Tag: Up

  • Empyrea P2: Live Realm!

    Empyrea P2: Live Realm!

    Introduction We’ve finally reached our last chapter in this amazing series! The third and final chapter, Live Realm. We will look and see how the community feels about this world! Let’s tackle this insane world once and for all and see just what we all think about it! Questing The…

  • Whirlyburly! The Basics

    Whirlyburly! The Basics

    Introduction So, how about Whirlyburly? Whirlyburly is that oddly-placed mini-game within our Velo City storyline. It’s kind of like chess, but three player… and hexagonal… with only three pieces…  Okay, so it’s nothing like chess, but it is a tactical board game with a lot of inner complexities that make…

  • Storm Titan’s Trident Strategy!

    Storm Titan’s Trident Strategy!

    Basics The final dungeon of Part two, Storm Titan Maelstrom, is one of the hardest fights in the game.  And sadly it is also the only fight in-game that drops the new Paradox gear, the majority best offensive gear in-game!  But what if you could kill it in a few…

  • Empyrea P2: Test Realm

    Empyrea P2: Test Realm

    Introduction: Welcome to Chapter Two of my Empyrea Part 2 Series!  This chapter focuses on the current state of the test realm as of 3/11/18.  As this is most likely near the end of Test Realm as a whole, and most of the big changes have been made already! Once…

  • Couch Potato Farming for all Levels

    Couch Potato Farming for all Levels

    Anyone who has ever tried to hatch the perfect pet knows how important Mega-Snacks are. Mega Snack Packs are expensive and only help a little bit. The best and easiest solution is to grow Couch Potatoes, but how can we get them without spending all of our Crowns? Depending on…

  • Empyrea P2: Expectations

    Empyrea P2: Expectations

    Introduction So this series of articles is an experiment I came up with at 2 am while debating with a friend of mine as to whether Empyrea Part Two would be a walk in the park or not. So I figured instead of just ramming our heads into one another, I’d actually try to get some results.  So…