Welcome to the Death edition of my crafting series. I’ll walk you through the basics of crafting the Death spells in Wizard101. These are the spells dropped by Loremaster! Unfortunately, Headless Horseman will be omitted from this list. Maybe someday it’ll be a spell we can craft!
Deer Knight and Lord of Night’s Recipe Location

Deer Knight Recipe
Deer Knight is a hit-all Death spell that requires 5 pips. It has a base damage of 300 + another 270 over three rounds! This spell is a must for any Death Wizard. It has uses for both PvE and PvP players. The Deer Knight recipe can be bought for 60,000 gold from Grady in Avalon.
You will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents to craft Deer Knight.
6 – Deer Knight Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Onyx
200 – Ghost Fire
100 – Blood Moss
100 – Bone
50 – Spring
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Lord of Night Recipe
Lord Of Night is another 5-pip Death damage spell. This spell gives 50% of the damage back to the caster in health! It also gives the enemy a 25% Infection as a trap. You can buy the Lord of Night recipe from Grady for 60,000 gold.
You will need the following Treasure Cards and Reagents to craft Lord of Night.
6 – Lord Of Night Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Onyx
200 – Ghost Fire
50 – Nightshade
25 – Turquoise
50 – Scrap Iron
25 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Where to Get the Reagents
Perfect Onyx: You can buy Perfect Onyx for 100 gold a piece in the Celestia Base Camp from the vendor Archytas.
Ghost Fire: You can buy Ghost Fire for 100 gold a piece in the Atheneum. Zolton Nightstone in Dragonspyre is the reagent vendor I prefer.
Blood Moss: I find that the easiest way to get Blood Moss is by transmuting the reagent. You can buy the transmute Blood Moss recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp for 400 gold. It requires 15 Red Mandrake to transmute one Blood Moss.
Bone: You can get Bone from Elik Silverfist in the Bazaar.
Spring: I find that the best place to get Spring is in Marleybone. It can be harvested with Scrap Iron as a rare drop.
Sunstone: You can buy Sunstone from Diego The Duelmaster in Unicorn Way for 200 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the transmute Sunstone recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp. If you are lucky, you might even find Sunstone in the Bazaar.
Amber: Amber is by far the most difficult item to get on this list. One of the most popular places to get Amber is by farming Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus in Aquila.
Nightshade: In my opinion, the easiest way to get Nightshade is to buy it from Diego The Duelmaster for 175 Arena Tickets. You can find Diego in Unicorn Way. You can also buy the transmute recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp for 200 gold.
Turquoise: You can buy Turquoise from Elik Silverfist in the Bazaar in Olde Town.
Deer Knight and Lord Of Night Treasure Cards: The best place to get both of these treasure cards is from Elik Silverfist from the Bazaar in Olde Town.
Thanks for crafting your Death spells with Ravenwood Academy! What was the hardest reagent for you to find? Which was the easiest? Let us know in the comments below.