A Yuletide Carol

Intended for Musician and Non-Musician Alike

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere in the spiral. We sit by the glowing embers, drinking our hot chocolate, cuddling with our fuzzy kitten, when ho! – there’s Christmas music in the Bazaar! You run by the great tree near The Commons pool, through The Shopping District and take a peek into the yuletide scrolls, and in a wild frenzy, you decide to buy them all. ‘Tis the season, am I right? So now, the music is playing in your home, perfectly seasonal and festive.

Let’s take a look into these heart-warming music scrolls and see how well they rival Mariah Carey and examine the musical craftsmanship the composers at Kingisisle took arranging these holiday favorites.


“Jingle Bells” and “Yuletide Jingle”

Like snowflakes twinkling on the new-fallen snow, we begin with a glockenspiel and sleigh bells that set the festive tone. The piano glissandos, adding a new texture, heralding the melody, joyous and free. At 00:16 seconds in, the big band comes in. Heaven and nature sing as the trumpets and trombone begin to swing. The sax and percussion add such vibrant color, it really brings out a new Christmas wonder.

By 00:36 seconds, the first idea we heard with the twinkling and the melody being played on the piano develops, adding a new jazz band texture. It’s also worth noting the vibraphone playing a countermelody against the main jingle bells theme. This line arpeggiates the chord progression while the rest of the band plays.

With a strong, tutti finish, we enter a new section. The piano plays an impressive solo as the brass of the band stabs at some of the syncopated notes, adding emphasis. The saxophones take over the melody as the brass continues while the piano flourishes the piece with arpeggios. We are brought back to the first section we heard before a ritardando to the end.

Overall, our form was AABA, or in other words, we played our first section twice, played a new section, then went back to the original. In our culture, it’s very common to have Christmas songs played in a jazz style, even if we don’t know that it is. White Christmas and All I Want For Christmas is You are good examples with their jazz chords and interpretation.

Above is a simple arrangement of the piece “Jingle Bells.” The capital letters beneath each note match the pitch on your computer keyboard related to the Grand Playable Piano and Playable Toy Piano items found in the crown shop.

Notice the points of the music where it has the number 1 and number 2. In music, we typically call these “first” and “second endings.” The idea behind this is that you will go back to the beginning of the section, indicated by colon called “the repeat sign,” and play the same thing that you have just done before, but now with a variation on the ending. The first ending is called the “antecedent” phrase, because it does not resolve, setting up the theme’s repeat. The second phrase is the “consequent” phrase since it contains the resolution.


“Deck The Halls”

In a rather upbeat manner, we start off with a line of eighth notes with some sixteenth note syncopation played by the piano as the harp glissandos along. A wind instrument calmy takes the melody. The flutes play along, strengthening the fa-la-la-la-la-ing of the chorus. This pattern continues until the reeds join in to resolve the phrase.

Next, at 00:39 seconds in, the melody is handed to the bassoon. This personally reminds me of older family members like grandparents that have a deeprooted joy for Christmas. The wood blocks add emphasis to the articulation the bassoon displays, developing the melody. The clarinets rock back and forth between their notes, like little youngsters playing with their elders.

The strings delightfully swoon through, gaining the household’s attention. The bassoon adds ascending arpeggios and it appears like the family is talking to one another. The family seems pleased with each other, all ending in the same melody.

We have a ritardando that leads us into the next section. The Commons theme begins to play, proclaiming that Christmas shall be brought to Wizard City with great fanfare. The Commons theme replaces the Deck The Halls theme seamlessly, because of the melody’s similar contour and rhythm, as some of the original melody still shines through.


In this simple arrangement of “Deck The Halls,” we play with the idea of different voices having different parts of the melody. At first, the treble staff rings out the melody as the bass staff holds the primary note of the chord, known as the “tonic” and also the “root of the chord.” We seamlessly switch the melody to the bass, giving emphasis on “fa-la-la-la-la,” but immediately switch back to the treble to complete the resolution.

The words at the end of the music, “D.S. al fine” means to go back to the sign and stop where it says “fine,” meaning “finish.” Unlike “Jingle Bells,” the resolution is built into the music. This is what we call “ternary form,” where we end with the section we started with, having a contrasting section between them.


