Note: This guide is created for level 130 myth wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful. Myth School Myth is such an interesting school. Anyone that can take the wrath of Cyrus Drake in the first arc deserves a little respect. The myth school is not considered one of the…
Tag: Strategy

Wizard City Housing Vendors
Tired of never finding the housing item you want at the Bazaar? Well search no longer! There are many things available throughout all the worlds from a variety of vendors. Even items that are no auction and can never be found at the Bazaar! We will be visiting each world in this series and will…

Visionary Life Guide to 100% Critical and Max Damage
Note: This guide is created for level 130 life wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful. Life School The Life school is a beautiful school. It’s one of the few schools that can do everything whether it’s tanking, healing, or hitting. Because of this there are many strategies that a…

Crafting101 – Fire Spells
The Basics Have you ever wanted to get a spell, but did not want to spend hours farming for it? Well, then you came to the right place! Today I will be going through the basics on how to craft the Fire spells dropped by Loremaster. Requirements To craft your desired spell,…

Death Guide to 100% Critical
This guide is for level 130 death wizards and may require a 2.0 pet Death School The Death school can be deadly in the arena. It’s a school that specializes in draining the enemy’s health while regaining it’s own. The death school is opposite to the life school, but their purpose is almost the same….

Visionary Fire 100% Critical and Max Damage Guide
This is a guide on achieving high damage and 100% critical for Fire school at Visionary, currently max level 130. It is possible for all the schools in the Spiral to attain 100% critical. However, when you boost a particular stat, you decrease others. With this critical and damage build you will sacrifice resist, pierce…

Legendary Ice PVP
Today’s topic is going to be pretty chill as we get into Legendary Ice PvP. The best level for Legendary Ice is definitely 66. My character was level 66 for the purposes of this article. Now, why Legendary ice? As ice you have loads of health a lot of resist so tanking long enough to…

Aphrodite Strategy Guide
Now that we have mastered Darkmoor in my previous guide, the Ravenwood guide to Aphrodite is here. This boss is a key boss found inside The Graveyard. Once inside the gates go left around the battle with Yevgeny. You will find yourself at another gate which opens with a gold key. If you are a…

Corporal Tenni’syn Strategy!
Corporal Tenni’syn is a Gold Skeleton Key boss found inside the Zanadu Sewers, Empyrea. He drops the best offensive robes for every school, except Storm. Storm wizards will still want to use the Malistaire robe even at level 130. Initially, this boss seems difficult, but with enough knowledge and game sense, he is actually incredibly…

Legendary Storm PvP
Hello, and welcome to Legendary Storm PvP. I know, shocking. Why Legendary Storm PvP you may ask? When I was playing Wizard101, back when PvP was popular among my friends, we all liked Legendary PvP. The not so high stats, the no use of shadow pips, the little grind we did to get House of…