in the Spiral. Buy them from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. Harvesting plants such as the Fortune Cookie Tree, Ivy League, and Snap Dragon can also give you this card.

Perfect Onyx

The Spirit Caller Drum recipe requires 4 Perfect Onyx. Noxolo Fasttrack and other reagent vendors sell them for 100 gold each. Noxolo lives within the large hollow log in Baobob Market, Zafaria. Additionally, Perfect Onyx may harvest from Ivy League and Maelstrom Snap Dragons.

Crystal Vial

The Conga Drums recipe needs 2 Crystal Vials. It is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor or the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu, and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold.

Buying them from the Bazaar can cost between 165 to 1650 gold each. Their cost depends on how many are available. Harvesting Pink Dandelion can also get you some of these vials.

Pristine Vial

Four Pristine Vials are in the Spirit Caller Drum recipe. Pristine Vials are either bought or harvested. Archytas sells these for 500 gold each. Also, if you grow the Maelstrom Snap Dragon, you will have a chance at harvesting this item.

Black Pearl

There are 28 Black Pearls in our Spirit Caller Drum recipe. Black Pearls are a challenging reagent to find. It can be a rare harvest from Black Lotus or regular Pearl. You can also buy Black Pearl from Diego for 175 arena tickets. The Bazaar has them available for 188 – 1875 gold each.

A few gardening options are: Alligator Pear Tree, Deadly Fly Trap, King Parsley, and Ultra Tiger Lily. The transmute Recipe is listed below.

Golden Pearl

The gold accent in the Spirit Caller Drums calls for 16 Golden Pearls. These are a rare harvest from pearls found in many underwater places in the Spiral. This includes Stormriven Hall, The Grotto, The Portico and Waterworks in Crab Alley.
This reagent can be harvested from Maelstrom Snap Dragon, Evil Magma Peas, Deadly Helephant Ears, and Fickle Pickles. The Gorilla, Minotaur, Magic Eggs, and Dragonfly all have this item as one of their daily rewards. The transmute recipe is listed below.


18 Sunstones are required for our Spirit Caller Drum recipe. These are a rare harvest from sandstone.

Sunstone is harvestable from Maelstrom Snap Dragon, Evil Magma Peas, Fickle Pickle, and Deadly Helephant Ears. The transmute recipe is listed below.


12 Aether will be required in order to complete both sets of drums. This is a rare harvest from Kelp and Shells. You may harvest this reagent from Deadly Helephant Ears, Evil Magma Peas, Fickle Pickle, King Parsley, and Maelstrom Snap Dragon.

You also might get this reagent from housing rewards. This includes The Dragonfly Ride, Dromel Merchant, Giant Gorilla and the Horn of Plenty. If you have arena tickets, Diego sells Aether for 200 tickets each. The transmute recipe is listed below.


16 Shells are in our Conga Drum recipe. This reagent is common in Celestia. Shells can be found in places such as Base Camp, Stormriven, District of the Stars and The Grotto. They’re also in Wizard City’s own sunken Triton Avenue, Crab Alley.

You may be lucky enough to harvest this reagent from Fickle Pickles and Maelstorm Snap Dragons. The transmute recipe is below.


24 Fossils are required to craft our Conga Drums. This is a rare harvest from Stone Blocks. They can be found in places like Stone Town and Waterfront, Zafaria. Buying this reagent from the Bazaar can range from 100-1000 gold each. The transmute recipe is listed below.


The Conga Drum recipe requires 8 scales. You might harvest this reagent from Maelstrom Snap Dragons. Additionally, there is a chance to receive this item from The Magic Eggs housing reward instance. This reagent goes for 400-4000 gold in the Bazaar. You can find the transmute recipe below.

Transmute recipes


Giant is available from Avery Templeton in Base Camp, Celestia. You can buy it for 150 gold. The recipe requires 1 Peridot, 5 Pearl, and 3 Black Lotus for each Giant treasure card.

Black Pearl

The Black Pearl transmute recipe is available from Toshio in the Jade Palace, Mooshu. It sells for 400 gold. You will need 15 Black Lotus per pearl.

Golden Pearl

15 white pearls make up a golden pearl. Avery Templeton sells this recipe for 600 gold.


Sandstone can create sunstone. Sandstone is a rare drop from Stone Blocks. Sandstone is common in the Savannah and Stone Town. You can also find it in the Khonda Desert. This recipe is available from Avery Templeton for 150 gold.


