Crafting101 – The Wyrd House

Welcome back to Crafting101! Dark and eerie, the Wyrd house is perfect for Hallowe’en, Death Wizards, and anyone else who wants their own nook for the arts of witchcraft. You can buy this recipe from Padraig in High Road, Avalon for 60,000 gold.

Jars of Mushrooms

We will need two Jars of Mushrooms for this project. You will have to craft these. You may purchase the recipe from Tarold Wayfinder in Grizzleheim for 2,400 gold. The recipe is listed below.

Forest Lord Treasure Cards

Six Forest Lord treasure cards are required to craft our house. This will be a rare find in the Bazaar as Life wizards often use this treasure card until they can learn the spell itself. Gardening Sour Fickle Pickles or Queen Crape Myrtle, you can receive this. You can also farm the Locres Knight in Caer Lyon, right in Avalon.


Four Poison Treasure Cards are required to craft this recipe. The easiest way to attain these treasure cards is to either buy them from the Bazaar, or to garden Stinkweed, as mentioned in Ravenwood Academy’s own play free forever guide


Only one vine is needed for the house. Gardening is one of the most efficient ways of getting this reagent. As it is possible to get it by interacting with the Winter Wind Tower’s Horn of Plenty, you can garden all of the Huckleberries, as well as Deadly Helephant Ears, and variants of Trumpet Vines. Additionally, you can buy this reagent for 400 Arena Tickets from Brandon Mistborn in Unicorn Way.

Mist Wood

One of the most notorious reagents in the game, you will need forty Mist Wood in order to craft this house. You can simply run around Wizard City or other worlds like Grizzleheim until you have collected enough.


The recipe calls for ten Grendleweed. You may obtain this through rare harvests of Frost Flowers as well as transmuting from Frost Flowers, found in worlds like Grizzleheim. The Transmute recipe is listed below.

Brick-Walled Pond

Two of this item will be needed. You can find it easily in the Bazaar. The Bazaar should be stocked with the item at 1,092 gold in the outdoor section.

Cephalopod Obelisk

We will need two of this item, easily found in the Bazaar. There should be roughly a hundred of them available at any given time in the decor section, sold for 1,056 gold.

Transmute Recipes

Jars of Mushrooms

Sold for 2,400 gold, you can purchase this recipe from Tarold Wayfinder in the fort crossroads of Northguard, Grizzleheim. In order to craft this, you need four Spirit Shield treasure cards, one Amethyst, four Shadow Oils, one Glass Vial, forty Stone Blocks, and ten Nightshade.


Sold for 400 gold, you can purchase this recipe from Avery Templeton in Base Camp, Celestia. Simply fifteen Frost Flowers can be plucked from the world of Grizzleheim to create Grendleweed.

Congratulations, young Wizard, on crafting your Wyrd House! Please look through more of our Crafting101 series to assist you with your crafting needs.

Thank you, Starlights, for collecting reagents and crafting with me. Have a wonderful night.

Legendary Ice PVP

Today’s topic is going to be pretty chill as we get into Legendary Ice PvP. The best level for Legendary Ice is definitely 66. My character was level 66 for the purposes of this article. Now, why Legendary ice? As ice you have loads of health a lot of resist so tanking long enough to stay alive and hit isn’t usually a problem. I had a fun time getting to Warlord.

I went with a well balanced setup. I chose to play to this schools strengths with lots of resist, decent damage, and pierce. For ice, it’s easy to get these stats especially with a ward pet. My basic strategy for this school was to save pips and use a combo.

My stats for this wizard ending up being 64 ice damage, 68 resist to ice, 63 to storm, 73 to balance, 60 fire resist and 48 universal.


For this setup use House of Scales or Waterworks hat for the excellent well-rounded stats. The Shivering Breath Robes is best for damage, critical and resist. You can craft this robe in Zafaria. My set up also uses the Professor’s Hoard pack boots. An Immortal’s Lore pack wand for it’s damage and pierce. The Duelist ring and athame for damage and pierce. A Life Mastery amulet and a resistance pet. As for the deck, I use House of Scales for the accuracy boost.
You will also need to get Winter Moon and Reindeer Knight. These spells will help with stuns, get rid of minions, and keep pressure on your opponent.
I actually made Leaderboards on this character, as I kept pushing. It was fun, and I enjoyed it.

