Wizards are so busy studying they have no time to type a world’s full name. That’s why you’ll find Zafaria being shortened to ‘zf’ and Krokotopia to ‘krok.’
Here’s a list of other common terms to help you navigate the Spiral.
- Treasure cards or ‘tc’ – Cards that can be put in your side deck. These gold colored cards disappear after being cast one time.
- Training Points – Points that can be spent to train spells from schools other than your own. This includes Astral and Shadow spells.
- Critical or ‘crit’ – The chance a Wizard has of doing extra damage to opponents.
- Block – The chance a Wizard has of blocking a critical attack.
- Shadow pip or ‘shad’ – Refers to the pips required to cast shadow spells.
- Max / max Wizard – This usually refers to a Wizard who is the maximum level at the time. Currently it’s 130.
- Reagents – Ingredients used to craft certain items.
- AOE Spells – An attack that damages all enemies.
- Side deck – The part of your deck where treasure cards are stored.
- Mega snacks – Rank 8/9 Snacks you can feed to your pet. This is how your pet gains talents that help your Wizard.
Look for more articles on terms in the near future from Ravenwood Academy.
2. Suit up for battle appropriately



Here is a more in depth guide on level 5 gear.
Level 60 – Waterworks or House of Scales Gear
Level 100 – Darkmoor Gear or alternatives (Exalted Krokopatra/Rattlebones)
3. Sometimes less is more!
A common mistake that many wizards make is stocking their deck with all their cards. You will waste rounds trying to find the card you need, giving the enemy the upper hand. As you get used to combat, you’ll realise you don’t need everything for regular questing.
Know you don’t have to add every card you’re given!
Main deck

Side deck

4. Save your training points

When you first enroll at Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, you will choose your name and school. Be careful about this, you don’t get to change it later. To help you choose your school, here’s an outline of each
Ice – High health. This class is intended to be a tank. To balance this out, Ice does less damage than the other schools.
Storm – Has the highest base damage of all the schools. However, they have the least health and less accuracy.
Fire – High damage, can use damage-over-time-spells which are extremely effective in PvP as well as questing. They are powerful but have more health than storm.
Death – Considered by many to be one of the best schools for questing. They have good health and damage. Many Death spells damage the enemy while healing the Death Wizard.
Myth – Can summon lots of minions to help them in battle. Good health, damage and their spells have a lot of utility.
Life – Heals others! If you’re a support player, this is for you. You can build life to be a tank and to protect your teammates. The downfall is that they do less damage, like Ice.
Balance – An amazing utility school. Has various buffs that can be applied to others. However, they don’t have very many themselves. If you’re not intending to solo quest, I’d consider balance.

7. You’ll need your crowns later
Crowns are valuable, you don’t want to spend them all in the first 50 levels.
I suggest investing in a mount you like since running everywhere slows down the game. If you’re struggling with questing, consider the level 5 gear above. However, all of that gear is also droppable by relatively easy bosses.
Stitching is an inefficient use of crowns at a lower level because you change your gear so frequently. Sitching and unstitching costs 100 crowns each.
This applies to pack gear as well, it gets better every 10 levels.
You’ll need crowns for chest rerolls, energy, pet training and much more! Spend them wisely
I hope these tips give you a better idea of how to play Wizard101! You can find more tips on Ravenwood Academy and at the Wizard101 Official Forums. The Official Forums are a great way to make friends and Interact with the community too. Take a look at these other great articles for new Wizards on Ravenwood Academy.
Good luck with your adventures!
Nice one .. i wish i read this when i was new.. also there are two things you could to speak the languaage. They are “afk” which means away from keyboard and “xd” which means laughter…a;so if you see a player rolling its cuz he’s afk and
doesnt want to get disconnected he did it by pressing ctrl + left or right .. Have a great day
I’d like to add on
-To make questing easier, if an NPC tasks you out with a quest and you know you’ll have to go back to turn the quest in, instead of walking back and forth, simply place a mark near the NPC to instantly teleport and save time. This is only useful if the distance is long, as you can tell.
-A little “trick” I learned, is that while holding the left and right click, will not only move your wizard, but you also control where your wizard goes.
-This option is up to you. If you solely wish to go through the game “faster” or get through the worlds faster, just focus on the main quests. When being tasked with a quest, you should only be able to accept. Having a quest with a “Decline or Accept” option is a side quest, which is somewhat unnecessary. Note: Some side quests are vital, but I guarantee you will learn as you play.
Nice… Me even as a level 50 wizard didn’t know some of these things… Nice tips.