The Blacksmith’s Fjord Bundle is the second new bundle of 2021, and we are excited to explore it with you! This Grizzleheim-themed bundle is available at Gamestop and comes with the following items: Blacksmith’s Fjord Castle Permanent Fjord Dragon Mount Forge Goblin Pet Forgemaster’s Gear Forgemaster’s Sword 1-month prepaid membership or 5,000 crowns Blacksmith’s fjord…
Tag: Grizzleheim

Spring Update Highlights
Greetings, Wizards of the Spiral. As we prepare for the Summer here at Ravenwood Academy, we’d like to highlight some of our favorite changes from the Spring 2021 Test Realm. Without further delay, let’s begin! New Skeleton Key Bosses Two new Skeleton key bosses have arrived in Grizzleheim and Karamelle. The first boss, King Borr,…

Shark Week
Happy Shark Week! Hello Wizards, it’s Erin EagleCaller, and Shark Week is here! All week in Wizard101, we’re celebrating the fantastic sharks of the Spiral! During this event, you have a chance to catch the Warhammerhead as well as all seven Stubby Sharks. It’s also the perfect time to catch the seasonal fish, the Basking…

Wizard101 Theory: The Coven Conspiracy
Hello, I’m Fable Finder! Join me as we ponder the depths of a conspiracy. We’ll gaze into the shadows, exposing the hidden secrets. The secrets that ripple throughout the Spiral, leaving only questions in their wake. I present to you, Wizard101 Theory: The Coven Conspiracy. Our wizard is first sent to Grizzleheim at Level 20….

Crafting101 – The Wyrd House
Welcome back to Crafting101! Dark and eerie, the Wyrd house is perfect for Hallowe’en, Death Wizards, and anyone else who wants their own nook for the arts of witchcraft. You can buy this recipe from Padraig in High Road, Avalon for 60,000 gold. Jars of Mushrooms We will need two Jars of Mushrooms for this…

Winter Fishing
Every 3 months the seasonal fish change. From December to March, the winter fish are swimming in the spiral! Cold Cod Ice School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1600 XP Small Fry: <10Whopper: >40 Yuletoy Fish Myth School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1400 XP Small Fry: <15Whopper: >45 Mistletoe…