Tag: event
Lucky Farming Day
Join us Saturday March 16th for our Ravenwood Academy Lucky Farming Event! Meet your favorite community friends and staff members in Realm Leprechaun at 6 pm Eastern American Time at Lord Nightshades Tower. We will all farm Lord Nightshade together for lucky Saint Patrick’s day drops! In past years Nightshade…
Winter Chill Party
Join us on Sunday January 27th 2019 in the Commons, Realm Troll (we will have porters there) at 6pm Eastern American time for a Winter Chill session community style. As always, we will all hang out while we run Gauntlets and PvP just for fun with all of your friends…
Member Benefit Tier List!
Everyone loves a good old-fashioned tier list! Everyone loves Wizard101 member benefits! Why not combine the two and create our very own Member Benefit Tier List! I will list all the member benefits under a category, starting at D being the worst and finishing in the S tier being the best. Please note that…
Christmas Festival 2018
Join Ravenwood Academy Saturday December 29th at 6pm Eastern to celebrate the season together with all of your community friends. We will be throwing a big house party and everyone is invited! There will be tons of fun for everyone with Gauntlets, PVP, Fishing, Mini Games, Freebie vendors, rides. We will be…
Christmas Decoration Contest!
Christmas is about sharing love and friendship and spending time with the ones you hold dear. This year we would like to do a Christmas Housing Decoration contest together with you, our community. Gather together all your Holly and your Mistletoe. Deck all your Halls and make everything merry and…
Pirate House Party
Yarr Harr Pirates!! We are excited to announce something new! We will be throwing our first ever Pirate101 house party on December 8th, 2018! Meet us on Skull Island in Avery’s Court, Commodore realm at 12pm Eastern American Time. Besides the best Pirate101 house party ever we will have: Obsidian Key…
Community Thanksgiving Event
Saturday November 24th, meet us in Commons realm Unicorn at 6pm Eastern for an all level Gauntlet Runs event! Our Staff, Events and Runners teams will take community members through Accursed Play, Winterbane, Pagoda, or Spiral Cup while we all hang out, chat and do some PvP just for for…
Darkmoor Runs Event!
Come join us Saturday November the 17th!! Meet us at 6pm Eastern in the Commons realm Unicorn for our Full Darkmoor Runs event. Our staff and Dungeon Runners will take teams of level 100+ Wizards through the Graveyard including Aphrodite! After a few runs we will meet in the commons…
Darkmoor Strategy Guide
Hello Wizards, Amber Ravynsong here with the Darkmoor Strategy guide you all have been asking for. Darkmoor consists of three dungeons. First, Castle Darkmoor, then The Upper Halls, and finally The Graveyard. 3495 Crowns will purchase this area permanently, and 495 can get it for 6 hours. Start to finish,…