“Carol of The Bells”

Dramatically, the piano and sleigh bells set the tone, as though we see a dim candle lit in midst of a storm. Short and plucky, the bass line comes in, descending down a major tetrachord. Scales are composed of two tetrachords, which are four note patterns. Echoing the line, the strings harmonize going down the next four notes. When notes move towards a descending motion like this, we typically feel calmed. This is also why the resolution of a piece relies on the tonic note when the rest of the scale ascends above it.

A rhythmic motif is added, emphasized by the piano and strings. A motif is a short, recognizable phrase that can be developed throughout a piece by using different notes or adding variation to the rhythm. This introduction is hinted at when we come to a cascading figure built upon a melodic minor scale.

This brings us to a new section at 00:20 seconds that reminds me of children playing beneath the tree on Christmas day. This melodic figure develops by changing the pitches whilst maintaining the rhythm for continuity. This is followed by the same cascading scale we heard before. This repeats, as the strings add-in again, leading to a climax.

Next, at 00:45 seconds, the brass come in. Their dark tone adding to the quality of the minor chords they play. This develops the line the piano has played previously, giving the notable ostinato new context with this texture and reharmonization.

This leads us into 00:53 seconds, where it feels truly magical with the sustained chords in the strings, the arpeggiated solo in the piano, and of course, the wind chimes. The horns come into the texture, introducing the trumpets, playing chords. The progression goes from the minor tonic i, to the relative major III, to the dominant V. In music analysis, we typically label chords with Roman numerals and capitalize the numeral based on major or minor tonality. This progression is the climax of the piece, using the chromatic voices to cause linear dissonance which then leads to the chords that point us to where the tension can be resolved.

We end the piece in a recapitulation of the melodic content that occurred at the beginning of the piece. We end in the very way we started, like that dim lit in the storm, fading away to nothing. This piece contrasts compared to the others. Neither in a jazz style, nor a Major key, we have a dramatic orchestral style set in a minor key, which evokes the sense of Christmas past, similar to other pieces like God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

Take note of how the second staff is now also a treble clef. This means we play the second one with our left hand, but now we are playing in a higher register than before. Looking through the piece you will see that when we have the majestic ascending scales, the left hand will cross above the right hand in order to give the needed harmony while working with the restrictions of the in-game instruments.

Thank you, Starlight, for venturing through my Yuletide edition analysis. You have truly made this Yuletide bright. I bid you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Please note: The above sheet are not transcriptions from the music scrolls, as they would be in previous articles. These are simple arrangements I’ve made to accommodate the simple nature of the in-game playable Wizard101 instruments.

Community Thanksgiving Event

Saturday November 24th,  meet us in Commons realm Unicorn at 6pm Eastern for an all level Gauntlet Runs event!

Our Staff, Events and Runners teams will take community members through Accursed Play, Winterbane, Pagoda, or Spiral Cup while we all hang out, chat and do some PvP just for for fun in true Community style.

A few lucky wizards will even win packs and wand codes!

There is something for everyone to be Thankful for in the month of November and we are thankful for the gift of friendship and love that we all share in this community!

Be sure to tune in on our official Twitch channel so you can watch all the fun! We can’t wait to get together, hope to see you there!

Darkmoor Runs Event!

Come join us Saturday November the 17th!!

Meet us at 6pm Eastern in the Commons realm Unicorn for our Full Darkmoor Runs event. Our staff and Dungeon Runners will take teams of level 100+ Wizards through the Graveyard including Aphrodite!

After a few runs we will meet in the commons to hang out and play some hide and seek.

Besides helping you to get that drop, packs and wand codes will be awarded to some lucky wizards!!!

Be sure to tune in on our official Twitch channel so you can watch all the fun! We can’t wait to get together, hope to see you there!

The following Saturday the 24th we have another event! Click here for details.

Darkmoor Strategy Guide

Hello Wizards, Amber Ravynsong here with the Darkmoor Strategy guide you all have been asking for. Darkmoor consists of three dungeons. First, Castle Darkmoor, then The Upper Halls, and finally The Graveyard. 3495 Crowns will purchase this area permanently, and 495 can get it for 6 hours. Start to finish, all 3 dungeons could be done in just under 2 hours if the strategy goes as planned. You are likely to spend a lot of time here farming for gear and helping friends do the same. Even more so if this is your first Exalted Wizard.

