Ice School Guide to 99% Resist

Have you ever wondered how you could increase the resistance on your level 110 Ice Wizard? Well, Ravenwood Academy is here to help. Let us guide you on the right gear and pet to achieve 99% universal resist in Wizard101.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, can this be true? Imagine having ninety-nine percent universal resist… Sounds amazing right? Well, like all good things it won’t be easy. So, lets begin.
An Ice Wizard with that kind of resist isn’t dying any time soon, unless the opposing party has a LOT of pierce. Even then, it will take some time to defeat an Ice Wizard with almost complete immunity. Now, if that doesn’t sound like a worthy challenge for any Ice Wizard, I don’t know what is.
Its pretty fun to show other Wizards how amazing Ice school can be with all that resist. Spamming shields, Boss battles, leveling with friends, farming. Your team will be become unstoppable as you take the “damage” for them.
Now on to the fun part…. Where and how do we get the items we need to achieve all that resist?


The first thing you will need is the Jade Hood of Mystery. At level 110, it gives 22 Universal Resist, 6 % Power Pip chance, +340 Health, 6% Incoming and 5% Outgoing Healing. This Hat Comes from the “Keeper’s Lore Pack” and sells for 399 Crowns per pack.

**Note for newer players if you are not level 110 or higher it will not give you these stats!!**


Next, the Jade Robe of Mystery. It gives 23 Universal Resist, 4 % Power Pip chance, +480 Health, 5% Outgoing Heal, and +40 Critical Block at level 110. You can get this robe from the “Keeper’s Lore Pack.”


Then, the “Rockstar Kicks.” Patt Minotaur, in the once shot Gauntlet, “Battle of the Bands”, drops this rare item. These boots give +224 Health, 6 % Power Pip chance, +85 Critical Block, +6 % Damage, 18% Universal Resist at level 100.


Now for the Amulet, the “Arcanum Exile Snowflake Torc”. Many bosses in Polaris including Boris the Boarder, Colonel Orlov, Marshal Gill, and the Rat, all drop it. The Amulet itself gives +326 Health, +88 Critical Block, +6 Universal Resist. It also gives one card, the Bolstered Ward.


The Heartsteel is an Athame you can get at Level 5 from the Crowns Shop. It gives +45 Health, and +5 Resist. You can buy it for 260 crowns. Or, you if you would rather, you can farm it from Prince Gobblestone. He is a rank 3 boss located in Colossus Boulevard, in Wizard City.


The ring you need is “Elissa’s Chill band”, which is for level 66+. It gives +415 Health, +165 Mana, 8% Power Pip chance, +3 Universal Resist, +54 Ice Critical Block, +2% Ice Damage, and 4% Incoming Healing. Now, how do you get this ring? Well, let me tell you, there are 11 bosses and mobs that drop it in Zafaria!! They are, Amedras Lightstep, Blackback Soldier, Custos Decimus, Ghuerruld, Goliath Bruiser, Gorilla Spider Witch, Oya Bloodstorm, Shadow- Web Haunt, Shaka Zebu, The Hoarder, and Tse-tse Snaketail. If you don’t have luck with one, try another!


Next, we have the wand, “Katana of Takanobu’s Wrath.” It gives +1 Universal Resist, and +1 Power Pip, as well as 5 wand hit cards. It also has a “Shift Ninja Pig” May-Cast. Takanobu the Masterless in the Cave of Solitude Wooden Key Room, in Mooshu, drops this rarely seen wand.

Pet Stats

Finally, this set-up wouldn’t be complete without a resist pet. Strive for Relentless, Mighty, Unshakeable, and Durable even though they are usually considered selfish talents. In this pet, they boost the standard Proof + Defy to provide extra universal defense. In a pet with base stats of 255 strength and 260 agility, these talents will increase that to 360 strength and 400 agility which determine the pet’s final resistance.


Well, there you have it! This is currently the best resist available. 99% Resist for Ice School is the highest that we can currently go. I’ll definitely be keeping my eyes open for gear that will take us to a full 100%. Until then, so long wonderful Wizards, cya when 100% resist is possible.

