Petmaking 101

Where to Start

The first step of the hatching process is to determine what your end goal is. If you don’t have specific talents in mind, it will be hard to know when you have finally trained your dream pet. If this is your first pet, I recommend going for what is known as a triple/double. The talents for this type of pet will be 2 universal resist talents, 1 universal damage talent and 2 school specific damage talents.

I like to start with this type of pet for a few reasons: First, it’s the most versatile pet. It helps you while questing at any level and can also be used in PvP. Second, it causes you to build base pets along the way that can be useful for creating other pets later on. Here are examples of a myth triple/double and an ice triple/double, the type of pet the talents are on doesn’t matter, as long as it has these talents, it is a triple/double.

The Pet Tab

If you view a pet on the pet tab, there are few different sections to look at. I’ll try to break down the important parts to look at and what they mean.

When you first open your pet tab, I recommend clicking the Full Talent View at the bottom to show you all of your pet’s talents as opposed to just the manifested talents.

This tab shows you everything you need to know about your pet. You can click on “Talents” and “Derby” to change back and forth between combat talents and pet derby talents.

Pedigree – the pedigree is the rarity of all of your pet’s talents, normal and derby combined, + 1 per talent. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell you much about the pet, because a higher rarity talent isn’t necessarily a better one.

Manifested pedigree – this is like regular pedigree, but its only for your manifested talents. Also like regular pedigree, its not very useful except that this is how the hatching kiosk organizes pets. More on this later.

Stats – stats are determined when the pet is hatched. Each stat influences the final value each different talent can give you. For instance, damage talents such as pain-giver are calculated using this formula (2*strength + 2*will + power) * 2/400. Each talent has its own formula, but certain types of talents are always calculated using the same stats. Selfish talents are talents that increase the maximum value of your pet’s stat(s). The maximum stat values without a selfish talent are 255 strength, 250 intellect, 260 agility, 260 will and 250 power. Pets with these max stats are known as 2.0 pets.

The Hatchmaking Kiosk

The first place you should go to look for a pet to hatch with is the hatchmaking kiosk located outside of the hatchery. This kiosk allows people to put their pets inside for others to hatch with in return for hatching peppers. It’s unlikely to find the perfect pet you’re looking for in the kiosk, but it’s a great place to start. It still costs the same amount of gold for you to hatch through the kiosk and it functions identically to hatching with another player directly. The easiest way to find the pet you’re looking for is to enter the kiosk, go to “Browse Pets”, and find the type of pet you’re looking for. In this example I selected a clockwork paladin, so the kiosk will display all of the clockwork paladins it has at this time.

The kiosk organizes the pets in descending order by their manifested pedigree. Things worth looking at are the item cards the pet gives, the stats the pet has and the talents in the pool both manifested and unmanifested. Some pets give cards innately, these are known as item cards and function identically to cards given by other pieces of gear. Some pets give their cards at baby while others require you to level up the pet to unlock the cards. These cards are tied to the type of pet. So, all clockwork paladins, for instance, will give the clockwork minion spell. Certain pets can be put in the kiosk but will require crowns to hatch with unless you already own that pet. Some other pets aren’t available for hatch making at all, these pets will have a corresponding tag on them. I recommend avoiding crowns pets if you can or just hatching with these pets directly through a player.

Hatching Your Own Pet

So at this point, you should have an idea what kind of pet you actually want. Assuming you do, now it’s time to start looking to hatch. Look through your pets to see if you have any that have one or more of the talents you are looking for manifested already. If you do, look for either the pet with the most ideal talents manifested or the pet with the highest stats. If not, I recommend starting with a Wizard City first generation pet. First generation pets are pets obtained in the world that have never been hatched. These pets will always have the same talent pool and stats but do not always manifest the same talents. These are nice for a few reasons. For starters, you know exactly what talents are in its pool and where they are located which makes them easy to track. In addition, most of these talents are much easier to replace because very few pets you’ll be hatching with have them already in the talent pool.