There are some new spells in the Spiral, and I run my strategy a little differently than some of the guides you may have read before. So, I will take you carefully through each boss and all 3 parts of the Area. If you follow this guide, you will have a much easier, quicker time getting through the dungeons, and getting those must-have Malistaire drops will be a whole lot more fun. So, let’s do this!


Howling Chaney

The first boss we encounter in Castle Darkmoor is Howling Chaney. If you or your pet heals at all while in this battle, Chaney will hit you with Gnomes. That is Chaney’s only cheat, so stacking up some Feints and blades is the way to go. My preferred strategy is to stack a few Feints on the boss, then hit with something like Storm Lord, but blades are just fine here too. Chaney is easy, but don’t get used to it, there are bigger challenges to come.


Next, we come to Sir Blackwater. Sir Blackwater will remove any single blades that you cast on yourself. “I Disarm you Wizard”If you are not life or fire you could self-cast spirit or elemental blades as he will only remove the last of the 3. If someone on the team is over-level, Aegis can be used for self-blading to thwart the cheat.

Even though Blackwater presents himself as Star school he has as much storm resist as any true Storm boss, so you will have to pack converts if you are Storm. Blackwater will Dark Pact to remove any weakness or universal traps such as Feint at the end of your casting round. Therefore, the only way to Feint this boss is to Feint the same round the attacker hits.

When we get to round 5, things start getting nasty with the boss casting pierce rings followed by Shadow school attacks within the same round. The ideal strategy here is to stack up as many blades on your attacker as possible in rounds 1-3. Have each team-mate besides the attacker cast a different Feint on the boss in round four while the attacker hits. If you follow that plan of attack, you should be done with Blackwater in short order.

After taking down Sir Blackwater, as you run up the stairs you will see a key door. Inside the room is a treasure chest only. The best drop you can get is a mastery amulet which also provides accuracy, a little damage, and a very useful Shadow Shield. If you were lucky enough to win a Gold Key in the last battle, use it here for sure.

The Howling Werewolf’s Collar is only one example of the Mastery Amulets that may drop here.

Continuing up the stairs, you will find yourself in the final area of Castle Darkmoor. There is a boss here you can fight if you fail the puzzle but this is not often done, as his drops aren’t worth mentioning and we still have many battles ahead. Run up to the crimson box and press X then up onto the platform pull down the center lever. You will see a spotlight on a far door which is the exit from part one, Castle Darkmoor.



When you first enter the Upper Halls you will find a mob of Darkmoor Gargoyles at the end of a long hallway. It is not necessary for any reason to face this mob unless you are a completionist. They do not drop any important items and cannot be harvested for Animus at this time.

The first Wizard to approach them will be pulled into battle, but the rest of the team should simply run around this mob. Once the team has safely passed the first Wizard should flee and use dungeon recall. When approaching the mob the second time, the “pull” will not trigger and the first Wizard can run around the mob by heading straight for either side door.

This brings us to the first boss of the Upper Halls.


Akhtang is a Fire boss who likes to use Steal Charm to take your blades. So, no self-blades unless you have Aegis to enchant them. When any blade is cast Akhtang will “Rip it from you” This includes Elemental Blades, he will take the third blade from whoever received it. The only way around this is Aegis. This fight can be sometimes hilarious when the minions Insane Bolt and kill themselves, but that same attack can also hit you. Which is decidedly less hilarious.

This boss is quick and easy with the right plan. I suggest the Four Round Feint Kill strategy. Each round, a supporter casts a different Feint. The attacker will hit on round four. Blades are optional but appreciated. Shatter should be held in standby as a treasure card, just in case the boss decides to use a Storm Shield. We will use this same strategy next, and again in the Graveyard.

After defeating Akhtang you will be facing a Draconian mob. Unlike the Gargoyles before, these minions are worth fighting if you are collecting Animus. There is no cheat worth mentioning. They should be quick and easy to kill. However, you can also choose to simply run around them and continue to the next boss if you are in a hurry to get your new Spell.

Spirit of Darkmoor

The Spirit of Darkmoor is a Life/Fire/Myth boss and she resists those 3 schools. If you blade at all she will cast a Mass Scald. This attack can really add up to disaster for at-level defenses with all her pierce. So, I suggest no blades at all, to keep things simple and keep everyone alive. If you trap, she will hit you with an extremely powerful Myth wand attack. The only traps that do not trigger this cheat are mass traps such as Windstorm and Mass Feint.