ScHool Specialty

Your goal as an Ice is to keep applying pressure. Chip away at their health with attacks. Using over time attacks will deal damage, and suppress their attacks as well. Blades are your best friend.

Deck Setup

3 Freeze, 3 Frostbite, 5 ice blades, 3 ice dispels, 3 Reindeer Knight, 3 Snow Angel, 4 Steal ward, 3 Stun Block, 5 Towers, 3 Volcanic shield, 2 Balefrosts, 4 Winter Moon, maxed out Colossal enchants, 3 Gargantuan enchants, 3 Snow Serpent, 3 Fairy, 3 Satyr, 3 Reshuffle, and 2 balance dispels.

Treasure Card Deck

3 Ice blades, 4 Tower Shields, 5 Gargantuan, 3 Sanctuary, 1 Shatter, 3 Cleanse charms, 2 Reshuffle, 3 Elemental blades, 2 Weakness, 2-3 triage, and 1-2 lord of winter.

General Strategy

The main strategy is to outlive your opponent and continue attacking. This is slow gameplay and it will add up with combos. I always blade into an overtime attack when I can. I have 3 different types of over time attack. One is a single target and Two are all one enemy attacks. I fought a lot of Wizards with minions, with all one enemy attacks it was convenient for me to kill them.
What if you get hit by a Myth with shift? That’s why we have resist to our own school. That way you can survive your own hit, and be able to heal back. I don’t go too crazy with blades when I DoT (Damage Over Time). Usually, I save that for when I get an open shot to hit with Wintermoon, lord of Winter, or any other direct damage hit. The DoTs are also meant to get rid of shields, and DoTs work well against spammers.
Heal when your health gets low, you’re going to be tanking a lot. You’ll have the pip advantage to do so when you’re setting up to do those constant attacks. Use Sanctuary or Balefrost when they Doom, they will always try to stop you from healing.
That wraps up this article on Legendary ice PvP. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions, reply in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!

Legendary Storm PvP

Hello, and welcome to Legendary Storm PvP. I know, shocking. Why Legendary Storm PvP you may ask? When I was playing Wizard101, back when PvP was popular among my friends, we all liked Legendary PvP. The not so high stats, the no use of shadow pips, the little grind we did to get House of Scales or Waterworks gear was all fun. As a Legendary Storm, it was definitely a journey. Why Storm and why not Balance though? Good question. I liked that nobody ever really chose this school to solo, nor do I need to be just like everyone else and make one. I liked Storm for its high damage and pierce and the way it handles itself.

PvP as a Legendary nowadays is easy, fun, and sometimes unpredictable. I can guarantee I don’t win every one of my matches, but most. To those reading, you have to either farm Loremaster for some spells, craft or buy packs, depending on your preference. As some spells are wanted in PvP. For example, my storm has Queen Calypso, a card I use to bring out the utility of my spells, and the Damage Per Second it provides. I suggest crafting to those who don’t want to farm or buy packs, as it is one of the fastest ways to get the spells, believe it or not.

Gear and Stats​

My Storm specializes in quick attacks, ending the rounds easily, and has high damage and pierce at 65. For a Storm, I would suggest going for high damage and pierce over critical, because of the critical nerf.

The gear that would be a good set up for Damage and Pierce would be:

  • Robe: House of Scales – Lower Zigazag Vestment
  • Hat: House of Scales – Lower Zigazag Headdress
  • Boots: Professor’s Hoard Pack – Halston’s Stormy Slippers
  • Wand: Immortal’s Lore Pack – Aquilan Velite Lance
  • Ring: Vendor: Brandon Mistborn – Duelist’s Daredevil Ring
  • Athame: Vendor: Brandon Mistborn – Duelist’s Fatal Razor
  • Amulet: Lower Zigazag – Condemned Soldier’s Charm
  • Mount: Avalon Outlaw’s Bundle – Vulpine Avenger Mount for pierce OR
  • Mount: Ghulture’s Hoard Pack – Storm Ghulture for damage
  • Pet: Any pet with all 5 talents being damage for maximum damage output, and socketing a Spell Proof Jewel

Pierce Jewels are needed on your Ring and Athame.

