After the Zafarian fish were updated, chests containing precious code wands that don’t exist anymore as drops from bosses. The code wands are found in various lakes in Zafaria, but let’s focus on a single area in Zafaria that is well known as Elephant Graveyard. Location Zafaria In order: Baobab Market / Stone Town / Waterfront / Drum…
Tag: blade

How to Get “One in a Million”
“One in a Million” is one of the most popular badges in Wizard101. Unfortunately, without the proper setup and strategy, you may fail at your attempt to earn it, wasting time and gold. So, here are my tips and tricks on how to achieve “One in a Million.” Prisms If you…

Shields are a type of ward and are the exact opposite of traps. While traps add damage to a spell, shields detract damage. Charms and blades trigger first, and wards go second. So any shielding you do will affect the spell with the charm buffs. There are three different types of shields: Absorbs, Universal Shields, and…