Warning! Spoilers Lie Ahead! “Dragonspyre is an ancient, haunted world in which renegade professor Malistaire has recently been spotted! Once an advanced militant society, Dragonspyre had an esteemed Academy rivaling that of the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts in Wizard City. The inhabitants once held a special interest in Fire Magic. Legend has it that…
Tag: KingsIsle

Wizard101 Theory: The Coven Conspiracy
Hello, I’m Fable Finder! Join me as we ponder the depths of a conspiracy. We’ll gaze into the shadows, exposing the hidden secrets. The secrets that ripple throughout the Spiral, leaving only questions in their wake. I present to you, Wizard101 Theory: The Coven Conspiracy. Our wizard is first sent to Grizzleheim at Level 20….

Sailing with Sinbad
Join me as we set sail in Wizard101’s newest gauntlet, Sinbad and the Iron Sultan. And guess what…..It’s Craftable! Visit Lloyd Fallingwater in the shopping district to purchase the recipe under the furniture tab. He also has 2 new recipes for the reagents needed to craft this magnificent Gauntlet. Recipe price for Gauntlet: 10,000 gold…

The Absence of Being
Hello, I’m Fable Finder. The Third Arc is about a conflict between Grandmother Raven and Grandfather Spider. Both of them posed a threat to the Spiral during this time. They are finally reconciled at the end of Empyrea, and lock themselves in the Primordial Forest. After this, our Wizard returns to the Arcanum to bring…

The Celestian Orchestra
Celestia, world of the shining stars, the reflecting moon, the powerful sun -and crabs- we invite you to the recently discovered in-tact ruins of the Celestian Opera House. Archaeologists have inspected the theatre to be in safe enough condition for public entry. Our finest Marleybonian musicians have decided to hold a special performance of a…

A Tale of Three Scions
Hello, I’m Fable Finder. In the middle of Empyrea, the game reveals that the main hero of our story is the Scion of Bartleby. What does this mean? On the surface, it appears that this is simply a replay of the Chosen One trope. This is true, but it’s not the entire story. When you…

Superstacking Medium Plants
Gardening is such an amazing way of getting Mega Snacks, TC’s, reagents and of course GOLD! Making the most of your gardens space is very important. Here is an easy way to have a 64 medium plant garden, and it’s basically error free. When completed, it will be 4 plants high, 4 plants wide, and…

Happily Everafter
This incredible new castle is by far one of my favorites! The entire estate is full of fairytales and fables, from Mother Goose to The Brothers Grimm. What truly caught my attention was the morals behind the fairytales represented. I don’t know if KingIsle had an ulterior motive behind their selection of fables, but if…

Visionary Storm 100% Critical and Max Damage Guide
Ah the Storm school! The hardest hitting school and the easiest school to hit 100% critical. It is also the easiest school to balance super high damage with super high critical. Storm eclipses the other schools in that department but that’s not surprising since that’s what storm is all about, hitting high while trying not…

Crafting101 – Death Spells
Welcome to the Death edition of my crafting series. I’ll walk you through the basics of crafting the Death spells in Wizard101. These are the spells dropped by Loremaster! Unfortunately, Headless Horseman will be omitted from this list. Maybe someday it’ll be a spell we can craft! Deer Knight and Lord of Night’s Recipe Location…