Superstacking Medium Plants

Gardening is such an amazing way of  getting Mega Snacks, TC’s, reagents and of course GOLD!  Making the most of your gardens space is very important. Here is an  easy way to have a 64 medium plant  garden, and it’s basically error free.  When completed, it will be 4 plants high, 4 plants wide, and 4 plants deep.

Start with the Basics

The best way to get started is to  have a castle that is considered a plant like. Currently, the castles that all plants like are:

Botanical Gardens – The Botanical Gardens are available with the Evergreen Bundle Gift Card (Sometimes available during special events, in the Crowns shop for 12,500 Crowns)

Red Barn Farm – This castle is available from the crowns shop for 12,500 Crowns or 125,000 Gold

Everafter Village – This castle is available in the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle.  It can be found at Gamestop online and in stores for $39.00

You’ve bought your castle, so now it’s time to get the supplies you’ll need to get your stacked garden, “off the ground”…..pun intended! These are the items I use, most of  which can be found at the Bazaar.

Items for Stacking

12 Crates:
The preferred ones are:
*Crate of jellybeans
*Crate of hot dogs
*Crate of pudding
*Crate of pies
*Crate of ice cream
You can find crates at the Bazaar, usually costing between 300 gold and 1100 gold.  They are also available in the crown shop for 500 crowns or 2500 gold.

Dragonspyre Standard:
This can be bought from the Bazaar for 1600 gold.

Flat Wooden Platform:
You will find this item in the Crowns Shop for 350 Crowns, or 1750 gold

Stairs Castle Block:
Occasionally, stairs can be found at Bazaar for 75-125 gold
They are also available to craft from Lloyd FallingWater in the Shopping District. The recipe costs 2000 Gold for a narrow one or 10,000 gold for a wide one.

Tatami Mat:
The Tatami Mat is sold by Zhi Lan, Mooshu Housing Shop. The vendor price is 350 gold. 

Helpful Extras

Last, but not least, a little bit of research has to be done so you will know what your plants will like. In this example, I’ll be planting Trumpet Vines. Try to get as many of the likes as you  can.  The following items are the likes for Trumpet Vines. 

Your plants likes may differ from this list.

Deadly Helephant Ears
Decorative Gong
Helephant Ears
Gong of the Oni
King Parsley
Tropical Garden Gnome
Ultra Helephant Ears,

After collecting all your needed items, it’s time to get started!  This video will take you through every step to creating your own 64 medium plant garden. I hope this helps you maximize your rewards from gardening!

These steps should get you on your way to maximizing your gardening space.  I’d love to hear what medium size plants you decided to use and the likes you added to speed up your harvest! Let me know in the comments.

Keep your eyes open for the next article where I will show you how to easily get 50+ large plants in one compact area.

Happy Gardening!

Happily Everafter

This incredible new castle is by far one of my favorites! The entire estate is full of fairytales and fables, from Mother Goose to The Brothers Grimm. What truly caught my attention was the morals behind the fairytales represented. I don’t know if KingIsle had an ulterior motive behind their selection of fables, but if they did…..BRAVO! Each area of this home has positive morals hidden within the fable itself.

The Land of Fairytales and Fables

As we arrive through the Spiral Door, we see many pathways leading from a central farmhouse.  The central farmhouse also has a small barn with a secret tunnel that leads to the main house. There are multiple gardening areas all around the central farmhouse. As a bonus, this house is a like for your plants! There is also a lovely lake with a stream for fishing. I haven’t quite figured out what fairytale the main farmhouse represents. Maybe Jack and the Beanstalk? What do you think it could be? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments below!

The first house we’ll visit represents Mother Goose and The Old Woman who lived in a Shoe. It’s a multi-level house, 4 stories inside, with quaint details. The last 2 stories are reached by climbing a ladder, how fun! The rooms inside are smallish, but have plenty of space for decorating in your style.

In the Old Woman and the Shoe, there is a woman who has so many children she doesn’t know what to do! The moral of this story is, listen to your parents and have good behavior.

From there we go to visit the 3 Little Pigs, a fable originally published in 1886. You’ll find a straw house, a house of twigs, and a brick house. These are cute little 1 room shacks.  To the left of them is a path that when followed takes you through a cave to the next house.

