Forgotten Lore of Dragonspyre

Warning! Spoilers Lie Ahead!

Dragonspyre is an ancient, haunted world in which renegade professor Malistaire has recently been spotted!

Once an advanced militant society, Dragonspyre had an esteemed Academy rivaling that of the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts in Wizard City. The inhabitants once held a special interest in Fire Magic.

Legend has it that in the summoning of a great Dragon, the world was destroyed and changed forever. Its great buildings and stone columns crumbled before the coming of the Dragon Titan.

Now, it has become a land of fire, lava, and ghosts.

-KingsIsle Entertainment


Greetings and Salutations Wizards and Pirates of the Spiral! I am Shade, allow me to welcome you to the first installment of “Forgotten Lore.” In this new series, we will explore the lore of the Spiral, and uncover secrets you might have missed. Let’s begin! 
Dragonspyre was the first new world added to Wizard101. Unveiled in early 2009, it came only four months after the game’s initial release. Looking at Dragonspyre through a real-world lens, its inspiration seems to come from ancient Rome. Its architecture has distinct Roman elements, such as columns and archways. Many of Dragonspyres areas use Roman words like Basilica, Forum, Athenaeum, and Necropolis. Meanwhile, its NPC’s take influence from the Russian Military.

It seems clear that the developers meant for Dragonspyre to be very different from the worlds that came before it. So, they opted for a fiery and foreboding dark fantasy theme. The destroyed state of the world might make one think of Pompeii. Which, as we know, was buried beneath volcanic ash when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 C.E.

Dragonspyre’s civilization is ancient, predating both Wizard City and Merle Ambrose. It was also home to Dragonspyre Academy. A rival of the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts during its time. This world is also the home-world of some key players. Cyrus, Malistaire, and Sylvia Drake (born Sylvia Spitfire) are all from Dragonspyre. It is also the home of the infamous Loremaster and houses the grand finale of Wizard101’s first story arc.

But how did Dragonspyre become what it is today? Why did these things happen? 

Given Dragonspyre’s current state of disarray, its lore has required some effort to reassemble. After investigating countless sources, I have re-constructed the most probable sequence of events

So, without further ado, sit back, relax, and let me tell you the story….

Dragonspyre and Century War

In the beginning, Dragons and Humans lived side by side, but humanity lived in constant fear. One-night, King Mene met in secret with the Queen of the Drakes, Gavarena. They allied Man and Drake. Together they would overcome the Dragons and drive them out. A new kingdom would be born. In light of their victory, they named this Kingdom Dragonspyre.

The Kingdom continued to grow after Mene’s passing. Later, King Jurgen expanded Dragonspyre’s borders. Man and Drake worked together to protect the realm. It was an age of peace but it was not to last. King Jurgen passed away suddenly, with no children. Without an heir to the throne, Dragonspyre fell into a civil war that lasted 100 years. This would be forever known as the Century War.

Kylgore and the Golden Age

The war came to an end by the efforts of Kylgore the Magnificent and a Drake, named Leneth the Great. They worked together to defeat a mighty black dragon in Dragonspyre’s outer ring. Exactly how Kylgore achieved this victory remains a mystery. After his triumph, Kylgore claimed the throne and put an end to the war. An age of peace finally descended on Dragonspyre.

Kylgore’s rule brought many changes to Dragonspyre. Significant advancements in culture were made, and explorations of the sciences began. New magical advancements, including the creation of Knowledge Crystals, began in Kylgores reign.

Kylgore and His Descendants

King Kylgore forged a friendship with Aurelius Ambrosius, leader of the Druidic Treeminders. As a gift, Aurelius gave Kylgore seven saplings from Ravenwood. The King planted the magical trees throughout Dragonspyre. They would later become the trees of Dragonspyre Academy. To commemorate their friendship, Kylgore ordered the construction of a statue of Aurelius.

The Beginning of the Academy

Generations passed, and the Kingdoms’ knowledge remained locked away, seen only by royalty. King Kylgore descendants, King Betrin and Prince Viggor, clung to that tradition. They hoped to keep their secrets from falling into unworthy hands. But then, Rydall the Conqueror infected his people with an alchemical plague. Mobs of the afflicted revolted in the city streets. Something had to change if Dragonspyre was to survive.
Duke Sebastian came forward and fought with the monarchy for the right to search the knowledge crystals for a cure. He sent a champion, Iona Pyrelance, to do battle against King Betrin. Iona won the battle! Duke Sebastian’s bravery caused the laws to be overturned. Knowledge would become accessible to the masses, and Dragonspyre Academy was born. All who qualified were welcome within its walls. The people, armed with this new knowledge, overcame Rydall’s Plague, and the rebellion finally ceased.

