Waterworks Guide

Most of us have done this dungeon, whether you were farming for mastery amulets, mega snacks, or your level 60 Legendary gear, Waterworks is your friend for all of that. In this article, I will explain how to beat Waterworks, what you’ll encounter, and what to expect. Without further ado, let’s get started.


When you first enter the dungeon, you’ll be underwater. No enemies are present here. Pull the lever and go on to the first room. Stop at the entrance to plan out your strategy for the fights that follow.

Room 1

In this room, you will encounter four enemies. Two Fintooth Warlocks (Death, 2,560 health) and two Slithering Eels (Storm, 2025 health). They do not cheat, but they do have considerable resist toward their same school. The best strategy for this first fight is to have your team prepare blades for a hard-hitting hit all spell. They’re easy mobs that you can kill in 2 to 3 turns, max.

The next fight is a little harder, but it’s doable. Here, you will face two Hydromatic Drones (Ice, 2,735 health) and two Rivershell Guards (Storm, 2,095 health each). The Hydromatic Drones love to spam Frost Giant and Tower Shield to make your life a little more difficult. The best thing to do is to blade up as usual and use hit all spells. After you’re done with this battle, this concludes the first area. Pull the lever and you’ll be ready to move on to the next area.

Room 2

Puzzle: Here, you’ll be met with a puzzle. It’s fairly easy, but you must move fast. You will need to open all the blue clams to advance to the next floor. Avoid the yellow clams at all costs or you’ll summon four enemies, and while they aren’t hard, you will waste valuable health and time. After solving the puzzle, you will be granted health wisps, which are very handy for the boss ahead.

Boss Fight: After the blue clams have been opened, you’ll encounter the first boss in Waterworks, Luska CharmBeak. He is a balance squid with 21,150 health, but he has some pretty massive fire and death cheats. He drops the Waterworks Hat and occasionally, mastery amulets. How this boss works is pretty simple.

You can’t put any traps Luska or he will remove them and follow up with a massive Power Link or Skeletal Dragon that does 1100 per turn for 3 turns. AOE Traps such as Windstorm are fine, and pet traps will not trigger this cheat either. Multi traps like Fuel are not allowed by Luska. Only the first trap gets removed but it will still trigger the Skeletal Dragon.

You can only attack Luska if you have been “inked.” The wizard who is inked can hit Luska with any type of spell, but if you’re not inked, you can only attack with hit all spells. The wizard occupying the first spot will immediately be inked and as Luska’s health drops lower, he will ink the second wizard and soon enough, the third wizard. The fourth wizard will never get inked, so your best idea will be to put a support wizard last since they don’t need to hit. He can be an easy, straightforward boss if you have a hitter in the first spot and avoid traps. After defeating Luska, pull the lever and move on to the third area.

Room 3

Fight 1: Here, you will face two Fintooth Marauders (Death, 2,715 health) and two Wingfin Slicers (Fire, 2,190 health). They do not cheat. Blade up, use a hit all spell, and the mobs should be dead. After they’re dead, you’ll proceed to the next battle.

Fight 2: Here, you will face two Stormtide Elementals (Ice, 2,705 health) and two Rivershell Shamans (Balance, 2,430 health). Just as before, they are an easy mob battle. Blade up and use a hit all spell to eliminate them, then pull the lever and head into area four.

Room 4

Puzzle: In this room, before you battle anything, you’ll be met with a puzzle. It’s a simple puzzle to solve. When you read the instructions they will tell you “Start here to play follow the leader.” An eel will appear and will start touching various levers. Follow the eel and pull the levers in the same order. If you fail at the puzzle, you will face 4 Slithering Eel enemies, they are storm with 2,025 health each. After this puzzle is done, proceed to the next phase of Waterworks.

Fight 1: Here, you’ll face your last set of mobs. You will face two Riverclaws (Ice, 2,690 health) and two Celestian Constructs (Moon, 2,670 health). There’s nothing special to it, blade yourselves and use a hit all spell, but do remember that the Ice Riverclaws can use Frost Giant and Tower Shield. After defeating this set of mobs, pull the lever and head back to the main room to drain the valve.

Main Room

Final Fight: Pull the lever and you’ll be greeted by three bosses. Sylster Glowstorm (Star, 24,980 health), Water-Wing (Fire, 8,190 health) and the Spellhammer Sorcerer (Death, 6,560 health). The enemies might look easy enough at first, but they have some nasty cheats that you must consider.

