Crafting101 – Storm Spells

Today I will explain how to craft the Storm school spells you can’t get from questing and leveling up. I will also tell you where to get the reagents you need fast!

Recipe Vendor Location

The Storm school spells we will be crafting are Calypso and Catalan. To buy the recipes you will go through the Wild to the Wyrd then into Dun Scaith. Once inside you will see the Indigo Giant, a Rank 12 Storm Boss with 14,150 Health. If you are careful, you can walk around the outer edge of the battle circle to reach Grady, the recipe vendor.

Spell Vendor

After the fight, visit Grady to buy the recipes for Catalan and Queen Calypso.

Catalan Recipe

Catalan is a Rank 5 spell that does 700 base Storm damage. While dealing impressive damage, Catalan also gives a 25% accuracy debuff. This makes it a useful card for both PvP and PvE. You can buy the recipe for 60,000 gold.

To craft Catalan, you will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents:

6 – Catalan Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Amethyst
200 – Ghost Fire
100 – Water Lily
100 – Bronze Gear
50 – Spring
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Queen Calypso Recipe

Queen Calypso is one of the newer spells in the game. If you are very lucky you can get it from the Immortal’s Lore Pack. Queen Calypso does 445-505 base Storm damage. Calypso also puts a 20% Windstorm on the opponent before the hit strikes, to strengthen the attack! Queen Calypso is very popular for Storm PvP. You can buy the recipe for 60,000 gold.

To craft Queen Calypso, you will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents:

10 – Queen Calypso Treasure Cards
120 – Perfect Onyx
200 – Ghost Fire
120 – Bloodmoss
120 – Bone
60 – Spring
60 – Sunstone
18 – Amber

Where to get the Treasure Cards and Reagents!

Catalan Treasure Card & Queen Calypso Treasure Card: One of the best places to get both of these treasure cards is from the Bazaar in Wizard City. Many wizards also farm Loremaster or trade with friends to get the 10 needed to craft the spell.

Perfect Amethyst:
You can buy Perfect Amethyst from the NPC Archytas who is in the Celestia Base Camp

Ghost Fire:
You can buy Ghost Fire for 100 Gold a piece, in the Atheneum. From the NPC Zolton Nightstone. You can also get ghost fire from Archytas.  

Water Lily:
Cat tails drop water lilies as a rare harvest. You can farm Triton Avenue for Water Lily by looking for reagents and switching realms! If you’re lucky, you can also buy Water Lily from the Bazaar!

Bronze Gear:
You can buy transmute Bronze Gear from Avery Templeton for 150 gold. It takes 5 Spider Silk to craft! It is commonly found in the Bazaar.

One of my favorite places to get Spring is from Counterweight East in Marleybone. It is dropped along with Scrap Iron. You can also find it in the Bazaar.

You can buy Sunstone from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 200 Arena Tickets. You can also get Sunstone in the Bazaar or buy the transmute recipe from Avery Templeton in Celestia, Base Camp. 

Perfect Onyx:
You can buy Perfect Onyx from the NPC Archytas who is lalso ocated in the Celestia Base Camp

Blood Moss:
You can buy transmute Blood Moss from Avery Templeton for 400 gold. You will need 15 Red Mandrake to transmute one blood moss.

The best place to get Bone is the Bazaar!

Amber can be purchased for arena tickets from Brandon Mistborn. One of my favorite places to get Amber is by farming Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus. There are many seeds that can give Amber one of the most popular is King Parsley.

I enjoy the quick damage and extra utility these spells offer my Storm Wizard. I hope you enjoy crafting and using them too. I will be watching for any questions in the comments below!

Flat Stat Jewels101

The Misconception

Flat jewels are a misinterpreted stat for Wizard101. They have been since the beginning of the Spiral’s time. In fact, most players get rid of these jewels thinking they have no value. But it’s not true! I’ve used them since their introduction into the game. Many of my solo runs are successful because of these resist jewels.

How they work

Flat stat jewels come in two main categories: offensive and defensive. The offensive stats boost your damage while the defensive absorb incoming damage. These stats are static, meaning that pierce does not affect flat resistance. Likewise, flat damage is not hindered by resistance in its final value!

Being careful with calculations

Many online sources that mention flat stat jewels are incorrect. Here are the stats for my testing. Let’s use it as an example to see the calculations.

Example: (From my solo run of Grandfather Spider – lvl 120)

Mathematical functions for calculating stats

1.) For your attacks:
[(your spell X (1 + damage%) + flat damageX buffs (1+/-Blades)

2.) For resisting incoming attacks:
[(incoming damage – flat resist) X (1 – resist%)]X buffs (1+/-Traps)

The concept of flat jewels is the same for flat damage and flat resistance!