The Tragedy of Viggor's Legion

Some embrace change, while others fear it. While Rydall’s Plague ravaged his homeland, Prince Viggor set out in the hopes of building Dragonspyre’s Empire anew. With his Drake and General Greyflame at his side, they would lead an army of soldiers on a perilous journey. Their plan? To conquer the magical realms of the Ravenwood and the Treeminders who lived there. Viggor’s mission would start a war with the Treeminders. Turning a once peaceful people into a society as evil as the invaders they sought to drive out.

There were massive casualties in the conflict between the Dragonspyrians and the Treeminders. Destroyed were the Ravenwood, its magical trees (except for Bartelby), and Viggor’s army. A man named Gregor would be the final soldier to fall. The remains of the deceased forces would never return to Dragonspyre.

The Aftermath

The few surviving Treeminders remained to plant new magic trees. They buried their dead in catacombs deep beneath Wizard City. When it was over, the survivors fled to the worlds of Albion and Avalon. The lost Knowledge Crystals buried within the catacombs contain a record of those events.

Soon after, Dragonspyre Academy became the center for knowledge in the Kingdom. Much of their curriculum devoted to the study of war, combat, and pyromancy. Dragonspyre’s dislike of Wizard City could have come from the anger over Viggor’s tragic failure.

Aldared the Usurper

Like fire, knowledge can be dangerous when placed in the wrong hands. A graduate of Dragonspyre Academy by the name of Aldared proved this. He used his advanced knowledge to unseat the King of Dragonspyre and became known as Aldared the Usurper. His rule was as cruel as it was brutal, and the people despised him.

Founding of the Great Council

The people of Dragonspyre suffered under Aldared’s tyranny until a group of Wizards and Warriors laid siege to the Usurper’s palace. Katia Firewinter, Eliena (the legendary Drake), and Drannik the Shrouded Wizard were among them. Aldared was, at long last, cast down and his soul safely trapped within a Knowledge Crystal. Drannik attempted to seize control of the throne but was cut down by Katia. With the threat gone, she began working with her fellow mages and warriors to create a new government. The Great Council, also known as the Council of Wizards, Warriors, and King, would come from her efforts.

The Council of Wizards and Warriors

While Aldared may have died, his influence remained. Kildare, a Wizard of the Great Council, became corrupted by Aldared’s crystal. Valerik Brightsword discovered this treachery and defeated Kildare swiftly. While Kildare’s defeat came before he could do much harm, the damage was done. Fear and paranoia began to settle in among the members of the Great Council.

As time passed, the power of the King diminished, and members of the Council began to bicker for control. People were fearful of the Wizards, their magic, and their crystals. They spurred a great Warrior named Lyon to action. He led a group of fellow Warriors to demand control of all the spells in Dragonspyre.

Whether the reasons for Lyon’s actions were justifiable or out of a desire for power, no one knows. Regardless, the matter came to the attention of the Council. When the Council denied Lyon, he betrayed them in broad daylight.

Lyon challenged the leader of the Wizards, Rurik Flamesoul, to a fight. After a vicious battle, Rurik proved victorious. He would become the only Wizard to best a Warrior in open combat. His victory would secure the Wizard’s control over the magic of Dragonspyre.

The Fall of Dragonspyre

Time went on, and the Wizards began to fear those who challenged their power. Vladimir Darkflame, Dean of Admissions at Dragonspyre Academy, decided to take matters into his own hands. He gathered a group of conspirators, Andor Bristleback, Devora Shadowcrown, and Zora Steelwielder. Together, they orchestrated the coup of the century. They kidnapped the Academy’s Professors, and summoned the Dragon Titan. The traitors were apprehended and detained within the Labyrinth. But, the summoning of the ancient Fire Titan could not be undone.

The Titan rose from its slumber, and the razing of Dragonspyre began. The Dragon Titan summoned its army within the city walls, taking the defenders by surprise. Boris Blackrock, the Obsidian Golem, did battle against the Dragon Titan. Using the knowledge his mage creators left him, Boris faced the Titan in single combat. But, the Obsidian Golem fell, as would many others in the wake of the Titan’s chaos. To commemorate his sacrifice, Boris became the last great hero to be buried within the Necropolis.

The Final Assault 

Dragonspyre’s defenders retreated to the Academy as the Titan’s army advanced. When the Fire Titan led its final assault upon the Academy, everything was laid to waste. All that survived was the Fire Tree, Ashley, and the Fire School, whether this was out of mercy or respect no one knows.

 When and how the Titan’s onslaught came to an end is a mystery. What is certain is that the Dragon Titan has become a colossal stone statue coiled around the volcano. Its armies remain, waiting in vain for someone or something worthy of leading them. Dragonspyre is forever changed, and whether it will ever recover from its fate remains to be seen.


