Blacksmiths Fjord Bundle

The Blacksmith’s Fjord Bundle is the second new bundle of 2021, and we are excited to explore it with you! This Grizzleheim-themed bundle is available at Gamestop and comes with the following items:

  • Blacksmith’s Fjord Castle
  • Permanent Fjord Dragon Mount
  • Forge Goblin Pet
  • Forgemaster’s Gear
  • Forgemaster’s Sword
  • 1-month prepaid membership or 5,000 crowns

Blacksmith's fjord house

The Blacksmith’s Fjord is a beautiful piece of Grizzleheim you can call your own. This serene retreat sits right on the river with a tower to keep watch over your home away from home. The docks bring a beautiful light to the endless fishing available in this home. We found the Steelhead Doodlefish and seasonal fish. We can’t help but wonder what other fish will show themselves here? Let us know what you find!

To the side of the docks, you will find your very own watchtower lined with shields. You can touch the sky! Well, almost, but you are getting a better view of the waterfalls and endless scenery.

Beside your castle, you will find the hard-at-work water wheel, supplying the power and energy needed to keep the famous Grizzleheim forges up and running.

Let’s venture inside and see what else awaits us!

Stunning vaulted ceilings greet you when you walk through the doors. You can tell the previous owners built this place to last; the exposed beams were carved with such care. You will also find an excellent themed bank to store all of your gear and items. 

Venturing down the halls of this home, we find the main attraction, the Blacksmith’s Forge. This fiery furnace, powered with the help of the water wheel, will get the job done. Walk up and interact with it to get a pleasant daily surprise. Who knows, you might get some Amber, a valuable reagent used for many Spell Card recipes. Walk upstairs, and you will find the great hall where you and your guests can feast and swap tales. 

If you look around, you might find some hidden secrets lying within.

The Gear

The kit consists of the Forgemaster’s Helm, Forgemaster’s Smock, and Forgemaster’s Boots. Each piece gives one Grizzleheim Lore spell. In addition, the Helm offers Hammer of Thor, the Smock gives Grendel’s Amends, and the Boots have Ratatoskr’s Spin. The Boots are especially high in Damage, Resistance, and Health at all tiers. They are a great option for any Life Wizard, especially with the Ratatoskr’s Spin card. The Helm is high in offensive stats and adds some pierce the boots do not have. The Smock follows in the same pattern as most bundle robes. It offers a defensive build with high Health, Resistance, Critical Block, and Outgoing Healing, which combines well with the Grendel’s Amends card.

The Wand

The Forgemaster’s Sword is one of our favorite pieces of this bundle. The beautiful Norse-style blade is fresh from the forge! Glowing bright and engraved with magical runes, it makes a fantastic stitch piece for any Wizard. 

Not only is it stunning, but the stats on this wand are also notable. It is common for bundle wands to have mid-level stats, and the new Forgemaster’s Sword is no exception until level 100. I chose to redeem mine at that level, which gave me 42 Critical Rating, 11% Damage, one Power Pip, and 13 Shadow Rating. It makes for a significant and timely upgrade from your Sky Iron Hasta. Even the level 110 and 120 tiers of this sword are as impressive. 

While it still has decent stats at lower levels, it may not be the best choice since it doesn’t surpass the Sky Iron Hasta’s damage until level 100. This Wand comes with attack cards for Myth, Life, and Storm. The Forgemaster’s Sword also has a May-cast Chromatic Blast spell at levels 100 – 140. Chromatic Blast gives a Universal +5% damage per pip blade to the caster. This May cast provides the wand with the potential strategy of countering Wards in exchange for an extra blade.

The Pet

Made from cinder and smoke, with a heart of fire is the Forge Goblin pet. The first-generation talent pool contains zero common talents, six uncommon, two rare, one ultra-rare, and one epic talent. This gives our fiery friend a total pedigree score of fifty-two.