  • Circle Jewel: Plain Piercing Amethyst +3% pierce
  • Tear Jewel: Plain Health Opal +65 health
  • Triangle Jewel: Plain Pip Opal +6% power pip chance
  • Square Jewel: Plain Defense Opal +16 universal resist
  • Triange Jewel: Plain Accurate Amethyst +7 storm accuracy

With all the gear and jewels equipped your storm should have 125 Damage, 32 resist, 27% accuracy, 54% critical chance, 20% pierce and 79% power pip chance. We will also be using Infallible before we hit which gives an additional 15% accuracy and pierce over 4 rounds.

Spells Trained through Training Points​

  • Ice School  – Tower Shield
  • Sun School – Gargantuan
  • (Prepare for the weird one) Fire School – Phoenix, Infection, and Stun Block.

Main Deck Set Up​

  • 6 Queen Calypso’s
  • Max Damage enchants, thus being Gargantuan
  • 3 Lightning Bats
  • 5 Wild Bolts
  • 4 Tower Shields
  • 3 Volcanic Shields
  • 3 Glacial Shields
  • 3 Pixies
  • 3 Darkwinds
  • 2 Storm Dispells
  • 3 Storm Shark
  • 2 Insane Bolts
  • 3 Storm Lord
  • 2 Storm Snakes
  • 4 Storm Blades

Side Deck Set Up​

Now, for that phoenix spell I mentioned earlier – you are going to want to enchant a lot of them from the Mutate Phoenix spell.

The Spell Thunderbird has such high utility, as it gives you x3 +30% traps universally, pack 3 of them.

  • 2 Storm Lord
  • 4 Tower Shields
  • 5 Infallible
  • 3 Kraken
  • 5 side Queen Calypso
  • 3 Triton
  • 2 Storm Shark
  • 3 Triage
  • 2 Gargantuan


The goal is to hit as fast as possible, preferably trying to pull an infallible first round to get that maximum amount of Pierce through the first couple of hits. If you can get infallible up, you can then hit with multiple Queen Calypsos and small hits, dealing good damage, and keeping them on the defensive.

If your opponent hasn’t stun shielded, that’s where Storm Lord comes in play. Switch back from playing offensively and defensively as you will need to make sure you can be able to out damage per second them and survive. Don’t just hit randomly, as we’re built on strategy. Make combined hits that make sense.

For example, you have the pips needed for the 5 pipped Thunderbird. You cast that into a Queen Calypso, giving you a +30% and a +20% traps on your opponent, making use of that utility you have.

Avoid spamming cards like a wild bolt or insane bolt as you are wasting pips. Use a Wild bolt to get off a shield, or start off with a hit, or need to get rid of a card.
Infection is for your heal spammers, and with all the pierce you have, it’s fine to hit through shields. All your other hits, use in situations where you know your opponent is open, and you can do mass damage. All spells and all battles aren’t all the same. Different situations occur, just have to be patient and committed to learn and understand what to do in different situations.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the guide. If you got any questions, my Discord is 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖆𝕲𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 #1999, and I will gladly answer all questions related to storm Legendary PvP.

Lambent Fire: 2 Turn Farming Strategy

Lambent Fire

Lambent Fire is a Stone Skeleton Key Boss that is found in Crystal Caves – Avalon. He drops the Burning Rampage spell, which is highly sought-after by many fire wizards. Unfortunately, his cheats work conveniently well to make the battle harder specifically for fire.

Main Cheats & Common Strategies

He cheat-casts steal charm on all fireblades, elemental blades, and universal blades. Aegis can be used to prevent this cheat, but many people don’t have that spell yet. If Bladestorm is used, only the caster will have their blade stolen. A common strategy is to have someone spam quench (fire dispel) on the boss so that someone else can blade. Hitters of other schools often don’t worry about this cheat (other than balance), but it’s mainly fire wizards that are farming this boss.

He also cheat-casts Immolate on any universal traps. That’s right – no feints, even if protected with Indemnity. You would need someone to spam quench for that, too. The only exceptions to this cheat are Mass Feint and Malediction (mass universal traps). Regular traps (like Fire Trap, Elemental Trap, Fuel, and Backdraft) all work fine. Fire Prism and Mass Fire Prism are both allowed.

A minion will also cheat-cast Bad Juju at the end of the 3rd turn to whoever has the most pips, which is usually the hitter. That always has to be cleared using a wand spell or Cleanse Charm before hitting. This cheat is part of a cheat-cycle and repeats every 3rd turn.