Endgame Arc One

Spoiler Warning!

It would be many years before Malistaire Drake returned to Dragonspyre. When he did he held in his hands the stolen Krokonomicon, and in his heart the vain hope of waking the Titan and restoring his beloved wife, Sylvia to life. Pulled toward the Crown of Fire, at the volcano’s summit, Malistaire began his ritual.

His twin brother Cyrus traveled alongside the Savior of Wizard City, to Dragonspyre. Cyrus attempted to reason with his brother, summoning the spirit of Sylvia to assist him. Unfortunately, this only angered Malistaire further and the necromancer banished his brother. The Savior of Wizard City would be forced to duel him for the fate of the Spiral.

After a perilous battle, the young Wizard triumphed (as predicted). Malistaire ultimately perished and was finally reunited with his lost love! Hand in hand, Malistaire, and Sylvia departed together for the Other Side. At least until Morganthe woke him up, and the whole Darkmoor incident, but that’s a story for another time.

Thanks for reading!

Well, that’s all on the world of Dragonspyre. For now, at least.

I’d like to give a special thanks to the team here at Ravenwood Academy who helped make this possible (as ghosts can be tricky things to photomance)!

Since this is the first article in this series, I’d like to know: would you like to hear more about the lore of the Spiral? If so, what would you like to see next? I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

In the meantime, please feel free to explore the wealth of information Ravenwood Academy has to offer! If you want to stay up to date on our latest content, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also join our Ravenwood Community Discord to meet fellow Wizard101 fans and enthusiasts! 

See you in the Spiral!

-Morgan Shade

The Dragon Titan Army Band

Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike

"Things started turning darker. Kingsisle were talking about dark and epic Mordor Wagner 'Flight of The Valkyries' in The Ring Cycle. I am looking at concept art and the NPC characters had Russian military influence; All the architecture was darker - more foreboding."

“Main Theme”

Just as mentioned in Everhart’s video linked above, we begin our adventure in Dragonspyre with a world-stopping minor-Major seventh chord, which flourishes throughout the ensemble as the harp and woodwinds flutter downward, providing emotional dissonance. We typically associate the word “dissonant” with something that sounds bad, but in this piece, it provides an unsettling air. 

The ninth of the chord is added to the melody bringing even more color and lending an elegant dissonance to the third tone. The third tone of the chord gives the emotion, so this dissonance that rubs against it creates a feeling of tension and suspension.

The intrada stops 00:10 seconds into the piece, bringing us a chord progression that starts in a minor key, then becomes uplifting and progresses back to the same chord with a picardy third. A picardy third is when a minor chord changes the third tone to become a Major chord. This progression carries along, developing the arpeggiating figures and changing the chords before it reaches a climax into a new section at 00:30 seconds. The strings play the main melody as the brass plays a counterline beneath, eventually joining together into a dismal setting at 00:40 seconds. The trumpet enters, bringing a sliver of hope before it fades away into the darker minor chords and ends.

The next section frolics dastardly within the woodwinds and harp, quickly arpeggiating, presenting the feeling of sneaking and slyness. The strings caress the melody beneath this texture, giving support to the voices above and conveying a kind of dark magic brewing within.

Picking up into timestamp 1:26, we transition into the brass as the bridge takes us into the next section, with heavy Lydian chord dissonances in the bass. The music is ascending into this one epic moment. At timestamp 1:45 we are given the antithesis to the main Wizard101 theme, an operatic technique. The same descending arpeggios and textures are used as the brass plays the ascending melody in a minor key. This reflects the darkness of the world and the danger the Wizard is in.

“Theme 1”

Calling back to the previous piece, we begin with the hard percussion, horns, and masculine choir. Through borrowed chords (chords that are similar to the key, but not the same) and chromatic mediants (chords that have slight or no relation to the key), we get a dark and enchanting texture. Also calling back to the previous piece, we have these four-note motifs played in the horns that bring us through the chord progression. The texture thickens with the addition of the woodwinds, but it 

Concept art of the fire wizard from the original Wizard101 loading screen

harkens forth, like a great army coming from the distance, closer and closer.

This brings us into the next section at 00:50 seconds which uses a repetitive eighth note figure in the horns as the rest of the orchestra brings forward tutti stabs, transitioning us into action. The same texture is still present, but now the melody in the brass and the high strings add-in, playing the chord progression while the trumpets sing in the higher register.

Next, the strings section glissandos in unbreaking unison as the flutes play descending Danny Elfman triplets. In film-scoring or in this case, game-scoring, notes in pairs of threes that have the same note on the first and third beat are considered “Danny Elfman triplets”  because it is characteristic of his work in pieces such as his Batman Theme or Alice’s Theme. The triplets develop, changing notes along the chord progression, giving the piece sass.