~Ravenwood Community Guest Writers, Tsunami and vKoor

Great Guide for 100% Critical
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Wizard101 Friendship Festival

Happy Friendship Festival!

Here we are, it’s February in the Spiral and that means it’s time for the Wizard101 Friendship Festival! Lots of goodies, from bubble emojis you can hang on your wall to an adorable stuffed sloth. Wizard101 has some wonderful new things for us this year! We also have our favorite items from years past making a reappearance. I simply couldn’t resist a shopping spree, so I’ll share with you here all my Wizard101 Friendship Festival Finds.

Friendship Pack

The first thing I’m going to share with you is the new Friendship Pack. It’s 99 crowns and has 3 items in it.  What you will find are adorable Bubble Emojis that hang on a wall. 
There are 14 different emoji heart wall hangings. You’ll find all your favorites, including Laughing, Happy, Silly, and Quirky! 
And, in addition, there are also 11 different school heart wall hangings. There are the basic 7 schools and the Shadow and Astral schools!

Best Friends Seat

I can barely contain my excitement over one of the new items introduced in the Crown Shop. Therefore, I’m showing this one first.

More furniture we can sit on!

For the Friendship Festival, they have brought us an adorable garden bench. Quite a suitable name too, “The Best Friends Bench”.  Wooden, with what appears to be a metal framework. In addition you’ll see it has a lovely carved design on the seat back.  A must-have for decorators gardens! Make sure to get them while you can!

Vases of Roses and Plush Hug Sloth

I love these next 3 items!

Another great addition are the Vases of Yellow or Red Roses and the most adorable stuffed Sloth you’ll ever see. I have to admit, the Sloth was one of my first purchases, lol!

  • Vase of Yellow Roses-250 crowns or 5000 gold
  • Vase of Red Roses-250 crowns
  • Plush Hug Sloth-1000 crowns

Look at that sweet little face, awwwwww!

New Plushie Housing

Last, but certainly not least, we have a bunch of new plushie housing items! 3 new teddy bears and 2 manders. They would certainly look adorable in any Wizards bedroom.

  • Velvet Friendship Bear-1500 crowns
  • Brown Friendship Bear-1000 crowns
  • Black Friendship Bear-1000 crowns
  • Orange Friendship Mander-1000 crowns
  • Blue Friendship Mander-500 crowns

Oldies, but goodies

Of course, all of our old favorites are back for a limited time. Including the first ever furniture we could sit on. I was excited to see The Friendship Table again, originally introduced in February 2019. The 2019 Sweet Heart mount was also brought back for this event. If you missed out on them last year, here’s your chance again!

  • Friendship Teddy Bear-1000 crowns/15,000 gold
  • Friendship Table-2200 Crowns
  • Friendship Keeper Multi-tank-1500 Crowns
  • Friendship Balloons-100 Crowns (currently on sale for 70 crowns)
  • Care Hare-3750 Crowns
  • Sweet Heart-4500 Crowns
  • Soaring Heart Wings-3375 Crowns
  • Friendship Oni-4500 Crowns
  • Lovely Ladybug-3750 Crowns
  • Lovely Leopard-4750 Crowns

Don’t forget to drop by and visit Valentina Heartsong for the perfect wand for that special Valentines party! In addition, she has 2 of the cutest Piggles you’ve ever seen. You’ll find her in the shopping district near the fountain.

I am very excited about the new items KI has released. You can bet, decorator/glitcher that I am, that I will be working on some creative uses of these items. Especially the Emote wall hangings! What are you excited about? Do you plan on indulging in any of the new releases? Is your creative mind thinking of ways to use the new wall hangings? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Friendship Festival-2020
Friendship Pack-2020
Ravenwood Academy Home Page

Wizard101: New Druids Hoard Pack

Wizard101 is starting a magical new year with the mystical New Druids Hoard Pack. Inspired by the Catacombs, there are many exciting new items!  The gear is graceful, the pets are inspired and the mounts are fierce. After all, they are badgers! Being a castle decorator, I was especially excited to see what new housing items these packs would bring. 