Hatching The Other Pet

The best-case scenario would be to find the exact pet you’re looking to get to hatch with. However, that’s not always available when you aren’t lucky enough to have a helpful friend. So, the next best thing you can do is find a pet that has at least some of the talents you’re looking for. The tricky part is, you also want to make sure it has none of the talents you don’t want. Otherwise, those talents will be more likely to manifest in future generations. So, for example, if you wanted to make the triple/double from before you could look for a pet that has pain-giver and spell-proof to start. Once those talents manifest you could then look for a pet that has some of the other talents you are looking for. Continue doing that until your pet has all the ideal talents within its pool.

Pets in the hatchmaking kiosk go on cooldown for one hour when hatched with and are completely removed from the kiosk after they’ve been hatched with 10 times. Players whose pets are hatched with through the kiosk receive one hatching pepper reagent each time someone hatches with one of their pets.

Base Pets

Now while it might be tempting to hatch with the pet you want and train it straight to mega that’s a risky plan of attack. There is a “strategy” for creating pets known as base pets which make excellent checkpoints along the way. A base pet is a pet that has some of the talents your ideal pet wants with no bad talents manifested. This allows you to always have a pet to hatch with without introducing bad talents to the pool. If you were to train your base pet further, and it manifested a talent you didn’t want, you wouldn’t be able to hatch with it without risking the newly manifested talent showing up in the offspring.

If on your journey to creating a triple-double, you train a pet to ancient and it manifests three talents you want, it would be wise to not train that pet any further. Instead hatch with it again as an ancient base pet. Then, if that offspring makes it to epic with four ideal talents, you could either hatch again or train it to mega. If the newest hatch fails, you can go back to the ancient base pet and hatch again.

This could seem like a waste of resources at first because there’s a chance that ancient pet could have just been perfect had you trained it to mega. Let’s look at energy cost to show why I recommend this method.

To train a pet it costs:
baby to teen
2 energy per game and 125xp
to adult
4 energy per game and 250xp
to ancient
6 energy per game and 500xp
to epic
8 energy per game and 1000xp
to mega
10 energy per game and 2000xp
to ultra
10 energy per game and 2000 xp

As you can see, not only does the energy cost go up, but the amount of xp you need goes up too. This means training a pet from epic to mega is significantly more expensive than training a pet from adult to ancient. This is why I recommend having at least an ancient base pet before pushing to mega, some people like to be extra safe and use an epic base instead.

Becoming Self Sufficient

While the hatchmaking kiosk I mentioned earlier can be a great way to get started on your perfect pet, I wouldn’t suggest relying on it entirely. Since pets go on cooldown every time they’re hatched with and get removed after 10 hatches, you’re banking on the fact that you’ll get all the hatches you need to complete the project. Because of this, your goal should be to become self-sufficient as soon as possible.

This means getting all of your ideal talents manifested on two base pets. Ideally both ancient, the older the better. Once you do this, you can self hatch instead of using the kiosk. This way you are no longer at the mercy of the owner of the pet you desire, so you can hatch anytime. Another benefit is that your pets will have very similar pools. This makes preserving both stats and talents much easier and reduces the risk of accidentally introducing new talents to your pool.

The safest way to use this method would be to have two epic bases. They should both have three of the same talents you want, then each should have one of the last two talents you want. For example, if you were making the myth triple-double from before, one epic base might have spell-proof, spell-defying, myth-giver and myth-dealer. The other base might have spell-proof, spell-defying, myth-giver and pain-giver. As you can see, ¾ of the talents overlap between the pets, making them likely to manifest in the offspring which reduces the risk of a bad talent manifesting.

Pet Jewels

Once your pet reaches ancient, it unlocks a jewel slot. Pet jewels, or star jewels, in most cases just function as a sixth talent. While the jewel slot unlocks at ancient, different jewels require your pet to be different ages to socket them. For example, a Wisp Bonus Opal only requires ancient+ while a Spell-proof Opal requires ultra+. You will not be able to socket a jewel if your pet already has the same talent manifested.