Sylster Glowstorm: Sylster drops the Waterworks Robe and Boots, as well as mastery amulets. When the battle begins, Sylster will put up a Doom and Gloom bubble and say, “Traps go undetected in the Light”. This means you can’t hit Sylster (or any of his allies) unless there’s a trap on them. It’s important to note that the trap doesn’t have to match the school of attack you’re using. For example, I won’t trigger Sylster’s Ra cheat if there’s a Myth Trap on him, but I choose to hit him with Leviathan instead. Any trap will prevent the cheat.

After four turns pass, Sylster will change the bubble and say, “The blade goes unseen in the dark.” Just like the trap cheat in the previous cycle, you can’t hit Sylster (or any of his allies) unless you have a blade on. If you fail to abide by Sylster’s rules and use a trap or blade in the correct cycle, he will hit you with a powerful Ra at 2,000 plus damage. The Water-Wing uses a weak Rebirth that doesn’t give absorb, and the Spellhammer Sorcerer uses a weak Scarecrow, so their cheats are less of a threat. I recommend counting the rounds so you know when to use Blades or Traps. Hit all spells will not trigger Sylster or any of his allies’ cheats during either cycle, so if you lose track you can safely cast that.

Spellhammer Sorcerer: He will take over Sylster’s Doom and Gloom cheat cycle if you kill Sylster first. He uses a weak Scarecrow if you fail to hit him with a Trap or a Blade.

Water-Wing: He will take over Sylster’s Doom and Gloom cheat cycle should both his allies be defeated. His cheat is a weak Rebirth if you fail to hit with a Trap or a Blade.

Bonus Glitch

Are you tired of running Waterworks, again and again, hoping to get your gear?

In Waterworks there is a glitch to make Sylster re-spawn without running the entire dungeon again. In order to do this, the entire team must remain in the dungeon together. All you have to do is have three of your teammates wait in the room where the battle just completed while the fourth goes into another room inside Waterworks. When the fourth Wizard returns to the team, Sylster will return for another battle. If done correctly, you can have infinite attempts at Sylster’s drops without having to run the dungeon each time.

Final Thoughts: Overall, Waterworks is a fairly simple dungeon with a decent drop rate. Most get their Waterworks gear within a day of farming, which is good because Waterworks gear is crucial to have. That said, I wish everyone the best of luck in farming Waterworks and getting their Legendary gear!

 Written by Ross Shadparvar

Fantastic Healing Pets

What is a Healing Pet?

Healing pets have talents that largely focus on “may cast” healing talents. In general they are used in combination with resistance, utility, or outgoing healing talents. Namely because may cast healing talents are used to help you sustain damage over time, but don’t help prevent you from getting killed in one shot. However, like any other talent, they can be useful to add onto another pet you’re already using. I always appreciate having a single may cast healing talent on the pets I use for questing, just to cut back on the times I need to use potions between battles.

Why use a Healing Pet?

Similar to ward pets, healing pets are generally used by players who want to play defensively. May cast heals have a chance to trigger whenever someone takes damage. With such a broad trigger, these talents trigger quite often, especially in difficult battles. The main difference between using a ward pet and a healing pet, is that a ward pet will actually reduce the damage you take, while a healing pet will simply heal back any health you lose. This means you are more susceptible to big hits with a healing pet, but will thrive in long drawn out battles. Due to this, it is very common to see healing talents combined with resistance talents. 

How do I make a Healing Pet?

I always suggest starting by selecting what specific talents you want on your pet, especially with the many options on a healing pet. To begin with, lets cover what may cast healing talents are available, and when you might want to use them.

