Visionary Myth Critical Guide

Note: This guide is created for level 130 myth wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful.

Myth School

Myth is such an interesting school. Anyone that can take the wrath of Cyrus Drake in the first arc deserves a little respect. The myth school is not considered one of the best, but I’ve seen plenty of dangerous myth wizards when they run the right gear and strategy.

Since myth’s two main strengths are the use of minions and stuns, running a full critical set can probably break the Richter scale itself. Using a minion to keep shields off an opponent while combo hitting with stuns can make a landing critical hit terrifying for any opponent. This guide will lay out the gear to help your myth wizard reach 100% critical with the highest damage possible.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Mythic Paradox Conical – 140

Boots: Mythic Paradox Boots – 117

Wand: Jack Hallow’s Gourdtar – 195

Ring: Drake Ancestral Signet Ring – 84 (+ 18 Jewel)

Athame: Morganthe’s Bite – (+ 18 and +18 Jewel)

Deck: Mythic Paradox Deck – 51

Amulet: Universal Memento – 35

Robe: Quixotic Light Brigade Armor – 100

Overall Total: Damage 137% – Critical 839 (100%)

Stats like these would make Baba Yaga proud! Here’s the breakdown:


Alternative Gear

Luckily, Myth only needs 2 critical talents in their pet to reach the 100% threshold. Because of this, there are a couple alternative pieces of gear you could replace and still maintain a full critical loadout.

Hat: Krokopatra Wonder Fez

Boots: Haughty Alphoi Boots

Amulet: Relic of the Shadow Palace (Gives +40% blade)

Athame: Dirk of Dimwood Vale

Robe: Kan Davasi Victor’s Gear

Deck: Rasputin’s Hypnotic Hand

Ring: Drake Ancestral Signet

Remember: Using these over the “best” gear loadout means you lose the maximum amount of damage you can run while keeping 100% critical.

Must Haves

– A double-critical pet

– Jack Hallow’s Gourdtar

Because of how the stats work out, myth has the luxury of replacing items to make up for loss of critical in their pet’s talents. As long as you have a pet with at least two critical talents and the Jack Hallow’s wand you can reach the cap.

Best of luck to all myth wizards!

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Visionary Life Guide to 100% Critical and Max Damage

Note: This guide is created for level 130 life wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful.

Life School

The Life school is a beautiful school. It’s one of the few schools that can do everything whether it’s tanking, healing, or hitting. Because of this there are many strategies that a max-level Life Wizard can choose for both PvP and PvE.

This article will focus on the 100% critical gear strategy! I will help you achieve the max amount of damage while still keeping 100% critical. This strategy is popular with Life wizards since it guarantees strong heals without giving up damage.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Lively Paradox Conical – 134

Boots: Lively Paradox Boots – 112

Wand: Tormentor’s Skullsplitter – 181

Ring: Lively Paradox Ring – 89 (+18 Jewel)

Athame: Dark Woman’s Dagger – (+18 and +18 Jewel)

Deck: Paradox Deck – 49

Amulet: Spirit of Darkmoor’s Jewel – 35

Robe: Ornate Light Brigade Armor – 91

Pet: A quint-critical pet – 112.32 (with life-giver and life-bringer damage talents)

Total: Damage 120% – Critical 857 (100%)
That’s a good amount of damage for running 100% critical as a Life. Here’s a breakdown of all the gear and its stats:


Possible Alternative Gear

Note that the gear listed above totals 857 critical, and you only need to reach 838 critical to get 100%. If you can’t get the perfect max critical and damage, it’s okay! There is room for other gear to replace some of the pieces above. Here are a few I recommend.
Hat: Krokopatra’s Vigor Fez
Boots: Cabalist Stompers of the First
Amulet: Jewel of the Shadow Web (Gives +45% blade)
Athame: Spirit of Darkmoor’s Thorn
Robe: Undying Malistaire’s Tunic
Deck: Rasputin’s Deck of Fortitude
Ring: Mithraya Vivid Seal
Remember, choosing one of these over the “best” gear means you lose other stats, like damage, health, power pip chance, resist, etc…

Things You Can’t Go Without

Quint-critical pet

– Tormentor’s Skullsplitter

You can’t get around these essentials. You can replace a few pieces of gear and still get 100% critical, but not these two. They’re vital to the guide (hah, puns!). Unfortunately, the only thing that will be difficult to get is these two pieces. One is from a seasonal pack while the other requires patience and hatching skill.
I hope this guide helps some fellow life wizards create the perfect gear set! Let us know what pieces you choose in the comments below!

