One beautiful part of Wizard101 is fishing. It can be a great way to spend some time with friends without the pressure of battle and strategy. Fishing will take you to some corners of the Spiral you may not have taken the time to explore before. Like any great hobby in Wizard101, it can lead to some great rewards.
After you complete the Avalon fishing quest “Angling Upward” Lucky Hookline will send you on a new quest, “The New World”. You will travel to Azteca to speak with Alejandro de la Paz in Saltmeadow Swamp.

You can now learn a useful spell for fishing tournaments. This spell removes fishing chests and ensures all fish in the pool are, indeed, fish.
Sink Chests – Sinks all chests to the bottom (removes fishing chests)
The cost is 10,000 gold and you can get it without any other level requirement in fishing.

Alejandro de la Paz will give you a new quest called “Rivers of Gold” which is the only fishing quest he has for you

The first fish on the list to catch is the Ax-Xolotl, a rank 3 Balance fish found in the Zocalo. I recommend you use the Winnow Balance Fish spell and a Common Harmony Lure
The next one you must catch is the Pirahptor a rank 3 Death fish, found in Mangrove Marsh. I recommend you use the Winnow Death Fish spell and a Common Repose Lure.
The last fish you will need is the Chupacarpe a rank 3 Life fish found in Mangrove Marsh. I recommend you use the Winnow Life Fish spell and a Common Vitality Lure
Once completed, this quest will give you a new spell:
Buoy Chests 1 – It doubles the chance of catching a chest.
This spell increases your chances of getting a chest when cast. It replaces the Summon Fish spell and can combine with the Winnow spells. It has a cooldown time of 15 minutes, since that’s how long it takes for new fish to return.

You now have great spells for fishing tournaments and for finding chests! There are many wonderful things awaiting a fisherman in the Spiral!
Fishing takes patience, but it’s a great way to use your unused energy.
You can keep your best fish and display them in aquariums, or sell your fish to Lucky Hookline for gold!
Use the Angler’s Tome to see fish you’ve caught throughout the game.
You will earn the greatest amount of experience when catching fish that are new to your tome.
Many rare items can be found in fishing chests!
Don’t forget that the fish you see in front of you are not the same fish other Wizards see. Other players cannot catch or scare your fish away. However, if you catch a fish or scare it away, it will be replaced after 15 minutes.
If the pond does not have the right school of fish, scare them away by running in the water and come back later!
Also, remember that the first time you go to an area, they load the names of the fish. Of course, this is hard to see but always keep it in mind about rare and epic fish you are looking for.
Thank you for reading the series on fishing quests in all the worlds. I hope I helped you learn some new things. Until the next update, Happy Fishing!
I’d love to hear about your fishing adventures in the comments!
- Alejandro de la Paz
- Alejandro de la Paz in Saltmeadow Swamp
- Ax-Xolotl
- Ax-Xolotl fish
- Ax-Xolotl fish wizard101
- Azteca fishing
- azteca fishing wizard101
- buoy chest spell
- buoy chest spell wizard101
- Chupacarpe
- Chupacarpe fish
- Chupacarpe fish wizard101
- Fishing
- Fishing guide Wizard101
- fishing in Wizard101
- Fishing spells
- Fishing Tips
- How to fish in Wizard101
- Pirahptor
- Pirahptor fish
- Pirahptor fish wizard101
- sink chest spell
- sink chest spell wizard101
- Wizard101 Fishing
- wizard101 fishing tips
- Wizard101Fishing
Wonderful post and so you know, I am a fellow fisherman; Seth Ravenheart. Thank you for the tip on the fish types as you enter a area, I did not realize that. Fishing as a very nice addition to the game, its my favorite pass time..i also enjoy,crafting, gardening and Montrology. well enjoy your journey through the spiral and thanks again.