The Forge Goblin gives one Shatter Card at Teen and another at Ancient. Its first-generation stats are as follows: 

  • 250 Strength
  • 195 Intellect
  • 200 Agility
  • 235 Will
  • 185 Power

These are impressive stats for a first-generation pet. If you’re looking for a starting point for your hatch or a unique pet to use, this could be the one. When it comes to training, this pet likes Death school snacks and Meal type snacks. When I raised the Forge Goblin to Mega, it manifested; Attentive, Death-Shot, Death Dealer, Death Assailant, and Forceful. What did yours get? Given the talents we’ve seen, this pet seems like it could make a great Death starter pet.

The Mount

The permanent Fjord Dragon mount is a single-rider, 40% speed boost mount. This blue and green dragon slithers gracefully through the air. Its wings resemble spring leaves, the perfect complement to any green stitch. But, don’t let its stoic stare scare you! This fierce, elegant dragon is here to help you traverse the Spiral.

In Conclusion

This concludes our review of the Blacksmith’s Fjord Bundle. It’s a unique addition to the Grizzleheim-themed homes and items.

The Forgemaster’s Gear gear will help you in your adventures through the Spiral. This bundle’s wand at high tiers adds more variety when deciding what you will use while questing. This bundle brings cool-looking gear that packs a punch of damage and resistance. The Forge Goblin pet is an excellent addition to any Death collection. The Fjord Dragon is a unique mount that will stand out. We are impressed.

We hope this helps you decide if this is the right bundle for you. We look forward to seeing what you create. Tell us what you think of the Forgemaster’s Bundle in the comments below. 

See you around the Spiral!

Discord Admins Baldur and Hannartia!

Spring Update Highlights

Greetings, Wizards of the Spiral. As we prepare for the Summer here at Ravenwood Academy, we’d like to highlight some of our favorite changes from the Spring 2021 Test Realm. Without further delay, let’s begin!

New Skeleton Key Bosses

Two new Skeleton key bosses have arrived in Grizzleheim and Karamelle. The first boss, King Borr, resides in Savarstaad Pass. Meanwhile, the Stay-Puffed Marshfellow dwells in the Nibbleheim Mines.

The Stay-Puffed Marshfellow requires a Gold Skeleton key. At the same time, King Borr has variants for all three keys. The Nibbleheim Key Boss drops new unique Marshmallow Wands. Meanwhile, King Borr drops Spellements for the Grizzleheim Lore Spells. Life Wizards rejoice as there’s now another method to get Ratatoskr’s Spin!

New Social Feature

Recently added in the Spring Update was the new Social feature. Clicking the icon beneath your Friend’s List will bring up a list of all nearby Wizards. This list will show you all the Wizards currently in your same zone and their current quest.

Friendly Wizards are okay with other people joining them in combat. You can also chat and teleport to any nearby Wizard who has marked themselves as Friendly.

Finding a questing buddy is now easier than ever! Even better, we no longer must sacrifice those on our Friends List to make room. Finally, we can see if a player is fine with another person joining their PVE duel. No more awkward conversations when you enter a fight that was almost over.

Team up VolUnteering

The Join a Team Kiosk has received an update in the form of Volunteering! Volunteering allows you to help other players without having to stay put. You can select the world and types of instances you want to volunteer for at the Kiosk outside the Bazaar. Here you can choose from any world you’ve unlocked to volunteer. From there, you can choose to volunteer to assist with farming or longer dungeons.

The teams who’ve been waiting the longest time for help will receive volunteers first. After you’ve helped your team complete the instance, your Health and Mana are replenished. From there, you’ll return to your previous location. This system allows players to help other players without selecting a new team to help each time. Excellent for any Wizard seeking to get the illustrious Team Champion Badge.

New Spell Animations

Many AOE animations were updated to hit all enemies, making them faster. Below is the list of AOE’s whose animations were updated. You can also check out the video below to see the changes made to them.