Most Wizards don’t socket an ultra jewel, because training a pet to ultra does not grant you an additional talent, it only allows ultra jewels to be used. If you socket a jewel and then the pet manifests the same talent, the jewel will remain on the pet but you will not get the effect it provides. When this happens you have to shatter the jewel to place a useable jewel in the socket. There are many places to get jewels, but most school specific jewels can be crafted using the crafting recipes from Lowe Springfield in the Pet Pavilion. Opals, special jewels that give universal talents, are dropped from enemies or gathered from Jewel Blossoms. Kroger jewels have unique talents and give two talents per jewel, but can only be obtained by a select few Wizards.

Clean Pools

The bare minimum you would want to do before training a pet to mega is getting 5 ideal talents in the pool. There is something called a “clean pool.”  A clean pool means introducing talents that would allow you to make a different pet accidentally. For example, in your triple double pet’s pool, you may want to include pain-bringer, mighty or piercing talents. While manifesting those talents wouldn’t necessarily give you the pet you want, you could accidentally make a quad/proof or a piercing pet. Going for clean pools usually takes a lot more time and effort but a single clean pool can allow you to create a handful of pets using the same base.

Clean pools will not make it easier for you to obtain a specific pet. The purpose of a clean pool is to give your fails a chance of being useful. If you are just trying to make one specific pet, clean pools will not help you. 


Each snack gives a variety of stats and counts as experience towards your pet’s next level. The snack rank gives you a general idea of how much xp the snack gives. Snacks rank 8+ are “mega snacks” and give 25+ experience.

Each snack also has a school and type associated with it. The types are fruits, vegetables, meats, munchies, candies, desserts and cereals. If the snack school matches your pet’s school, your pet will
like the snack and will gain +1 extra experience. Each pet also has a specific snack type, if the snack you feed them matches that, they will also like it and gain +1 experience. If both the snack type and the snack school match your pet’s, your pet will love it and gain +2 experience.

With pet snacks It’s usually best to focus on the xp gained and not the stats themselves. This is what makes mega snacks so appealing. Here are a few ways to obtain mega snacks:

  • Arena Tickets – you can purchase rank 8 mega snacks from Broc Connery in the pet pavilion for 50 arena tickets each, which can be useful in a pinch.

  • House Gauntlets – Winterbane and Pagoda are both decent ways to get some rank 8 mega snacks. It requires combat so you need to be a decent level or bring a friend who is.

  • Mirror Lake – the final dungeon of Zafaria, Mirror Lake gives two rank 8 mega snacks when you complete it. The dungeon also offers other loot and the snacks drop every time.

  • Gardening – by far the best method for obtaining mega snacks, but also requiring the most prep. I recommend setting up a full garden from the start so you don’t spend more time gardening than pet training. Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas both give rank 9 snacks at elder which are some of the best snacks in the game.


Fake Stats

You may notice some stats show one thing on your character sheet but do not give the full effect in combat. This is due to “fake stats.” These occur because the character sheet adds common values and then rounds values greater than 0.5 up, but the combat calculator adds common values and then does not round.

Piercing talents are the one exception and they actually round down to the nearest whole number for combat.
 For example, the formula for calculating the value of armor-breaker is (2*strength + 2*agility + power) * (5/2000). Which for this pet calculates to 3.5 and shows as 4%. The formula for calculating armor piercer is (2*strength + 2*agility + power) * (3/2000).

For this pet that calculates to 2.1 and shows as 2%. However, the combat calculator adds these two values together and does not round them. So 3.5 + 2.1 = 5.6 which means in combat I only get 5% effective pierce.

For all talents other than pierce, the individual rounded talents are displayed on the pet, the rounded sum on the character sheet, and the exact decimal value is used in combat. This means the difference between 9% damage and 10% damage is often smaller than it looks. 


