Tag: gear
Crafting101 – Celestia | Pt 1
Tonight we will be learning how to craft The Seal of The Seven Seas for the quest “That Seven Seas Show” Welcome to Crafting101 young wizard, or welcome back if you’ve been following along on our journey. Now that you have achieved your Master Artisan Badge, you are well on…
Member Benefit Tier List!
Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list! Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List! I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at D being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that…
Crafting101 – Dragonspyre | Pt 2
You didn’t think we were only going to cover the Life recipe and not the other schools did you? Well, if you did, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! As we mentioned in Part 1, for your second crafting quest, Balthazar Dragonthorn gives you a quest that corresponds with your…
Crafting101 – Dragonspyre | Pt 1
We’re back with another Crafting101 issue. Lets explore the crafting quests in one of my favorite main worlds, Dragonspyre! Balthazar Dragonthorn The next crafting badge you can earn is your Master Artisan badge, but first, you must complete all of the crafting quests Balthazar Dragonthorn gives you. Balthazar is found to your right after you…
Level 5 Gear Guide
Gear choices can be a little bit confusing for a new Wizard sometimes. Here is a guide to help you understand your options and help your level 5 wizard be the best it can be. For 585 gold your level 5 wizard can buy the helm, robe, and boots shown here…
Crafting101 – Mooshu
Hello and welcome to the fourth installment of Crafting101 Wizard! Now that Marleybone is finished it is time to leave the big city and move on to greener pastures… Mooshu! STEP 1 – TOSHIO To get the next crafting quest you will need to find and talk to a little…
Crafting101 – Marleybone
Welcome to Crafting101 Wizard, or welcome back if you have been following along on this journey. Now that you have achieved your Apprentice Crafting Badge, I am sure you are excited to get the next badge, the Initiate Crafting Badge. Before you can begin this quest you need to get…
Crafting101 – Krokotopia
Welcome back to Crafting 101! Now that you have completed the first crafting quest, we are ready to move on to Krokotopia! In order to unlock Krokotopia, you must complete the story line in Wizard City and beat Lord Nightshade. Once you have unlocked Krokotopia, we are ready to begin!…
Crafting101 – Wizard City
In Wizard101 there are many side activities that are not required but can add a little fun to your gameplay. These side activities can give experience, money, furniture, gear, and more. As you gain experience, you may even be able to craft your own permanent mounts! Crafting is one of…