Fire: Meteor Strike, Fire Dragon, Rain of Fire

Ice: Blizzard, Frost Giant

Storm: Tempest, Storm Lord, Sirens

Myth: Humungofrog, Orthrus, Mystic Colossus

Life: Forest Lord, Rebirth

Death: Deer Knight, Scarecrow

Balance: Sandstorm, Ra

New Spells

It’s time to visit your professors because sixteen new spells have arrived in the game! There are two new spells for every school. But Life and Death received an extra, each in the form of damage boosting Globals. All these spells are available from the respective trainers in Ravenwood. You must be level forty-two to learn these spells. You’ll also need the prerequisites in your Spellbook.

Many of these spells were once popular treasure cards used in PVP. Their popularity has brought them to be permanent additions to our Professors’ curriculum. Don’t worry non PVP players; the Developers kept PVE in mind too for these spells. You might find them helpful outside the arena.

New Quest

“Old is New Again” is a new quest available in the Arcanum for Wizards who have completed “Everything and Nothing.” For those who don’t want any spoilers look away now. For those who don’t mind spoilers, the video below covers the entire quest.

Spoilers Ahead!

To summarize the quest. We receive a message from the Old One, who is seeking to recover a memory of a world called Lemuria. Scholar Zander helps us discover Lemuria is little more than a fairytale.
The Old One insists the world exists, and so we venture to Mirage to find proof. After some snakey-shenanigans, we realize we are the only ones who can see the Old One. From there, we recover a piece of a mosaic depicting the Lemurians kneeling beneath him.

The Old One reveals himself as an aspect of the Nothing. Exhausted, the he tells us we must find Lemuria before vanishing. Finally, we return to Bartleby for more information. The Grandfather Tree gazes back through history only to inform us that Lemuria disappeared centuries ago. 

We’re too late.

Food for Thought

The quest takes us to Mirage, which houses the Sands of Time. According to Librarian Fitzhume on the Message Boards, we know time within the Spiral is governed by the flow of magic. Meaning time within the Spiral is flexible and subject to manipulation. We’ve seen it in Dragonspyre, the Five BOXES event, and Mirage. Does our return to Mirage hint at us going back in time to stop Lemuria’s disappearance?

We also know worlds can become disconnected from the Spiral and reconnected to it. We’re told about this in the level twenty quest “Grizzleheim.” Merle Ambrose tells us, “The Grizzleheim world-tree was once linked to the rest of the Spiral, but the contact was lost…. we thought it was destroyed. Bartelby now informs me that the portal to Grizzlehiem is now active, and travel there is possible.” This begs the question of how does a world lose its connection to the Spiral? How does it regain contact? Going a step further, how many worlds are floating undiscovered within the Void?

Regarding the Void

Which brings us to another question what exactly is the Void? In the Storytime posts from 2013 and 2014, King Artorius spoke about the “Outer Void.” The most we can glean from his responses is that the Outer Void fills the space between the Spiral’s worlds. It’s a dangerous, inhospitable place, and little is known about it. In Pirate101, when we sail from one world to another, one could claim we are traversing the Void, albeit not as empty as the name implies. Artorius does use the words “Outer Void” when he mentions it; this means, to me at least, that the Void has depth. 

Could it be what we see in Pirate101 and the Arcanum is partly a product of being so close to the Spiral? Are other fragments of the First World being pulled closer to the Spiral by the same magic used to create it? Who is to say the Void doesn’t grow darker and quieter the farther out you go? But to our knowledge, no one has ever traveled so far and returned to talk about it.

Previous slide
Next slide

Again, according to Librarian Fitzhume in the 2016 Storytime on the Wizard101 Message Boards, it doesn’t appear that the Void is the end. According to Fitzhume’s responses, there is still something beyond the Spiral. Whatever it might be is beyond our understanding. It is worth noting there is no mention of the Outer Void here. 

