With Spring comes new beginnings, sunshine, flowers, warmer days, and a fresh start. Speaking of a fresh start… pack up the moving truck! This Spring, Ravenwood Academy’s contest is all about Housing. We want you to use your decoration imagination. Tell us about one potential furniture item you would like to see from anywhere in…
Category: Housing

Meet Angelica Windspar
A sister joins the team! We have an exciting addition to the Housing Tours office! Angelica Windspar has decided to join her sisters Myrella and Eliza. I do believe that “everything housing” is their family motto. I wish they’d offer stock options, as they do booming business! Angelica’s a crafty cat and brings some fabulous…

Spring Update: Castle Decorating
Now that Test Realm has gone live, there are exciting things afoot with Castle Decorating. You can move items where you couldn’t before without rugs, platforms and crates! Definately a game changer for all of us Castle glitching/decorating nuts. Join me as we take a look at the new Spring Update: Castle Decorating. Advanced Move…

Wizard101 Friendship Festival
Happy Friendship Festival! Here we are, it’s February in the Spiral and that means it’s time for the Wizard101 Friendship Festival! Lots of goodies, from bubble emojis you can hang on your wall to an adorable stuffed sloth. Wizard101 has some wonderful new things for us this year! We also have our favorite items from…

Christmas in the Spiral
Happy Holidays Wizards! Here we are at one of the most wonderful times of the year. That means decorators all around the Spiral get into the experience of creating magical winter wonderlands in Wizard101. It is my honor to present you with some excellent examples of Christmas in the Spiral. The Wizards showcased here have…

The New Olde Town Apartment!
With the popularity of apartments in Wizard101, from the Arcanum to Mirage, we are starting to see more of them. Now, KI has added a cute little townhouse to the Spiral! You can buy the New Olde Town Apartment from Derrick Blaze, next to the Bazaar. I’m sure you’ve seen him hanging around out there…

Wizard101’s Backpack Butler!
Have you ever done this? You put an item somewhere because you are in a hurry to make some room in your backpack. And then you tell yourself you’ll remember where it is. Well, I never do remember, do you? Now you can worry no more as the Backpack Butler will show you exactly where…

Castle Magic Update!
If you are an absolute nut about Castle Magic, you will be delighted with the new spells that KI has added! Each of the 7 schools have new “Effect” spells available. Some of the most loved spells in the game will be available when Test Realm goes live. No shadow spells at this time, (dad-gummit),…

Spooky Spectacular
Halloween is such a fun time of year! All the ghosties and goblins come out to play. Have you ever thought about making your castle a spooky spectacular? It’s not difficult and it can be a lot of fun. I’m going to take you on a tour of some of the really cool effects that…

Castle Magic: Locked Doors
Introduction One of the most common uses for Castle Magic is creating doors to separate or even hide portions of your house. If you wanted to, you could make a door that nobody would know even exists without you mentioning it. However, in this guide we will be covering how to require a password in…