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Death Guide to 100% Critical

This guide is for level 130 death wizards and may require a 2.0 pet

Death School

The Death school can be deadly in the arena. It’s a school that specializes in draining the enemy’s health while regaining it’s own. The death school is opposite to the life school, but their purpose is almost the same. Because they can both attack and heal at the same time, death spells deal less damage than other schools. Luckily, with the right strategy, a death wizard can become essential to any team.
This article will focus on one gear strategy in Wizard101, the 100% critical set. The greatest amount of damage that can run while still obtaining 100% critical will be in the gear guide. This strategy is popular with Death wizards because a critical drain attack will hit hard and heal at the same time.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Deathly Paradox Conical – 137
Boots: Deathly Paradox Boots – 114
Wand: Tormentor’s Shredder – 195
Ring: Deathly Paradox Ring – 91 (+18 Jewel)
Athame: Mercy of Shadow and Light – (+18 and +18 Jewel)
Deck: Deathly Paradox Deck – 50
Amulet: Death Seeker’s Talisman – 35
Robe: Baleful Light Brigade Armor – 100
Pet: A double-critical pet – 63.21
Total Damage 130% – Critical 839 (100%)
This is the most damage a Death wizard can have while maintaining 100% critical.

Alternative Gear

Since the Death school only needs two critical talents on a pet to reach 100%, you don’t need this exact set to reach full critical! This means you could choose gear with lower critical and higher resistance/health. All you need to do is replace the missing critical with a triple or quint-critical pet. Note that the above gear goes to 839 critical, but you need to reach 838 critical to be 100%.

Here’s some possible alternative gear to consider
Hat: Krokopatra’s Oblivion Fez
Boots: Cabalist Stompers of the Finality
Amulet: Shadow Queen’s Grace (Gives +45% blade)
Athame: Lord of Death’s Razor
Robe: Death Lord’s Cloak of Woe
Deck: Rasputin’s Wicked Hand
Ring: Ghost Dog’s Dire Loop
Remember, Using these alternatives means you lose other stats, like damage, health, power pip chance, resistance, etc.

Things You Can’t Go Without

A double-critical pet
 The Tormentor’s Shredder
Unfortunately, the Tormentor’s Shredder is a must-have for the highest damage and critical at the same time.
There are many excellent gear sets you can use as a Death wizard. This guide will help you unlock the true potential of Death school in attack. Thank you for reading it, let us know how this set up worked for you in the comments below.

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Visionary Fire 100% Critical and Max Damage Guide

This is a guide on achieving high damage and 100% critical for Fire school at Visionary, currently max level 130. It is possible for all the schools in the Spiral to attain 100% critical. However, when you boost a particular stat, you decrease others. With this critical and damage build you will sacrifice resist, pierce and power-pip chance.

Note: All pets must be 2.0 (or max stats) for this guide to be successful.

Fire School

Ah the school of fire. This is my main school and I use this build questing anywhere outside of Empyrea. With my guide, Fire school can get 157% damage and 100% critical. This is one of the highest critical builds in the game, second only to Storm. 

Advantages of the Fire School

One of the main advantages of fire school is the d.o.t.s. or, damage over-time spells. With this build, fire dots or other spells can wipe out mobs in a single turn. You will also have over 6k health with this gear set. This high health is a huge advantage over the storm school, which boasts higher damage.

What You’ll Need:

The gear you need:

Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor

Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat

Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots

Wand: Kapudan’s Boarding Hook

Pet: Quad critical Double damage pet

Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)

Ring: Fiery Paradox Ring (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)

Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar

Mount: Fire Ghulture

Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck

Total Damage: 157% 
Total Critical: 839 (100%)

Gear Build



Alternative Gear for high damage and 100% critical

 This setup is the previous Max damage and 100% crit that fire could have gotten before the new Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gear. This gives you 149% critical and 100% critical. 

What you’ll need

The gear you need:

Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor

Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat

Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots

Wand: Jack Hallows wand

Pet: Quint damage critical pet

Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)

Ring: Mithraya’s Blazing Loop (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)

Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar

Mount: Fire Ghulture

Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck

Total Damage: 149% 
Total Critical: 844 (100%)


Gear Guide For Fire


Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!