Corporal Tenni’syn is a Gold Skeleton Key boss found inside the Zanadu Sewers, Empyrea. He drops the best offensive robes for every school, except Storm. Storm wizards will still want to use the Malistaire robe even at level 130. Initially, this boss seems difficult, but with enough knowledge and game sense, he is actually incredibly…
Tag: guide

Legendary Storm PvP
Hello, and welcome to Legendary Storm PvP. I know, shocking. Why Legendary Storm PvP you may ask? When I was playing Wizard101, back when PvP was popular among my friends, we all liked Legendary PvP. The not so high stats, the no use of shadow pips, the little grind we did to get House of…

The Valencian Philharmonic
T he home of the ruthless clockwork empire and our own Diego the Duelmaster. Valencia was once a land of pristine culture and beauty until the clockworks came onto the scene. This is best shown through the music of Valencia. Elegant classical instruments such as the piano and strings identify the culture. Played in a tense…

How to Get “One in a Million”
“One in a Million” is one of the most popular badges in Wizard101. Unfortunately, without the proper setup and strategy, you may fail at your attempt to earn it, wasting time and gold. So, here are my tips and tricks on how to achieve “One in a Million.” Prisms If you…

How to Create a Portal Hub
Dedicating one of your castles to store the portals to your other houses can be a laborious task, especially deciding you want to begin a project like this. If you’re not sure what I mean by a “portal hub,” I am referring to a castle that is the central hub to teleport to your other…

Dorm Decorating: Death School
I ’m sure everyone remembers struggling to figure out what to do with their first dorm room. I had no idea what to do with the original furniture. Honestly, it just wasn’t for me, but after a week or so of fishing, questing, and collecting treasure cards, I had figured out how to make the…

Member Benefit Tier List!
Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list! Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List! I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at D being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that these tiers are based on…

Dorm Decorating: Xmas Edition
It’s Christmastime in the Spiral once again! I’m sure all of you are just about as excited as I am (as if that’s even possible!). It’s the most wonderful time of the year and you can show your Christmas cheer with an exciting and original Christmas themed dorm room! I am completely new at glitching…

The Elements of Decorating
Intended For the Novice Decorator I have no doubt you’ve been to homes with phenomenal mazes that extend to places in the sky you didn’t think they could reach, or beautiful portal displays of every house in the game. Each portal with an angel plant at elder, dancing elegantly nearby, or player-made homes of building…

Krampus Guide
It’s Christmas in the Spiral! You know what that means? You now have access to the skeleton key boss, Krampus. You can find the dungeon entrance in Wizard City Ravenwood behind the Ice Tree, Kelvin. When you enter, everything will be decorated and pretty for Christmas. Until you are caught running in the Halls….