Simplifying the math

Let’s assume you’re about to take an attack dealing 1000 base damage. Flat resist works like an absorb. In this example it will remove 50 damage points from every school and 158 from Shadow School, before regular resist takes damage.
So, what if the situation changed where the attack does 4000 damage?
The jewels would still absorb 50 damage points from every school and 158 from Shadow School attacks. Then our percent resistance would reduce the rest of the remaining damage.
For X damage, we will absorb 50 from every school and 158 from Shadow School.
Adding the flat jewels to our percent resistance:

Resistance for X incoming damage:
Storm: 71% + 50
Ice: 72% + 50 
Fire: 51% + 50
Myth: 29% + 50
Life: 29% + 50 
Death: 29% + 50
Shadow: 29% + 158

Using Brace (-20% to incoming attacks) stacks to the player’s resistance:

Storm: 71+ 20 = 96%+50
Ice: 72 + 20 = 92%+50
Fire: 51 + 20 = 76%+50
Myth: 29 + 20 = 49%+50
Life: 29 + 20 = 49%+50
Death: 29 + 20 = 49%+50
Shadow: 29 + 20 = 49%+158

Grandfather Spider’s Stats

Grandfather Spider has a universal 120% damage boost, 7% universal pierce, and 20% fire resistance. His attacks are not only of the school of storm, but also of the Shadow School. He also has Balance Mastery and uses 3 Balance spells.
His natural attacks deal 330 X 14 = 4620 base shadow damage if he has max power pips!
[(spell’s max damage X (1 + damage%) + total flat damage] X buffs
If buffs = 0
total flat damage = 0
[(4620 X ( 1 + 120%)] X buffs = (4620 X 2.2) = 10,164!
So , we should prepare for Storm and Shadow hits.
An average 6 pip natural Shadow attack of his would deal:
6 X 330 = 1980 X 2.2 = 4356 damage, and that number will double if he lands a critical!
The spell “Rusalka’s Wrath (Shadow)” without any blades or traps deals:
[(spell base damage X (1 + damage%) + total flat damage] X buffs= [1445 X (1 + 120%)] = 3179 damage!
Let’s compare possible damage taken with or without some of these  stats:
If I hadn’t put brace on myself, it would be:
My Shadow resist: 29 – 7 (pierce) = 22 (incoming damage – total flat resist) X (1-resist%) =  3179 X (1 – 22%) = 3179 X 0.78= 2480!
My Shadow resist: 49 – 7% (due to pierce) = 42% base resistance. Now continue with the rest of the equation:
(incoming damage – total flat resist) X (1 – resist%) = (3179 – 158) X (1 – 42%) = 3021 X 0,58  = 1752
If I wasn’t wearing gear equipped with jewels, the resulting damage would be:
(incoming damage – total flat resist) X (1 – resist%) = (3179 – 0) X (1 – 42%) = 3179 X 0.58 = 1844
The difference between 1844 damage and 1752 is due to the flat stat jewels!
The differences might seem minor, but if you combine jewels in different pieces of gear, you will notice that they make a big difference.

Flat damage jewels work the same way

Here’s a hypothetical example in this specific fight
My damage is 104

When I cast the spell Fire From Above on Grandfather Spider, he receives damage according to our 1st mathematical function: With a nice Backdraft = 210% 
[[(your spell X (1 + damage%) + total flat jewels damage] X buffs(blades)] = [[1400 X ( 1 + 104%)]  = (1400 X 2.04) = 2856
*Attention! Not include all the decimals results in two formulas, rounds down after each calculation.
The exception for that rule, is only in the pets damage or resistance! We need exactly the percent of the pets to calculated correctly!
My spell with traps deals to Grandfather Spider:
Flat resist=0
Grandfather resist on fire (due to pierce) = 20-22= 0 
[(incoming damage – flat resist) X (1 – resist%)]X buffs(traps)=
(2856 X 1) Χ (1+210%= 2856 Χ (1+210%) =  Χ 3,1 = 8853   
But if I had two flat damage jewels (fire), let’s say 50 points worth: [[(your spell X (1 + damage%) + total flat  damage] X buffs] =  [1400 X (1 + 104%)+ 50] = [(1400 X 2.04) + 50] = 2856 + 50 = 2906
[(incoming damage – flat resist) X (1 – resist%)]X buffs(traps)=
(2906 X 1) Χ (1+210%)= 2906 Χ 3,1 = 9008   
Don’t forget that since Grandfather Spider has shields, the actual number would be less. This was just a quick example with math!
As you can see, flat stat jewels can help our fights in their own way.
I hope this makes you think twice before tossing those flat stat jewels away! I have shown my stats below for convenience. Thank you as always, and best of luck questing!
*You can see the stats which I used for the above calculations as well as my gear, in the following pictures.
Also, you can see the battle that I describe above from my solo video at Europeans servers when I was 120 lvl, one year before.
Have fun!

Wizard City Housing Vendors

Tired of never finding the housing item you want at the Bazaar?  Well search no longer! There are many things available throughout all the worlds from a variety of vendors. Even items that are no auction and can never be found at the Bazaar! We will be visiting each world in this series and will show you who to go to for that perfect housing item. 

Wizard City Housing Vendors

There are four housing vendors in Wizard City, They have many housing items available. There are also six recipe vendors for craftable items. From Castles to Pet Bread Crumbs, we have them all listed here.

Aubert Quickhammer

Aubert is the furniture shop keeper in Wizard City. You’ll find him in the Shopping District by Eliks Edge, at the Wizard City Furniture & Castle Shop. He has everything from plants to wallpapers and floors. Tell him Sarai sent you!

Here’s a sample of what you will find.

