Power pips are a special feature within the game and with good reason. A wizard has a base chance of getting a power pip, starting at level ten. This chance goes up by one percent every level until you reach level fifty, where it is maxed at 40%. Power pip chance can be increased with gear (pets…
Category: Guides

Shields are a type of ward and are the exact opposite of traps. While traps add damage to a spell, shields detract damage. Charms and blades trigger first, and wards go second. So any shielding you do will affect the spell with the charm buffs. There are three different types of shields: Absorbs, Universal Shields, and…

Catching the Ice School of Fish
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are secrets that many Wizard101 fishing lovers don’t know. I want to share my experiences with you and travel together exploring the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! Ice School of Fish School Ice | Rank2 | Common/ Regular | 1,200 XP No used in any…

Catching the Guard Doodlefish
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are secrets that many Wizard101 fishing lovers don’t know. I want to share my experiences with you and travel together exploring the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! the Guard Doodlefish School Balance | Rank 1 | Common/Regular | 1,500 XP Limits: Small Fry < 13 …

Catching the Fish Sandwich
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are secrets that many Wizard101 fishing lovers don’t know. I want to share my experiences with you and travel together exploring the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! This week we have the Fish Sandwich: School Myth 1 | Rank | Common/ Regular | 1,300 XP Limits:Small…

How to Win: Fishing Tournament
Every Monday morning a new fish is out there for us to catch fishing tournament. When you catch one of the right size, the game will ask if you want to enter that fish in the tournament. If your answer is Yes, it will remove it from your fish basket and automatically tell you in…

Catching the Sword Tail
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are fishing secrets that I can tell you. I want to share with you my experience in the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! Sword Tail School Fire /Rank 2 /Common/Large /1,400 XP Limits: Small Fry < 12,90 Whopper > 25 No used in any recipes…

Catching the Mud Dekoi
Every Monday morning the weekly tournament fish changes. There are fishing secrets that I can tell you. I want to share with you my experience in the fantastic world of wizard101 tournament fishing! This week we have the Mud Dekoi: School Life Rank 1 Common Regular 900 XP Limits: Small Fry < 10Whopper > 20…

Fishing For Chest in Bundle Houses
In 2014 Wizard101 gave us fishing, by 2015 it had come to castles and houses.By 2016 after enough fishing, I noticed that some of the chests in bundle houses contained precious gifts. I started looking for more information online andI found various drops confirmed from houses purchased through bundles. My question was then: Does Every bundle…

Fishing Chests: Fantasy Palace
Does Every bundle pond, moat, or stream contain all of a bundles matching equipment? All of its gear, pet, and mount inside the fishing chests found in its waters? Are you ready to confirm that all the equipment is there? We need your valuable help, time, patience and screenshots! Let’s start with the Massive Fantasy…