Swing into summer friendship

Community Love

This May 2019 Ravenwood Academy is swinging into Summer with some great fun and friends. Nothing makes us happier than making new friends and sharing the Community Love. This month our friends from the Wizard101 Caffeine Team on Facebook will be joining us for a Community style House Party! It wouldn’t be a party without you! This is an all age community party, so come have some fun with us!

We have everything a house party could need! Gauntlets, PVP, Hide and seek, and lots of friends to have fun with! 

See You There!

Join us Saturday May 25th at 4pm Eastern American Time. We will meet in the Myth Tower in Realm Troll. From there porting Wizards will bring everyone to the house party.If you can’t join us in Wizard101, the event will also be streamed on Ravenwood Academy’s Twitch channel.


Codes and prizes will be dropped in the Twitch chat during the party. Be sure to tune into our Twitch live stream to learn how to win even more prizes! We listened to all of your suggestions. We will have Bundles, Crowns, Mounts & more! There will be fun for everyone!

We’re looking forward to this big house party and spending time with you! If you have any questions about this event, please email us at [email protected] or comment! 


10 responses to “Swing into summer friendship”

  1. NathanDarkhorn Avatar

    We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s suggestions for prizes! 🙂

  2. Cassandra Swartz Avatar
    Cassandra Swartz

    Jade Gear Set
    Witch Hunters Bundle
    Aztecan Builder’s Bundle
    Ghulture Mount
    Road Warrior’s mount

    1. NathanDarkhorn Avatar

      Great suggestions, thanks for that list!

  3. Fort Avatar

    Bundles – Preferably Witch Hunter’s and Spooky Carnival
    Crowns – 80k, 60k, 30k, 5k
    Memberships – 1 year, 1 month
    Mounts – Exclusives like the Bone Dragon & Stats boosting ones like the Mini Mammoth
    Houses + Castle Elixir – Celestia Observatory, Botanical Gardens
    Wands – Amaranthine Staff, Golden Beak, Flutes
    Elixirs – Level 50, Energy, Catching

    1. NathanDarkhorn Avatar

      Thanks for the great suggestions! 🙂

  4. Hunter Bluegem Avatar
    Hunter Bluegem

    Pegasus Mounts

  5. Patricia Carter Avatar
    Patricia Carter

    Crowns and memberships well definitely be nice.

  6. sly Avatar

    Flute wands and/or umbra blade!

  7. Rowan BoomHammer Avatar

    Hello! I’d like to suggest a prize. I’ve been saving up crowns for the Moonblade Pantera Mount, I have a Moonblade Pantera pet and I wanted the mount to match.

    But that’s just me. ^^

  8. ShiXTeyNein Avatar

    A g00d GamEE???