As the texture from before returns, the arpeggio transforms from being a Danny Elfman triplet, to playing the entire arpeggio. The notes rock up and down, leading us to a flourish that counterpoints between the sections. The piece calms down and recapitulates the music before returning to the beginning. 

“Theme 2”

A military march kicks the piece off, setting the texture and pace with some aggressive snare and bass drums. The dark minor tonality in the low brass gives us the feeling that something powerful is coming, and it is nearby. The choir joins in as the pauses in this motif get closer and closer until an ostinato in the strings takes off with the chimes adding further texture.

The solo trumpet comes in like before, continuing the style of the piece. The low brass and choir responds to the trumpet’s call. This idea repeats, leading to the addition of the strings. At 00:50 seconds, we introduce new musical content. The higher voices of the ensemble play ascending arpeggios, developing the arpeggiating ideas from the other pieces and giving the impression the single idea has split into two. While this is happening, the arpeggio splits among the other instruments, trading between them when they play, creating a more complex texture. Then, we return to the original arpeggio in the woodwinds as the rest of the ensemble sustains onto the chords. This idea trades off between the other instruments in the ensembles, growing in volume. 

At timestamp 1:15, the woodwinds move onto a new idea. Great swooping arpeggios that feel like dragon wings fly over the melody that is being played by the strong brass. This texture is prominent in the next track as it comes to its climax as well. This presents the idea as something we can ground our emotions onto, so we will remember this section when it is recontextualized.

Then the ostinato kicks in as a power drive to the end. The brass plays familiar motifs from the previous melodies to latch on to our memories of the ever-dangerous Dragonspyre.

“Theme 3”

 In the beginning, the drums set the tone of the piece with a stately march, keeping tempo for the horn’s repetitive melody. The lower brass joins the bass drum, thickening and supporting the texture as the woodwinds play the eighth note motif that the horns played in the melody.

The motion stops as the bass instruments play introducing the   

orchestra which joins in with a similar motif. The idea develops through a different articulation by stabbing at the notes rather than playing them legato, or smoothly. Next, we are greeted by a familiar idea in the woodwinds, rocking back and forth between two notes before completing the rest of the arpeggio. This idea can be found in the other tracks and provides texture as the brass harmonizes. Finally, the choir joins in bringing the rest of the brass section, the strings, and additional percussive flourishes, such as crash cymbals.

The excitement halts as the orchestra becomes homophonic, playing in a similar fashion, but harmonizing together. Afterward, the trumpets lead us into a climactic section that develops the two-note repetition idea by playing the first two notes in the woodwinds only, while the strings and brass take the melody. A familiar idea, but now re-imagined in a flourishing major key before becoming tense and heroic to reflect our now deathly situation.

In the end, we come full circle to a military feeling before engaging in an anthem. Very patriotic in style, it presents the strength of Dragonspyre as a force to be reckoned with. This dissipates into the bras and chimes, leading us back to the beginning.

“Theme 4”

Once again, we are greeted by a familiar symphonic texture, giving Dragonspyre continuity in its musical identity. After establishing the mood, the piece drifts to become sad and wistful in the next section. The strings lull us as the harp gently caresses the arpeggios. The flutes join in, embellishing the texture.
The brass crescendos quickly as the rest of the orchestra comes in

referencing the homophonic texture from before. This leads us to a climactic point in which the repetitive arpeggio from before creates tension as the brass sustains the chords. The next section contrasts this texture with stabs. Ideas from the previous tracks peep throughout this piece, greeting us like an old friend for this finale.

At 00:51 seconds in, we hear a theme being carried from instrument to instrument. The theme goes deeper and deeper, much like our wizard coming closer and closer to Malistaire in the story. This theme is played in The Crown of Fire, during the time that our wizard is carried by the young Battle Drake to our final confrontation with Malistaire.  

In the final section, the orchestra splits beats with the ensemble, creating syncopation before joining together. This thrilling moment dies down as the choir begins to solemnly sing. The flute and strings join in, introducing a new melody at timestamp 01:24. We enter a new key. It’s a major key, bright and happy. The future is looking bright and we are uplifted. Although the story is not over yet! Magic and mystery shroud us, and we can never be too sure whether those enemies we have conquered in the past may come back to haunt us.

Thank you, Starlights, for venturing through the music of Dragonspyre with me. Have a wonderful night.


Please note: I transcribed the music from the original/classic mode music scrolls. Not all of my transcriptions are 100% accurate, but they are close and the rhythm is properly notated. The example in “Theme 1” comes from Nelson Everhart’s video, as linked.