Just as the 3 Little Pigs worked hard to accomplish their dreams, so can you!  The moral of this story is you can accomplish anything with hard work and dedication.

The next house we come to is the witches’ house from the Brothers Grimm tale, Hansel and Gretel. This is a fabulous rendition of the enticing candy house. The entire structure is covered in sweet treats that sparkle in the sunlight. The interior has 2 rooms that are vibrantly colored, matching the outside. If you go through the side of the large tree stump, it takes you underground, coming out int the main area of the castle.

Hansel and Gretel got into loads of trouble because they didn’t listen to their parents and trusted someone they didn’t know. The moral of this story is to always listen to your parents and don’t trust strangers.

After climbing a hill, we find ourselves at a wishing well. This well has a daily gift for your Wizard! On this occasion I recieved gold and a pet snack. Climbing a hill to a well is from an old 18th century nursery rhyme, Jack and Jill.

Jack was in such a hurry that he forgot to stay safe and be careful.  The moral in this story is to avoid being hasty and do things carefully.

Rising to the sky we have the Brothers Grimm again, this time with Rapunzels Tower. This whimsical structure has 3 stories with a winding walkway that circles around the main floors.

Rapunzel dreamed of getting out of her tower and patiently waited for that wonderful day to arrive. The moral of this story is to never give up on your hopes and dreams!

There is a hidden door behind the waterfall that takes you to the lower level of Rapunzels Tower!

The mount that comes with the bundle is none other than the Pumpkin Carriage from Cinderella! This is another great multi-person mount from KingsIsle, this one with stunning details.

Cinderella had a hard life but kept a happy heart no matter what. The moral in this story is to be kind, forgive others, and don’t let bad things ruin a good heart.

The pet that comes with this bundle is the adorable, or should I say “toadorable” Noble Toad!  As his crown shows, he comes from a long line of Noble Toads!

Gear fit for a King or Queen

If you’ve ever wanted to have a regal look, this is the gear for you. The stats won’t replace your dungeon farmed gear, but it will make an amazing stitch!

This wand is utterly amazing, so very eerie!  It’s called Poison Apple.  Once again, the stats are not the greatest but it would be another awesome stitch. Does anyone remember where a poison apple comes from? That’s right, Snow White!  

Snow White was envied for her inner beauty as much as for her outer beauty.  Her good-hearted trust in everyone caused problems for her.  The moral to this story is that real beauty comes from within, and once again don’t trust strangers.

KingsIsle has outdone themselves with this bundle!  Not only is it an adorable castle with many features, but it also has wonderful morals for the children of the game. I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough of the Fantastic Fairytale Farm! If you see any other fairytales or fables represented that I missed, let us know in the comments below! Until next time, may all your dreams come true!


Wizard City Housing Vendors

Tired of never finding the housing item you want at the Bazaar?  Well search no longer! There are many things available throughout all the worlds from a variety of vendors. Even items that are no auction and can never be found at the Bazaar! We will be visiting each world in this series and will show you who to go to for that perfect housing item. 

Wizard City Housing Vendors

There are four housing vendors in Wizard City, They have many housing items available. There are also six recipe vendors for craftable items. From Castles to Pet Bread Crumbs, we have them all listed here.

Aubert Quickhammer

Aubert is the furniture shop keeper in Wizard City. You’ll find him in the Shopping District by Eliks Edge, at the Wizard City Furniture & Castle Shop. He has everything from plants to wallpapers and floors. Tell him Sarai sent you!

Here’s a sample of what you will find.

Party Banner
Plaques for all schools
Fancy Lamppost
Small Yellow Tent
Small Blue Trim Rug
Tic-Tac-Toe pieces and Gameboard
Music Player
Party Cake

Buxley Turleton

Buckley shares a shop with Aubert Quickhammer. He’s the best real esate agent in Wizard City!

Castles available:
Wooded Cottage 8,000 gold
Royal Playhouse 15,000 gold


Farley is the head gardener for Wizard City. You can find him in Golem Court.

