Ravenwood Academy Class of 2020

Graduating apart, celebrating together.

It’s been an unprecedented few months in the community and in the world around us. Many members of the Ravenwood Community are graduating in these trying times. Ravenwood wants to celebrate and give our friends that are unable to attend ceremonies recognition for all that they have achieved. So, this year, Ravenwood Academy is holding our own community commencement ceremony!

Join Ravenwood and the Fansite Festival on Saturday, June 6th to attend a graduation ceremony in-game! If you wish to attend, meet us at Ravenwood Academy in front of Bartleby in realm Pixie at 2:30 pm Eastern Time. From there, our porting team will escort you to Seth Nightflames house where the ceremony will begin at 3 pm sharp. After celebrating, we will port over to the Spiral of Gauntlets house for a Ravenwood Community style reception.

If you’re attaining a diploma/degree this spring/summer and wish to be recognized on stage; email [email protected] , or contact an Administrator on Discord by June 3rd at midnight EST. Include the type of diploma, certificate, or degree you will be receiving, and your Wizards name and level. Let’s celebrate your success! We can’t wait to see you there!

Congrats Grads!

Congratulations to the Ravenwood Academy Class of 2020!! We are so proud of all you have achieved!

Neela EarthStone – BFA in Animation: Videogame Art and Minor in Game Design

Aaron Ashthorn – College for Graphic Design Diploma

Carlos IceBlade – College for Theater Arts Diploma

Hunter SpiritBlossom – Automative Technician Diploma

Brooke Night – High School Diploma with focus in Natural Science

Sarah LifeFriend – Advanced Regents High School Diploma

Steven Head – Core 40 High School Diploma

Alex – High School Diploma

Ashley – High School Diploma

Austin – High School Diploma

Abigail StarSpear -High School Diploma

Angel Dreamer – High School Diploma

Blaze NightDust – High School Diploma

Chase StormBlade – High School Diploma

Edward Rain – High School Diploma

Edward StarSinger – High School Diploma

Jasmine Night – High School Diploma

Juan FrostEyes – High School Diploma

Julia GhostSong – High School Diploma

Kevin FireSpear – High School Diploma

Kieran SunShield – High School Diploma

Laura – High School Diploma

Mitchell SpriteRiver – High School Diploma

Nicholas WildPetal – High School Diploma

Sabrina Cloud – High School Diploma
Saffron Rose – High School Diploma

Samuel ThunderWalker – High School Diploma

Sarah AngelHunter – High School Diploma

Shanna SunHeart – High School Diploma

We can’t wait to celebrate with you!!!

Fansite Festival

Don’t forget to check out all these other amazing events that will be a part of the 2020 Fansite Festival!

See you there!!!