Tired of never finding the housing item you want at the Bazaar? Well search no longer! There are many things available throughout all the worlds from a variety of vendors. Even items that are no auction and can never be found at the Bazaar! We will be visiting each world in this series and will…
Tag: Ravenwood Academy

Lucky Farming Day
Join us Saturday March 16th for our Ravenwood Academy Lucky Farming Event! Meet your favorite community friends and staff members in Realm Leprechaun at 6 pm Eastern American Time at Lord Nightshades Tower. We will all farm Lord Nightshade together for lucky Saint Patrick’s day drops! In past years Nightshade has dropped items such as…

Mathew “Sparck” Anderson
Recently the Wizards of Ravenwood Academy brewed up a batch of exciting questions for our amazing, Senior Community Manager Mathew “Sparck” Anderson. Our goal was to get answers to some questions the community has been asking, and Mathew did not disappoint. So, let’s get to it, we are excited to share this exclusive interview with…

Winter Chill Party
Join us on Sunday January 27th 2019 in the Commons, Realm Troll (we will have porters there) at 6pm Eastern American time for a Winter Chill session community style. As always, we will all hang out while we run Gauntlets and PvP just for fun with all of your friends from the community! Everyone is…

Crafting101 – Zafaria
Today we will craft two Conga Drums and two Spirit Caller Drums for the quest “Drum a Little Drum” Welcome back to Crafting101, young Wizard! Congratulations on achieving your Grandmaster Artisan Badge. You are now well on your way to becoming a Legendary Crafter. The Zafaria crafting quest is unlike any other crafting quest. You…

Christmas Festival 2018
Join Ravenwood Academy Saturday December 29th at 6pm Eastern to celebrate the season together with all of your community friends. We will be throwing a big house party and everyone is invited! There will be tons of fun for everyone with Gauntlets, PVP, Fishing, Mini Games, Freebie vendors, rides. We will be in realm Greyrose with porters to…

Renee Wooften Interview
Recently, the Ravenwood Academy staff had the pleasure of spending some time with Renee Wooten aka Renee Wooften, one of the Associate Producers at KingsIsle. After spending 3 years answering customer inquiries, in-game issues, billing concerns, and bug reports and then becoming an Associate Producer we decided that she had an interesting perspective we would like to hear more about. We really…

Pirate House Party
Yarr Harr Pirates!! We are excited to announce something new! We will be throwing our first ever Pirate101 house party on December 8th, 2018! Meet us on Skull Island in Avery’s Court, Commodore realm at 12pm Eastern American Time. Besides the best Pirate101 house party ever we will have: Obsidian Key Boss Runs PvP Raffle for…

We Are Now An Official Fansite!
Greetings and salutations, Community! As some of you have seen on Twitter, Ravenwood Academy is now an official fansite of KingsIsle Entertainment. It is an honor and a privilege to be an official fansite. Thank you for being patient and staying with us over the last 9 months as we first started as a wobbly…

Updated “New” Website
Welcome to our new updated website. We have been working hard to bring you a fresh new look as we continue to be a resource for new players and more experienced