  • What is pedigree and should I care about it?
    • Pedigree just tells you the rarity of the talents in the pet’s pool. However, a higher rarity talent is not necessarily better, so in most cases you can just ignore it.
  • What kind of pet should I make?
    • The most standard pet you could make is a triple/double. For pvp ward pets are popular and for pve critical pets are popular.
  • What pet should I put my talents on?
    • The safest bet is either an enchanted armament or a pet with a blade as they will always be useful.
  • How long does it take to make a pet?
    • It varies a lot depending on what your starting pet is, what the pet you’re trying to make, how much energy and snacks you have and of course luck.
  • How are stats determined?
    • When two pets are hatched, the offspring rolls each stat individually. Each stat has a 25% chance to be equal to parent A’s; 25% chance to be equal to parent B’s; and a 50% chance to be the average of both parents.
      This means the only way to get a max stat is by hatching with a pet that has a max stat and that if both parents both have max stats, the offspring will always have max stats as well.
  • How does someone’s pet have an 11% damage talent or 11% resist talent?
    • The only way to get stats that high is to have a selfish talent. If a selfish talent is manifested instead of socketed as a jewel it won’t appear but will still affect the pet.
  • Why is a max stat pet called 2.0?
    • The original max stats a pet could have were 250 across the board and that was known as 1.0. However, since then higher stats have been introduced, and the new max stat values are now referred to as 2.0.
  • What are these weird names for pets?
    • Triple/double = three damage talents and two universal resist talents
    • Quad/proof = four damage talents and one universal resist talent
    • Ward pet = any pet with ward talents, usually also paired with universal resist talents
    • Quint damage = five damage talents
    • Quint resist = two universal resist talents and three resist talents of the same school
    • Utility pet = pet that provides non-combat benefits, such as fishing and gardening talents
    • Universal pet = pet with all universal talents

Energy Saving Tips

Hey everyone!

Just sharing something I found out recently that might increase your energy efficiency while training pets. Let me know what you think!

First things first.....

Before I start, consider getting some energy gear if you don’t already have some! I made a guide you can check out here for some ways to get energy gear without emptying your crowns wallet.
Also, you should never use snacks that give less than 8-10 XP unless you are completely broke. It’s just so inefficient. Sell them if you have them, and buy the rank 7 snacks from the bazaar. (If the snack is the same school as your pet, that’s a plus too.) You may already have some rank 7+ snacks from bosses you have fought while questing or farming, so you shouldn’t always have to buy when you run out of mega snacks.

Back to the point.....

