Happy Friendship Festival!
Here we are, it’s February in the Spiral and that means it’s time for the Wizard101 Friendship Festival! Lots of goodies, from bubble emojis you can hang on your wall to an adorable stuffed sloth. Wizard101 has some wonderful new things for us this year! We also have our favorite items from years past making a reappearance. I simply couldn’t resist a shopping spree, so I’ll share with you here all my Wizard101 Friendship Festival Finds.
Friendship Pack

Best Friends Seat
I can barely contain my excitement over one of the new items introduced in the Crown Shop. Therefore, I’m showing this one first.
More furniture we can sit on!
For the Friendship Festival, they have brought us an adorable garden bench. Quite a suitable name too, “The Best Friends Bench”. Wooden, with what appears to be a metal framework. In addition you’ll see it has a lovely carved design on the seat back. A must-have for decorators gardens! Make sure to get them while you can!
Vases of Roses and Plush Hug Sloth
I love these next 3 items!
Another great addition are the Vases of Yellow or Red Roses and the most adorable stuffed Sloth you’ll ever see. I have to admit, the Sloth was one of my first purchases, lol!
- Vase of Yellow Roses-250 crowns or 5000 gold
- Vase of Red Roses-250 crowns
- Plush Hug Sloth-1000 crowns
Look at that sweet little face, awwwwww!
New Plushie Housing
Last, but certainly not least, we have a bunch of new plushie housing items! 3 new teddy bears and 2 manders. They would certainly look adorable in any Wizards bedroom.
- Velvet Friendship Bear-1500 crowns
- Brown Friendship Bear-1000 crowns
- Black Friendship Bear-1000 crowns
- Orange Friendship Mander-1000 crowns
- Blue Friendship Mander-500 crowns

Oldies, but goodies
Of course, all of our old favorites are back for a limited time. Including the first ever furniture we could sit on. I was excited to see The Friendship Table again, originally introduced in February 2019. The 2019 Sweet Heart mount was also brought back for this event. If you missed out on them last year, here’s your chance again!
- Friendship Teddy Bear-1000 crowns/15,000 gold
- Friendship Table-2200 Crowns
- Friendship Keeper Multi-tank-1500 Crowns
- Friendship Balloons-100 Crowns (currently on sale for 70 crowns)
- Care Hare-3750 Crowns
- Sweet Heart-4500 Crowns
- Soaring Heart Wings-3375 Crowns
- Friendship Oni-4500 Crowns
- Lovely Ladybug-3750 Crowns
- Lovely Leopard-4750 Crowns
Don’t forget to drop by and visit Valentina Heartsong for the perfect wand for that special Valentines party! In addition, she has 2 of the cutest Piggles you’ve ever seen. You’ll find her in the shopping district near the fountain.
I am very excited about the new items KI has released. You can bet, decorator/glitcher that I am, that I will be working on some creative uses of these items. Especially the Emote wall hangings! What are you excited about? Do you plan on indulging in any of the new releases? Is your creative mind thinking of ways to use the new wall hangings? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
- black friendship bear
- blue friendship mander
- brown friendship bear
- friendship festival
- friendship festival 2020
- orange friendship mander
- velvet friendship bear
- Wizard101
- wizard101 best friends seat
- wizard101 black friendship bear
- wizard101 blue friendship mander
- wizard101 brown friendship bear
- wizard101 friendship festival
- wizard101 friendship festival 2020
- wizard101 friendship pack
- wizard101 orange friendship mander
- wizard101 plush hug sloth
- wizard101 sloth
- wizard101 valentines
- wizard101 vase of red roses
- wizard101 vase of yellow roses
- wizard101 velvet friendship bear