Since gear is the first thing on  everyones mind when we get a new pack, we’ll start with that. There are three different sets available. We have The Ancient Druidic Gear, The Spellwrights Druidic Gear and The Treeminders Druidic Gear. Similar to the gear in other recent packs, they boost the stats for at least two schools each. 

Druidic Gear

The first set we’ll look at is the Ancient Druidic Gear.

The Druidic Gear gives damage, pierce and critical boosts to the Ice and Storm schools. At level 130 it also gives you a hefty 11% shadow pip boost. Three cards come with the complete set. The cowl has a -55 Black Mantle. The robes have a zero pip Bestow, which allows you to give a pip to a player on your team, and the boots have Freeze, which Stuns your target for one round.

The Druidic Robes are stunning, with golden scrollwork accenting the shoulders and front seam. The colors are muted but complement each other well.

Next, we have The Spellwrights Druidic Gear.

This gear set boosts damage, critical and pierce for Life, Balance and Myth schools. As with the Ancient Gear, this set gives an 11% shadow pip boost at level 130. The spells that come with this gear are a +30 Balanceblade, Bestow, and Stun.

This set boasts brighter shades of green and white, making the scroll work really pop!

Finally, we have The Treeminders Druidic Gear.

This set boosts the final two schools, Fire and Death. As with the other sets, it gives damage, critical and pierce. Once again, we get an 11% shadow pip boost at level 130. The spells that come with this set are -30 Weakness, Bestow, and Choke. All handy utility spells that can assist any Wizard. 

These robes are more somber with darker colors, but quite elegant in appearance.

Unfortunately, none of the gear is dye-able. In my opinion that’s a shame. I can imagine some stunning color combinations that could be used. In my opinion, the gear is decent stat-wise. All three sets are perfect for an elegant, mystical stitch.

Sickle and Shield

The wands that come in these packs are called Sickle and Shield. We have Ancient Druid, Spellwright and Treeminders wands. They all come with exciting new may-cast spells! Shift Ancient is a drain that damages your enemy while healing you. Shift Spellwright heals all, and Shift Treeminder hits all enemies. These wands give pierce, critical, critical block, damage, and pip conversion. The wand attack is a shadow spell with 165 damage.

Mounts and pets

You’ll find three new mounts and three adorable pets in the new pack. The badger mounts all give a +40 speed boost. We have the Attack Badger, the Battle Badger and the Combat Badger. The only difference between them is the color of the saddle and horns. Yes, badgers in the Spiral have horns! 

The pets are inspired by the seasons spring, summer and winter. The Spring Sproutling is a Life pet that comes with the Hamadryad spell. This is an 800 heal-all that also removes a damage-over-time from your team. The Summer Sproutling is a Fire pet that comes with the Rain of Fire spell. The Winter Sproutling is an Ice pet that comes with a Lord of Winter card.


Ok, now, my favorite part of any new pack! It was all I could do to keep from putting these first, lol. I’m definitely a housing hoarder!  Sometimes, I feel like a kid in a candy store when it comes to new housing items in Wizard101, and this pack did not disapoint.

The Druids Hoard pack has brought more awesome housing guests and items for us to enjoy. From broken furniture and ruined paintings to amber orbs and a spectacular new fountain, there is something for everyone. I’m looking forward to seeing the ways y’all are going to utilize them!

Well, there you have it! The New Druid Hoard Pack is full of exciting new must-haves that can enhance any Wizard. What are your favorite things in this pack? Will you be trying to get the mount? The pet? The gear? Lets us know what your favorite item is in the comments below!

Official Wizard101 Druids Pack
Ravenwood Academy Home Page

Christmas in the Spiral

Happy Holidays Wizards! Here we are at one of the most wonderful times of the year. That means decorators all around the Spiral get into the experience of creating magical winter wonderlands in Wizard101.