This boss has lots of other nightmares in store for us if we let her live to cheat on round five. We don’t need to worry too much about that though, because we will use the Four Round Feint Kill strategy. Depending on your specific team, either divide up Feinting duties or try to heal and shield the Wizard with the Feints each round. We won’t talk about what happens on round five. If the worst happens, and you end up making it to round five, just flee and try again. For real. That rarely happens though, by round 4 we should be done and on to the next fight.

Shane Von Shane

Assuming you didn’t fight him instead of solving the puzzle this will be the first time you fight Shane Von Shane. You will face him again in the Graveyard, so remember the strategy and cheats we use here. If you or your pet heals, he will hit you with a very piercy 1k Vampire. That means, healing pets off. A healer can deliberately cast heals while facing Shane by first casting a death shield if the team needs that. This boss must be “spammed.” This means he must be hit every round by one teammate or he will start a series of cheats which end in your sure demise. The good news is, over time spells such as Scald, Deer Knight, Poison, and Elf do count as spam here for as long as the overtime tic is active. Our feint strategy won’t work here because any universal traps will be removed, even with Indemnity. The good news is, we can use other blades, traps, and shields freely with this version of Shane. It should be a pretty quick kill after a few rounds of blade stacking. Shane is the final boss of the Upper Halls, so after he dies if it’s your first time through you will be getting your spell on the other side of the porting lens.


Welcome to the final part of Darkmoor, the Graveyard. This is the part of Darkmoor that you are likely to spend the most time in since the must-have Malistaire gear drops here.


The first boss inside the Graveyard gates is the zombie gatekeeper Yevgeny. Anytime a blade is cast this boss will stun the caster. On round five, Yevgeny will hit the Wizard with the lowest heath with a powerful Weaver. This often kills the receiving Wizard. The good news is, we can Feint. Again, we will employ the sure-fire Four Round Feint Kill strategy. If for some reason we get to round five, we will need to Shatter ahead of the hit. This boss is usually pretty fast, and the quicker the kill the better the drops. Be sure to check to see if you got one of the Graveyards prized drops, a no auction, school-specific damage athame.


Yep, he’s back again, and this time with a mechanical robot body. This version of Shane has all the same rules as before with a few more. He is back this time as a Storm boss, instead of Death. If your attacker is Storm, convert is a must. Again, you will need a spammer and again you will want a Death shield before any deliberate heals. It is important to note, if you choose to blade, Shane gets a free Supercharge. In other words, if you choose to blade when his pips are high you are giving him free huge blades that could kill you. The best plan of attack here is to stack traps on the boss after converting. Then, add some blades when his pips are low, and Shane Von Shane won’t be a problem very long.


Malistaire is the final boss of the Graveyard and he holds the prized gear drops that everyone is after. The minions that spawn each time you face him are random schools. Malistaire will steal any universal blade or shield that is cast and he will remove any universal traps.

There are some exceptions to this rule that are important to note. If you are Balance and cast Bladestorm, he will only take your blade, not everyone’s blade. If someone on the team is over level 100 and has trained Indemnity, a universal trap such as Feint can be cast on this boss. If you are able to protect your blades with Aegis, they will withstand one cheat. Mass Feint will not be removed by Malistaire, and can stack with other traps.
After every fourth round, there will be an Earthquake. My preferred sure-fire strategy for a Wizard with at level gear and stats is as follows. Trap the boss for the first four rounds. Fifth and sixth round stack up some blades, and then hit on round seven or eight. Yes, counting rounds is necessary here.

They call him The Undying because when Malistaire dies the first time, he returns with even more health. It is the ideal strategy to cast Doom and Gloom on the kill round to counter-act this cheat, so be prepared with it in your treasure card deck unless you are the attacker. Ideally, after the boss dies someone lifts the Doom as soon as possible with Sanctuary or even just a school ring such as Darkwind. When Malistaire returns in shadow form, his dragon rebels against him and casts a 100% Feint. This makes killing him the second time that much easier. Use the same strategy as before to send him to the after-life for good this time, and good luck on drops.