A beautiful part of Wizard101 is fishing. It can be a great way to spend some time with friends without the pressure of battle and strategy. Fishing will take you to some corners of the Spiral you may not have taken the time to explore before. Like any great hobby in Wizard101, it can lead…
Tag: free to play

The Darkmoor Philharmonic
In the first Wizard101 arc we learn the story of Malistaire and Sylvia. Even in death their love holds them together. A dark and mysterious man in a supernatural castle who goes too far. In Gothic literature this is a common theme. This is only fitting for our Phantom of The Opera esq love story. Let’s us…

The Valencian Philharmonic
T he home of the ruthless clockwork empire and our own Diego the Duelmaster. Valencia was once a land of pristine culture and beauty until the clockworks came onto the scene. This is best shown through the music of Valencia. Elegant classical instruments such as the piano and strings identify the culture. Played in a tense…

Skull Island’s Tavern Band
Somewhere in the Spiral, there’s a refuge for young pirates, orphaned when young who have turned to a life of crime. Marked by skull-shaped mountain, there is danger and treasure lurking all throughout the island region. Whether it’s hoodoo, dueling, brawling, treason, or smuggling, pirates ally with Captain Avery for their own safety and a…

How to Create a Portal Hub
Dedicating one of your castles to store the portals to your other houses can be a laborious task, especially deciding you want to begin a project like this. If you’re not sure what I mean by a “portal hub,” I am referring to a castle that is the central hub to teleport to your other…

The Dragon Titan Army Band
Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike “Things started turning darker. Kingsisle were talking about dark and epic Mordor Wagner ‘Flight of The Valkyries’ in The Ring Cycle. I am looking at concept art and the NPC characters had Russian military influence; All the architecture was darker – more foreboding.” – Nelson Everhart in “Musical Tour…

Winter Fishing
Every 3 months the seasonal fish change. From December to March, the winter fish are swimming in the spiral! Cold Cod Ice School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1600 XP Small Fry: <10Whopper: >40 Yuletoy Fish Myth School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1400 XP Small Fry: <15Whopper: >45 Mistletoe…

Crafting101 – Zafaria
Today we will craft two Conga Drums and two Spirit Caller Drums for the quest “Drum a Little Drum” Welcome back to Crafting101, young Wizard! Congratulations on achieving your Grandmaster Artisan Badge. You are now well on your way to becoming a Legendary Crafter. The Zafaria crafting quest is unlike any other crafting quest. You…

Dorm Decorating: Death School
I ’m sure everyone remembers struggling to figure out what to do with their first dorm room. I had no idea what to do with the original furniture. Honestly, it just wasn’t for me, but after a week or so of fishing, questing, and collecting treasure cards, I had figured out how to make the…

Crafting101 – Celestia | Pt 2
Today we will craft a Tea Set for the quest “Time for Tea.” Welcome back to Crafting101. In our second edition of Celestia crafting, we will go over Odgen Peake’s Tea Set request. You will find him in Survey Camp, Celestia, down the left path when arriving from the Spiral Door. In his quest, “Time…