Critical Changes Explained

The New Critcal System Explained

Hello Wizards, Nathan Shadowbringer, and Scot Moonshade here! We’re going to explain the recent changes to Critical and Block. Today’s article will revisit the previous age’s Critical and delve into the new system. We will examine the formulas to calculate your Critical Chance and damage multiplier. Critical has undergone a lot of change in recent years, and this update brings a new era of Critical! Critical and Block were once a percentage-point based system. Now it’s changed to a dynamic framework involving both Critical and Block.


Before we begin, we need to make a quick disclaimer. According to Ratbeard’s Karamelle PvP Update #2, Critical in PvP is not calculated the same as in PvE. The formulas we used do not work for calculating Critical or Block in PVP. All the information below applies to PVE only. With that said, let’s get started!

Old Versus New

Before the 2020 Fall Update, Critical was well… more critical. There was a chance to critical and a chance to block—the Critical stat based itself on how high your rating was in the respective category. Landing a Critical would ensure that your attack would do twice the damage (or 1.33 times damage in PvP). The problem with the old system was that achieving a high Critical Rating was easier than Block. It was making Block obsolete compared to Critical. With the new changes, it’s more balanced.

The following variables represent the corresponding data sets:

c = Critical rating

b = Block rating

l = Level / 100, where l ≤ 1.

The changes to Critical involve two new formulas. Both equations depend on the attacker’s Critical and the defender’s Block. The first formula determines your Critical chance. Note that Critical chance and Block chance must always add to 100%. For example, if you have a Critical chance of 90%, your opponent would still have a 10% chance to Block. 

If your attack doesn’t Critical, or if the enemy blocks, the calculation ends there. In this scenario, the second formula isn’t necessary. But, if you do land a Critical hit, then the second equation runs. This determines the Critical Multiplier. This formula relies on the attacker’s Critical and the defender’s Block. Further examples are available in KI Developer Ratbeard’s Dev Diary.

Critical heals also use the Critical Chance formula. But they’re based on your Critical Rating and the Block of the person you are healing. The only difference is, they cannot Block a heal but instead can “resist.” The higher your Block, the less you’ll get from a critical heal. Fortunately, the schools that have more Block also tend to lean towards a tank-type playstyle. Tank builds have more Health and Resistance, so they can afford to lose some of that incoming healing from the Critical. Regardless, the amount of extra healing uses the same critical multiplier formula. Remember, it’s still impossible to block a critical heal!

Spell Alterations

Another important note to these changes is the way Vengeance and Conviction work. Vengeance is an Astral spell that increases your Critical chance by 20% for four rounds. This bonus only affects your chance to Critical. It doesn’t affect the enemy’s Block or your damage multiplier. Conviction increases your stun resistance by 90% and Block chance by 20% for four rounds. This 20% increase only affects the possibility to block a Critical. It doesn’t affect the enemy’s chance to critical, nor does it lower the multiplier.

Charts and Calculations

There are a few basic formulas that can roughly estimate Critical and Block ratings. These formulas are interchangeable, and most involve moving numbers and variables around. The following equation presented removes the need for complex fractions. Here are two general procedures for determining Critical chance:

Much like the Critical percentage formula, the damage ratio also follows a function. In this case, the damage multiplier is equal to 2 – 3 * Block / (Critical + 3 * Block). See the formula below.

Here is an estimate of your Critical Chance against mobs with ninety block (blue) and two hundred-forty block (red). The green line at the top represents the Critical Chance soft cap at ninety-five percent.

Using these formulas, you can now find optimal Critical numbers for mobs and bosses. Karamelle mobs have around 90 Block while Karamelle bosses have at most 240 Block. Except for the final boss, it would seem.

This is the approximate damage multiplier against a mob with 90 Block.
Here is the approximate damage multiplier against a mob with 240 block.

What Does this Mean?

It’s important to remember that everything we’ve shown you is subject to change. Critical and Block in PvP are calculated differently than PvE.

Using these numbers, you can find your optimal amount of Critical; 570 Critical will get you up to 95% Critical against most mobs. Using the formula for Critical Multiplier, we suggest 630 Critical as a good general goal. This way, against monsters with 90 Block, you’ll Critical 95% of the time and get a 1.7 multiplier against them.

