Meet Angelica Windspar

A sister joins the team!

We have an exciting addition to the Housing Tours office! Angelica Windspar has decided to join her sisters Myrella and Eliza. I do believe that “everything housing” is their family motto. I wish they’d offer stock options, as they do booming business! Angelica’s a crafty cat and brings some fabulous new recipes for our crafting pleasure. Attractive and functional, I’m sure you will enjoy their uses.

Angelicas Recipe Book

Angelica was kind enough to let me peek in her crafting recipe book. Here are the beautiful things I saw that she brought to Housing Tours. Useful housing items, invisible housing blocks, and even a new apartment! She has an exciting variety of new treasures to suit any Wizard.

So without further ado, let’s check out what she has to offer!

As with some other crafting recipes, there are badges you must get to buy the recipe. You can earn the badges by visiting and voting on different castles. Here are the ones I have found :

Castle Tourist-Vote on 10 castles

Castle Auditor-Vote on 100 castles

Castle Inspector-(Vote on 1000 castles?)

Castle Assessor-Unknown

All the new recipes need reagents that can be easily acquired except for one. In this update, a new reagent was introduced; they’re called “Blueprint Tokens.” One known way of getting them is through The Spiral Scene housing tours event. KI has also mentioned they may become available from other sources in the future, like the Scroll of Fortune.

Babbage Basset

No more running to Marleybone for your Castle Magic needs. You can craft your very own Babbage Basset to have in your castle. Very convenient, to say the least!

6 new banks

A great time-saver is the new bank item that you can place anywhere in your castle, for your convenience. With six versions available, I’m sure you will find one to suit your style.

New housing blocks

Angelica has something special for all the housing fanatics. Recipes for invisible housing blocks! As a fanatic myself, I can think of some fantastic and incredible ways to use them.

I can’t wait to see what you all create with them!

Spiral Door

If you have ever wished you could have a Spiral Door elsewhere in your castle, your wishes have been granted. Craft this and place it wherever your heart desires.

I’ll definitely be placing them all around my castles.

a new apartment!

Woohoo! Looky here! Last but not least, we have a new craftable apartment!

Your fabulous new apartment will be located across from the Fairegrounds in the Commons. What a lively place for a home! It’s the same basic style as the craftable one from Derrick Blaze at the Team-Up Kiosk. This recipe calls for A LOT of Blueprint Tokens, so I sure do hope they aren’t too hard to get. With such a great location, though, it will be well worth the effort.

Thanks for Reading!

Well, there you have it. All the new recipes are available at the Housing Tours office in the Commons. I think they are a great addition to the game. You can bet I’ll be utilizing most if not all of them. Leave a comment and let me know what you think. Will you be crafting them? Have you thought of a clever use for a new item? Let us know in the comments below or the housing channel at Ravenwood Community! See you there.

Castle Magic Triggers III


This will be the final part of the Castle Magic triggers guides. In this guide we will cover the remaining Castle Magic triggers. These triggers are the most difficult to understand. If you don’t know what Castle Magic triggers are, read through the first two guides first. Each section will name the trigger, what it does, how to use it, and why I assigned it to this difficulty. Then, I will finish by giving an example of how I like to use the trigger.

Advanced Triggers

These are the complicated Castle Magic triggers. Unlike immediate triggers, their purpose will generally be specific. They do not have a purpose for every creation. The few items in this category have many interactions within one trigger. Their interactions are are not the easiest to understand.

Magic Brazier

The Magic Brazier is like the magic lever from the beginner guide. The brazier has many states and casts a spell when it enters each one. But, unlike the lever, the magic brazier has 4 states: off, fire, storm and ice. To change the brazier’s state a player must use the item by interacting with it. This is an advanced trigger, as it requires managing many states that each cast their own spells. The best uses I have seen for this trigger involve creating puzzles. When used with another trigger, you can create a brazier combination to open a door.

Magic Item Detector

 The Magic Item Detector is likely the simplest of the advanced triggers. The player selects a size to detect in as well as a specific item for the trigger to detect. Then, the trigger will cast a spell whenever the selected item enters or leaves. This advanced trigger has both a settings menu and can move via castle magic. The only way this trigger works is if you are already using castle magic elsewhere. The best uses I have seen for this trigger involve setting a continuous path for an object to follow. One object can move towards a detector and create a chain effect. This is useful for wanting something to happen in a loop.

Magic Orb Catchers

Magic Orb Catchers need to be in the same house as a magic orb to function. They both come in three varieties: Fire, Ice and Storm. To use them, you need to both place the orb catcher and the corresponding magic orb somewhere in the same house. When a player walks over the orb, they will pick it up. As soon as that player walks near the same school’s orb catcher, the orb will disappear and the spell will trigger. One use for these triggers is requiring a player to have a key before accessing another area. If a magic orb catcher opens a door, the player would need the corresponding orb to open said door.