This mainly applies to people that have a limited number of mega snacks. If you have like 400+ in that tiny little backpack of yours, keep doing what you’re doing.
You wanna make the most out of your precious, limited supply of mega snacks?
(Well, not yet at least.)
This may not make sense at first, but trust me here. Consider this: regardless of what level your pet is, the same snack will always give the same amount of xp.
 On the other hand, the level of your pet DOES decide how much energy you spend per game during training.
But why does that matter?
Theoretically, you’d want to spend more time at the lower levels to take advantage of the cheaper energy cost. The better snacks will level you up faster (which is the goal), but that gives you less time at the lower levels. And there’s no way using worse snacks can be more effective……right?
Not necessarily.
Still kinda confusing right? Well check out this example!
Imagine you begin training a pet, and have these two snacks in your backpack:
Fancy Yogurt (x5)
Shanta Pudding (x13)
Pet: Baby (0/125 xp)
Naturally, you want to rush straight to Teen using those Fancy Yogurts right? Well, 3 snacks will level you up. Here are the results:
Pet: Teen (25/250)
Games Played: 3
Energy Cost per Game: 2
***Energy Used: 6***
Remaining Snacks:
Fancy Yogurt (x2)
Shanta Pudding (x13)
Now, assuming you play 15 more pet games and used the remaining Fancy Yogurts and all the Shanta Puddings, you would just barely make it to Adult. Here are the results:
Pet: Adult (5/500)
Games Played: 15
Energy Cost per Game: 4
***Energy Used: 60***
Remaining Snacks: None
Overall to get from Baby to Adult, it took 66 energy and all 18 snacks. We used the mega snacks first, which is typically how people train their pets.
Now, lets see if what happens when we take the same situation, but start by feeding the Shanta Pudding instead of the Fancy Yogurt.
Since it only gives 10 xp, you will need all 13 snacks just to get to Teen. Results:
Pet: Teen (5/250)
Games Played: 13
Energy Cost per Game: 2
***Energy Used: 26***
Remaining Snacks:
Fancy Yogurt (x5)
Shanta Pudding (x0)
Then, you continue to Adult by using the mega snacks. Results:
Pet: Adult (5/500)
Games Played: 5
Energy Cost per Game: 4
***Energy Used: 20***
Remaining Snacks: None
Notice the difference yet? In both cases, you played 18 games, used 18 snacks, and ended up right at Adult.
The difference? Energy. In the first scenario, 66 energy total was used. But in the second scenario, only 46 energy was used.
You literally saved 20 energy from baby to adult just by feeding snacks in a different order.
The concept is pretty simple: by spending more time at lower levels, you decrease your energy usage overall. This was just an example, so I used specific snacks and only did 2 levels of training, but the same idea applies for any other situation.
The longer you wait to use your mega snacks, the more energy you will save in the long run.
Yes, it will seem like it’s taking longer at first. Even in the example, it took 10 games longer just to get to Teen. But if you’re in it for the long haul, you will appreciate the extra energy and less time spent at the higher levels.
Personally, I like to wait until my pet is Ancient (mainly because I have an absurd amount of the +15 xp snacks) before I start using my rank 8 and 9 snacks. If your pet fails early, you can rest easy knowing that no mega snacks were wasted. This also allows you to speed through those expensive 8-10 energy games as quickly as possible, which saves a ton of energy.
This concept does also apply during double xp, but the biggest priority in that case would be to use all of your mega snacks before the event is over. The sheer volume of double xp is worth more than saving some energy, but it is entirely possible to do both.
Like I mentioned at the beginning, if you just have limitless mega snacks (and I know at least a few of you gardening monsters do), then ignore this completely, as it won’t help you. The goal is to speed through the higher levels to avoid high energy costs per game; but if you can speed through the entire thing with only mega snacks, then you do you.
For those of you that made it this far, I appreciate you taking the time to read this post! Do you think this is effective? Leave a comment below!

By Community Guest Author: NinjaDudeb12

Pets, Pets, Pets! Basics

To begin with pets in the spiral there are a few things you need to do first. This article is meant to help you figure out where to begin being a pet owner in game.
1. Plant a garden! I know, you thought this article was about pets, well it is. You will be surprised to learn how much gardening will help you with your pet ventures. Not only do you gain cards and drops to sell for gold by gardening (which you will need for hatching pets), this is also where you can get some very good pet snacks, and lots of them if you do it right.
2. Acquire a pet! You can get pets from many different places. You can buy pets in the crown shop, buy them for gold in some places, get them from packs, and even from game drops. For a complete list of just about every pet in game and where to get it, visit
3. Choose your favorite pet training game and start training. Some people just go straight to the dance game to quickly feed their pet snacks. If the pet you currently have isn’t the one you want, or not getting good talents then it’s time to start hatching to get a better one.


Every pet has stats that are the following: Strength, Intellect, Agility, Will, and Power.
To increase your pet’s stats and experience shown within the experience bar you must train the pet. There are many different games in the pet pavilion to play that will train your pet. You can choose whichever one you are good at or enjoy, or just go for whatever is the easiest.

My personal favorite is the maze because it kind of reminds me of a Pac-Man sort of game, but the dancing one is quick, so I like that one too.