It is my honor to present you with some excellent examples of Christmas in the Spiral. The Wizards showcased here have come up with adorable, funny, and breathtaking creations that showcase the spirit of the season. You’ll notice that there are a variety of castles here. Which goes to show that it isn’t the castle, but what you do with it that matters.
With some clever use of Monstrology, Castle Magic, and a basic float glitch, these Wizards have created stunning effects. Sometimes, a dazzling aesthetic can be made by merely placing carefully selected items and paying attention to the way they interact with the area. Other castle owners use glitching to help create a breathtaking display. Balance, consistency, and color are the secrets to a spectacular castle at any time of the year.
I hope that you find inspiration from these castles!

Robert Legendheart

Saffron Moonhand

Wolf Titanbreeze

Ashley Moondust

Tabitha Iceheart

Brecken Battleblossom

Magical Mystery Tours

Other helpful Links

It has been such a wonderful experience visiting all these incredible Castles. There are so many creative Wizards in the Spiral, they never cease to amaze me. I hope you enjoyed this special holiday decorating edition. If you got some inspiration for your own holiday creation, we would love to hear about it in the comment section. How are you decorating for the Holiday Season in Wizard101 this year?

The New Olde Town Apartment!

With the popularity of apartments in Wizard101, from the Arcanum to Mirage, we are starting to see more of them. Now, KI has added a cute little townhouse to the Spiral! You can buy the New Olde Town Apartment from Derrick Blaze, next to the Bazaar. I’m sure you’ve seen him hanging around out there right near the Team-Up Kiosk.

Being able to buy this cute little flat will be a challenge for almost any Wizard. To get the recipe, you have to earn the Team Champion Badge. When you help other Wizards complete their battles at the Team-Up Kiosk, you earn points towards badges. Well, to get this one, you’re going to have to be very helpful. You receive the Team Champion Badge after you have earned 2000 points. Sarai listens to the sudden silence. Yes, somewhat intimidating. But you know what? You can do it! Do a couple of runs a day, and you will have that badge before you know it. It’s a no-trade item, so sharing it through the Bank will not be possible. Each Wizard will have to earn their own. At 12,500 Crowns, it’s an investment. But, it’s a rare gem that you will be proud to show off to your friends. Still, I hope they will have a gold price for it eventually.
An update on the cost of the apartment was just made by Sparck, the Community Manager. It is supposed to be gold not crowns as the payment device. He is asking that no one purchase it until they update it to reflect the proper currency.

Now on to the good stuff!

The Olde Town Apartment is a simply charming castle. From its townhouse feel to its enclosed yard, this new addition has a world of possibilities! The interior layout is reminiscent of the Wooded Cottage. There are a few differences, such as no alcove on the first floor, and you will find a curtained window seat downstairs. You will also notice that the second floor is larger. The wallpaper is the same pattern and color as the Wooded Cottage, purple with a decorative block pattern. Two leaded glass windows add a charming touch.


More good stuff!

Now, let’s head out the back door. Yes, we have an actual back door! Wizard101’s Olde Town Apartment has a secluded yard, surrounded by stone walls. A thoughtful touch, shrubbery peeks over the top of the walls bringing them a splash of color. The yard itself is an open area, surrounded by trees that tower over the stone walls. There is plenty of room to have a wonderful little tea garden. On the other side of the wall, you can see the towers and walls of Olde Town in the distance.

Well, there you have it. The newest apartment available in Wizard101. Do you plan on getting one? Can you already get one? Let us know in the comments below

~ Sarai Willowbreeze

Wizard101’s Backpack Butler!

Have you ever done this? You put an item somewhere because you are in a hurry to make some room in your backpack. And then you tell yourself you’ll remember where it is. Well, I never do remember, do you? Now you can worry no more as the Backpack Butler will show you exactly where you left it!

Finally, after years of losing items in your castles, banks, and shared banks. KingsIsle has given us an amazing solution! Being designed in the Steampunk style, this item is adorable! You’ll see it’s a twin to Gearwise, the recipe vendor in Celestia.  And with his help, you can now locate any item, anywhere. No more lost mounts, pets or gear!