Meaning the theoretical ‘something’ excludes the Void. Based upon this information, I’d like to think of the Void as a kind of padding. It surrounds and guards the Spiral, somehow part of the Spiral, and apart from it, like armor or a shell. It is keeping things that don’t belong in it out while also containing everything within. A fascinating subject, to be sure. I am interested in seeing how it develops going forward.

Thanks for Reading!

With that, I will draw this to a close. Thank you all so much for reading this article; I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to browse the other guides and pieces here. Leave a comment below on what you think will happen as the Fourth Arc continues.

If you want to stay up to date on our most recent releases, you can follow us on social media. Ravenwood Academy has started creating YouTube videos for the Community. Check it out!

Until we meet again, I hope to see you in the Spiral!

-Morgan Shade

Shark Week

Happy Shark Week!

Hello Wizards, it’s Erin EagleCaller, and Shark Week is here! All week in Wizard101, we’re celebrating the fantastic sharks of the Spiral!

During this event, you have a chance to catch the Warhammerhead as well as all seven Stubby Sharks. It’s also the perfect time to catch the seasonal fish, the Basking in the Sun Shark! You can find these magnificent fish scattered in various locations throughout the Spiral.

Shark Week comes to the Spiral but once a year. Usually near the end of July or the first week of August. Yet, it’s one of the few times; we can find all the Stubby Sharks together (except the Warhammerhead). It’s a big opportunity for Wizard101’s Fishing enthusiasts. You won’t want to miss it!

In light of this, allow me to fill you in on how you can catch these magical fish.

Warhammerhead and Stubby Sharks

The best spots to find the Warhammerhead and Stubby Sharks are in the Commons and Northguard. Since they’re both Rank 2, use the Rank 2 Winnow to help find them. Then using Reveal Fish School spell to help catch them all.

You’ll want to use the corresponding lure to the shark that you want to catch. I’d suggest a minor or common fishing lure of the same school to capture them.

If you don’t have the Rank 2 Winnow spell, you can get around it using Reveal Fish Rank 1. Because the Warhammerhead and the Stubby Sharks are all Rank 2 fish, the spell won’t mark them. That way, you can be sure that it is a Warhammerhead or Stubby Shark! Remember, all Stubby Sharks are the same rank regardless of school.

Basking in the Sun Shark

Don’t forget to catch the Summer Fish, the Basking in the Sun Shark! They’re staying with us for the entire Summer; if you don’t find one during Shark Week, don’t fret! Remember to snag one before the season ends to complete your shark collection.

The Commons is the best choice for finding the Basking in the Sun Shark. Using reveal fish school, take notice to which are fish are Fire school. Then using any Fire Lure, you’ll want to catch the larger fish in the pond. The Basking in the Sun Shark is almost double the length of your lure, making them easy to spot.

Shark Locations


The Warhammerhead is in Wizard City’s Triton Avenue; yet, they’re not a common catch. So, it’s not the ideal spot to find them.

This shark is also found in Grizzleheim. Look for them in Northguard, Helgrind Warren, Mirkholm Keep, and the Vigrid Roughland.

This fish can be housed in a Regular Aquarium

Stubby Sharks and Basking in the Sun Sharks

Stubby Sharks and Basking in the Sun Sharks have a wide range of fishing spots. They’re in Wizard City, Krokotopia, Mooshu, Grizzleheim, Zafaria, and Avalon.

In Wizard City, they are in the Commons. If you’ve begun the Immortal Games in Aquila, these sharks are also in the Garden of Hesperides.

As for the other worlds, you can find them in the Oasis, the Jade Palace, Northguard, the Baobab Crossroads, and Caliburn.

Although less common, the Basking in the Sun Shark can be found in every Castle or House that has a fishing pond.

Both of these fish can be housed in a Regular Aquarium.

Thanks for Reading!

That’s all for Shark Week this year. Thank you so much for reading our guide. I hope this helps you in your shark hunt, happy fishing!