So if you’re fire, it’s hard to blade and hard to trap. Farming is all about efficiency; regardless of the drop rate, you have a higher chance of getting what you want if you get more runs in. But with all of the cheats against buffs, how could 4 average fire wizards ever hope to beat Lambent Fire in 2 turns?

Here’s The Strategy

Person 1: Minion Killer
You need one person to kill the minions. If you’re a fire wizard with a +1 pip deck, use Mass Fire Prism followed by an enchanted Scald.
Yeah, I said Scald. Trust me on this.
How high your damage is won’t matter, the minions will die regardless. If you don’t get a power pip on the 1st and 2nd turn, no worries; it will just take 3 turns to kill.
If the minion killer ends up not being a fire wizard, just find someone that can kill the minions by the 2nd turn. Having a spell that is both AoE and DoT (like Deer Knight or Reindeer Knight) would be ideal, but anyone else that can one-shot minions by the 2nd round is fine.
(Ex: Stormblade + Tempest/Storm Lord)
Person 2: Main Hitter

Here’s another surprise for you fire wizards: if you’re the hitter, use Fire Prism (single) on the boss, followed by an enchanted Heckhound. Even if you have a shadow hit ready.
Another “useless” spell, I know. Just go with it.
If your main hitter is not fire, then just have someone blade and hit with any DoT spell. Frostbite, Poison, or Thunderstorm (Rain Core pet spell) are all great options. Even if you have a stronger spell, please stick to DoT.
                                                                       Person 3: Secret Weapon
This is where the strategy comes together. Most of the people farming this boss are fire, right? Someone probably has Dalia’s Smoldering Hairdo, the fire hat from the Professor’s Hoard Pack. Congratulations, you have been selected to use Incindiate.
Does it make sense yet?
This will detonate all of the previously used DoT spells AND double their damage. To put this in perspective: Assuming a fire wizard was the main hitter and used what I said above, it would end up being a 5-7 pip Heckhound with a prism. If you include a Colossal enchantment and the double damage from Incindiate, you’re looking at a 1900-2440 base damage attack. That’s more base damage than any spell in the game. And that’s still without the 30% ice boost (from prism), stat damage, or even a possible critical.
The Scald works similarly; with Colossal and Incindiate, it would have 1540 base damage, which is still more damage than Raging Bull. That alone with the 30% ice boost is guaranteed to kill minions (and land a solid hit on the boss as well), not to mention your stat damage.

If you’re a non-fire wizard but you have the hat, you can still make it work. If you have a fire mastery amulet, great. If you have a +1 pip deck, using empower on the 1st turn will give you enough pips to cast Incindiate on the 2nd turn

f you are balance, you could go first and use bladestorms (cheat will only steal blade from you) to boost the other 2 hitters, or use Donate Power to boost the Heckhound, or both.
If you have Dworgyn’s Havoc Hood (the death hat from the Professor’s Hoard Pack), Mass Feint would also help.
If you are not fire but you are still a strong hitter, then you can blade and hit with whatever you got; just keep in mind DoT will do double damage.
If you have none of these, you could always buy Donate Power tc from the bazaar and use that on the main hitter before they use Heckhound, or buy Fire Trap/Elemental Trap/Fuel tc. Just find some way to be helpful.
Person 4: Backup

There is no specific role for this person, just help somehow. If you are fire/ice/death, I recommend doing the same thing as the main hitter. I’m specifically including ice and death because they both have solid, low-pip DoT spells they can use, and they each have a 30% damage boost against Lambent Fire.

If you’re fire but have really low accuracy/damage, use traps for the hitters. (Traps have to be after prisms, so enter battle after the hitters.)