Crafting101 – Dragonspyre | Pt 2

You didn’t think we were only going to cover the Life recipe and not the other schools did you? Well, if you did, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! 

As we mentioned in Part 1, for your second crafting quest, Balthazar Dragonthorn gives you a quest that corresponds with your school. In the first Dragonspyre crafting guide we showed you what the Life School quest would be like, we will be explaining more about the other schools quests in this edition. For Life, the Quest is Needle and the Vine. If you are a Life wizard and have found this article looking for a Dragonspyre Crafting Guide, CLICK HERE.

Please note: If a particular reagent has already been covered in an earlier recipe, I won’t repeat the reagent but will let you know which recipe we already covered it in! – Now, let’s begin, shall we?

Reagents in Common

Crystal Vial

in total are required. Crystal Vial is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor and the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold where as buying them from the Bazaar can cost between 165 to 1650 gold each, depending on how many are listed available. Harvesting Pink Dandelion can also get you some of these vials.

Frost Flower

15 in total are required. Frost Flower is a fairly popular reagent that spawns all over the coldest places spiral. It is especially easy to find in Grizzleheim and Wintertusk and there is always a frost flower near the Ice Tree, Kelvin, in Ravenwood! Frost Flowers can be found at the Bazaar, pricing anywhere from 33 to 325 gold each. Harvesting Evil Snow Peas, Fickle Pickle, Frozen Fly Trap, Orange Dandelion, Snow Apples, Honey Bee Plant and Boon Tree will increase your chances of collecting Frost Flower.

Black Pearl

in total are required. Black Pearl is a challenging reagent to find. It can be gathered as a rare harvest from black lotus or pearl. It can also be transmuted. You can also purchase Black Pearl from Diego 175 arena tickets. The Bazaar has them available but they are quick to go, so if they are available buy them quickly. They usually sell for anywhere from 188 – 1875 gold each. A few gardening options are Alligator Pear Tree, Deadly Fly Trap, King Parsley, and Ultra Tiger Lily.

Stone Block

20 in total are required. Stone block is one of the easiest reagents in the game to find.Two of them spawn right in The Atheneum, where you get the quest. The Bazaar sells them from 18 to 175 gold per piece. You can even buy a bundle of 100 from the Crowns Shop for 499 Crowns. Burning Snap Dragon, Dandelion, Fickle Pickle, Snap Dragon and Tiger Lily all drop this reagent.

Storm - Needle and Rain

This is the Storm specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

Leather Straps

12 in total are required. They may be harvested from Orange Dandelion and Trumpet Vine. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Storm shark

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 250 gold. They may be harvested from Fish on a Vine, Fickle Pickle, and Bamboo Shoots.


14 in total are required. Jades cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. The Gardening sources for Jade are Burning Snap Dragons, Snap Dragons, Ivy Leagues, and Ultra Dandelions.

Ice - Needle and Frost

This is the Ice specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

spider silk

12 in total are required. This may be harvested from Orange Dandelion or Boom Shroom. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Evil Snowman

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots, Evil Snow Peas, and Fickle Pickle.


14 in total are required. Amethysts cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem.

Fire - Needle and Flame

This is the Fire specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

Leather Straps

12 in total are required. They may be harvested from Orange Dandelion and Trumpet Vine. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Sun bird

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots, Burning Snap Dragon, Pink Dandelion, and Helephant Ears.


14 in total are required. Onyx cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem.

Death - Needle and Bone

This is the Death specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.

Bronze Gear

12 in total are required. These may be harvested from Orange Dandelions. There is a chance The Minotaur in The Acropolis will drop this item. The transmute recipe is listed below.


in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots.


14 in total are required. Amethysts cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. 

Myth - Needle and Fate

This is the Myth specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.


12 in total are required. You can harvest ectoplasm from Orange Dandelions, Ultra Snap Dragons, and Ultra Trumpet Vines. If there are any in the Bazaar, you can buy them for roughly 250 gold per reagent. The transmute recipe is listed below.


in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Ravenwood. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots and Fickle Pickle.


14 in total are required. Rubies cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. These can be harvested from Ivy Leagues, Snap Dragons, and Ultra Dandelions.

Balance - Needle and Luck

This is the Balance specific robe you need to craft for Balthazar Dragonhorn. The reagents are listed below.


12 in total are required. Bone may be harvested from Dandelion, Deadly Fly Trap, Pink Dandelion and Orange Dandelion. The Transmute Recipe is listed below.

Locust Swarm

in total are required. You can craft this from your school tree in Krokosphinx, Krokotopia. These are sold in the bazaar for roughly 160 gold and Harold Argleston/Zan’ne for 400 gold. They may be harvested from Bamboo Shoots and Fickle Pickle.