Here’s a sample of what you can find:

Wizard City styled pots
Tropical Garden Gnome

Roland Silverheart

You can find Roland on Unicorn Way outside of the PVP Arena. All of his items are non-auction and are purchased with Arena tickets. If you don’t PVP you can get tickets from doing your daily quests.

Here’s a sample of what you can find:
Wood Housing Blocks 
Ninja Sword Rack 
Market Tent Pavilion

Derrick Blaze

You can find Derrick next to the Bazaar. He sells the recipe for the Team Up Kiosk. In order to purchase this recipe you have to earn your Team Player badge.

Team Up Kiosk Price: 100 gold

Wizard City Recipe Vendors

Eudora Tangletree

You can find Eudora by the pond near the Bazaar in Olde Town. A lovely lady with great recipes! She has recipes for many different aquariums and seventeen different tapestries.

Here’s a sample of her other recipes:
Garden Lot
Directional Arrows
Moon Banner
Red Foodcart
Stack of Paper
Water Bucket

Lloyd Fallingwater


You can find Lloyd in the Shopping District near Eliks Edge. He has all the Stone Housing Block recipes. Who needs the Bazaar, just make them yourself!

Dr. Purreau

You can find Dr. Purreau in the Hatchery. He has recipes for a Pet Hatching Kiosk and a tapestry to the Hatchery. These recipes need Hatch Peppers. You can get this reagent by placing pets in the kiosk or in the chest from daily quest rewards.
Hatching Kiosk Recipe Price: 2,500 gold Tapestry Recipe Price: 2,500 gold


You can find Harker in Darkmoor to the left, near the small building. He has the recipe for the Castle Darkmoor tapestry. 

Recipe Price: 5,000 gold

Jackie Whisperflame

You’ll find Jackie in the snack shop at the Pet Pavilion. She sells the recipe for Pet Bread Crumbs. Bread Crumbs are an awesome way of controlling the movements of pets and mounts when they are placed in your Castle!

Recipe Price: 5,000 gold

This concludes the list of Housing Vendors for Wizard City. Whew, that was an all day shopping spree! Hope it helps you find that perfect item for your castle. Let us know in the comments below about your most surprising find shopping in Wizard City. Stay tuned for Krokotopia and many more worlds to come!

NEW Nimbari Hoard Pack

The new Nimbari hoard pack is super awesome and our first pack to release in 2019! With that comes some high expectations and I don’t think it is letting us down! So let’s dive right in!


You’re going to get a lot of different pets throughout these packs. You will get millions variations, like a Fairyfly, Goat Monk, Storm Bird and a Storm Golem.

Of course the pet you’d really want is the Ultra-Rare Hurricanine pet. This adorable guy sadly only seems to give Storm Dealer as a talent you’d be wanting. But I’m personally willing to hatch as many times as it takes to get this adorable little dude a great set of stats! He also comes with a Galvanic Field item card. Not as good as a blade, but still nice to have.


Ah what you’ve really come for! Everyone always needs to know how important these packs are and how they will affect the meta of gear choice. The answer: A lot.

The wands at max level are honestly fantastic, in particular for storm. It’s best to think of them as superior versions of the revered crafting wands, but only in critical and damage. This wand allows my storm to reach 99.8% critical (give or take) with 162 damage! They also come with fairly beefy Shift Maycasts that can allow you to get a nice bit of cheeky extra damage!

The boots and hat are also phenomenal at lower levels, trumping Waterworks and House of Scales gear!


This is something I personally don’t like. There are 7 different furniture items tagged as Ultra-Rare, meaning they’re equally as rare as the wands, robes and the pet.

They’re cool, don’t get me wrong, and using them I made this awesome little scene in my Arcanum Apartment, but still not the best. Perhaps this was to balance the dropping of these great gear pieces? We’ll never know.

Other than that the other pieces of furniture are nice and the variety of fans to add to the regular ones we saw with Whirlyburly is awesome!


The Nimbari Chariot looks pretty cool. It’s nice and unobtrusive and looks different enough, but it’s nothing spectacular.

Still you will not be complaining if you get this Epic drop. It seats two wizards with a standard speed boost of 40%. Overall, rather cool.