Party Banner
Plaques for all schools
Fancy Lamppost
Small Yellow Tent
Small Blue Trim Rug
Tic-Tac-Toe pieces and Gameboard
Music Player
Party Cake

Buxley Turleton

Buckley shares a shop with Aubert Quickhammer. He’s the best real esate agent in Wizard City!

Castles available:
Wooded Cottage 8,000 gold
Royal Playhouse 15,000 gold


Farley is the head gardener for Wizard City. You can find him in Golem Court.

Here’s a sample of what you can find:

Wizard City styled pots
Tropical Garden Gnome

Roland Silverheart

You can find Roland on Unicorn Way outside of the PVP Arena. All of his items are non-auction and are purchased with Arena tickets. If you don’t PVP you can get tickets from doing your daily quests.

Here’s a sample of what you can find:
Wood Housing Blocks 
Ninja Sword Rack 
Market Tent Pavilion

Derrick Blaze

You can find Derrick next to the Bazaar. He sells the recipe for the Team Up Kiosk. In order to purchase this recipe you have to earn your Team Player badge.

Team Up Kiosk Price: 100 gold

Wizard City Recipe Vendors

Eudora Tangletree

You can find Eudora by the pond near the Bazaar in Olde Town. A lovely lady with great recipes! She has recipes for many different aquariums and seventeen different tapestries.

Here’s a sample of her other recipes:
Garden Lot
Directional Arrows
Moon Banner
Red Foodcart
Stack of Paper
Water Bucket

Lloyd Fallingwater


You can find Lloyd in the Shopping District near Eliks Edge. He has all the Stone Housing Block recipes. Who needs the Bazaar, just make them yourself!

Dr. Purreau

You can find Dr. Purreau in the Hatchery. He has recipes for a Pet Hatching Kiosk and a tapestry to the Hatchery. These recipes need Hatch Peppers. You can get this reagent by placing pets in the kiosk or in the chest from daily quest rewards.
Hatching Kiosk Recipe Price: 2,500 gold Tapestry Recipe Price: 2,500 gold


You can find Harker in Darkmoor to the left, near the small building. He has the recipe for the Castle Darkmoor tapestry. 

Recipe Price: 5,000 gold

Jackie Whisperflame

You’ll find Jackie in the snack shop at the Pet Pavilion. She sells the recipe for Pet Bread Crumbs. Bread Crumbs are an awesome way of controlling the movements of pets and mounts when they are placed in your Castle!

Recipe Price: 5,000 gold

This concludes the list of Housing Vendors for Wizard City. Whew, that was an all day shopping spree! Hope it helps you find that perfect item for your castle. Let us know in the comments below about your most surprising find shopping in Wizard City. Stay tuned for Krokotopia and many more worlds to come!

Crafting101 – Fire Spells

The Basics

Have you ever wanted to get a spell, but did not want to spend hours farming for it? Well, then you came to the right place! Today I will be going through the basics on how to craft the Fire spells dropped by Loremaster.


To craft your desired spell, you must have quested to Zafaria and finished the quest Drum a Little Drum. Once you have completed both you can buy the recipes for your desired fire spells!

Brimstone Revenant and Krampus Recipe Location

When you craft Brimstone Revenant or Krampus you will need to make your way over to Mooshu. Once you are in Mooshu you will have to beat the dungeon, Shirataki Temple. Once you complete the dungeon you gain access to Master Yan Kan Kook who sells the Brimstone Revenant and Krampus recipes.

Brimstone Revenant Recipe

Brimstone Revenant is a must when it comes to fire attackers! This is a 4 Pip spell with a base damage of 470. It also adds a 25% fire trap for your next hit.
To craft Brimstone, buy the recipe for 60,000 Gold.
You will also need:
10 – Brimstone Revenant Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
100 – Diamonds
100 – Bronze Gear
50 – Scrap Iron
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Krampus Recipe

The spell Krampus is definitely the collector’s item out of all three spells. Krampus is a 4 Pip fire spell that does 305-345 fire damage. Krampus also leaves behind a -45% Mantle to make your opponents next hit fizzle!

To craft Krampus, you will have to buy the recipe for 10,000 Gold.

You will also need:
6 – Krampus Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
50 – Black Pearl
100 – Black Coal
50 – Astral Shard
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Hephaestus Recipe Location

When you are ready to craft Hephaestus, you will have to make your way to Avalon. Once you are there head to the Wyrd and look for the Indigo Giant on your map. Once you defeat him you will have access to Grady who sells the Hephaestus Recipe.

Hephaestus is the newest spell here, recently released in the Immortal’s Lore Pack. Hephaestus is a 5 Pip fire spell that does 425-475 damage and leaves an additional 25% fire trap for your next hit!

To craft Hephaestus, you will have to buy the recipe for 12,000 Gold.

You will also need:
10 – Hephaestus Treasure Cards
120 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
60 – Black Pearl
120 – Black Coal
60 – Astral Shards
60 – Sunstone
18 – Amber

Where to get the Reagents!

Perfect Ruby: You can buy Perfect Ruby for 100 Gold a piece, In the Celestia base camp from the vendor Archytas. You can also buy Perfect Ruby from Noxolo Fasttrack in the Baobab Market in Zafaria.

Ghost Fire: You can buy Ghost Fire for 100 Gold a piece, in the Atheneum. From the vendor Zolton Nightstone.

