Tag: Fishing
Member Benefit Tier List!
Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list! Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List! I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at D being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that…
Catching the Kiliman Copperleaf Doodlefish
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. In this article, I will share my experiences with the fantastic hobby of tournament fishing! Kiliman Copperleaf Doodlefish Life School | Rank 2 | Common /Regular |1500 XP Αverage sale price in gold: 700 each Used in recipe:Pet Bread Crumb Ingredients: 1…
Catching the Humunukapua
Every Monday morning, the weekly tournament fish changes. In this article, I’m going to share my experience with the fantastic hobby of tournament fishing! Humunukapua School Life | Rank 3 | Common/Regular |1500 XPNo used in any recipes Αverage sale price in gold: 1300 each Limits: Small Fry: <15Whopper: >45 Fish…
Catching the Jabber Pollock
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are fishing secrets I can tell you. I want to share with you my experience in the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! This week we have the Jabber Pollock: School Myth | Rank 2 | Common/Regular | 1400 XP Limits:Small Fry <…
Polarian Shipwreck
Are you ready to take on the next challenge? Is all the equipment there?We need your valuable help, time, patience and screenshots! I will continue with the Polarian Shipwreck This is what’s been confirmed or not yet by Wiki and the Housing Item Identifier or other sources. Battle Narwhal Wiki: VerifiedHousing…
Energy Saving Tips
Hey everyone! Just sharing something I found out recently that might increase your energy efficiency while training pets. Let me know what you think! First things first….. Before I start, consider getting some energy gear if you don’t already have some! I made a guide you can check out here…
Alternatives For Energy Gear
The level 120+ Snowdrifter’s Set have the best energy bonus, but what are some other options for those that don’t enjoy spending 3 million crowns on packs? Farm Waterworks (Crown Shop Price: 7995 Crowns) Luska Charmspeak & Sylster Glowworm can drop this full set of level 55+ energy gear, as…
Catching the Ice School of Fish
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are secrets that many Wizard101 fishing lovers don’t know. I want to share my experiences with you and travel together exploring the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! Ice School of Fish School Ice | Rank2 | Common/ Regular | 1,200…
Catching the Guard Doodlefish
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are secrets that many Wizard101 fishing lovers don’t know. I want to share my experiences with you and travel together exploring the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! the Guard Doodlefish School Balance | Rank 1 | Common/Regular | 1,500 XP…
Catching the Fish Sandwich
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are secrets that many Wizard101 fishing lovers don’t know. I want to share my experiences with you and travel together exploring the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! This week we have the Fish Sandwich: School Myth 1 | Rank |…