So with all that said, I think we can all agree that the Nimbari hoard pack was actually pretty successful and great to have. I love what it’s allowed me to do in my house as well as my gear. It gets my seal of approval!

Member Benefit Tier List!

Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list!  Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List!

I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that these tiers are based on opinion only and are not fact. You may find that you love Double Animus and don’t care for Double pet XP. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

The D Tier

Double Monstrology Exp and Animus
Daily Assignment and Daily PvP Assignment Boost

I know Monstrology has its fans, including myself. But most of the players I have spoken with just aren’t that into it.  

As for the daily assignment boosts,  to me this is be the least useful of the bunch. I was only able to complete a few assignments within the time given, limiting the benefit from it significantly.

The C Tier

Free Chest Re-Roll
Training Point Buy Back

These are both nice benefits but they have some problems restricting their potential! First off, although this benefit can be useful for newer players it’s rare that you would want or need to buy back your training points once you have gained a better understanding of the game. This makes this benefit far more useful for new players than more seasoned wizards who have little need of it.  

The chest re-roll is limited to one re-roll per boss each day. Making farming a little nicer for one run but still not providing an amazing benefit.

The B Tier

Zero Energy Fishing
Double Reagents and Unlimited Crafting

This member benefit definitely has its perks. Whether you’re trying to level up, catch new fish, find a rare wand or even a new permanent mount to add to your collection, this benefit lets you go wild with lures!  

While fishing can seem boring for some, others find it to be a relaxing change from the usual game play. The hunt and grind for what you want is always worth it when you finally get it, and fishing is no exception since it offers some great rewards. If you haven’t tried fishing yet you may not find this benefit to be very exciting, but anyone who’s fished before will understand just how good unlimited fishing is!

Double reagents are just amazing. Every reagent you collect by gardening, gathering or fighting is doubled. Always paired with unlimited crafting, there is no cool down time when you craft items. With no timers, you can craft to your heart’s content whilst doubling your chances of getting some of those pesky, harder to get reagents!

The A Tier

Double Pet xp

Everyone loves double pet experience. It’s fortunately a common benefit, and everyone rushes to the Pet Pavilion to train up their pets which we all know will inevitably fail and leave us crying ourselves to sleep… no? Just me? With double pet XP every game you play or snack you feed to your pet gives twice the benefit that it would have normally. So, a Fancy Yogurt that would give your pet 50 XP will give you 100 XP during this benefit. Almost enough to level to teen in one snack! Even gold bought snacks like Shanta Pudding give significant boosts to your pets XP during this reward.

Either way, we all know and love Double Pet XP and we’re all praying it doesn’t go anywhere, anytime soon! 

The S Tier

Double Gardening Rewards

Welcome to the crème de la crème! This is undoubtedly the best and tragically the rarest of all the member benefits. We get this gem a few times a year and boy do we capitalize!

Whether it’s Couch Potatoes, Evil Magma Peas, King Parsley or Pink Dandelions, you will double every single seed, snack, reagent or housing item that your garden drops during this reward. 


So that was my tier list of all the eight current member benefits available in Wizard101! Let us know in the comments if you agree!


What are Jewels?

Jewels are items in the game that can be added–affixed–to equipment. (Athames, rings, amulets, decks, and even pets!) There are five different types of jewels–circle, triangle, square, tear, and star. Each different shape gives different boosts to stats.

Square jewels boost resistance, stun block, critical block, and incoming healing percent.

   (The square, tear, and triangle shape jewels.)

Triangle jewels boost shadow pip percent, power pip percent, accuracy, and can grant cards.

Tear jewels increase mana, health, energy, and fishing luck.

Circle jewels boost damage percent, critical chance percent, and outgoing healing percent.

Star jewels are equipped to pets, and can offer a multitude of different things; accuracy, cards, damage, resistance, and can even increase your gold obtaining rate. Star jewels can also boost your pet’s attributes. (Suffice to say, star jewels can give your wizard a handy little boost.)

(Know that jewels can boost specifics as well. A square jewel that is red will give you a boost in a fire resist. Jewels that are rainbow colored are the jewels that are universal–universal resist, universal damage, universal accuracy, etc.)