You can make Aether with 15 kelp. Kelp is located in Celestia and Crab Alley. The recipe is available from Avery Templeton for 600 gold.


Shells can be created with 10 Scrap Iron. This recipe is sold by Avery Templeton for 600 gold. Scrap Iron can be collected in Marleybone.


This recipe requires 15 Stone Blocks. It is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in The Atheneum, Dragonspyre for 200 gold. Stone Blocks can be found in Celestia and many other places in the Spiral.


Scales can be created by using 5 Fish Fins. Transmute Fin uses 5 Scales. Both recipes are sold by Avery Templeton for 800 gold.


Now that you have all of your ingredients go back to your Housing Crafting Station. Craft the Conga Drums, then the Spirit Caller Drums. Once you have turned in the quest you will be awarded 7,981 gold and your Legendary Artisan badge. Congratulations, young Wizard! 

Thank you Starlights, for joining me in crafting and collecting reagents! Catch our next edition of Crafting101 in Azteca, where we will craft an Eagle War Shield.

Crafting101 – Celestia | Pt 2

Today we will craft a Tea Set for the quest "Time for Tea."

Welcome back to Crafting101. In our second edition of Celestia crafting, we will go over Odgen Peake’s Tea Set request. You will find him in Survey Camp, Celestia, down the left path when arriving from the Spiral Door. In his quest, “Time for Tea,” Odgen Peake is homesick, and asks for a tea set, to give him a touch of home while he’s away in Celestia

The recipe is available from Tarold Wayfinder in Northguard, Grizzleheim for 2,430 gold. You will find him in the crossroads of the courtyard of Northguard’s fort.

The Recipe

This is the recipe for the Tea Set you need to craft for Odgen Peake. The reagents are listed below.


You will need 5 Reshuffle Treasure Cards. Harold Argleston, Zan’ne, and The Archivist sell this treasure card for 1,100 gold each. If you are a Balance Wizard, Niles in Krokosphinx, Krokotopia has the recipe to craft this card.


You will need 1 Amethyst. You will have to harvest or buy this gem from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold each. They may be harvested from plants such as Ivy League, Snap Dragon, and Fortune Cookie Tree

Shadow Oil

You will need 3 Shadow Oil. Archytas, Campbell Hodgson, and Al Saf’wan sell this reagent for 20 gold and it ranges from 10-100 gold in the bazaar. This reagent may also be harvested from Orange Dandelions.

Glass Vial

You will need 1 Glass Vial. Crystal Vial is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor or the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu, and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold whereas buying them from the Bazaar may cost between 165 to 1650 gold each, depending on availability. This reagent can also be harvested from Pink Dandelions.


You will need 8 Fossils. Fossils are a rare harvest from Stone Blocks, which can be found in Survey Camp, Base Camp, and Stormriven in Celestia, along with many other places in the Spiral. This reagent may be harvested from Burning Snap Dragons and Fickle Pickles. The transmute recipe is listed below.

Red Mandrake

You will need 35 Red Mandrake. Mandrake may be collected from The Floating Land in Celestia, the Haunted Cave, Sunken City, Nightside, and Colossus Boulevard in Wizard City. The Transmute recipe is listed below.

Transmute Recipes


This recipe requires 15 stone blocks. It is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in The Atheneum, Dragonspyre for 200 gold. As mentioned, stone blocks can be found right in Celestia.

Red Mandrake

This recipe requires 10 Mist Wood and 10 Mushroom. It is available from Eudora Tangletree in Olde Town, Wizard City for 300 gold. Mist Wood may be found, most notably, in Marleybone and Wizard City, as well as The Floating Lands, Celestia. Deep Mushroom may be found in Wizard City, Mooshu, inside the structures of Krokotopia, and Stormriven, Celestia.


Once you have collected all of the reagents, you will need to craft the tea set in the furniture crafting station. Now let’s go enjoy a spot of tea with Odgen Peake! Congratulations on your extra training point, use it wisely. Please note that this is a side quest and you will not receive a new crafting badge or time slot.

Thank you, Starlights, for the fun crafting and collecting reagents! Catch the next edition of Crafting101 in Zafaria, where we will craft two Conga Drums, two Spirit Caller Drums, and become a Legendary Crafter.