Stats and experience points are based on which game you play, how well you play that game, and what snacks you feed the pet for reward.


There are extensive reference guides at that will tell you everything you’d ever want to know about pet snacks and such. The only way to bring up a pet’s level and power is through feeding them snacks, and the only way to feed them the snacks is to play the games.

Pet Levels

There are 7 levels to pet training beginning with baby. Each level after baby is as follows:
-Teen -Adult -Ancient -Epic -Mega -Ultra.
With each level the amount of energy it costs to train your pet will increase, as well as the experience needed to reach the next level. The energy cost goes up by 2 for each level until epic, where it stays at 10 energy per game. The experience needed will double every level until you reach epic, then it will stay at 2000 experience points.

Pet Talents

As you train your pet it will learn talents each time it levels. There are talents that can benefit your wizard in many, different ways, then there are what most call “selfish talents”. Selfish talents are talents that boost the pet’s max stats. For more detailed information on the different pet talents, and how to get them, etc. refer to

By: Tiffany Rainhaven

Copying a Pet Using the Piggle Method

So, you want to make a great pet for questing? Unless you’re an experienced pet hatcher, I recommend that you copy a pet from the Hatchmaking Kiosk. Before you get started, make sure you have a full garden of Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas for a good supply of pet snacks and Gold for hatching.

Now, you browse the pets on offer in the Hatchmaking Kiosk and you see the perfect max stat double-resist triple-damage pet in the Hatchmaking Kiosk. You hatch with one of your pets and hope some of the talents on the desirable pet manifest on your new pet.

Once your new pet has hatched, you train it to teen, and it gets Spell Proof. You’re feeling super confident so you train the pet to Adult. It manifests Pain Giver. Woot! The pet is looking great! You train the pet to Ancient and it gets Mana Gift. Ugh. That’s definitely an undesirable talent.

What should I do now?

Should I trash the pet? Should I start over and hatch again tomorrow and hope for the best again?

Unfortunately, once you’ve trained a pet beyond Adult and it manifests an undesirable talent, it really is a fail. I would probably trash the pet.

But, here’s the deal: if you only trained your pet to Adult and you hatch it with the pet from the Kiosk again you will transfer more of the talent pool and stats to the offspring. You can use a technique I use to continue transferring a pet’s talent pool and stats to your own pet.

The method I use to copy a pet’s talent pool and stats in just a few hatches is known as the Piggle Method. It’s called the Piggle Method because you start with a Piggle pet bought from Tennant Wastelander for 350 Gold. Tennant Wastelander is one of the “Pet Shoppe Boys,” and a Pet Vendor in Wizard City. He’s located in the Pet Pavilion, inside the Pet Shoppe Boys’ Pet Shop.

Why do you use a Piggle?

The reason we use a Piggle pet is that most of their talents are Common, so it’s easy to track the talent pool with each hatch. Also, the talents aren’t very ‘sticky’, or hard to get rid of although that doesn’t really matter when you follow this method

Are there any tricks to transferring the talents and stats?

Once you’ve bought your Piggle pet train it ONLY to Adult. Go to the Kiosk and find a pet you want to hatch with. Once you’ve found a suitable pet, scroll through your pets and select your Piggle. Take a screenshot or a snip before you click Hatch. Now train the offspring to Adult. Once your new pet is Adult, hatch again with the same Kiosk pet when you can, following the same steps above.

Will I get the pet I want in the first hatch?

You may not get the pet body you desire in the first hatch, or even in the first ten hatches, but you will get it, eventually. Just keep following the process of hatching with

the Kiosk pet, training the offspring to Adult and hatching again until you have copied the pet, its stats and talent pool.

The new pet failed at teen, should I train it to adult?

Until you’ve copied the pet’s talent pool and stats, don’t worry about which talents your pets manifest. The manifested talents only become important when you have copied the talent pool and stats completely.