You will find him in Aubert Quickhammers shop, in the shopping district. Easily located under housing items, on the last page. What a great deal at only 2500 gold!

Using the Backpack Butler

Start your interaction with him by walking up and clicking X. Fortunately, they have made the interface quite straightforward. For instance, it starts by cataloging every item your Wizard owns.  After completing the load, it will have the entire backpack highlighted. Of course mine showed over 600 pages! Yes, I’m a proud member of Hoarders Anonymous! As you can see, it has tabs for gear, pets, mounts, and potions. There is also a second page for housing items.
After opening these pages you can search for a specific item, using the find items text box. You can also scroll through different tabs to see what you have and where it is. In addition, there are 4 columns that show you the location, how many of the item there is, the name of the item, and the type of item.

The location column is where the Butler shines. You’ll notice that they have emblems to represent different places to find your items. You will hover your mouse over the emblem to see the location. Above all, it will tell you not only which castle it’s in, but also whether it is inside or outside. Gear on a mannequin? No worries as not only will it specify a mannequin, but will tell you where the mannequin is. Gear in a vault? Same thing, in a gear vault and in which castle.   

The last thing we will be looking at is the sorting system for pets.  As you can see, in the bottom right corner of the screen, there is a pet button.  Clicking on this will change how you see the pets.  It will change the display from type of pet, to pet by name. Very helpful either way you use it!  

For information on the Castle Magic update, here is my article explaining the new spells!

Here are the Update Notes, with everything that went live yesterday.

Update Notes

There you have it, the newest housing item to hit the Spiral! And, I’ve got to say, it’s a great addition for all Wizards.  Sarai will definitely be buying these for all my Wizards 🙂
Will you be getting one? Do you think it will make your Wizards life easier? Let me know in the comments, what your thoughts are!

Castle Magic Update!

If you are an absolute nut about Castle Magic, you will be delighted with the new spells that KI has added! Each of the 7 schools have new “Effect” spells available. Some of the most loved spells in the game will be available when Test Realm goes live. No shadow spells at this time, (dad-gummit), but we can always hope for the next update. There is even 3 new “Utility” spells, one of which allows you to basically turn-off access to your PvP ring in your castle, if there is one.

So without further ado, *drum roll please*, let’s take a look at what is being introduced!

New Utility and Action spells

We’ll start off with the first “Utility” spell that is being added. If you have a PvP Ring in your castle, it effectively “turns off” access to it.  I could see this being useful for those large parties we like to have, helping to keep your party organized and on schedule. Just as you can control when a housing game is played, you can now control when PvP is activated.  

The last one, is a wonderful addition to Utility spells.  This one will allow you to make something that appears solid, more ghostly.   Whether it’s a housing item, a pet, or a monstrology creature, you will be able to give it a shadowy appearance.

The second one we have, allows us to change the appearance of an item from shadowy, to solid. This will come in handy for the DS monstrology creatures that are ghostly looking.  You can now give them a more solid look.

Next we’ll will take a look at the only “Action” spell that is being added. This one allows you to use castle magic to port all visitors in your castle to one spot. I could see a lot of fun being had with this one!  When activated you could port everyone to a tricky place, or simply somewhere crazy.

Effect Spells by School

Each of the 7 original schools have new spells being added. They are the higher level spells that can be found in most level 130 decks. Some are rare spells normally found in packs and by farming Loremaster. Each one of them will create your favorite spell in your castle! I’ll break them down school by school for you here.


Gaze of Fate
Nested Fury
Savage Paw


Call of Khrulhu
Deer Knight Attack
Headless Horseman
Winged Sorrow


Brimstone Revenant
Burning Rampage
Fire from Above
Raging Bull


Abominable Weaver
Angry Snowpig
Handsome Fomori
Snowball Barrage
Snowball Strike
Winter Moon


Goat Monk
Hungry Caterpillar
Luminous Weaver
Sacred Charge
Wings of Fate


Athena Battle Sight
Keeper of the Flame
Mystic Colossus
Ninja Pigs
Witches House Call


Catalan Attack
Catch of the Day
Glowbug Squall
Queen Calypso
Rusalka’s Wrath

For those of you just getting started with Castle Magic here are some great tutorials, by Mofodo, to get you on your way.