14 in total are required. Onyx cannot be found in the Spiral, but you can also buy these from vendors like Al Saf’wan or Campbell Hodgson for 15 gold per gem. 

Transmute Recipes

Frost Flower

The Frost Flower Transmute Recipe is available from Torald Wayfinder in Grizzleheim – Northguard. It is sold for 300 gold. You will need 10 Mist Wood and 10 Stone Block. 

Black Lotus

The Black Lotus Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. It is sold for 300 gold. You will need 10 Cat Tail and 10 Ore.  

Black Pearl

The Black Pearl Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. It is sold for 400 gold. You will need 15 Black Lotus per pearl.


The Ectoplasm Transmute Recipe is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in Dragonspyre – The Atheneum. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Leather Straps. 

Spider Silk

The Spider Silk Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Ectoplasm per Spider Silk.

Bronze Gear

The Bronze Gear Transmute Recipe is available from Felicia Worthington in Marleybone – Regent’s Square. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Spider Silk per gear.


The Bone Transmute Recipe is available from Wul’yahm in Krokotopia – Oasis. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Bronze Gear per Bone.

Leather Straps

The Leather Straps Transmute Recipe is available from Eudora Tangletree in Wizard City – Olde Towne. It is sold for 150 gold. You will need 5 Bones per Leather Strap.


Thank you, Starlights, for joining me crafting and collecting reagents! Catch our next edition of Crafting101 in Celestia, where we will craft an Amulet of the Seven Seas.

By Saffron ShadowWeaver and Peyton Lionheart

Crafting101 – Dragonspyre | Pt 1

We’re back with another Crafting101 issue. Lets explore the crafting quests in one of my favorite main worlds, Dragonspyre!

Balthazar Dragonthorn

The next crafting badge you can earn is your Master Artisan badge, but first, you must complete all of the crafting quests Balthazar Dragonthorn gives you. Balthazar is found to your right after you cross the bridge entering the Atheneum.

The first quest he gives you is called Two-Ring Circus. For this quest, you will need to craft 2 Rings of Apotheosis. To craft these rings, you will need an Equipment Crafting Station. It is available for 1,500 gold in the Furniture stores in Krokotopia, Marleybone, Mooshu, and Dragonspyre.

Balthazar’s crafting quests are more difficult than Toshio’s were. He not only asks you to craft the 2 rings of Apotheosis but also 2 robes specifically for your school and 2 pieces of furniture. This quest will require the Housing Crafting Station which is available for 1,500 gold from the Furniture Stores in Wizard City, Krokotopia, Marleybone, Mooshu and Dragonspyre.

The Recipes

The recipes themselves aren’t too difficult to complete. The biggest obstacle is gathering the rare reagents such as Diamond, Nightshade and Blood Moss which can be difficult to find or aquire.

The first recipe, Ring of Apothosis, only has three ingredients. Balthazar starts you off with something simple.

Below is the Recipe for Ring of Apotheosis. With needing to craft 2 rings, you will need to double the reagents.   

Below is a picture of your second crafting quest recipe. The robe you are given in this quest all depends on what school you are. I am a Life Wizard so I was given the Needle and the Vine quest. Other schools will get:

  1. STORM – Needle and Rain: Craft 2 Raintree Uniforms
  2. ICE – Needle and Frost: Craft 2 Thunderchill Cloaks
  3. FIRE – Needle and Flame: Craft 2 Grimblaze Vestments
  4. DEATH – Need and Bone: Craft 2 Duskwind Tunics
  5. MYTH – Needle and Fate: Craft 2 Bright Surcoats of the Paragon
  6. LIFE – Needle and vine: Flamesoul Cloak
  7. BALANCE – Needle and Luck: Craft 2 Cloaks of Weighty Grief 

The only recipe available for purchase from Balthazar is the Flamesoul Cloak. You will need to craft 2 of each robe so again you will need to double your reagents.

The third and final quest from Balthazar is Iron Craft Dragonspyre. You will need the recipe Crimson Book Stand from Toshio in Mooshu. You will need to craft 2 of these to finally receive your Master Artisan Badge. 

Gathering the Reagents

Now, the fun part begins! For me, it took some time to gather all of the reagents needed. For the first recipe, Ring of Apotheosis, you will need:

Ghost Fire

Ghost fire is best bought from a reagents vendor. In fact, Zoltan Nightstone, who is standing nearing Balthazar, sells them for 100 gold a piece. The Bazaar also has them available and can cost anywhere from 50 to 500 gold. If you happen to have any Burning Snap Dragon, they drop Ghost Fire. If you are in a hurry to rank up, I would recommend buying them from a vendor or the Bazaar whichever works best for you. 


