In Wizard101 there are many side activities that are not required but can add a little fun to your gameplay. These side activities can give experience, money, furniture, gear, and more. As you gain experience, you may even be able to craft your own permanent mounts! Crafting is one of those activities that may seem…

Basic Deck Building
INTRODUCTION This is a guide that is designed to help people build their decks accordingly, as a lot of people tend to overcrowd, under-pack, and/or leave out some useful cards. This focuses on max level decks, however lessons learnt here can be applied to any level of play. This guide is broken down into 4 categories…

Darkmoor Strategy Guide
Hello Wizards, Amber Ravynsong here with the Darkmoor Strategy guide you all have been asking for. Darkmoor consists of three dungeons. First, Castle Darkmoor, then The Upper Halls, and finally The Graveyard. 3495 Crowns will purchase this area permanently, and 495 can get it for 6 hours. Start to finish, all 3 dungeons could be…