This article will introduce you to gardening in Wizard101. We will start with the basics a new Wizard101 gardener needs to know. Why start Gardening? There are a lot of reasons to start gardening in Wizard101. The most common reason a young Wizard might garden is for pet snacks. Pets play a very important role…
Tag: Garden

Superstacking Medium Plants
Gardening is such an amazing way of getting Mega Snacks, TC’s, reagents and of course GOLD! Making the most of your gardens space is very important. Here is an easy way to have a 64 medium plant garden, and it’s basically error free. When completed, it will be 4 plants high, 4 plants wide, and…

Aphrodite Strategy Guide
Now that we have mastered Darkmoor in my previous guide, the Ravenwood guide to Aphrodite is here. This boss is a key boss found inside The Graveyard. Once inside the gates go left around the battle with Yevgeny. You will find yourself at another gate which opens with a gold key. If you are a…

Couch Potato Farming for all Levels
Anyone who has ever tried to hatch the perfect pet knows how important Mega-Snacks are. Mega Snack Packs are expensive and only help a little bit. The best and easiest solution is to grow Couch Potatoes, but how can we get them without spending all of our Crowns? Depending on your level, you have some…