If you are balance, you could go first and use bladestorms (cheat will only steal blade from you) to boost the other 2 hitters, or use Donate Power to boost the Heckhound or both.
If you have Dworgyn’s Havoc Hood (the death hat from the Professor’s Hoard Pack), Mass Feint would also help.
If you are not fire but you are still a strong hitter, then you can blade and hit with whatever you got; just keep in mind DoT will do double damage.
If you have none of these, you could always buy Donate Power TC from the bazaar and use that on the main hitter before they use Heckhound, or buy Fire Trap/Elemental Trap/Fuel tc. Just find some way to be helpful.
(If you’re a high level and wanna get fancy, a death wizard could use Empower then Wrath of Hades, or a myth wizard could use Empower tc then King Artorius (which both have a big 1000+ damage DoT). If you’re hitting minions, an ice wizard use Empower TC/Snow Angel, or a myth wizard could use Mythblade/Noble Humongofrog. Feel free to get creative!
Putting It All Together
If your backup person is not hitting or trapping, have them go first, followed by the 2 hitters (in any order). If the backup person is hitting, then all 3 hitters go in any order. Most importantly, have the person using Incindiate go last.
If anyone on the team doesn’t have enough pips to do their part by the 2nd turn (due to lack of power pips, entering late, etc.), everyone needs to wait until the 3rd turn to hit.
If your hitters aren’t very strong, or you don’t have a backup person, hitting on the 3rd turn can also give everyone an extra turn to trap, and increases Heckhound’s base damage (by gaining an extra pip). This would ensure a kill, although most full teams can manage it in 2 turns.
Preventing Fails
One of the unpredictable things in this battle that can cause a fail is Lambent Fire using Efreet. But with this strategy since the person using Incindiate is going last, the Efreet will always target them (since they will always be across from him) as long as you have a full team.
The Bad Juju cheat is another thing people worry about,
but hitting by the 3rd turn avoids this completely.
The minions CAN use Immolate, which can clear some of their prisms. If the minion killer is fire and has low damage, the Scald might not kill. Have a backup AoE hit in to clean up. Lambent Fire will not use Immolate.
Aside from that, watch your accuracy and power pips. Incindiate needs 15% accuracy to ensure no fizzles. Raise your power pip stat too, especially if you don’t have a +1 pip deck. Other than that, make sure your hitters all have 100% accuracy for their school. If your accuracy isn’t high enough, taking an extra turn to use Infallible is well worth your time. Accuracy and power pips are much more important than critical for this strategy.

Deck Setup

Minion Killer

If you are fire, this is the setup you wanna have. Keeping a maximum of 7 cards ensures that you will draw exactly what you need. the plan is to use Mass Fire Prism, then an enchanted Scald. If you get a pip fail can’t use Scald on the 2nd turn, use a trap while waiting for a pip. If your fire accuracy isn’t perfect, use Infallible tc regardless of pips.
If some minions clear their prism and end up surviving, then you have a backup enchanted Meteor Strike. In the rare case that it goes past the 3rd round, you may need a wand to for the Bad Juju cheat.
If you’re not fire, just replace the trap/prism with blades, and the attacks with your AoE spells.

Main Hitter/Backup Hitter
Same simple setup: Fire Prism then Enchanted Heckhound. Pip fails don’t really matter with Heckhound, but use a trap if someone else on your team needs to wait for pips. Just like before, you have an enchanted Meteor Strike and a wand hit for emergencies, but probably won’t end up using them.
If you aren’t fire, just replace the trap/prism with blades, and the Heckhound with your DoT spell. Backup hit is optional.
***All hitters NEED perfect accuracy, more than anything else. If you fizzle, you miss out on the Incindiate. If someone on your team needs to use Infallible tc, just hit on the 3rd turn.
Secret Weapon
It’s pretty simple for this person: enter the battle last and be ready to use Incindiate by the 2nd turn. if you have a +1 pip deck and at least 90% power pips, you’re solid. You can use a Fire Trap or anything else that would be helpful while you wait. If you don’t have a deck pip, increase your power pips as much as possible and use Empower tc on the 1st turn. Regardless, 15% fire accuracy is a must. Backup hit is optional.

Other Backup 
If the Backup is a fire wizard with low damage/accuracy and doesn’t want to hit, this is also a possible setup. Pack whatever traps you have, and go after the hitters so that your traps go after their prisms.
If the backup isn’t fire, then go first and support in any way possible. An easy way is by using Donate Power tc to boost Heckhound on the 2nd turn.
While I do agree that this strategy is a bit particular by requiring a spell like Incindiate, also consider that you’re more likely to run into fire wizards with this boss than anywhere else. The chance that someone on your team has it is pretty decent. All the current guides and strategies advise against having too many fire wizards (which is terrible since fire wizards farm it the most), but this one encourages it. This is also the only current strategy that can be done in 2-3 turns with a team of average Archmage fire wizards.
Good luck on your drops!

By: NinjaDudeB12 #4545