Make sure to check out all the other great fishing guides at Ravenwood Academy! Happy Fishing Wizards! :Pacuman::Pacuman::Pacuman:

Wizard101 Theory: The Coven Conspiracy

Hello, I’m Fable Finder! Join me as we ponder the depths of a conspiracy.  We’ll gaze into the shadows, exposing the hidden secrets. The secrets that ripple throughout the Spiral, leaving only questions in their wake.  I present to you, Wizard101 Theory: The Coven Conspiracy.

Our wizard is first sent to Grizzleheim at Level 20. Merle Ambrose wishes to establish an alliance with their King. When we arrive, we must prove our worth by helping Bjorn Ironclaws. He sends us to his friend, Hagen Shieldbreaker, who gives us many quests towards this end. We learn about a mysterious group, the Coven, who seek to unleash the Everwinter. Later on in Wintertusk, the Coven works to unleash the Everwinter by awakening Ymir. When you think about it, this effort doesn’t make sense. Why would the Coven want to unleash the Everwinter?

In the quest “A Wolf Among Bears”, Osric Grimbold tells us about Wulfric Foesbane. Wulfric is a wolf who has allied themselves with the bears. When we go to speak with Wulfric, this is what he tells us:

Notice how Wulfric remarked that it is foolish to trust a raven. This remark is important in revealing cultural distrust to the Ravens. This also suggests that Ravens have a history of trickery in this world. Why else would a lack of trust exist? Wulfric’s skepticism proves to be correct in the quest “All is Revealed”. Munin, a member of the Ravens, confesses the following when the Dust of Discovery is cast upon him:

Yet, in Wintertusk, it is none other than a raven, Grandmother Raven, who is helping us put a stop to the Coven. Could Grandmother Raven be the one who is behind the Coven? In the quest, “Fishes & Loaves”, Grandmother Raven directs us to Henrek Graincutter. Henrek’s role in the story is to help our wizard find Vestri’s Golden Seal. When we go to speak with Henrek, this is what he tells us:

This may not seem like much, but remember that all lines of dialogue in the game are important to the story. KingsIsle added that dialog for a reason: it is a hint. Why would Grandmother Raven be behind the Coven though? Even if she was, how would this explain why the Coven wanted to unleash the Everwinter? To answer these questions, we must examine the nature of Grandmother Raven’s powers. In the quest “A Potion for Bartleby”, Merle Ambrose explains the following:

This tells us that Grandmother Raven has the power to create objects that can show the past and future. If she has this power, why would she only give Bartleby this ability? We can assume that she gave herself this ability as well. Grandfather Spider, equal in power to Grandmother Raven, most likely did the same. But, how exactly do the past-viewing and future-revealing powers work?

The power to see into the past does not appear to have any constraints in the game. This is not the case for the power to reveal the future; it has its vagueness. Let’s assume for a moment that the power to reveal the future has no constraints whatsoever. Bartleby would foresee the fight between Raven and Spider that takes place in the Third Arc. Why didn’t he try to stop it? In the First Arc, Bartleby could stop Malistare Drake from awakening the Dragon Titan. Why didn’t he try to stop that, either?

If we assume the power to reveal the future has no constraints, there would be no story. Thus, logic dictates that the power to reveal the future has a constraint. First, the future is indeterminate. This power does not reveal one defined future, but only possible futures. Second, this power cannot see endlessly into the future. It must have some sort of time-frame. Thus, the farther into the future, the vaguer the outcome becomes. This would also explain why prophecies are as vague as they are.

So how is this relevant to Grandmother Raven and the Coven? Well, the first time we meet Grandmother Raven in person, in the quest “That’s So Raven”, we find her trapped in a cage.

When Grandmother Raven is finally freed in the quest “Root of the Loom”, she remarks about her time spent in the cage.