So there you have it!  All the fabulous new additons to Castle Magic spells. I’m very excited for it to be released live and can’t wait to bring these spells to my castles. I already have some great ideas for Headless Horseman and Krampus!  Are you excited for the new spells? Let me know in the comments! 

I cannot wait to see how all you wonderfully creative Wizards use them!

Under the Deep Blue Sea

KingsIsles newest housing bundle is here!  The Undersea Enchantment Bundle is an underwater landscape that makes me wonder if they have found a piece of Atlantis and brought it to the Spiral. With the moon shining down to light the seafloor, a crab guarding the Spiral Door, and lighted bubble windows, this house is full of special touches that make you want to explore. Inside the castle you will find elegant golden scrollwork and trim, again bringing to mind the majesty of Atlantis. Is this the discovery of a lifetime? Have you found Atlantis?  Will you join the ranks of legendary explorers of years gone by? Join me as we explore the depths of the Spirals ocean and discover it’s treasures!

Briny Deep Retreat

This retreat is aptly named, it’s like your very own retreat within the heart of the deep blue sea. Arches of stone surround the perimeter with smooth columns of rock off of the edges. Coral grows from nooks and crannies blanketing the entire landscape. Presiding over the Spiral Door, a large crab sits watching the bubbles float by. Inside the crab, you will find an open cavern that you can enter. The actual castle itself lends an air of wonder to the landscape with glowing bubble-shaped windows and curved edges. The peaks have the appearance of a conch shell, twisting into the air. There is a clam that gives a daily reward. Can you find the hidden pathways? And guess what, this castle has a special new surprise! You can place your fish in it without tanks! You can also use Castle Magic on the fish you place! That just might be one of my favorite things about this new castle, just imagine all the exciting, new possibilities!

The interior is actually quite elegant. Soft ocean colors surround you on the floors and walls. A very intricate golden scrollwork is plentiful throughout the hallways and rooms, lining the walls and even creating a banister. You can also fish in the pond in the central area! A true underwater treasure sparkling with the gifts of the sea.

Dolphin Chariot Mount

This is a BIG mount, so be prepared! Now that I have that out of the way, it is so adorable! Your chariot glides majestically behind 2 dolphins, attached with golden ropes. Besides all the charm, it gives a +40% speed boost. This is going to be a lot of fun to use!

Seahorse pet

If you aren’t already having an overload of cuteness from the mount, you will now with this adorable pet!  May I present, the Seahorse pet!

Briny Deep Gear

Quite an interesting set we have here, not only stats-wise, but also in appearance. The hat has a fin across the top, the robes have scales, the cape looks like a  fish’s tail, and the boots have side fins. A very creative nautical design that fits perfectly with the theme of the castle.

Armaments of the Briny Deep

What an amazing looking wand and shield combo they have given us in this bundle! This beautiful wand is deep-sea inspired, with seashells and scrollwork embellishment. If the stats won’t work for you, it would certainly be worth using to stitch.

As usual, the bundle also comes your choice of a 1-month membership or 5000 Crowns.

Well, there you have it!  A most spectacular addition to the list of castles available. Personally,  with the gentle beauty of this one, it might just become my favorite. I’m already thinking about how to decorate it to make the most of what it has to offer. Do you plan on getting it?  What do you think of this bundle? Let  us know in the comments!

Spooky Spectacular

Halloween is such a fun time of year!  All the ghosties and goblins come out to play.  Have you ever thought about making your castle a spooky spectacular? It’s not difficult and it can be a lot of fun.  I’m going to take you on a tour of some of the really cool effects that I’ve seen, to give you some creepy inspiration! Huge shout-out to  the members from the  Facebook groups Wizard101 Community,  Wizard101 Caffeine Team, and Wizard 101 Adult Facebook group.  Thank you for inviting me to your fabulous castles! 

