Where to Start The first step of the hatching process is to determine what your end goal is. If you don’t have specific talents in mind, it will be hard to know when you have finally trained your dream pet. If this is your first pet, I recommend going for what is known as a…
Tag: Death

The Masteries of Wizard101
Greetings fellow wizards! In this article I will discuss the different type of masteries, where they are dropped and their usage in PvP/PvE. What are Masteries? Masteries are a subgroup of amulets that allow a wizard to use Power Pips with spells that are not of their own school. This is what a mastery looks…

A Game Changing Deck Strategy
Have you been spending your training points on a secondary school thinking it’s the best option to help on your questing journey? Well, I have a little game changer for you! Personally, this helped me so much in my journey through the spiral. I am a life wizard and everyone knows us life wizards don’t…

Shields are a type of ward and are the exact opposite of traps. While traps add damage to a spell, shields detract damage. Charms and blades trigger first, and wards go second. So any shielding you do will affect the spell with the charm buffs. There are three different types of shields: Absorbs, Universal Shields, and…

Basic Deck Building
INTRODUCTION This is a guide that is designed to help people build their decks accordingly, as a lot of people tend to overcrowd, under-pack, and/or leave out some useful cards. This focuses on max level decks, however lessons learnt here can be applied to any level of play. This guide is broken down into 4 categories…