Fantastic Ward Pets

What Is A Ward Pet?

The name Ward Pet refers specifically to “Ward” talents. Each school has a corresponding ward talent, usually with the school’s name followed by the word “Ward”. For instance, Fire-Ward or Balance-Ward. These talents all give up to 15% resistance to that specific school. Since these talents give resist, they are most commonly paired with the universal resistance talents, Spell-Proof and Spell-Defying, for a hefty 30% resistance to that particular school. Although these talents are often seen together, a pet does not need the universal resistance talents to be considered a ward pet. 

Why Use A Ward Pet?

At first glance, you might think these ward talents are only useful if you intend to play defensive. While that is true, many players will want to take advantage of ward talents, even players who spend their time hitting can make use of ward pets. As long as you know what type of damage you will be taking, using the corresponding ward talent will make you significantly more resilient in battle. 

For those players who don’t want to hit as much, it is popular to combine ward talents with other types of talents. For example, certain may-cast talents pair incredibly well, Fairy Friend or Fearless Fortifier to name a couple.

How Do I Make a Ward Pet?

Although the general way you go about making a ward pet is the same as making any other pet, there are some useful tips to keep in mind. The pet you put the ward talents on, can be equally as important as the talents themselves. For offensive ward pets, as I mentioned earlier, the Rain Beetle is a popular base pet. It provides a spell that allows you to remove shields or weaknesses and blade in the same turn. For defensive ward pets, Grimhorns and Flamencos provide very powerful -90% set shields which pair nicely with the extra resistance. Other popular options include the Clockwork Paladin, which gives a minion that has many shields and blades. 

Once you pick what base to put the talents on as well as which wards you want, there are some helpful things to look for in the pool. For starters, all ward talents are Ultra-Rare. So when looking for a ward pet, keep an eye out for a lot of Ultra-Rare talents in the pool. Another thing to keep in mind, is ward talents will always be below Spell-Proof in your pool. It’s very common for Spell-Proof to be the very top talent in your pool, although it does not have to be. 

Extra Information

You may hear players throw around the term “16 ward” when discussing ward pets. Your first thought might be that they have a ward pet with selfish talents to increase the stats from the talent. However, if the pet’s base stats are high enough, when combining Spell-Proof, Spell-Defying and a ward talent, they will actually add up to 31%, despite still showing 5%, 10% and 15%. This will only be visible on your character sheet, and is only possible when you have both Spell-Proof, Spell-Defying and a Ward talent. This is a picture of my character with the Rain Beetle I mentioned earlier, and as you can see he has 31% Fire, Ice, and Balance resistance despite the pet only showing values that add up to 30%. 

For anyone interested in the math behind 16 ward or interested in checking if a pet will be 16 ward before training it, here it is. As long as the decimal values of Spell-Proof, Spell-Defying and the ward talent add together to be 30.5 or greater, the character sheet will round the value up to 31%. For reference, a max stat pet will have the values of 10.24, 5.12 and 15.36, which add to 30.72 and thus round up to 31%. 


This concludes the first article of the Fantastic Pets series. Hopefully this helped give you some insight into what wards pets are, why to use them, and how to go about making one yourself.

I’d love to hear about how this guide helped you, as well as what else you want to hear about. I will be covering other major pet types, but if you have a specific type of pet in mind, be sure to leave a comment below.

Exclusive Pets

With the introduction of Deckathalon, we now have access to a variety of new pets. You will receive a class pet for placing above 25 on the leader-board. So if it’s an Ice event, you would get an “Ice Class Pet.” For positions 26-2500 you will receive the universal “Ravenwood Class Pet.” When you look at the pet, you’ll see a very large number of tags. You’ll notice the new “Exclusive Pet” tag.

The First Test

So, what does this tag mean? My first test was to try hatching by myself, with my own pets. Everything seemed normal. I sometimes received another class pet and other times I received the other parent. Then I tested hatching with another player, and I received this notification. Based on this notification, I assumed that you can’t receive an exclusive pet by hatching. However, when we hatched together, we both received a Ravenwood Class pet back. As a result, this alert’s meaning was still unclear.

The Second Test

For my final test, I found one of the few lucky people who got top 25 on the leaderboards and received an ice class pet. The person was kind enough to allow me to hatch with them. As expected we both received the same notification from before. However, this time neither of us received the other pet, after many hatches.
My conclusion is that exclusive pets can only be received from hatches if the pet is in that player’s pet tome. You’ll need to earn the pet first to hatch an exclusive pet.


In this section I’ll be covering my own personal thoughts on this feature. If you’re looking for how the feature works, you can find it above.
This feature has some pros and cons. Some good aspects include the pet remaining an accomplishment. Anyone walking around with a school class pet will have accomplished something great. However, one major drawback is that these pets will be ultra-rare. Only 25 players will receive the pet during any given event. On top of this, you can’t pick which school’s pet you want to receive.
During particular weeks I imagine the competition will be incredibly fierce, particularly Life. The cards given by the Life pet are very desirable. While this isn’t a bad thing, this type of competition is very unhealthy. The only measure that contributes to the leaderboards is how much time you’ve invested. Rewarding these pets based off the community progress bar might be better.
There should still be a reward for ranking high on the leader-board. It should be less impactful, like a cosmetic item. Other options include badges based on leaderboard placement. It could change based on your position, like the PvP badges. People can still be acknowledged for their achievements, but in a fairer way. This would avoid encouraging players to grind for a pet they need.
I’m interested to hear how everyone else feels about these new exclusive pets. Let me know what you think in the comments below!