  • Fairy Friend – May cast Fairy is the most common healing talent. It is a single target heal that casts very regularly, perfect for keeping your health topped off in battle.
  • Unicorn – May cast Unicorn is a more situational talent compared to Fairy. It heals your entire team, but due to this it also triggers significantly less often than Fairy. I find this talent useful if you know your allies might be dying, because this talent gives a chance to automatically revive them.
  • Spritely – May cast Sprite is, in my opinion, one of the worst healing talents. It only heals the caster a small amount over multiple turns and, in my experience, casts less often than Fairy. I don’t recommend this talent unless you already have the better options and just want more may cast heals.
  • Energizing Battery – May cast Healing Current is very hit or miss, by design. It doesn’t cast as regularly as Fairy does, but this spell heals up to 1000 base. That is more than any other may cast heal, which can be enough to fully heal you.
  • Sprite Queen – May cast Sprite Swarm serves the same purpose as Unicorn but probably won’t provide as much health. It can be good in combination with Unicorn, but I would say get Unicorn before Sprite Queen.
  • Batusi – May cast Life Bat also serves the same purpose as Unicorn and Sprite Queen. Again, I would suggest Unicorn above this talent.
  • Pet Rescue – May cast Revitalize is the newest and probably most unique may cast healing talent. When it casts, it heals back 25% of your maximum health, which can either be a lot or not very much depending on your gear and level. However, this spell can only cast when your Wizard is already low on health. Due to this, I never recommend the talent because I generally view healing talents as a way to keep you topped off, not necessarily save you from dying. 
  • Happy Accident – May cast Pigsie is an incredibly powerful talent that can easily turn an entire battle around. It has all the benefits of Unicorn, but with the power of a spell like Fairy. This spell can only be obtained via the Lifesaver Jade. It cannot be hatched onto a pet as of now.

Popular Base Pets

Another very important thing to consider when making a pet is what type of pet to actually manifest the talents onto. Realistically, I always suggest putting the talents on whatever pet you like the look of. But, if you are looking for options that add more to the pet, I will list a few. Any of the Dryad pets are an excellent options, because they all give you the item card Hamadryad – this spell heals your entire team as well as removing one damage over time tic, similar to Mass Triage. Another popular option is the Fairyfly, it gives three fairy spells which can be cast on any target. All schools besides life get the Pixie spell, which is self heal only, but Fairy can be cast on allies as well. The last pet I suggest is the Leaf Foot. If you’re looking to amplify your healing, this pet is a great option. It gives the item cards Guiding Light, Brilliant Light, and Sanctuary. These are great spells to make your heals even stronger. 

Extra Information

May cast heals technically count as spells being cast by your Wizard. Due to this, they will be amplified by your Wizard’s Outgoing healing statistic (as well as the Incoming healing of whatever target is getting healed). If you want to capitalize on this fact, you can use gear that has Outgoing healing or even include talents that will provide healing. The Outgoing healing talents Healer and Medic, as well as may cast Mend (Magnificent Mender) are all excellent options if you choose to go this route. 

Additionally, may cast heals are not influenced by your pet’s stats, like other talents are. So, when making a healing pet, unless the pet has talents that require stats, you can safely skip that step of the hatching process if you want to. This makes healing pets one of the easier types of pets to make and very friendly for players that are new to hatching. 

Creating My Healing Pet

For these articles, I decided it would be beneficial if I created a pet to document the process. To create a healing pet, I started by looking through my own pets to see if I could get a head start. Luckily, I found a Spark Beast in my bank that already had two healing talents manifested: Fairy Friend and Energizing Battery. If I did not have this pet, I would have started with a pet such as Bloodbat or Piggle and looked for a pet with healing talents to hatch with. Although this pet has been hatched before, I like to reset the counter for every hatching project. So, for this project, I’m going to consider Miss Scooter my first generation pet. 


After my first hatch, I trained the offspring to Epic. You can see that pet on the left side of this image. I considered Sir Cali my second generation pet, because the pet was made from the first generation parent. Fairy Friend came from my own pet and the other three talents came from the other pet. That being said, some of my own pet’s talents are still in this new pet’s pool, just not yet manifested. While you may look at this pet and say it’s 4/5 of the way to a completed pet, I decided to stop here to be safe and hatch again. All I knew is that I wanted another may cast heal, regardless of which one it was. So, to give myself the best chances of getting a may cast heal talent, I found a pet that has as many may cast heal talents as possible and hatched with that. 

From this point it was mostly downhill until the pet was completed. Given that the list of talents I would accept on the pet was so vast, the chances of manifesting just 5 of them was high. Had I been going for more specific talents, more time would need to be invested in order to narrow down the pool. But, in this case, I just hatched these two pets together and trained the offspring to mega until I got the 5 talents I wanted. If I had wanted to change the base, any time before training to mega would have been a good time to do it.

Hopefully you found this article helpful in explaining what healing pets are, tips for creating healing pets of your own, and helpful information regarding how healing pets work.  Let me know in the comments below what talents you have on your healing pets!