When you affix–socket–a jewel to an item, you must shatter–break–it to reopen that slot. When you shatter a jewel, the jewel will usually disappear. There are exceptions to this rule, so before you affix a jewel to a piece of equipment, double check that it is, in fact, shatter-proof.

You can carry up to a hundred jewels in your bag. They can be trashed and sold, but they cannot be auctioned. You can put jewels in a bank and the shared bank.

Obtaining Jewels

Like mostly everything in the game, jewels can be obtained be farming, buying off of vendors, or crafting. (You can even find jewels in fishing chests.) Some jewels can’t be bought, some can’t be crafted, some can’t be farmed. It’s annoying, but it’s life.

To craft jewels, you need two things: the recipe and the jewel crafting station. (Which is obtained from a quest at level 15.) All jewel recipes require three fundamental things: a type of metal, a type of gem, and a type of treasure card. What type of metal, type of gem, and what type of treasure card depends on the recipe, but that’s the blanket rule.

For example, the recipe for a random ice school jewel for levels 45-65. In the bottom left, the ingredients needed are listed. 15 sapphires, 4 bronze, and 4 ice spear treasure cards.

Farming for jewels works just as farming for any other type of equipment. Do your research before setting off. Buying jewels from a vendor is just like buying gear from a vendor.


This is a novice’s wrench.

Opening Sockets

Some items have sockets that have a lock over them. This means you must open the locked socket before you can affix anything to it. This requires an item: a wrench. Different items require different wrenches. If you don’t have the correct wrench, you can pay crowns to unlock the socket. Wrenches are traditionally dropped by bosses, but a variety of bosses drop different wrenches.

Affixing Jewels

Courtney, you say, I have the jewel I want to affix, but what do I affix it to? 

Great question, young grasshopper.

You affix jewels to gear you know you will be using. The better the jewel, the more you want to ensure that it will get used.

Just recently, I got my gear from Darkmoor. My ring, Band of the Chilling Light (dropped from Aphrodite, the gold skeleton key boss in the Graveyard) gives three sockets: a circle, a tear, and a square. Since I plan on using this equipment piece of a long time, I would choose to affix a good jewel, perhaps a universal resistance jewel, a health-boosting jewel, and a really good damage jewel.

The ring I used before I got this one was one I got in Zafaria. At level 66. I never replaced the ring because I had my best jewels affixed to it, and the rings I found later on never matched up to it.

When you’re a lower level, you switch gear a lot. When you’re level fifteen, there’s a good chance you’ll be using a different athame at thirty. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I highly recommend you do not use a level fifteen athame at level thirty. Don’t equip a rare/good jewel you just found to an athame you’ll use, perhaps, for five more levels. (This is a suggestion, not a requirement. What I’m trying to get at is to plan out how long you’re going to use a piece of equipment. It does no good to waste jewels you spent hours farming for.) 

Shattering Jewels

This is the downside. I mentioned it above, but for almost all jewels, when you affix them, to get rid of them you must shatter them. This breaks the jewel, and you can never get that jewel back. There are jewels that are shatter-proof, but there are more jewels that aren’t. Be very careful what jewels you choose to affix.


I was very fond of the +17 ice damage as well as the +32 fire resist. I also never really found a better ring, but that could have been me forgetting to double check my gear.

The process of affixing/shattering a jewel to an item


 Community Contributor Courtney PixieBreeze

Permanent Mounts for Gold



Never quest on foot again, get a permanent mount for gold.

There is no reason any wizard should have to run around The Spiral on foot with the great selection of mounts Kings Isle is offering for in game gold only. Enjoy a 40% speed boost and get every quest done faster, just follow the instructions below! The first thing you should do is open the Crowns Shop and navigate to the Permanent Mounts section.

Next, scroll down to the Bengal Tiger, the first mount on the list that is available for gold. You will notice a tab activate that says “gold” Click the Gold tab, and you will see the price in Gold!

Classic Mounts

Not every mount can be purchased for gold, but there is a great selection of classic mounts such as Dragons, Cats, and Broomsticks that can be. When you switch the tab to gold for the Bengal Tiger, you will be able to see which other mounts can be purchased for gold and their prices. Now you can quest in style!

~ Amber Ravynsong