Now, I know what you’re thinking, can this be true? Imagine having ninety-nine percent universal resist… Sounds amazing right? Well, like all good things it won’t be easy. So, lets begin.

The first thing you will need is the Jade Hood of Mystery. At level 110, it gives 22 Universal Resist, 6 % Power Pip chance, +340 Health, 6% Incoming and 5% Outgoing Healing. This Hat Comes from the “Keeper’s Lore Pack” and sells for 399 Crowns per pack.
**Note for newer players if you are not level 110 or higher it will not give you these stats!!**


Next, the Jade Robe of Mystery. It gives 23 Universal Resist, 4 % Power Pip chance, +480 Health, 5% Outgoing Heal, and +40 Critical Block at level 110. You can get this robe from the “Keeper’s Lore Pack.”
Then, the “Rockstar Kicks.” Patt Minotaur, in the once shot Gauntlet, “Battle of the Bands”, drops this rare item. These boots give +224 Health, 6 % Power Pip chance, +85 Critical Block, +6 % Damage, 18% Universal Resist at level 100.


Now for the Amulet, the “Arcanum Exile Snowflake Torc”. Many bosses in Polaris including Boris the Boarder, Colonel Orlov, Marshal Gill, and the Rat, all drop it. The Amulet itself gives +326 Health, +88 Critical Block, +6 Universal Resist. It also gives one card, the Bolstered Ward.
The Heartsteel is an Athame you can get at Level 5 from the Crowns Shop. It gives +45 Health, and +5 Resist. You can buy it for 260 crowns. Or, you if you would rather, you can farm it from Prince Gobblestone. He is a rank 3 boss located in Colossus Boulevard, in Wizard City.


The ring you need is “Elissa’s Chill band”, which is for level 66+. It gives +415 Health, +165 Mana, 8% Power Pip chance, +3 Universal Resist, +54 Ice Critical Block, +2% Ice Damage, and 4% Incoming Healing. Now, how do you get this ring? Well, let me tell you, there are 11 bosses and mobs that drop it in Zafaria!! They are, Amedras Lightstep, Blackback Soldier, Custos Decimus, Ghuerruld, Goliath Bruiser, Gorilla Spider Witch, Oya Bloodstorm, Shadow- Web Haunt, Shaka Zebu, The Hoarder, and Tse-tse Snaketail. If you don’t have luck with one, try another!
Next, we have the wand, “Katana of Takanobu’s Wrath.” It gives +1 Universal Resist, and +1 Power Pip, as well as 5 wand hit cards. It also has a “Shift Ninja Pig” May-Cast. Takanobu the Masterless in the Cave of Solitude Wooden Key Room, in Mooshu, drops this rarely seen wand.

Pet Stats

Finally, this set-up wouldn’t be complete without a resist pet. Strive for Relentless, Mighty, Unshakeable, and Durable even though they are usually considered selfish talents. In this pet, they boost the standard Proof + Defy to provide extra universal defense. In a pet with base stats of 255 strength and 260 agility, these talents will increase that to 360 strength and 400 agility which determine the pet’s final resistance.
Well, there you have it! This is currently the best resist available. 99% Resist for Ice School is the highest that we can currently go. I’ll definitely be keeping my eyes open for gear that will take us to a full 100%. Until then, so long wonderful Wizards, cya when 100% resist is possible.
~Ravenwood Community Guest Writers, Tsunami and vKoor
100% Resist is possible now with Uber amulet…uber amulet giving 8 resist 🙂