I found Diamond to be the most difficult reagent to gather. You can find them in Ore as a rare harvest, or transmute Ore to create them. Ore spawns all over the spiral. It’s all about finding the hot spots. The Atheneum usually has 2 that you can harvest and the Cave of Solitude, in Mooshu, has around 3-4. Jumping from realm to realm makes it easier and quicker to gather the reagents you need in an area like these. They are available at the Bazaar, but they are quick to go, so if you see any – buy them as fast as you can! They usually cost anywhere from 100 – 1,000 gold. There are also several plants that could drop Diamond when you harvest them: Burning Snap Dragon, Deadly Helephant Ears, Fickle Pickle, Frozen Fly Trap, King Parsley, and the list goes on.

Black Lotus

Black Lotus can also be a difficult reagent to find. Mostly found in Mooshu, once you find a few, I would switch through different realms to find as many as you can in that spot. If you still can’t get enough, it is available at the Bazaar when you’re lucky usually selling anywhere from 43 to 425 gold, depending on how many are available. 

So in total for this recipe, you will need:

  • Ghost Fire – 18
  • Diamond – 30
  • Black Lotus – 40

Now, the second recipe varies depending on your wizards’ school. As we covered earlier, there are 7 different quest variations. We will cover the other variations next week. Since I am a Life Wizard, I will cover the reagents needed for the quest Needle and the Vine. For this quest you must craft the Flamesoul Cloak.

Nature's Wrath TC

Nature’s Wrath is a popular treasure card available at the Bazaar. These TC’s usually sell for around 300-400 gold each. You can also get it from harvesting Bamboo Shoots, Fickle Pickle, Fortune Cookie Tree, Purple Grapes of Wrath and Queen Crape Myrtle.
If you can’t find it at the Bazaar, Zan’ne in the Krokotopian Library has them available for 400 gold each.


Ruby is an easy reagent to find. The vendors in Wizard City, Krokotopia, Marleybone, Wysteria, and Mooshu have it available for 15 gold each.
You can also buy it from the Bazaar from 8 to 75 gold. 
If you have any Ivy League, Snap Dragon or Ultra Dandelion there is a possibility you could get Ruby when you harvest them.

Crystal Vial

Crystal Vial is a pricey reagent when bought from a vendor and the Bazaar. The vendors in Wysteria, Mooshu and Dragonspyre sell them for 330 gold where as buying them from the Bazaar can cost between 165 to 1650 gold each, depending on how many are listed available. Harvesting Pink Dandelion can also get you some of these vials.


Ectoplasm is a tricky reagent. Battling different bosses in Mooshu and Dragonspyre can reward you with Ectoplasm but it is not guaranteed every battle. Buying it from the Bazaar is much quicker unless you enjoy farming. It retails for 25 – 250 gold each. Harvesting Baby Carrots, Orange Dandelion, Ultra Snap Dragon and Ultra Trumpet Vine will give you the chance of Ectoplasm at harvest.

Frost Flower

I would say Frost Flower is a fairly popular reagent that spawns all over the spiral in its cold and icy places. It is especially easy to find in Grizzleheim and Wintertusk and there is always a frost flower near the Ice Tree, Kelvin, in Ravenwood! rost flower can be found at the Bazaar, prices ranging anywhere from 33 to 325 gold each. Harvesting Evil Snow Peas, Fickle Pickle, Frozen Fly Trap, Orange Dandelion, Snow Apples, Honey Bee Plant and Boon Tree will increase your chances of harvesting a Frost Flower.

Black Pearl

I found Black Pearl to be a challenging reagent to find. It can be gathered as a rare harvest from black lotus or pearl. It can also be transmuted. You can also purchase Black Pearl from Diego 175 arena tickets. The Bazaar has them available but they are quick to go, so if they are available buy them quickly. They usually sell for anywhere from 188 – 1875 gold each. A few gardening options are Alligator Pear Tree, Deadly Fly Trap, King Parsley, Ultra Tiger Lily, and the list goes on.

Stone Block

Stone block is one of the easiest reagents in the game to find.Two of them spawn right in the Athaneum where you get the quest! The Bazaar has them selling from 18 to 175 gold a piece, you can even buy a bundle of 100 from the Crowns Shop for 499 Crowns. Burning Snap Dragon, Dandelion, Fickle Pickle, Snap Dragon and Tiger Lily all drop this reagent.

So in total for this recipe, you will need:

  • Nature’s Wrath TC – 12 
  • Ruby – 28
  • Crystal Vial – 6
  • Ectoplasm – 24
  • Frost Flower – 30
  • Black Pearl – 16
  • Stone Block – 20

Now for the last recipe. The Quest is called Iron Craft Dragonspyre and you have to craft 2 Crimson Book Stands.