Brecken Battleblossom
Ronan Lifebreaker
Saffron Moonhand
Esmee Pixiewhisper
Fiona Dawn

Emily Ghostcaller
Blaze Deathslinger
Patrick Shadowflame
Alura Stardust
Kelly Firedreamer

Castles with built-in creepiness

Any castle in the game can be used to make a Halloween themed house. To make things a little easier though, KI also has 3 specifically spooky castles, 1 you can buy from the Crown shop for Gold, 1 you can Craft, and 1 that comes on a Bundle card.

The Death house is available for purchase through the Crowns Shop.  It is 10,000 Crowns or 100,000 Gold.  A very eerie home, small on the outside, but with plenty of room for added creepiness. Skull posts, candles and creepy trees help set a great atmosphere for you to decorate.

The Wyrd house is available to craft.  You will find the recipe in Avalon, from Padraig in Abbey Road.  The recipe is 60,000 Gold.  Peyton Lionheart has a fantastic article on how to go  about crafting your own Wyrd House, he covers all you need to make it.  Crafting the Wyrd House

Darkmoor Manor comes with the Witch Hunter’s Bundle (Available during Bundle-Palooza).  It’s a huge castle with many creepy, yet elegant details. It also comes with a PVP ring, Secret pathways, and a tomb that gives a daily reward.

Halloween Housing Hints

With some clever use of Monstrology, Castle Magic, and a basic float glitch, these Wizards have come up with truly creepy effects in their castles. Sometimes, a great effect can be created with just the placement of items and the way they interact with the rest of the area. Then, you have those that are glitched to create a breathtaking display.  Balance, consistency, and playing on natural fears, are the secrets to a spooky spectacular castle. Spiders, Ghosts, Wraiths and many other creatures will give the shiveries to a lot of people! Mounts and pets work great and so do housing guests received from packs and Monstrology. You can use castle magic to make them bigger, make them go invisible, and make them move around too! 

Scroll through the pics to see some of my favorites.

Brecken Battleblossom

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Ronan Lifebreaker

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Saffron Moonhand

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Esmee Pixiewhisper

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Fiona Dawn

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Emily Ghostcaller

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Blaze Deathslinger

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Patrick Shadowflame

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Alura Stardust

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Kelly Firedreamer

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Magical Mystery Tours Halloween Videos

Don’t they have some amazing scary, fun ideas!?  I hope you enjoyed visiting these spooky spectacular castles and seeing what makes them special.  Are you ready to create your own Halloween house?  Let us know in the comments how you plan on decorating this year!

The Fall 2019 Update!

As has become an annual event, the Fall 2019 test realm has just been released, and brought with it a major content update!  With new areas, expansive lore updates and some really epic features, this update has it all!  So lets delve deep into this vast array of new content and explore what it has to offer.

The Wizard City Underground!

After months of waiting, we finally are given the chance to learn about what happened to poor old Landscaper Doug!  Level 15 and above Wizards can adventure down into the Old Town Drain Gauntlet, in the hopes of finding him. Down under, you’ll find the Subterranean Sanitation Operations Boss, or Boss for short. He’ll definitely remember our Wizard’s assistance! 

Many levels later, upon completing Bartelby’s Scion quest line at the beginning of Empyrea Part 2, the next part of the Underground will unlock! Renee will call to us again, as we are the only “topsider” trusted to solve this mysterious issue. Something has corrupted the trash of Wizard City and brought it to life! It is our job to find the source of these monsterous creations and put an end to it! Along the way, we learn an insane amount of new lore that has to do with the origins of Ravenwood and so much more. We won’t spoil that here however, so stay tuned for our next article aptly titled The Wizard City Underground Story! 

These new areas bring with them new mobs, storylines, characters and content for you to sink your teeth, and your wand, into!  I’ve spent the last four hours on test realm and I’m still not done!

The Backpack Butler!