As we enter the “Third-Age” of Critical, there’s potential for more diverse character builds. An example of this could be full-damage pets as opposed to pets that have Critical and damage. These changes also give new life to the may-cast Vengeance talent. This update creates better balance and a more dynamic flow between Critical and Block, allowing players to customize stats to their unique play-style. Thanks for reading; we hope this helps you understand the changes and how they affect your Wizard. If you have questions, you can always find us around the community. That’s all for now, until next time, we’ll see you in the Spiral.

-Nathan Shadowbringer & Scot Moonshade

Visionary Myth Critical Guide

Note: This guide is created for level 130 myth wizards and requires a pet with 2.0 (max stats) to be successful.

Myth School

Myth is such an interesting school. Anyone that can take the wrath of Cyrus Drake in the first arc deserves a little respect. The myth school is not considered one of the best, but I’ve seen plenty of dangerous myth wizards when they run the right gear and strategy.

Since myth’s two main strengths are the use of minions and stuns, running a full critical set can probably break the Richter scale itself. Using a minion to keep shields off an opponent while combo hitting with stuns can make a landing critical hit terrifying for any opponent. This guide will lay out the gear to help your myth wizard reach 100% critical with the highest damage possible.

What You’ll Need

For the best setup, here is the gear you’ll need:

Hat: Mythic Paradox Conical – 140

Boots: Mythic Paradox Boots – 117

Wand: Jack Hallow’s Gourdtar – 195

Ring: Drake Ancestral Signet Ring – 84 (+ 18 Jewel)

Athame: Morganthe’s Bite – (+ 18 and +18 Jewel)

Deck: Mythic Paradox Deck – 51

Amulet: Universal Memento – 35

Robe: Quixotic Light Brigade Armor – 100

Overall Total: Damage 137% – Critical 839 (100%)

Stats like these would make Baba Yaga proud! Here’s the breakdown:


Alternative Gear

Luckily, Myth only needs 2 critical talents in their pet to reach the 100% threshold. Because of this, there are a couple alternative pieces of gear you could replace and still maintain a full critical loadout.

Hat: Krokopatra Wonder Fez

Boots: Haughty Alphoi Boots

Amulet: Relic of the Shadow Palace (Gives +40% blade)

Athame: Dirk of Dimwood Vale

Robe: Kan Davasi Victor’s Gear

Deck: Rasputin’s Hypnotic Hand

Ring: Drake Ancestral Signet

Remember: Using these over the “best” gear loadout means you lose the maximum amount of damage you can run while keeping 100% critical.

Must Haves

– A double-critical pet

– Jack Hallow’s Gourdtar

Because of how the stats work out, myth has the luxury of replacing items to make up for loss of critical in their pet’s talents. As long as you have a pet with at least two critical talents and the Jack Hallow’s wand you can reach the cap.

Best of luck to all myth wizards!

Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!

Crafting101 – Fire Spells

The Basics

Have you ever wanted to get a spell, but did not want to spend hours farming for it? Well, then you came to the right place! Today I will be going through the basics on how to craft the Fire spells dropped by Loremaster.


To craft your desired spell, you must have quested to Zafaria and finished the quest Drum a Little Drum. Once you have completed both you can buy the recipes for your desired fire spells!

Brimstone Revenant and Krampus Recipe Location

When you craft Brimstone Revenant or Krampus you will need to make your way over to Mooshu. Once you are in Mooshu you will have to beat the dungeon, Shirataki Temple. Once you complete the dungeon you gain access to Master Yan Kan Kook who sells the Brimstone Revenant and Krampus recipes.

Brimstone Revenant Recipe

Brimstone Revenant is a must when it comes to fire attackers! This is a 4 Pip spell with a base damage of 470. It also adds a 25% fire trap for your next hit.
To craft Brimstone, buy the recipe for 60,000 Gold.
You will also need:
10 – Brimstone Revenant Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
100 – Diamonds
100 – Bronze Gear
50 – Scrap Iron
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Krampus Recipe

The spell Krampus is definitely the collector’s item out of all three spells. Krampus is a 4 Pip fire spell that does 305-345 fire damage. Krampus also leaves behind a -45% Mantle to make your opponents next hit fizzle!

To craft Krampus, you will have to buy the recipe for 10,000 Gold.

You will also need:
6 – Krampus Treasure Cards
100 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
50 – Black Pearl
100 – Black Coal
50 – Astral Shard
50 – Sunstone
12 – Amber

Hephaestus Recipe Location

When you are ready to craft Hephaestus, you will have to make your way to Avalon. Once you are there head to the Wyrd and look for the Indigo Giant on your map. Once you defeat him you will have access to Grady who sells the Hephaestus Recipe.

