Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere in the spiral. We sit by the glowing embers, drinking our hot chocolate, cuddling with our fuzzy kitten, when ho! – there’s Christmas music in the Bazaar! You run by the great tree near The Commons pool, through The Shopping…
Category: Guides

Crafting101 – Dragonspyre | Pt 1
We’re back with another Crafting101 issue. Lets explore the crafting quests in one of my favorite main worlds, Dragonspyre! Balthazar Dragonthorn The next crafting badge you can earn is your Master Artisan badge, but first, you must complete all of the crafting quests Balthazar Dragonthorn gives you. Balthazar is found to your right after you cross the bridge entering the…

The Wysterian Honour Band
Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike Welcome to the fourth annual Spiral Cup music competition, created to honor the success of our competitors in the Spiral Cup PvP competition. In the heart of Wysteria, Pigswick Academy thrives with the best school band of the Spiral, winning every single competition. Despite being the only competitor, we pride ourselves on our…

Grand Tourney Arena Drops
The Grand Tourney Arena is a housing dungeon that comes with the Grand Tourney Bundle. The dungeon can be accessed through castle tours using a glitch. The drops mentioned in this guide will be for the highest tier. There are 12 pieces of gear (3 sets; each with a hat, robe, boots, and wand) from the…

Empyrea P2: Live Realm!
Introduction We’ve finally reached our last chapter in this amazing series! The third and final chapter, Live Realm. We will look and see how the community feels about this world! Let’s tackle this insane world once and for all and see just what we all think about it! Questing The story line and questing difficulty…

Catching the Humunukapua
Every Monday morning, the weekly tournament fish changes. In this article, I’m going to share my experience with the fantastic hobby of tournament fishing! Humunukapua School Life | Rank 3 | Common/Regular |1500 XPNo used in any recipes Αverage sale price in gold: 1300 each Limits: Small Fry: <15Whopper: >45 Fish Location In order: Celestia/Celestia Base…

The Marleybone Philharmonic
Intended for The Musician and Non-Musician Alike Welcome, one and all, to tonight’s program. Performed by the one and only, Royal Marleybone Philharmonic Orchestra. We have a lovely selection prepared for you tonight: the four original Marleybone themes, as well as a few surprise delights from the Pirate101 edition of Marleybone. From Albion to Cheddarberg, only the finest musicians from…

The Masteries of Wizard101
Greetings fellow wizards! In this article I will discuss the different type of masteries, where they are dropped and their usage in PvP/PvE. What are Masteries? Masteries are a subgroup of amulets that allow a wizard to use Power Pips with spells that are not of their own school. This is what a mastery looks…

Play Wizard101 for Free!
Let me start by saying, we’ve all been there. There’s always been a time in the game when you’re considered a free player, whether you’re out of crowns or your membership has just run out. Especially when you’re playing for the first time, crowns and membership can be difficult to get if your parents don’t…

Pirate House Party
Yarr Harr Pirates!! We are excited to announce something new! We will be throwing our first ever Pirate101 house party on December 8th, 2018! Meet us on Skull Island in Avery’s Court, Commodore realm at 12pm Eastern American Time. Besides the best Pirate101 house party ever we will have: Obsidian Key Boss Runs PvP Raffle for…