Offensive/Utility Set (World's Fool Set)
As I stated before, this set doesn’t really have much to offer. Aside from the wand (that will be mentioned later), each of the 3 pieces provide a decent amount of health and power pips, as well as universal accuracy, damage, and resist. They also each give a nice utility item card: Cooldown (1 Pip), Enfeeble (2 Pips), and Mana Burn (target loses 4 pips).

Regardless of what school you are or what role you play, I can only see this combination of stats being useful for a spammer or support at best.
Energy Set (Pixie's Encanta Set)
The level 100+ version of the Energy Set gives a total of +59 energy. (Hat, Robe, and Boots give 18/23/18. The wand in this set doesn’t actually give any energy bonus.)

Healing Set (Faerie Court Set)

The Wands from the other sets also give decent healing boosts, with similar critical block ratings and a different item card.
This dungeon also drops many snacks (including mega snacks) at a high rate. Here are some of the good snacks:
Rank 7

Rank 8 (Mega Snacks)

The gear’s drop rates are decent, and the dungeon is very easy with a full team. Good luck!
I started reading this article and you mention it can be reached through a glitch? How, and are there others that can be glitched the same way?
So pretty much how the glitch goes is, you have a friend or second account with no member be at the house with the gauntlet. Your wizard with member goes to a world you need member for and the non member character ports to the member character. ( it’ll obviously have the pop up to buy the location) hit cancel and hover over the commons button. If it says commons you did it, your member character can port and others can port to the member character. If it says house tour headquarters restart the process. Ps. What I like to do is start in the dorm rooms on both characters works almost every time.
could you add pictures of the healing set please, it says 56 incoming and 60 outgoing but all i see is 2 wands