Magic Computer

The most infamous of the Castle Magic items. This item requires the deepest understanding to make use of. But, once you grasp the uses for this item, it opens up many new Castle Magic creations. The Magic Computer stores two signals, known as “Signal 1” and “Signal 2″. Then, based on what combination of these signals the magic computer is storing, will cast a spell. To add or remove either of these signals, you need to cast the “Add” or “Remove” signal spells on the Magic Computer. The Magic Computer has 6 different outputs, which I will explain in detail.
  • When Signal 1 AND 2 – This is the simplest of the magic computer expressions. When the Magic Computer has both signals, it will cast the AND spell. If it only has Signal 1 or Signal 2, it will not cast the spell, it must have both signals.
  • When Signal 1 OR 2 –  This expression requires only one of the signals to activate. It can be either Signal 1, Signal 2 or both. As long as the computer has at least one signal, the OR spell will activate.
  • When Signal 1 XOR 2 – Like the OR expression, except it only allows one signal or the other. If the computer has both signals, the XOR spell will not cast.
  • When NOT Signal 1 – This spell will cast as long as the Magic Computer does not have Signal 1. It can have no signals or Signal 2, but as soon as the Magic Computer gets Signal 1, it will not cast.
  • When NOT Signal 2 – This function will always be active as long as the Magic Computer does not have Signal 2. It can have no signals or Signal 1, but as soon as the Magic Computer gets Signal 2, it will not cast.
  • When NOT Signal 1 AND 2 – This spell will always cast as long as the Magic Computer does not have both signals. It is a complete opposite of “When Signal 1 AND 2”, if that spell is casting, this one is not.

As a concluding note on Magic Computers, they will only cast their spells when they update with a new signal. For instance, “When NOT Signal 1 AND 2” is active without touching the computer. But, it will not cast the spell until you alter either of the signals.


This concludes my guides on the Castle Magic triggers themselves. As always, feel free to ask if you have any questions on how to operate or use these triggers or about Castle Magic. I’d love to hear how you use your Castle Magic triggers! Otherwise stay tuned for more Castle Magic content and let me know what type of guides you would like to see in the comments below.

Castle Magic Triggers


To start, I would like to explain what a castle magic trigger is for those who do not know. Castle magic at the base operates by having one item perform an action when certain conditions are met. I like to refer to this as the item “triggering.” This guide will be covering all the items that can be used to trigger things to happen.

Buttons or levers are some of the most common triggers. I will be covering both how to use them, and some interesting ways to include them in your designs. Remember, you can buy all castle magic items from Babbage Basset. This guide will be split up into beginner, intermediate, and advanced triggers because they vary in complexity.

Beginner Triggers

These will be the simplest items, generally only consisting of a single condition and a single output. If you are just testing the waters of castle magic. I would suggest you play around using these items first. After you are familiar with the basics then explore the more advanced sections.

  • Magic Buttons

    There are two types of magic buttons. The magic button which gets placed on the wall, or the magic floor button, which gets placed on the floor
    . They operate the same way and only differ in where they can be placed. These are the simplest castle magic triggers and only contain the condition “When Button Pressed Cast Spell.” So, to use a button you need to place the spell you want to cast in the main section then select a target that you want the spell to cast on. Now when the button is pressed, that spell will cast.
  • Magic Start Detector 

    Similar to the magic button, but with a much easier condition to meet. This item has the condition “When Area Started Cast Spell”. This means that when someone enters the area the detector is placed in, they will see the spell get cast one time. This can be useful if you want to adjust the size or location of an object. Just like with the magic button, place the spell you want cast in the main section. Then pick a target and the spell will be cast automatically
  • Magic Lever

    The magic lever is slightly more complicated than the previous triggers. Unlike the buttons and start detector, the lever has two possible states. Therefore, there will be two outputs. The lever has one condition for “When Lever Switched On”, and another condition for “When Lever Switched Off.” This means it could cast two different spells, depending on which way it is pulled. Even though it is slightly more complicated, I put this in the basic section because both parts of this trigger function the same way.

    Place the spell you want to cast in the main section, then pick a target. The lever will cast the spell when it is moved into the matching position. I like to use levers when I want something that can be undone. For example, levers are great for making magic doors. You can make an object move one direction when switched on, and then make it move back the opposite direction when switched off.
  • Magic Pressure Plate 

    The magic pressure plate is almost a carbon copy of the magic lever. It has two states as well, “When Plate Pressed Cast Spell” and “When Plate Released Cast Spell.” I use this less often than I use the magic lever because it’s a lot easier to accidentally step on a pressure plate and trigger accidentally. Yet, this can be used in the same way the magic lever can and could fit into your design in a better way than the magic lever in some cases. I always keep this trigger in the back of my mind when starting a new project.


This concludes the beginning castle magic triggers. There are many more triggers as well as additional uses for these beginner triggers that will be covered in our next installment. If you have any questions on how to operate or use these triggers or about castle magic in general, feel free to ask in the comments below. Otherwise, stay tuned for the intermediate and advanced castle magic guides.