How many times have you had to spend hours, days, even weeks looking for an item? Whether it’s a piece of gear or a housing item, you just can’t seem to remember where you stashed it. Well this, right here, is your solution!  The Backpack Butler will cost you a mere 2500 gold, and can be found in many furniture stores throughout the Spiral!

Now our Wizards can search for an item of our choosing! The new Butler, I named mine Gerald, will then search every single location possible for our character in order to locate it!  

He’ll search our inventory, bank, shared bank, houses, attics, vaults and more until he finds what you’re looking for!  This feature will revolutionize the Wizard101 inventory system!  Perhaps more remarkably, it marks the first time we’ve seen an in-game search function (besides that of the Crowns shop). Could this lead to new search features in the future? What about one for the Bazaar?  

Only time will tell. But for now, I’m going to use Gerald to find my old 50 Million Player Monolith, an item I have been missing for months!

Hatchmaking Kiosk Talent Search!

If there was ever a feature we needed to have added to the already great Hatchmaking Kiosk, it was this.  Simply select the Search for pet talents option located in the top right hand corner of the Kiosk.  From there, simply search for whichever talents you want and select them!  What will follow is a list of every possible pet with those talents available. 

Alongside this massive improvement, there has been a change made to the browsing pages in the Kiosk. A new check mark will appear next to any pet you’ve acquired in your Pet Tome! Collecting all the pets in the Spiral has just been made a lot easier!


This new feature has me extremely excited about what’s to come for the future of our spells in Wizard101! The ability to farm for Spellements, a new type of reagent, that allows us to modify our own spells is incredible!  Variations revealed by Kingsisle have shown accuracy increases, damage range increases and even the removal of damage ranges as a whole, replaced by a consistent amount! It’s exciting to think of the crazy variations that might one day become possible!

It appears that at first this feature will be limited to our original 1 pip spells, as shown by Kingsisle in their update notes, and the two new spells.  Nightbringer and Daybreaker are two new Sun school enchantments, found throughout the Wizard City Underground area!  Collecting enough of these rare Spellement reagents will allow you to modify them! This involves increasing the amount you can carry, their added pip cost, and how many of them can be reshuffled.

It’s likely these enchantments will have a role to play in PvP, as their delayed effect can allow for combinations and strategies not previously possible. It’s only a matter of time until someone finds a new, exciting way for them to be used!

Castle Magic Additions!

Housing enthusiasts rejoice! Castle Magic is receiving a set of three new additions for you all to play with. A whopping 36 new effect spells have now been added to your arsenal. These include Shadow and Loremaster spells!  

A new utility spell will allow you to disable the PvP sigil in your house. The action spell will allow you to teleport all players within the castle to you!  These can be very useful, as well as great fun and cause for mischief!

Event Updates!

This update also brings about expansions to the two major events in Wizard101 as of right now, the Beastmoon Hunt and the Deckathalons.  We are unable to see this content as of right now, but we’ll be bringing you all the information when it drops in a future update of the Test Realm!  

The Spiral Showcase event has also been made a little easier to gain points for. Changes have been made to pet training and team up options to allow points to be gained more easily. However no new means of gaining those points have been added as of right now.

Slap on your theory caps Wizards, maybe all the spoilers and leaks about new maps and other updates are going to come true!

So what else changed?

Lots of other little details have been changed in our precious Spiral.  Some of the more notable changes include the removal of a level requirement for owning houses and fixes to friend’s list issues. These quality of life changes fall in alongside a couple bug fixes and optimization changes to help the game become an even better version of itself!

What do you think?

For me, this is probably the best update we’ve received in a long time. I left out a lot about the Underground areas for my next article intentionally, because the content is genuinely amazing. I enjoyed every second of the hours I played for, and I know that tomorrow I’ll be doing the exact same thing! It’s these massive updates, alongside the beautiful changes we’ve all wanted for years, that allows the game to continue to flourish. I believe that this update will go a long way in continuing the games legacy!

So what do you think of these changes?  Let us know with a tweet or a comment down below.  And of course, make sure to stay tuned for the rest of the upcoming update articles!