Black Pearl: There are no vendors currently that sell Black Pearl for gold. If you are into PVP you can buy Black Pearls from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 175 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the Black Pearl transmute recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.

Black Coal: You can buy Black Coal right in Wizard City! from Elmer MeadowGrass in Olde Town for 5 Gold a piece!

Astral Shard: Astral Shard is one of the most difficult parts of the recipe as there is no vendor that sells them. You may be able to snag a couple from the Bazaar. You also can farm fishing chests in Castle Darkmoor for Astral Shards

Sunstone: You can buy Sunstone from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 200 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the transmute Sunstone recipe. You can get this from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.

Diamond: You can buy Diamonds from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 100 Arena Tickets. You can buy the transmute Diamond recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.

Amber: Amber is by far the most difficult item to get on this list. One of the best places to get Amber is by farming Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus in Aquila.

Hephaestus, Krampus, Brimstone Revenant: The best place to get these treasure cards would be from the Bazaar. They are not all common, but they do show up quite a bit if you refresh the treasure card tab a few times.

Thanks for reading my crafting fire spells, article! Please let me know what you think in the comment section. 

Crafting101 – The Wyrd House

Welcome back to Crafting101! Dark and eerie, the Wyrd house is perfect for Hallowe’en, Death Wizards, and anyone else who wants their own nook for the arts of witchcraft. You can buy this recipe from Padraig in High Road, Avalon for 60,000 gold.

Jars of Mushrooms

We will need two Jars of Mushrooms for this project. You will have to craft these. You may purchase the recipe from Tarold Wayfinder in Grizzleheim for 2,400 gold. The recipe is listed below.

Forest Lord Treasure Cards

Six Forest Lord treasure cards are required to craft our house. This will be a rare find in the Bazaar as Life wizards often use this treasure card until they can learn the spell itself. Gardening Sour Fickle Pickles or Queen Crape Myrtle, you can receive this. You can also farm the Locres Knight in Caer Lyon, right in Avalon.


Four Poison Treasure Cards are required to craft this recipe. The easiest way to attain these treasure cards is to either buy them from the Bazaar, or to garden Stinkweed, as mentioned in Ravenwood Academy’s own play free forever guide


Only one vine is needed for the house. Gardening is one of the most efficient ways of getting this reagent. As it is possible to get it by interacting with the Winter Wind Tower’s Horn of Plenty, you can garden all of the Huckleberries, as well as Deadly Helephant Ears, and variants of Trumpet Vines. Additionally, you can buy this reagent for 400 Arena Tickets from Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way.

Mist Wood

One of the most notorious reagents in the game, you will need forty Mist Wood in order to craft this house. You can simply run around Wizard City or other worlds like Grizzleheim until you have collected enough.


The recipe calls for ten Grendleweed. You may obtain this through rare harvests of Frost Flowers as well as transmuting from Frost Flowers, found in worlds like Grizzleheim. The Transmute recipe is listed below.

Brick-Walled Pond

Two of this item will be needed. You can find it easily in the Bazaar. The Bazaar should be stocked with the item at 1,092 gold in the outdoor section.

Cephalopod Obelisk

We will need two of this item, easily found in the Bazaar. There should be roughly a hundred of them available at any given time in the decor section, sold for 1,056 gold.

Transmute Recipes

Jars of Mushrooms

Sold for 2,400 gold, you can purchase this recipe from Tarold Wayfinder in the fort crossroads of Northguard, Grizzleheim. In order to craft this, you need four Spirit Shield treasure cards, one Amethyst, four Shadow Oils, one Glass Vial, forty Stone Blocks, and ten Nightshade.


Sold for 400 gold, you can purchase this recipe from Avery Templeton in Base Camp, Celestia. Simply fifteen Frost Flowers can be plucked from the world of Grizzleheim to create Grendleweed.

Congratulations, young Wizard, on crafting your Wyrd House! Please look through more of our Crafting101 series to assist you with your crafting needs.

Thank you, Starlights, for collecting reagents and crafting with me. Have a wonderful night.

Crafting101 – Ice Spells

Welcome back to my spell crafting series. In this guide I will be going through what to do to craft the Ice Spells dropped by Loremaster!

Wintermoon, Handsome Fomori, and Angry Snowpig Spell Location

Spell Vendor

The vendor Grady sells all three of the Ice spells, Handsome Fomori, Winter Moon, and Angry Snowpig.

Angry Snowpig Recipe

The spell Angry Snowpig is a 4 pip Ice spell and is one of the new additions to the Loremaster spells. It was added in the Wysteria Hoard Pack in July 2017, This spell does 235-295 Ice damage, and steals one shield from your opponent. This is an amazing utility spell if your opponent uses a shield such as frozen armor. To craft Angry Snowpig you will have to buy this recipe for 12,000 gold.

To craft Angry Snowpig, you will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents.
10 – Angry Snowpig Treasure Cards
120 – Perfect Opal
200 – Simple Vial
60 – Shell
40 – Silver
60 – Scrap Iron
50 – Copper
25 – Amber

Handsome Fomori Recipe

The spell Handsome Fomori is a 5 pip Ice spell and is one of the original spells dropped by Loremaster. This spell does 450-530 Ice damage and puts a -25% Mantle to lower your opponent’s accuracy on their next spell. This spell is extremely good to use in PvE (Player vs Enemy) to help lower the enemies accuracy.
To craft Handsome Fomori you will have to buy this recipe for 60,000 gold.