Your pet talent pool is on the left and the stats are on the right. A high pedigree shows a high number of Epic talents which may or may not be desirable depending on your goals. The higher the pedigree the more Gold your hatches will cost.

If you own the same pet body, train your pet to Adult then hatch with the desired pet from the Kiosk just like I explained above using the Piggle. Then, train the offspring to Adult and hatch again. Hatch the new offspring with the pet you are copying until you have a pet with the identical stats and talent pool.

How can I tell I’ve copied the pets talent pool and stats?

If you look closely at the picture below, you’ll see that each of the numbers in the “SAP” (Strength, Intellect, Agility, Will and Power) column is identical to that of the

parent pet. Also, each of the talent pool dots appears in the corresponding lines on both pets.

 Will I get the same talents on my pet as the kiosk pet?

Once you’ve copied the pet’s talent pool and stats completely, your job has only just begun. Now the hard part starts. It will still take many hatches to train a pet that manifests all the talents you want because you’re not copying the pet’s manifested talents, you’re copying the entire talent POOL. Any five of the ten talents can manifest in your pets when you train them, regardless of what talents the parents have manifested.

 Make 2 or 3 base adult pets

Next, train your pet with the identical stats to Adult. If it doesn’t fail, hatch it again with the pet you’re copying. And if it fails, still hatch with the desired pet again until you get a pet to Adult that hasn’t failed. I recommend that you make two or three Adult pets that haven’t failed to keep as your base pets for hatching until you have gotten 2 or 3 pets to Ancient that haven’t failed.

Next, make 2 or 3 base ancient pets

Once you have 2 or 3 Adult pets that haven’t failed, you can hatch your own pets together if the Kiosk pet isn’t available. Now hatch one of your Adult pets with the Kiosk pet or one of your own base pets, now you can try to train a pet to Ancient without failing. If a pet fails by Adult, go back to your previous pet to hatch again with the Kiosk pet, or hatch your 2 Adult pets together if the Kiosk pet isn’t available.

Make 2 base epic pets

When you have 2 pets trained to Ancient that haven’t failed, you can train up your base Adult pets. If they fail before Epic, hatch one of your 2 Ancient pets with the Kiosk pet, or hatch them together if that pet isn’t available, and try to get 2 pets to Epic that haven’t failed.

After you’ve gotten 2 pets to Epic without failing, you can level up your Ancient pets as far they will go without failing, keeping your 2 Epic pets as insurance. If those pets fail, hatch one of your Epic pets with the Kiosk pet or your other Epic pet and train as far as you can without it failing. If your pet fails, you still have your 2 Epic pets to fall back on.

How long will it take to get a pet with the same talents?

Making the perfect pet will eat up your Gold, pet snacks and your patience. Sadly, we have no control over which talents will manifest. Also, regardless of which talents have manifested up to Epic, the final talent at Mega appears to be a random talent from the talent pool. So it really is just a matter of persevering with the hatches until you get a pet that manifests the talents you want.

If you take the precautions of making and keeping base pets that haven’t failed, your efforts will pay off, eventually.

Should I feed my pets snacks that they like?

Seeing as we all have a finite amount of energy, the best thing to do is to conserve energy and feed your pet snacks that will give them the most XP per pet game. I feed my pets Captain Cantaloupe and Mystic Dragon Fruit until I’ve maxed out all the stats. Once I’ve maxed out all the stats I feed my pets Fancy Yogurt.

I’m out of Energy and my pet has only 2 xpto level up!

If you find you have only one or two XP remaining to level your pet, instead of playing another pet game, feed your pet unwanted gear and items from your backpack until the pet receives the XP it requires to level up. You can also buy Pet Crumbs from the Crown shop for 100 Gold per pack feed the individual Crumbs to your pet until it levels up.

While this process might seem complicated at first once you’ve done it a couple of times you’ll get the hang of it.

By: Samantha McDonald 

Join Samantha on Wizard101 Warriors