The Beastmoon event has been active a few times now. Each time both the game itself, as well as the players, change. I’ve taken the opportunity to collect different tips and tricks. These I’ve learned myself and from other players.This article will detail different pieces of advice I use to help win Beastmoon matches. From very basic ideas you already know, to more detailed ideas you might not have considered. The main points will be in bold at the end of each section. You can, if you like, skip the points you already know.

Joining Fights
Anyone who plays Beastmoon knows, getting into combat with the opposing team is a big part of every match. Yet, you shouldn’t run into every single fight you get the chance to. For starters, if you don’t think you have a chance at winning the fight, don’t bother joining. Every time someone is defeated in battle (or flees from a battle) the opposing team gets 2 points. This means joining a fight you won’t be able to win, is giving away free points. Once you come to terms with this idea, you will most likely ask yourself “How do I know if I can win the fight before I join it?“ Although I can’t guarantee you win every fight, I have some tips you can use to help determine if a fight is worth taking.

Pips and Health
The Numbers Advantage

Beast Form Synergies
Strong Allies
Strong Opponents
- Krokomummy and Fairy form a very resilient team. They are capable of staying alive and dealing damage through shields. Krokomummy has many shields that help keep Fairy alive. Krokomummy also has many spells that want traps, which the Fairy can provide. Fairy has many traps as well as a powerful shield-piercing drain. It is devastating when combined with Krokomummy’s disarming trap. Together dealing 450 damage that bypasses shields and heals.
- Wolf Warrior and Rat Thief are a powerhouse pair. Wolf Warrior has access to a wide range of blades, especially Storm Surge, the +200 damage blade (or an additional +100 if they already have a blade). Rat Thief has a lot of starting pips as well as many low-pip damaging spells. For instance, Striking Ifrit, which deals 250 damage to the entire enemy team, for 4 pips. Combine Storm Surge and Striking Ifrit to deal 450 damage to all enemies on turn one!
- Elf and Minotaur are another pair that can dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. The main spells you want to use are, Elf’s Dive-Bomber Beetle, and Minotaur’s powerful DOT spells. For instance, Ruby Shark. Ruby Shark plus Dive-Bomber Beetle can do 575 damage without any damage boosts.
- Colossus vs Elf is most likely the hardest match up I’ve encountered for Colossus. Elf’s damage is boosted for Ice, and they have many tools to remove shields. Because of this, Colossus does not have many options in a fight against an Elf. As Colossus, you don’t want to have your Armory of Artemis spell countered by the Elf’s Surtr’s Rage spell. This is because Surtr’s Rage will remove all your shields.
- Elf vs Wolf Warrior is one of the few challenging fights for the Elf. Wolf Warrior has many spells that counteract the Elf. They can remove damage over time effects, and stun to interrupt Elf’s combos. They also have high base damage spells that can kill the Elf, in a round or 2.
- Wolf Warrior vs Krokomummy favors Krokomummy. Only because of the many ways to punish the enemy for using blades. Additionally, Krokomummy has stun blocks that also prevent Wolf Warrior from stunning.
- Fairy vs Rat Thief is a challenging match for Fairy. Rat Thief has many spells that need him to have a trap on himself, and Fairy has many spells that place traps. Fairy also lacks ways to deal with minions if the Rat Thief decides to summon one.
These various combinations are the ones I find myself taking advantage of the most. Every single beast form has ideal allies and ideal opponents. Take some time to look for which beast forms help you the most and which beast forms your spells counter. A good start when looking for ideal opponents is to start with beast forms that your school counters (life counters myth, ice counters storm, etc.).
Where to Fight
Only Fight If You Have To
Final Thoughts
In summary, fighting other players is a major part of any Beastmoon Hunt. Winning fights will grant you a majority of your points. Likewise, losing points will cost you the most points. Due to this, all my tips revolve around how to give yourself the best chance of winning fights. This includes when fights are or are not worth taking. Something to keep in mind before any fight is how likely you are to win the fight? Which beast form would win the fight alone? Which team has allies that are available to join? Do I have all the resources necessary to win this fight? If you don’t think you have a good chance of winning the fight, do not take the fight. Hopefully, these tips can be as helpful to you as they have been to me. If you have any questions or comments feel free to let me know, looking forward to hearing some tips of your own.
Links to more information about the Beastmoon Hunt
Great information! Finally, someone mentioned that it’s not just a match where you change the rings… a lot has to be considered when changing the rings and not guarding them.
I will definitely change the rings without defending them if my team is close to winning and ahead of our opponent!
Regarding battles…. I personally will not jump into a ring with the opposite team if their numbers outweigh mine or who I’m teamed with, I will not challenge them if they’re just changing a ring and mainly only fight when one or more of my team mates need my help. Might I also touch upon a spiral battle strategy that I feel works well for me almost always? Most want everyone to attack the life but I think that’s potentially a losing move. I want to get rid of my biggest threats that from the beginning can hit our entire team with one spell/aoe. Concentrating on the bigger threats that have low health while someone does some damage on life keeps the life busy trying to live and removes the main aoe hitters (Elf, Rat Thief and Myth Minotaur).
Greatly appreciate the feedback. I can tell you’ve played a lot of Beastmoon Hunt yourself and am excited to hear different types of strategies. Looking forward to seeing how all of the new beast forms bring about even more new and unique strategies.
I love all of them on test, unsure if they’ve done any changes to them on live. I’ve crafted and crafted the seeds and have stocked up on the idols to level the tiers. I should have enough for at least 3 characters to level all the way up.
Smart on you for prepping so much in advance, I only have a few different idols stockpiled. Although, I think lunari will be the main thing holding us back.
Yes, I think they need to give us another way to get lunari
So, I did the same thing – stockpiled a ton of idols for each beastform and I have plenty lunari, but i’m unable to upgrade tiers (I can upgrade levels, but not tiers). Additionally, I have 8 wolf idols in my reagents section and I upgraded it 3 levels this round, but I cant upgrade tiers, and I can’t even select the wolf character when I’m in the base. What am I doing wrong?
Beastmoon idols of the correct type are used to upgrade tiers, as you said. Most beast forms require one of the associated idol plus 250 lunari. However, for a number of beast forms, you need a special “Gold” beastmoon idol to advance to the first tier instead. These gold idols can come from various events such as the scroll of fortune and as of now are the only way to obtain them.
As for not being able to select the wolf character, based on my understanding most forms are free during each event with a specific form being unavailable. Every beast form starts out at the tier “Locked”, which means that in any event where that form is not free, you will not be able to pick it. If you have already advanced that beast form past the locked tier then you should be able to pick it, assuming none of your allies already have before you.
Yes, you need a gold idol to initially unlock most forms. How in the world did you get enough lunari to do them all? I struggle still
Awesome tips, thank you for this guide, RA!