Celestia, world of the shining stars, the reflecting moon, the powerful sun -and crabs- we invite you to the recently discovered in-tact ruins of the Celestian Opera House. Archaeologists have inspected the theatre to be in safe enough condition for public entry. Our finest Marleybonian musicians have decided to hold a special performance of a…
Category: Music of The Spiral

The Monquistan Choir
Despite its location in an isolated corner of the Spiral, Monquista, rich in gold and culture, is one of its most prominent powers. The Skull Island colonies enrich their people considerably. In line with Valencia and Marleybone, their society is posh and structured in which there is a noble class, a (daily changing) monarchy, and…

The Darkmoor Philharmonic
In the first Wizard101 arc we learn the story of Malistaire and Sylvia. Even in death their love holds them together. A dark and mysterious man in a supernatural castle who goes too far. In Gothic literature this is a common theme. This is only fitting for our Phantom of The Opera esq love story. Let’s us…

The Valencian Philharmonic
T he home of the ruthless clockwork empire and our own Diego the Duelmaster. Valencia was once a land of pristine culture and beauty until the clockworks came onto the scene. This is best shown through the music of Valencia. Elegant classical instruments such as the piano and strings identify the culture. Played in a tense…

Skull Island’s Tavern Band
Somewhere in the Spiral, there’s a refuge for young pirates, orphaned when young who have turned to a life of crime. Marked by skull-shaped mountain, there is danger and treasure lurking all throughout the island region. Whether it’s hoodoo, dueling, brawling, treason, or smuggling, pirates ally with Captain Avery for their own safety and a…

The Dragon Titan Army Band
Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike “Things started turning darker. Kingsisle were talking about dark and epic Mordor Wagner ‘Flight of The Valkyries’ in The Ring Cycle. I am looking at concept art and the NPC characters had Russian military influence; All the architecture was darker – more foreboding.” – Nelson Everhart in “Musical Tour…

The Music of Mooshu
As the emperor falls ill, the factions of Mooshu wage war against each other and there is no way of knowing how it will all play out. Mooshu’s people are hesitant to trust us wizards because of Malistaire who stole their spiral key in an attempt to resurrect his beloved Sylvia. Let us delve into the atmosphere and take a closer look…

A Yuletide Carol
Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere in the spiral. We sit by the glowing embers, drinking our hot chocolate, cuddling with our fuzzy kitten, when ho! – there’s Christmas music in the Bazaar! You run by the great tree near The Commons pool, through The Shopping…

The Wysterian Honour Band
Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike Welcome to the fourth annual Spiral Cup music competition, created to honor the success of our competitors in the Spiral Cup PvP competition. In the heart of Wysteria, Pigswick Academy thrives with the best school band of the Spiral, winning every single competition. Despite being the only competitor, we pride ourselves on our…

The Marleybone Philharmonic
Intended for The Musician and Non-Musician Alike Welcome, one and all, to tonight’s program. Performed by the one and only, Royal Marleybone Philharmonic Orchestra. We have a lovely selection prepared for you tonight: the four original Marleybone themes, as well as a few surprise delights from the Pirate101 edition of Marleybone. From Albion to Cheddarberg, only the finest musicians from…