Did you Know? There are castles available for your wizards to craft! Previous Next That’s right, there are 4 amazing castles that you can create. You can craft a home in the stars, or an expansive home in the trees. In the mood for some creepiness? There’s a craftable house for that too! Do you…
Category: Guides

The Celestian Orchestra
Celestia, world of the shining stars, the reflecting moon, the powerful sun -and crabs- we invite you to the recently discovered in-tact ruins of the Celestian Opera House. Archaeologists have inspected the theatre to be in safe enough condition for public entry. Our finest Marleybonian musicians have decided to hold a special performance of a…

Crafting101 – Azteca
Tonight we will learn how to craft an Eagle War Shield for Oztomeca’s quest, “Making the Grade.” Welcome back to Crafting101, young Wizard! After achieving Legendary Artisan, you will work to become a Transcendent Crafter. You may teleport to a friend to reach Oztomeca, like most other crafting quests. You could also quest to “Millions…

Superstacking Large Plants
Gardening is such an amazing way of getting Mega Snacks, TC’s, reagents and of course GOLD! Making the most of your gardens space is very important. Here is an easy way to have a 56 large plant garden, and it’s basically error free. When completed, it will have 2 inside rows with 32 large plants…

Fire Guide to Max Damage
Guess which school has the highest damage boost of all the schools in the game? Storm? WRONG! Fire currently boasts higher damage than Storm. Weird right? This is a trend that’s been happening since Polaris where the fire school gear has been getting higher damage than the storm school. Currently, the max damage the Fire…

Crafting the Hands of Fate
The Hands of Fate are awesome wands available for crafting and would primarily be for stitching or showing off to your friends, because the last upgrade is hard! So how do you craft them? Well, first off you’re going to need to play the new Deckathalon. Once you’ve gained 35 points in the event you’ll…

Starting Fishing: Grizzleheim
One beautiful part of Wizard101 is fishing. It can be a great way to spend some time with friends without the pressure of battle and strategy. Fishing will take you to some corners of the Spiral you may not have taken the time to explore before. Like any great hobby in Wizard101, it can lead…

Castle Magic: Locked Doors
Introduction One of the most common uses for Castle Magic is creating doors to separate or even hide portions of your house. If you wanted to, you could make a door that nobody would know even exists without you mentioning it. However, in this guide we will be covering how to require a password in…

Superstacking Medium Plants
Gardening is such an amazing way of getting Mega Snacks, TC’s, reagents and of course GOLD! Making the most of your gardens space is very important. Here is an easy way to have a 64 medium plant garden, and it’s basically error free. When completed, it will be 4 plants high, 4 plants wide, and…

Happily Everafter
This incredible new castle is by far one of my favorites! The entire estate is full of fairytales and fables, from Mother Goose to The Brothers Grimm. What truly caught my attention was the morals behind the fairytales represented. I don’t know if KingIsle had an ulterior motive behind their selection of fables, but if…