Fire Elf TC

The Fire Elf TC is a very popular TC dropped by low ranked enemies. A popular boss to farm is the Kraken, located in Triton Avenue. It can be bought from the Bazaar from 113 gold each. If you can’t find any available at the Bazaar, Harold Argleston in the Wizard City Library has them for you at 250 gold a piece, Zan’ne the Krokotopian Librarian has them selling at the same price. They can be harvested from Bell Pepper and Helephant Ears.

Shadow Oil

Shadow Oil is best bought from a vendor. Vendors in Krokotopia, Marleybone, Wysteria, Mooshu and Dragonspyre sell Shadow Oil at 20 gold each. It can also be harvested from Orange Dandelion.

Glass Vial

Glass Vial is also best purchased from a vendor. Vendors in Krokotopia, Marleybone, Wysteria, Mooshu and Dragonspyre have them available for 125 gold each where the Bazaar could be anywhere from 63 to 625 gold each. There is a chance of receiving Glass Vial’s from harvesting Burning Snap Dragon too!

Cat Tail

Cat Tail is a very popular and easy reagent to find. They spawn just about anywhere in the Spiral where there is water. If you are having trouble finding them, they sell from 18 to 175 gold at the Bazaar! They can be harvested from Dandelion, Pink Dandelion, Tiger Lily and Honey Bee Plant!


Nightshade is actually a rare harvest from Deep Mushroom! Deep Mushroom is a reagent that can be found all over the spiral, however, Mooshu is the world where Deep Mushrooms likes to spawn most! If you aren’t having much luck finding Deep Mushroom by the road in Mooshu, the Bazaar is the best place to try next. Nightshade sells from 100 to 1000 gold each, but they are very rare. If you find them available be super quick to buy them! If you are still struggling to find Nightshade, harvesting Burning Snap Dragon, Ultra Ninja Fig, Honey Bee Plant and Fickle Pickle will increase the chances of you getting more Nightshade. You can also transmute 15 deep mushrooms into your needed Nightshade. 

Blood Moss

Blood Moss, another rare reagent. Actually a rare harvest from Red Mandrake. Red Mandrake spawns frequently in Wizard City’s Colossus Boulevard, Nightside, Sunken City, Firecat Alley, Haunted Cave and Cyclops Lane. If you have Azteca unlocked, it can be found there too! The Bazaar sells Blood Moss from 150 – 1500 gold each but it is one of those rare reagents that sell like hot cakes! Harvesting from Deadly Fly Trap, Ultra Ninja Fig, Honey Bee Plant, Pink Dandelion and Fickle Pickle will hopefully grant you some Blood Moss, or you can transmute 15 Red Mandrake at the crafting station to make 1 Blood Moss. 

Black Pearl is also needed for this recipe. So in total, you will need:

  • Fire Elf TC – 6
  • Shadow Oil – 6
  • Glass Vial – 2
  • Cat Tail – 72
  • Nightshade – 24
  • Blood Moss – 20
  • Black Pearl – 12

Transmute Recipes

Transmute Recipes are recipes you can buy from various Recipe Vendors around the spiral! They take a number of common reagents and craft them into a single desired rare reagent! You will need the Card Crafting Station which is available for purchase from the Furniture stores in Krokotopia, Marleybone, Mooshu and Dragonspyre for 1,500 gold. I found these recipes extremely helpful when trying to find Nightshade, Diamond and Blood Moss. I just crafted them and problem solved!



The Diamond Transmute Recipe is available from Felicia Worthington in Marleybone – Regent’s Square. Selling at 200 gold. You will need 15 Ore. 



The Black Lotus Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. Selling for 300 gold. You will need 10 Cat Tail and 10 Ore. 



The Ectoplasm Transmute Recipe is available from Balthazar Dragonthorn in Dragonspyre – The Athaneum. Selling for 150 gold. You will need 5 Leather Straps.



The Frost Flower Transmute Recipe is available from Torald Wayfinder in Grizzleheim – Northguard. Selling for 300 gold. You will need 10 Mist Wood and 10 Stone Block.




The Black Pearl Transmute Recipe is available from Toshio in Mooshu – Jade Palace. Selling for 400 gold. You will need 15 Black Lotus.



The Nightshade Transmute Recipe is available from Wul’yahm in Krokotopia – The Oasis. Selling for 200 gold. You will need 15 Deep Mushroom. 



The Blood Moss Transmute Recipe is available from Eudora Tangletree in Wizard City – Olde Town. Selling for 400 gold. You will need 15 Red Mandrake. 

That concludes our walk through of the Dragonspyre Crafting Quests! Next stop, Celestia! Where we will meet with Pierce Stanson, the Grandmaster Artisan! See you in the next article!