Crafting101 – Dragonspyre | Pt 2

You didn’t think we were only going to cover the Life recipe and not the other schools did you? Well, if you did, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! 

As we mentioned in Part 1, for your second crafting quest, Balthazar Dragonthorn gives you a quest that corresponds with your school. In the first Dragonspyre crafting guide we showed you what the Life School quest would be like, we will be explaining more about the other schools quests in this edition. For Life, the Quest is Needle and the Vine. If you are a Life wizard and have found this article looking for a Dragonspyre Crafting Guide, CLICK HERE.

Please note: If a particular reagent has already been covered in an earlier recipe, I won’t repeat the reagent but will let you know which recipe we already covered it in! – Now, let’s begin, shall we?

Reagents in Common

Crystal Vial

in total are required. Crystal Vial is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor and the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold where as buying them from the Bazaar can cost between 165 to 1650 gold each, depending on how many are listed available. Harvesting Pink Dandelion can also get you some of these vials.

Frost Flower

15 in total are required. Frost Flower is a fairly popular reagent that spawns all over the coldest places spiral. It is especially easy to find in Grizzleheim and Wintertusk and there is always a frost flower near the Ice Tree, Kelvin, in Ravenwood! Frost Flowers can be found at the Bazaar, pricing anywhere from 33 to 325 gold each. Harvesting Evil Snow Peas, Fickle Pickle, Frozen Fly Trap, Orange Dandelion, Snow Apples, Honey Bee Plant and Boon Tree will increase your chances of collecting Frost Flower.

Black Pearl

in total are required. Black Pearl is a challenging reagent to find. It can be gathered as a rare harvest from black lotus or pearl. It can also be transmuted. You can also purchase Black Pearl from Diego 175 arena tickets. The Bazaar has them available but they are quick to go, so if they are available buy them quickly. They usually sell for anywhere from 188 – 1875 gold each. A few gardening options are Alligator Pear Tree, Deadly Fly Trap, King Parsley, and Ultra Tiger Lily.

Stone Block

20 in total are required. Stone block is one of the easiest reagents in the game to find.Two of them spawn right in The Atheneum, where you get the quest. The Bazaar sells them from 18 to 175 gold per piece. You can even buy a bundle of 100 from the Crowns Shop for 499 Crowns. Burning Snap Dragon, Dandelion, Fickle Pickle, Snap Dragon and Tiger Lily all drop this reagent.

Storm – Needle and Rain

This is the Storm specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

Leather Straps

12 in total are required. They may be harvested from Orange Dandelion and Trumpet Vine. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Storm shark

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 250 gold. They may be harvested from Fish on a Vine, Fickle Pickle, and Bamboo Shoots.


14 in total are required. Jades cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. The Gardening sources for Jade are Burning Snap Dragons, Snap Dragons, Ivy Leagues, and Ultra Dandelions.

Ice – Needle and Frost

This is the Ice specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

spider silk

12 in total are required. This may be harvested from Orange Dandelion or Boom Shroom. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Evil Snowman

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots, Evil Snow Peas, and Fickle Pickle.


14 in total are required. Amethysts cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem.

Fire – Needle and Flame

This is the Fire specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

Leather Straps

12 in total are required. They may be harvested from Orange Dandelion and Trumpet Vine. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Sun bird

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots, Burning Snap Dragon, Pink Dandelion, and Helephant Ears.


14 in total are required. Onyx cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem.

Death – Needle and Bone

This is the Death specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

Bronze Gear

12 in total are required. These may be harvested from Orange Dandelions. There is a chance The Minotaur in The Acropolis will drop this item. The transmute recipe is listed below.


in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots.


14 in total are required. Amethysts cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. 

Myth – Needle and Fate

This is the Myth specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.


12 in total are required. You can harvest ectoplasm from Orange Dandelions, Ultra Snap Dragons, and Ultra Trumpet Vines. If there are any in the Bazaar, you can buy them for roughly 250 gold per reagent. The transmute recipe is listed below.


in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots and Fickle Pickle.


14 in total are required. Rubies cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. These can be harvested from Ivy Leagues, Snap Dragons, and Ultra Dandelions.

Balance – Needle and Luck

This is the Balance specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.


12 in total are required. Bone may be harvested from Dandelion, Deadly Fly Trap, Pink Dandelion and Orange Dandelion. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Locust Swarm

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Krokosphinx, Krokotopia. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots and Fickle Pickle.


14 in total are required. Onyx cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. 

Transmute Recipes

Frost Flower

The Frost Flower Transmute Recipe is available from Torald Wayfinder in Grizzleheim – Northguard. It is sold for 300 gold. You will need 10 Mist Wood and 10 Stone Block. 

Black Lotus

The Black Lotus Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. It is sold for 300 gold. You will need 10 Cat Tail and 10 Ore.  

Black Pearl

The Black Pearl Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. It is sold for 400 gold. You will need 15 Black Lotus per pearl.


The Ectoplasm Transmute Recipe is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in Dragonspyre – The Atheneum. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Leather Straps. 

Spider Silk

The Spider Silk Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Ectoplasm per Spider Silk.

Bronze Gear

The Bronze Gear Transmute Recipe is available from Felicia Worthington in Marleybone – Regent’s Square. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Spider Silk per gear.


The Bone Transmute Recipe is available from Wul’yahm in Krokotopia – Oasis. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Bronze Gear per Bone.

Leather Straps

The Leather Straps Transmute Recipe is available from Eudora Tangletree in Wizard City – Olde Towne. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Bones per Leather Strap.


Thank you, Starlights, for joining me crafting and collecting reagents! Catch our next edition of Crafting101 in Celestia, where we will craft an Amulet of the Seven Seas.

By Saffron ShadowWeaver and Peyton Lionheart