To craft Handsome Fomori, you will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents.
6 – Handsome Fomori Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Sapphire
200 – Ghost Fire
100 – Diamond
100 – Spidersilk
50 – Spring
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Wintermoon Recipe

The spell Wintermoon is 5 pip Ice spell. Wintermoon is one of the original Loremaster spell drops. This spell does 495 Ice damage, and stuns the opponent for one round. Wintermoon is by far the best spell to craft if you want to PvP because of its damage, and ability to give you a free round the next turn! To craft Wintermoon you will have to buy the recipe for 60,000 gold!

To craft Wintermoon, you will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents.
6 – Wintermoon Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Amethyst
200 – Ghostfire
50 – Grendelweed
25 – Turquoise
50 – Scrap Iron
25 – Sunstone
12 – Amber


Where to get the Reagents!

Perfect Opal – The NPC Archytas located in the Celestia Base Camp sells Perfect Opal for 100 gold.
Simple Vial – The NPC Al Saf’wan located in the Oasis in Krokotopia sells Simple Vial for 40 gold.
Shell – You can buy the transmute Shell recipe from Avery Templeton for 600 gold in the Celestia Base Camp. There are no known vendors that sell Shell at the moment.
Silver – The best place to get Silver is from Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn way for 300 Arena tickets, or from various NPC’s throughout the game.
Scrap Iron – The best place I have personally found to get Scrap Iron is from Counterweight East in Marleybone. When you go into the dungeon there might be zero to three pieces of Scrap Iron, once you’ve harvested them you can exit the dungeon and enter back in!
Copper – You can buy the transmute Copper recipe from Torald Wayfinder for 250 gold in Northguard (Grizzlehiem). There are no known vendors of Copper at the moment.
Ghost Fire – You can buy Ghost Fire for 100 Gold a piece, in the Atheneum. From the NPC Zolton Nightstone.
Diamond – You can buy Diamonds from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 100 Arena Tickets. You can buy the transmute Diamond recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp. 
Spider Silk – You can buy the transmute Spider Silk recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp. There are no known vendors for Spider Silk at the moment.
Spring – The best place to get Spring as stated before with Scrap Iron is from Counterweight East in Marleybone! It is dropped with Scrap Iron and is not as common as a drop! Once you’ve harvested them you can exit the dungeon and enter back in.
Sunstone – You can buy Sunstone from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 200 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the transmute Sunstone recipe. You can get this from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.
Perfect Amethyst – You can buy Perfect Amethyst from the NPC Archytas who is located in the Celestia Base Camp
Grendelweed – You can buy Grendelweed from Diego The DuelMaster for 175 Arena tickets, or buy the transmute Grendelweed recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.
Turquoise – You can get Turquoise from fishing in the Nomad’s Camp house from the Mirage Raiders Bundle, or from various mobs from Azteca to Empyrea.
Amber – The best place to get Amber is by farming Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus in Aquila. 

Thanks for reading my guide. I hope it helps you craft Wintermoon, Handsome Fomori, and Angry Snowpig quickly and easily. If you have any questions, let us know in the comments below

Crafting101 – Zafaria

Today we will craft two Conga Drums and two Spirit Caller Drums for the quest "Drum a Little Drum"

Welcome back to Crafting101, young Wizard! Congratulations on achieving your Grandmaster Artisan Badge. You are now well on your way to becoming a Legendary Crafter. The Zafaria crafting quest is unlike any other crafting quest. You cannot complete this quest by teleporting to a friend to access the trainer early as you could with the others. You must complete the quest “To Market, To Market,” before being able to collect his quest.

Koyate Ghostmane

After completing ‘To Market, To Market,” Koyate Ghostmane will have the quest for you. You can find him near the large hollow log in Baobab Market. He is the first lion you see when you enter the area. Once you talk to him, you get the quest “Drum a Little Drum.” This quest requires you to craft two Spirit Caller Drums. The recipe for the Spirit Caller Drums will automatically go into your recipe book.

You will notice that you need Conga Drums for the Spirit Caller Drums recipe. These will also need to be crafted. Gearwise sells the Conga Drum recipe for 4,755 gold. You can find him in Survey Camp, Celestia.

The Recipes

There are many reagents required to craft both of these drums. Below is a list of all the reagents you will need in order to craft them.

Conga Drum

You need two Conga Drums to make the two Spirit Caller Drums. In previous worlds, we crafted two items twice. Now we will learn how to craft items that are an ingredient in other recipes. This is an essential tool if you plan to craft a house, such as The Wyrd or The Treetop Getaway.

Legion Shield

The Spirit Caller Drums need 8 Legion Shield treasure cards between them. These have a chance of being harvested from White Tiger Lillies or Missile Toe plants. If you’re lucky, you may find this Treasure Card in the Bazaar. It’s price ranges from 540 gold to 1013 gold.

You can farm Winter Skulls in Nordrilund and Nastrond for a chance at this treasure card. These places are in Wintertusk, Grizzleheim.


