Spooky Spectacular

Halloween is such a fun time of year!  All the ghosties and goblins come out to play.  Have you ever thought about making your castle a spooky spectacular? It’s not difficult and it can be a lot of fun.  I’m going to take you on a tour of some of the really cool effects that I’ve seen, to give you some creepy inspiration! Huge shout-out to  the members from the  Facebook groups Wizard101 Community,  Wizard101 Caffeine Team, and Wizard 101 Adult Facebook group.  Thank you for inviting me to your fabulous castles! 

Brecken Battleblossom
Ronan Lifebreaker
Saffron Moonhand
Esmee Pixiewhisper
Fiona Dawn

Emily Ghostcaller
Blaze Deathslinger
Patrick Shadowflame
Alura Stardust
Kelly Firedreamer

Castles with built-in creepiness

Any castle in the game can be used to make a Halloween themed house. To make things a little easier though, KI also has 3 specifically spooky castles, 1 you can buy from the Crown shop for Gold, 1 you can Craft, and 1 that comes on a Bundle card.

The Death house is available for purchase through the Crowns Shop.  It is 10,000 Crowns or 100,000 Gold.  A very eerie home, small on the outside, but with plenty of room for added creepiness. Skull posts, candles and creepy trees help set a great atmosphere for you to decorate.

The Wyrd house is available to craft.  You will find the recipe in Avalon, from Padraig in Abbey Road.  The recipe is 60,000 Gold.  Peyton Lionheart has a fantastic article on how to go  about crafting your own Wyrd House, he covers all you need to make it.  Crafting the Wyrd House

Darkmoor Manor comes with the Witch Hunter’s Bundle (Available during Bundle-Palooza).  It’s a huge castle with many creepy, yet elegant details. It also comes with a PVP ring, Secret pathways, and a tomb that gives a daily reward.

Halloween Housing Hints

With some clever use of Monstrology, Castle Magic, and a basic float glitch, these Wizards have come up with truly creepy effects in their castles. Sometimes, a great effect can be created with just the placement of items and the way they interact with the rest of the area. Then, you have those that are glitched to create a breathtaking display.  Balance, consistency, and playing on natural fears, are the secrets to a spooky spectacular castle. Spiders, Ghosts, Wraiths and many other creatures will give the shiveries to a lot of people! Mounts and pets work great and so do housing guests received from packs and Monstrology. You can use castle magic to make them bigger, make them go invisible, and make them move around too! 

Scroll through the pics to see some of my favorites.

Brecken Battleblossom

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Ronan Lifebreaker

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Saffron Moonhand

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Esmee Pixiewhisper

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Fiona Dawn

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Emily Ghostcaller

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Blaze Deathslinger

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Patrick Shadowflame

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Alura Stardust

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Kelly Firedreamer

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Magical Mystery Tours Halloween Videos

Don’t they have some amazing scary, fun ideas!?  I hope you enjoyed visiting these spooky spectacular castles and seeing what makes them special.  Are you ready to create your own Halloween house?  Let us know in the comments how you plan on decorating this year!