In the quest “Norn Time”, the Norns explain that only an outsider can free Grandmother Raven.

Grandmother Raven would not sit dormant through free will. Most people, when imprisoned, would search for ways to escape. So, what escape attempt did Grandmother Raven make?

Grandmother Raven used her future-revealing power to assess all her possible futures. Her best chance relied on an outsider to free her from imprisonment. She pondered about how to actualize this possible future. In the quest “That’s So Raven”, Grandmother Raven tells us this:

So, Grandmother Raven knew about us and our heroism. By creating a world crisis in Grizzleheim, she could attract an outsider to come and free her. With this in mind, Grandmother Raven created the Ravens of the Coven to act in her stead. She made the Ravens seek to unleash the Everwinter, as well as made them hate her to throw the trail off. I doubt the Coven is aware that they are being used by Grandmother Raven. When we defeated the Coven the first time, we did not end up freeing Grandmother Raven. So later on, she let loose the Coven on Wintertusk, so we would end up freeing her. Then, with her main goal achieved, she helped us put a stop to the threat she created.

There is one hole in this theory, and you may have noticed it. As I showed earlier in this post, when we meet Grandmother Raven in person for the first time, she is in a cage. Yet, she claims that the Coven trapped her in the cage. If this is true, it would contradict the theory. But this story is implausible. How could the Coven, a group of ordinary sorcerers, trap Grandmother Raven, who is a divine being, in a cage? It’s likely that Grandfather Spider, the Rat, or the Scorpion trapped Grandmother Raven. It’s more likely that she lied about who trapped her to make us doubt the possibility that she created the Coven. The Rat and the Scorpion are candidates because they are the offspring of deity. We’ve also learned, through the story, that lower-divine beings can challenge greater ones.

In conclusion, the Coven is a false flag operation perpetrated by Grandmother Raven. Her motivation for it was to free her from imprisonment. Now that is a scheme within a scheme, as Henrek Graincutter put it.

More Theories

Wizard101 Theory

Have you ever wondered if Sylvia Drake actually died of a cold? Why did the Coven want to unleash the Everwinter on Grizzleheim? Does being the Scion of Bartleby actually mean anything, or is it just a replay of the Chosen One trope?…

A Tale of Three Scions

In the middle of Empyrea, the game reveals that the main hero of our story is the Scion of Bartleby. What does this mean? On the surface, it appears that this is simply a replay of the Chosen One trope. This is true, but it’s not the entire story. When you critically examine all the facts that we have been given, we are left with more questions than answers….

The Absence of Being

The Third Arc is about a conflict between Grandmother Raven and Grandfather Spider. Both of them posed a threat to the Spiral during this time. They are finally reconciled at the end of Empyrea, and lock themselves in the Primordial Forest. After this, our Wizard returns to the Arcanum to bring everyone up to speed. When we arrive, we receive a cryptic prophecy from Sybil, the Tree of Knowledge in the Arcanum….

So there are my thoughts on the Conspiracy of the Cabal, and links to my other theories.  I hope you enjoyed our walk into the shadows.  Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are!

Crafting101 – The Wyrd House

Welcome back to Crafting101! Dark and eerie, the Wyrd house is perfect for Hallowe’en, Death Wizards, and anyone else who wants their own nook for the arts of witchcraft. You can buy this recipe from Padraig in High Road, Avalon for 60,000 gold.

Jars of Mushrooms

We will need two Jars of Mushrooms for this project. You will have to craft these. You may purchase the recipe from Tarold Wayfinder in Grizzleheim for 2,400 gold. The recipe is listed below.

Forest Lord Treasure Cards

Six Forest Lord treasure cards are required to craft our house. This will be a rare find in the Bazaar as Life wizards often use this treasure card until they can learn the spell itself. Gardening Sour Fickle Pickles or Queen Crape Myrtle, you can receive this. You can also farm the Locres Knight in Caer Lyon, right in Avalon.