Hephaestus is the newest spell here, recently released in the Immortal’s Lore Pack. Hephaestus is a 5 Pip fire spell that does 425-475 damage and leaves an additional 25% fire trap for your next hit!

To craft Hephaestus, you will have to buy the recipe for 12,000 Gold.

You will also need:
10 – Hephaestus Treasure Cards
120 – Perfect Ruby
200 – Ghost Fire
60 – Black Pearl
120 – Black Coal
60 – Astral Shards
60 – Sunstone
18 – Amber

Where to get the Reagents!

Perfect Ruby: You can buy Perfect Ruby for 100 Gold a piece, In the Celestia base camp from the vendor Archytas. You can also buy Perfect Ruby from Noxolo Fasttrack in the Baobab Market in Zafaria.

Ghost Fire: You can buy Ghost Fire for 100 Gold a piece, in the Atheneum. From the vendor Zolton Nightstone.

Black Pearl: There are no vendors currently that sell Black Pearl for gold. If you are into PVP you can buy Black Pearls from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 175 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the Black Pearl transmute recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.

Black Coal: You can buy Black Coal right in Wizard City! from Elmer MeadowGrass in Olde Town for 5 Gold a piece!

Astral Shard: Astral Shard is one of the most difficult parts of the recipe as there is no vendor that sells them. You may be able to snag a couple from the Bazaar. You also can farm fishing chests in Castle Darkmoor for Astral Shards

Sunstone: You can buy Sunstone from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 200 Arena Tickets. You can also buy the transmute Sunstone recipe. You can get this from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.

Diamond: You can buy Diamonds from Diego The DuelMaster in Unicorn Way for 100 Arena Tickets. You can buy the transmute Diamond recipe from Avery Templeton in the Celestia Base Camp.

Amber: Amber is by far the most difficult item to get on this list. One of the best places to get Amber is by farming Gladiator Dimachaerus in Mount Olympus in Aquila.

Hephaestus, Krampus, Brimstone Revenant: The best place to get these treasure cards would be from the Bazaar. They are not all common, but they do show up quite a bit if you refresh the treasure card tab a few times.

Thanks for reading my crafting fire spells, article! Please let me know what you think in the comment section. 

Visionary Fire 100% Critical and Max Damage Guide

This is a guide on achieving high damage and 100% critical for Fire school at Visionary, currently max level 130. It is possible for all the schools in the Spiral to attain 100% critical. However, when you boost a particular stat, you decrease others. With this critical and damage build you will sacrifice resist, pierce and power-pip chance.

Note: All pets must be 2.0 (or max stats) for this guide to be successful.

Fire School

Ah the school of fire. This is my main school and I use this build questing anywhere outside of Empyrea. With my guide, Fire school can get 157% damage and 100% critical. This is one of the highest critical builds in the game, second only to Storm. 

Advantages of the Fire School

One of the main advantages of fire school is the d.o.t.s. or, damage over-time spells. With this build, fire dots or other spells can wipe out mobs in a single turn. You will also have over 6k health with this gear set. This high health is a huge advantage over the storm school, which boasts higher damage.

What You’ll Need:

The gear you need:

Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor

Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat

Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots

Wand: Kapudan’s Boarding Hook

Pet: Quad critical Double damage pet

Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)

Ring: Fiery Paradox Ring (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)

Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar

Mount: Fire Ghulture

Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck

Total Damage: 157% 
Total Critical: 839 (100%)

Gear Build



Alternative Gear for high damage and 100% critical

 This setup is the previous Max damage and 100% crit that fire could have gotten before the new Sinbad and the Iron Sultan gear. This gives you 149% critical and 100% critical. 

What you’ll need

The gear you need:

Robe: Radiant Light Brigade Armor

Hat: Fiery Paradox Hat

Boots: Fiery Paradox Boots

Wand: Jack Hallows wand

Pet: Quint damage critical pet

Athame: Edge of the Shadow Web (with two (2) +18 critical ruby jewels)

Ring: Mithraya’s Blazing Loop (With one (1) +18 critical ruby jewel)

Amulet: Talisman of the Daystar

Mount: Fire Ghulture

Deck: Fiery Paradox Deck

Total Damage: 149% 
Total Critical: 844 (100%)


Gear Guide For Fire


Check out the rest of our Gear Guides, we have a guide for every school at Ravenwood Academy!