Our Conga Drum recipe requires four Giant treasure cards. The easiest place to find this treasure card is from the Archivist in Celestia. You can also harvest Giant from Sunion plants.
Dromel Merchant, Lost & Found, and the Treasure Chest all have this item as one of their daily rewards. Avery Templeton’s treasure card recipe is listed below under ‘Transmute Recipes.’


The bright violet accent in the Conga Drums requires 2 Amethysts. Amethysts aren’t found in the Spiral. Buy them from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. Harvesting plants such as the Fortune Cookie Tree, Ivy League, and Snap Dragon can also give you this card.

Perfect Onyx

The Spirit Caller Drum recipe requires 4 Perfect Onyx. Noxolo Fasttrack and other reagent vendors sell them for 100 gold each. Noxolo lives within the large hollow log in Baobob Market, Zafaria. Additionally, Perfect Onyx may harvest from Ivy League and Maelstrom Snap Dragons.

Crystal Vial

The Conga Drums recipe needs 2 Crystal Vials. It is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor or the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu, and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold.

Buying them from the Bazaar can cost between 165 to 1650 gold each. Their cost depends on how many are available. Harvesting Pink Dandelion can also get you some of these vials.

Pristine Vial

Four Pristine Vials are in the Spirit Caller Drum recipe. Pristine Vials are either bought or harvested. Archytas sells these for 500 gold each. Also, if you grow the Maelstrom Snap Dragon, you will have a chance at harvesting this item.

Black Pearl

There are 28 Black Pearls in our Spirit Caller Drum recipe. Black Pearls are a challenging reagent to find. It can be a rare harvest from Black Lotus or regular Pearl. You can also buy Black Pearl from Diego for 175 arena tickets. The Bazaar has them available for 188 – 1875 gold each.

A few gardening options are: Alligator Pear Tree, Deadly Fly Trap, King Parsley, and Ultra Tiger Lily. The transmute Recipe is listed below.

Golden Pearl

The gold accent in the Spirit Caller Drums calls for 16 Golden Pearls. These are a rare harvest from pearls found in many underwater places in the Spiral. This includes Stormriven Hall, The Grotto, The Portico and Waterworks in Crab Alley.
This reagent can be harvested from Maelstrom Snap Dragon, Evil Magma Peas, Deadly Helephant Ears, and Fickle Pickles. The Gorilla, Minotaur, Magic Eggs, and Dragonfly all have this item as one of their daily rewards. The transmute recipe is listed below.


18 Sunstones are required for our Spirit Caller Drum recipe. These are a rare harvest from sandstone.

Sunstone is harvestable from Maelstrom Snap Dragon, Evil Magma Peas, Fickle Pickle, and Deadly Helephant Ears. The transmute recipe is listed below.


12 Aether will be required in order to complete both sets of drums. This is a rare harvest from Kelp and Shells. You may harvest this reagent from Deadly Helephant Ears, Evil Magma Peas, Fickle Pickle, King Parsley, and Maelstrom Snap Dragon.

You also might get this reagent from housing rewards. This includes The Dragonfly Ride, Dromel Merchant, Giant Gorilla and the Horn of Plenty. If you have arena tickets, Diego sells Aether for 200 tickets each. The transmute recipe is listed below.


16 Shells are in our Conga Drum recipe. This reagent is common in Celestia. Shells can be found in places such as Base Camp, Stormriven, District of the Stars and The Grotto. They’re also in Wizard City’s own sunken Triton Avenue, Crab Alley.

You may be lucky enough to harvest this reagent from Fickle Pickles and Maelstorm Snap Dragons. The transmute recipe is below.


24 Fossils are required to craft our Conga Drums. This is a rare harvest from Stone Blocks. They can be found in places like Stone Town and Waterfront, Zafaria. Buying this reagent from the Bazaar can range from 100-1000 gold each. The transmute recipe is listed below.


The Conga Drum recipe requires 8 scales. You might harvest this reagent from Maelstrom Snap Dragons. Additionally, there is a chance to receive this item from The Magic Eggs housing reward instance. This reagent goes for 400-4000 gold in the Bazaar. You can find the transmute recipe below.

Transmute recipes


Giant is available from Avery Templeton in Base Camp, Celestia. You can buy it for 150 gold. The recipe requires 1 Peridot, 5 Pearl, and 3 Black Lotus for each Giant treasure card.

Black Pearl

The Black Pearl transmute recipe is available from Toshio in the Jade Palace, Mooshu. It sells for 400 gold. You will need 15 Black Lotus per pearl.

Golden Pearl

15 white pearls make up a golden pearl. Avery Templeton sells this recipe for 600 gold.


Sandstone can create sunstone. Sandstone is a rare drop from Stone Blocks. Sandstone is common in the Savannah and Stone Town. You can also find it in the Khonda Desert. This recipe is available from Avery Templeton for 150 gold.


You can make Aether with 15 kelp. Kelp is located in Celestia and Crab Alley. The recipe is available from Avery Templeton for 600 gold.


Shells can be created with 10 Scrap Iron. This recipe is sold by Avery Templeton for 600 gold. Scrap Iron can be collected in Marleybone.


This recipe requires 15 Stone Blocks. It is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in The Atheneum, Dragonspyre for 200 gold. Stone Blocks can be found in Celestia and many other places in the Spiral.


Scales can be created by using 5 Fish Fins. Transmute Fin uses 5 Scales. Both recipes are sold by Avery Templeton for 800 gold.