Four Poison Treasure Cards are required to craft this recipe. The easiest way to attain these treasure cards is to either buy them from the Bazaar, or to garden Stinkweed, as mentioned in Ravenwood Academy’s own play free forever guide


Only one vine is needed for the house. Gardening is one of the most efficient ways of getting this reagent. As it is possible to get it by interacting with the Winter Wind Tower’s Horn of Plenty, you can garden all of the Huckleberries, as well as Deadly Helephant Ears, and variants of Trumpet Vines. Additionally, you can buy this reagent for 400 Arena Tickets from Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way.

Mist Wood

One of the most notorious reagents in the game, you will need forty Mist Wood in order to craft this house. You can simply run around Wizard City or other worlds like Grizzleheim until you have collected enough.


The recipe calls for ten Grendleweed. You may obtain this through rare harvests of Frost Flowers as well as transmuting from Frost Flowers, found in worlds like Grizzleheim. The Transmute recipe is listed below.

Brick-Walled Pond

Two of this item will be needed. You can find it easily in the Bazaar. The Bazaar should be stocked with the item at 1,092 gold in the outdoor section.

Cephalopod Obelisk

We will need two of this item, easily found in the Bazaar. There should be roughly a hundred of them available at any given time in the decor section, sold for 1,056 gold.

Transmute Recipes

Jars of Mushrooms

Sold for 2,400 gold, you can purchase this recipe from Tarold Wayfinder in the fort crossroads of Northguard, Grizzleheim. In order to craft this, you need four Spirit Shield treasure cards, one Amethyst, four Shadow Oils, one Glass Vial, forty Stone Blocks, and ten Nightshade.


Sold for 400 gold, you can purchase this recipe from Avery Templeton in Base Camp, Celestia. Simply fifteen Frost Flowers can be plucked from the world of Grizzleheim to create Grendleweed.

Congratulations, young Wizard, on crafting your Wyrd House! Please look through more of our Crafting101 series to assist you with your crafting needs.

Thank you, Starlights, for collecting reagents and crafting with me. Have a wonderful night.

Winter Fishing

Every 3 months the seasonal fish change. 

From December to March, the winter fish are swimming in the spiral!

Cold Cod

Ice School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1600 XP

Small Fry: <10
Whopper: >40

Yuletoy Fish





Myth School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1400 XP

Small Fry: <15
Whopper: >45

Mistletoe Angler





Life School | Rank 1 | Seasonal/Regular | 1400 XP

Small Fry: <15
Whopper: >45


These 3 fish all have the same locations:

Wizard City:

  • Garden of Hesperides
  • The Commons


  • The Oasis


  • Baobab Crossroads


  • Jade Palace


  • Caliburn


  • Northguard

Housing Items:

  • All the Castles and Houses

How to Catch them - Best Locations - Spells

Cold Cod:  The Oasis is the only Ice school fish in the pond that season. Use Reveal Fish School or Winnor Ice Fish/Lesser Frost Lure or Minor Frost Lure.

YuleToy Fish: Use Reveal Fish School or Winnor Life fish/Lesser Fable Lure or Minor Fable Lure.

The Commons: There is only one Myth school fish in the pond that season.

Mistletoe Angler:

The Commons: There is only one Life school fish in the pond that season. 

Use Reveal Fish School or Winnor Life fish/Lesser Vitality Lure or Minor Vitality Lure.

Tips: If you don’t have the spell ‘Summon Fish’, go into the pond, scare away all the fishes and wait 15 minutes before attracting new fishes. That will save most of your energy. Don’t forget that each player has their own fish in the pond, meaning other wizards can not scare away your fish.

Used In These Recipes: Make your own music with the crafting recipe from Eudora Tangletree in Old Town. You can listen to the music player which is a house item! You can select different music for outside or inside the house.

The music items with fishes ingredients are:

I wish you all the best catching the seasonal fish, and Merry Christmas!