Now that you have all of your ingredients go back to your Housing Crafting Station. Craft the Conga Drums, then the Spirit Caller Drums. Once you have turned in the quest you will be awarded 7,981 gold and your Legendary Artisan badge. Congratulations, young Wizard! 

Thank you Starlights, for joining me in crafting and collecting reagents! Catch our next edition of Crafting101 in Azteca, where we will craft an Eagle War Shield.

Crafting101 – Celestia | Pt 2

Today we will craft a Tea Set for the quest "Time for Tea."

Welcome back to Crafting101. In our second edition of Celestia crafting, we will go over Odgen Peake’s Tea Set request. You will find him in Survey Camp, Celestia, down the left path when arriving from the Spiral Door. In his quest, “Time for Tea,” Odgen Peake is homesick, and asks for a tea set, to give him a touch of home while he’s away in Celestia

The recipe is available from Tarold Wayfinder in Northguard, Grizzleheim for 2,430 gold. You will find him in the crossroads of the courtyard of Northguard’s fort.

The Recipe

This is the recipe for the Tea Set you need to craft for Odgen Peake. The reagents are listed below.


You will need 5 Reshuffle Treasure Cards. Harold Argleston, Zan’ne, and The Archivist sell this treasure card for 1,100 gold each. If you are a Balance Wizard, Niles in Krokosphinx, Krokotopia has the recipe to craft this card.


You will need 1 Amethyst. You will have to harvest or buy this gem from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold each. They may be harvested from plants such as Ivy League, Snap Dragon, and Fortune Cookie Tree

Shadow Oil

You will need 3 Shadow Oil. Archytas, Campbell Hodgson, and Al Saf’wan sell this reagent for 20 gold and it ranges from 10-100 gold in the bazaar. This reagent may also be harvested from Orange Dandelions.

Glass Vial

You will need 1 Glass Vial. Crystal Vial is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor or the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu, and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold whereas buying them from the Bazaar may cost between 165 to 1650 gold each, depending on availability. This reagent can also be harvested from Pink Dandelions.


You will need 8 Fossils. Fossils are a rare harvest from Stone Blocks, which can be found in Survey Camp, Base Camp, and Stormriven in Celestia, along with many other places in the Spiral. This reagent may be harvested from Burning Snap Dragons and Fickle Pickles. The transmute recipe is listed below.

Red Mandrake

You will need 35 Red Mandrake. Mandrake may be collected from The Floating Land in Celestia, the Haunted Cave, Sunken City, Nightside, and Colossus Boulevard in Wizard City. The Transmute recipe is listed below.

Transmute Recipes


This recipe requires 15 stone blocks. It is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in The Atheneum, Dragonspyre for 200 gold. As mentioned, stone blocks can be found right in Celestia.

Red Mandrake

This recipe requires 10 Mist Wood and 10 Mushroom. It is available from Eudora Tangletree in Olde Town, Wizard City for 300 gold. Mist Wood may be found, most notably, in Marleybone and Wizard City, as well as The Floating Lands, Celestia. Deep Mushroom may be found in Wizard City, Mooshu, inside the structures of Krokotopia, and Stormriven, Celestia.


Once you have collected all of the reagents, you will need to craft the tea set in the furniture crafting station. Now let’s go enjoy a spot of tea with Odgen Peake! Congratulations on your extra training point, use it wisely. Please note that this is a side quest and you will not receive a new crafting badge or time slot.

Thank you, Starlights, for the fun crafting and collecting reagents! Catch the next edition of Crafting101 in Zafaria, where we will craft two Conga Drums, two Spirit Caller Drums, and become a Legendary Crafter.

Crafting101 – Celestia | Pt 1

Tonight we will be learning how to craft The Seal of The Seven Seas for the quest "That Seven Seas Show"

Welcome to Crafting101 young wizard, or welcome back if you’ve been following along on our journey. Now that you have achieved your Master Artisan Badge, you are well on your way to the next tier, the Grandmaster Artisan Badge. Before you can begin this quest, you need to get to The Floating Lands, Celestia. In order to unlock Celestia, you will need to defeat Dragonspyre, and the infamous Malistaire but you can complete this crafting quest at any level by teleporting to a friend.

Step 1 – Pierce Stanson

Now that you have stepped out into The Floating Lands, you are ready to track down Pierce Stanson to start the quest. Upon exiting the Survey Camp onto the beach, he will be to the left, up against the path. Once you find him, you will be assigned the quest “That Seven Seas Show.” #puns

Step 2 – “That Seven Seas Show”

The recipe is available from Pierce Stanson, himself. The amulet will cost 1,787 gold. Let’s check out the resources we can gather together! The amulet will require 8 Fish Fins, 11 Golden Pearls, 7 Perfect Jades, 5 Polymorph Treant Treasure Cards,  5 Pristine Vials, 10 Sandstones, and 6 Sunstones. 

Step 3 – Gathering the Reagents

Fish Fin

8 Fish Fins will be needed in total. Aside from hunting them down in the bazaar, you can garden Maelstrom Snap Dragons, receive them from the Magic Eggs housing reward item, or transmute from fish scales.

Golden Pearl

11 Golden Pearls will be needed in total. These are a rare harvest that you can find from pearls in Stormriven hall, The Grotto, The Portico, and Waterworks, Crab Alley. However, you can transmute regular pearls into golden pearls too. They may be harvested from Maelstrom Snap Dragon, and Evil Magma Peas, Deadly Helephant Ears, and Fickle Pickles. The Gorilla, Minotaur, Magic Eggs, and Dragonfly all have this item as one of their daily rewards.

Perfect Jade

7 Perfect Jades will be needed in total. You will have to buy or harvest these gems. It is most easy to buy them from Archytas in the Survey Camp for 100 gold each. The Bountiful Cart can also give Perfect Jade as a reward. Gardening the Maelstrom Snap Dragon or Ivy League gives a chance at this item.

Polymorph Treant Treasure Card

5 Polymorph Treant Treasure Cards will be needed in total. You are able to buy them from the Archivist in District of the Stars, Celestia. They may also be harvested from plants such as Moon Flowers, Red Grapes of Wrath, and Sour Fickle Pickles.

Pristine Vial

5 Pristine Vials will be needed in total. Pristine Vials are an item you will need to buy or harvest. Archytas sells these for 500 gold each, but if you grow the Maelstrom Snap Dragon, you will have a chance at harvesting this item.


10 Sandstones will be needed in total. They may be transmuted with stone blocks or gathered from sandy places in the Spiral. Sandstone can be harvested in the Science center, The House of Scales, Upper Zigazag, Krokotopia, as well as Azteca and Mirage. They can be gathered as a rare harvest from Stone Blocks in Celestia, Dragonspyre, Mooshu, Grizzleheim, Marleybone, Krokotopia, and Wizard City. Growing Maelstrom Snap Dragon, Evil Magma Peas, Fickle Pickle, and Deadly Helephant Ears can give you a chance at Sandstone.


6 Sunstones will be needed in total. You may transmute these from sandstones. These are a rare harvest from sandstone. Sunstone is harvestable from Maelstrom Snap Dragon, Evil Magma Peas, Fickle Pickle, and Deadly Helephant Ears.

Step 4 -Completion

Now that you have all your ingredients, go back to your Equipment Crafting Station and begin making the Seal of the Seven Seas. Once you have turned in the quest, you will be awarded 7,278 gold and your Grandmaster Artisan badge. Congratulations Wizard! 

Thank you, Starlight, for your time here crafting and collecting reagents.

Member Benefit Tier List!

Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list!  Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List!

I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that these tiers are based on opinion only and are not fact. You may find that you love Double Animus and don’t care for Double pet XP. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The D Tier

Double Monstrology Exp and Animus
Daily Assignment and Daily PvP Assignment Boost

I know Monstrology has its fans, including myself. But most of the players I have spoken with just aren’t that into it.  

As for the daily assignment boosts,  to me this is be the least useful of the bunch. I was only able to complete a few assignments within the time given, limiting the benefit from it significantly.

The C Tier

Free Chest Re-Roll
Training Point Buy Back

These are both nice benefits but they have some problems restricting their potential! First off, although this benefit can be useful for newer players it’s rare that you would want or need to buy back your training points once you have gained a better understanding of the game. This makes this benefit far more useful for new players than more seasoned wizards who have little need of it.  

The chest re-roll is limited to one re-roll per boss each day. Making farming a little nicer for one run but still not providing an amazing benefit.

The B Tier

Zero Energy Fishing
Double Reagents and Unlimited Crafting

This member benefit definitely has its perks. Whether you’re trying to level up, catch new fish, find a rare wand or even a new permanent mount to add to your collection, this benefit lets you go wild with lures!  

While fishing can seem boring for some, others find it to be a relaxing change from the usual game play. The hunt and grind for what you want is always worth it when you finally get it, and fishing is no exception since it offers some great rewards. If you haven’t tried fishing yet you may not find this benefit to be very exciting, but anyone who’s fished before will understand just how good unlimited fishing is!

Double reagents are just amazing. Every reagent you collect by gardening, gathering or fighting is doubled. Always paired with unlimited crafting, there is no cool down time when you craft items. With no timers, you can craft to your heart’s content whilst doubling your chances of getting some of those pesky, harder to get reagents!

The A Tier

Double Pet xp

Everyone loves double pet experience. It’s fortunately a common benefit, and everyone rushes to the Pet Pavilion to train up their pets which we all know will inevitably fail and leave us crying ourselves to sleep… no? Just me? With double pet XP every game you play or snack you feed to your pet gives twice the benefit that it would have normally. So, a Fancy Yogurt that would give your pet 50 XP will give you 100 XP during this benefit. Almost enough to level to teen in one snack! Even gold bought snacks like Shanta Pudding give significant boosts to your pets XP during this reward.

Either way, we all know and love Double Pet XP and we’re all praying it doesn’t go anywhere, anytime soon! 

The S Tier

Double Gardening Rewards

Welcome to the crème de la crème! This is undoubtedly the best and tragically the rarest of all the member benefits. We get this gem a few times a year and boy do we capitalize!

Whether it’s Couch Potatoes, Evil Magma Peas, King Parsley or Pink Dandelions, you will double every single seed, snack, reagent or housing item that your garden drops during this reward. 


So that was my tier list of all the eight current member benefits available in Wizard101! Let us know in the comments if you agree!